Year 2025,
Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 76 - 87, 28.02.2025
Ridhi Mehra
Yachna Setu
Poor breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices are widespread. The beneficial effect of breastfeeding depends on correct breastfeeding practices like timely initiation, colostrum feeding, and avoidance of prelacteal feeding. Breastfeeding support from healthcare professionals can be effective in influencing a mother’s decision to initiate and maintain breastfeeding. To assess knowledge, and perception regarding breastfeeding and complementary feeding and to identify various misconceptions about breastfeeding among nursing students. This descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted among 120 Nursing students by the Department of Community Medicine, NDMC Medical College and Hindu Rao Hospital Delhi, India. The information was collected by interviewing the nursing students with the help of pretested, predesigned proforma. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 21 was used for analysis. In this study, significance was set at p<0.05.
The majority of nursing students belong to the 18- 24 years age group with a mean age of 20.95 ± 1.37 (mean ± SD) years. The majority of the participants (71.7%) had adequate knowledge concerning exclusive breastfeeding. Most of the participants were aware of good attachment (77.5%) and proper positioning (89.2%) for breastfeeding. Lack of knowledge and various misconceptions about breastfeeding were reported. Nursing students need to receive adequate breastfeeding training so that they can provide the necessary support to the mothers for the betterment of the newborn.
Ethical Statement
The Institutional Ethics Committee gave its clearance before data collection (North MDC Medical College and Hindu Rao Hospital of the Dean, date:15.02.2024 and approval number: 2024/256).
The authors are grateful to all the nursing students who have contributed to this study.
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- UNICEF. (2021, Feb. 18). Infant and young child feeding [Online]. Available: young-child-feeding/
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- Ade, A., Bhavani, Y., “Infant Feeding Practices among Rural Mothers of Tirupati”, International Journal of health sciences and Research, 6(9), 19-24, 2016.
- Kumari, S.M.V., Sudha Rani, G., Babu Rao, B., “A study on infant feeding practices in rural areas of Warangal district, state of Telangana, India”, International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research, 4(4), 789-791, 2017.
- Rollins, NC., Bhandari, N., Hajeebhoy, N., Horton, S., Lutter, CK., Martines, JC., Piwoz, EG., Richter, LM., Victora, CG., “Why invest, and what it will take to improve breastfeeding practices?”, Lancet, 387(10017), 491-504, 2016.
- McFadden, A., Gavine A., Renfrew, MJ., Wade, A., Buchanan, P., Taylor, JL., Veitch, E., Rennie, AM., Crowther, SA., Neiman, S., MacGillivray, S., “Support for healthy breastfeeding mothers with healthy term babies”, Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2(2):CD001141, 2017.
- Lewin, LO., O'Connor, ME., “Breastfeeding Basics: web-based education that meets current knowledge competencies”, J Hum Lact, 28(3), 407–13, 2012.
- Leshi, OO., Makanjuola, MO., Breastfeeding Knowledge, Attitude and Intention of Nursing Students in Nigeria, Open Journal of Nursing,12, 256-269, 2022.
- WHO. (2021, Apr. 12). Indicators for assessing infant and young child feeding practices: definitions and measurement methods [Online]. Available:
- CDC. (2024, Jan 29). Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies Toolkit [Online]. Available:
- MOHFW, GOI. (2013). Guidelines for enhancing optimal infant and young child practices [Online]. Available:
- Shivakumar, N., Complementary Feeding, Elsevier, Netherlands, pp. 43–49, 2023.
- Tayade, S., Tembare, A., Singh, A., “Successful Breast Feeding – An Art With A Scientific”, International Journal of Biomedical And Advance Research, 4(6), 360, 2013.
- Mohanty, M., Patle, RA., Narlawar, UW., “Modified BG Prasad and Modified Kuppuswami socio-economic status scales: Revision and updates for January 2024”, Prev Med Res Rev, 1(3), 166-167, 2024.
- Elareed, HR., Senosy, SA., “Exclusive breastfeeding knowledge and attitude among nursing students in Beni-Suef”, Int J Community Med Public Health, 7, 42-47, 2020.
- Seema, N., Zulfiqar, B., Saboohi, E., Perveen, S., Khan, A., Kulsoom, U., “Awareness of Breastfeeding Among Nursing Students of Al-Tibri Medical College & Hospital”, Med Forum, 32(7), 48-52, 2021.
- Altwalbeh, D., “Breastfeeding Knowledge and Attitudes among Midwifery Diploma Students in Jordan: A Descriptive Study”, IJCBNM, 9(4), 325-335, 2021.
- IAP. (2021) Guidelines for parents on Complementary Feeding: Feeding of an infant Beyond 6 Months age [Online]. Available: Ch-040-IAP-Parental-Guideline-Complementary-Feeding.pdf
- Bhatia, A., Mithun, HK., Sudhir, S., Nuwera, H.,“Knowledge on breastfeeding and its techniques among health care workers in a tertiary health centre”, Int J Contemp Pediatr, 7, 277-281, 2020.
- Linares, AM., Parente, AND., Coleman, C., “Attitudes, Practices, and Knowledge About Human Lactation Among Nursing Students”, Clin Lact (Amarillo), 9(2), 59-65, 2018.
- Khresheh, R., “Knowledge and attitudes toward breastfeeding among female university students in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia”, Nurs Midwifery Stud, 9, 43-50, 2020.
Year 2025,
Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 76 - 87, 28.02.2025
Ridhi Mehra
Yachna Setu
- WHO. (2003, Feb. 11). Implementing the global strategy for infant & young child feeding [Online]. Available: › publications › item
- Grantly Dick Read. (2025, Jan. 11). Quotation about Breastfeeding [Online]. Available:
- UNICEF. (2021, Feb. 18). Infant and young child feeding [Online]. Available: young-child-feeding/
- Dewey, K., Brown, K., “Update on technical issues concerning complementary feeding of young children in developing countries and implications for intervention programs”, Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 24, 5-28, 2003.
- UNICEF, WHO and World Bank Group. (2024, June). Joint Malnutrition Country Dataset [Online]. Available:
- WHO, UNICEF. (2025, Apr. 28). Global Nutrition Targets 2025: Breastfeeding policy brief [Online]. Available:
- NFHS 5. (2022, Mar.). India fact sheet [Online]. Available:
- Smith, E., Hurt, L., Chowdhury, R., Sinha, B., Fawzi, W., Edmond, K., “Delayed breastfeeding initiation and infant survival: A systematic review and meta-analysis”, PLoS One, 12(7):e0180722, 2017.
- Ade, A., Bhavani, Y., “Infant Feeding Practices among Rural Mothers of Tirupati”, International Journal of health sciences and Research, 6(9), 19-24, 2016.
- Kumari, S.M.V., Sudha Rani, G., Babu Rao, B., “A study on infant feeding practices in rural areas of Warangal district, state of Telangana, India”, International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research, 4(4), 789-791, 2017.
- Rollins, NC., Bhandari, N., Hajeebhoy, N., Horton, S., Lutter, CK., Martines, JC., Piwoz, EG., Richter, LM., Victora, CG., “Why invest, and what it will take to improve breastfeeding practices?”, Lancet, 387(10017), 491-504, 2016.
- McFadden, A., Gavine A., Renfrew, MJ., Wade, A., Buchanan, P., Taylor, JL., Veitch, E., Rennie, AM., Crowther, SA., Neiman, S., MacGillivray, S., “Support for healthy breastfeeding mothers with healthy term babies”, Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2(2):CD001141, 2017.
- Lewin, LO., O'Connor, ME., “Breastfeeding Basics: web-based education that meets current knowledge competencies”, J Hum Lact, 28(3), 407–13, 2012.
- Leshi, OO., Makanjuola, MO., Breastfeeding Knowledge, Attitude and Intention of Nursing Students in Nigeria, Open Journal of Nursing,12, 256-269, 2022.
- WHO. (2021, Apr. 12). Indicators for assessing infant and young child feeding practices: definitions and measurement methods [Online]. Available:
- CDC. (2024, Jan 29). Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies Toolkit [Online]. Available:
- MOHFW, GOI. (2013). Guidelines for enhancing optimal infant and young child practices [Online]. Available:
- Shivakumar, N., Complementary Feeding, Elsevier, Netherlands, pp. 43–49, 2023.
- Tayade, S., Tembare, A., Singh, A., “Successful Breast Feeding – An Art With A Scientific”, International Journal of Biomedical And Advance Research, 4(6), 360, 2013.
- Mohanty, M., Patle, RA., Narlawar, UW., “Modified BG Prasad and Modified Kuppuswami socio-economic status scales: Revision and updates for January 2024”, Prev Med Res Rev, 1(3), 166-167, 2024.
- Elareed, HR., Senosy, SA., “Exclusive breastfeeding knowledge and attitude among nursing students in Beni-Suef”, Int J Community Med Public Health, 7, 42-47, 2020.
- Seema, N., Zulfiqar, B., Saboohi, E., Perveen, S., Khan, A., Kulsoom, U., “Awareness of Breastfeeding Among Nursing Students of Al-Tibri Medical College & Hospital”, Med Forum, 32(7), 48-52, 2021.
- Altwalbeh, D., “Breastfeeding Knowledge and Attitudes among Midwifery Diploma Students in Jordan: A Descriptive Study”, IJCBNM, 9(4), 325-335, 2021.
- IAP. (2021) Guidelines for parents on Complementary Feeding: Feeding of an infant Beyond 6 Months age [Online]. Available: Ch-040-IAP-Parental-Guideline-Complementary-Feeding.pdf
- Bhatia, A., Mithun, HK., Sudhir, S., Nuwera, H.,“Knowledge on breastfeeding and its techniques among health care workers in a tertiary health centre”, Int J Contemp Pediatr, 7, 277-281, 2020.
- Linares, AM., Parente, AND., Coleman, C., “Attitudes, Practices, and Knowledge About Human Lactation Among Nursing Students”, Clin Lact (Amarillo), 9(2), 59-65, 2018.
- Khresheh, R., “Knowledge and attitudes toward breastfeeding among female university students in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia”, Nurs Midwifery Stud, 9, 43-50, 2020.