Study of Learner's Engagement in Online Learning Environments
Year 2023,
, 11 - 28, 16.06.2023
Souhila Zerdoudi
Houda Tadjer
Yacine Lafifi
Due to a number of problems with online learning, the learners today are frequently disengaged. Among these problems, we find, for example the quality of education provided through online programs and distraction of learners in online learning, etc. So, in order to increase learner engagement in the learning process, we can build e-learning courses on a strong foundation provided by this area. With recently released papers, the major goal of this study is to give an overview that focuses on learner engagement in higher education in e-learning. The findings of the research studies cited in this article demonstrate the importance of several elements, including gamification, digital integration, learning management system (LMS) tools, etc. Furthermore, we try to propose in this work an approach to improve learner engagement in online learning environments.
Supporting Institution
University May 8, 1945 Guelma, Algeria
Thank you for this opportunity
- Plante, Sarah-milie. "Enjeu local, cause globale. Lengagement tudiant au sein du
Collectif de Minuit lUniversit Laval." Francophones et citoyens du monde (2014):
- Brault-Labb, Anne, and Lise Dub. "Engagement scolaire, bien-tre personnel et au-
todtermination chez des tudiants luniversit." Canadian Journal of Behavioural
Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement 42.2 (2010): 80.
- Brault-Labb, A., et al. "Thorie de lautodtermination et modle multimodal dengage-
ment: un pairage prometteur pour mieux comprendre les liens entre motivation et
engagement scolaires chez des tudiants universitaires." European Review of Applied
Psychology 68.1 (2018): 23-34.
- Lu, Owen HT, et al. "Applying learning analytics for improving students engage-
ment and learning outcomes in an MOOCs enabled collaborative programming
course." Interactive Learning Environments 25.2 (2017): 220-234.
- Cobos, Ruth, and Juan Carlos RuizGarcia. "Improving learner engagement in
MOOCs using a learning intervention system: A research study in engineering edu-
cation." Computer Applications in Engineering Education 29.4 (2021): 733-749.
- Rajabalee, Yousra Banoor, and Mohammad Issack Santally. "Learner satisfaction,
engagement and performances in an online module: Implications for institutional
e-learning policy." Education and Information Technologies 26.3 (2021): 2623-2656.
- Cirigliano, Matthew M., Charles D. Guthrie, and Martin V. Pusic. "Click-level
learning analytics in an online medical education learning platform." Teaching and
learning in medicine 32.4 (2020): 410-421.
- Ouyang, Fan, Si Chen, and Xu Li. "Eect of three network visualizations on stu-
dents' socialcognitive engagement in online discussions." British Journal of Educa-
tional Technology 52.6 (2021): 2242-2262.
- Karaoglan Yilmaz, Fatma Gizem, and Ramazan Yilmaz. "Learning analytics inter-
vention improves students engagement in online learning." Technology, Knowledge
and Learning 27.2 (2022): 449-460.
- Liu, Danny Yen-Ting, et al. "An enhanced learning analytics plugin for Moodle:
student engagement and personalised intervention." ASCILITE 2015-Australasian
Society for Computers in Learning and Tertiary Education, Conference Proceedings.
- Silvola, Anni, et al. "Expectations for supporting student engagement with learn-
ing analytics: An academic path perspective." Computers & Education 168 (2021):
- Zhang, Xi, et al. "Learning analytics in collaborative learning supported by Slack:
From the perspective of engagement." Computers in Human Behavior 92 (2019):
- Schumacher, Clara, and Dirk Ifenthaler. "Features students really expect from
learning analytics." Computers in human behavior 78 (2018): 397-407.
- Slade, Sharon, Paul Prinsloo, and Mohammad Khalil. "Learning analytics at the
intersections of student trust, disclosure and benet." Proceedings of the 9th Inter-
national Conference on learning analytics & knowledge. 2019.
- Sahni, Jolly. "Does blended learning enhance student engagement? Evidence from
higher education." Journal of E-learning and Higher Education 2019.2019 (2019):
- Zanjani, Nastaran. "The important elements of LMS design that aect user en-
gagement with e-learning tools within LMSs in the higher education sector." Aus-
tralasian Journal of Educational Technology 33.1 (2017).
- Nortvig, Anne-Mette, Anne Kristine Petersen, and Sren Hattesen Balle. "A liter-
ature review of the factors in
uencing elearning and blended learning in relation
to learning outcome, student satisfaction and engagement." Electronic Journal of
E-learning 16.1 (2018): pp46-55.
- Morton, Caroline E., et al. "Blended learning: how can we optimise undergraduate
student engagement?." BMC medical education 16.1 (2016): 1-8.
- Mohamad, Siti Nurul Mahfuzah, Nur Syaatun Safwana Sazali, and Mohd Azran
Mohd Salleh. "Gamication approach in education to increase learning engage-
ment." International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences 4.1 (2018):
- McGuinness, Claire, and Crystal Fulton. "Digital literacy in higher education: A
case study of student engagement with e-tutorials using blended learning." Journal
of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice 18 (2019): 001-028.
- Noria, G. O. U. Z. I., and M. A. Z. A. R. Yamina. "Le numrique au service du co
apprentissage en ligne du FLE: de lengagement personnel la formation profession-
nelle. Cas du dpartement de franais luniversit africaine-Adrar Digital Technology at
the Service of Online Co-learning of FFL: from Personal Commitment to Vocational
Training. Case of the Department of."
- Sassi, M. Ben, and Mona Laroussi. "Analyse des traces dans Moodle." Proc. Con-
frence on Environnements Informatiques pour lApprentissage Humain. 2009.
- Zainuddin, Zamzami, et al. "The role of gamied e-quizzes on student learning
and engagement: An interactive gamication solution for a formative assessment
system." Computers & Education 145 (2020): 103729.
- Yu, Zhonggen, Mingle Gao, and Lifei Wang. "The eect of educational games on
learning outcomes, student motivation, engagement and satisfaction." Journal of
Educational Computing Research 59.3 (2021): 522-546.
- Hallifax, Stuart, et al. "Dynamic gamication adaptation framework based on en-
gagement detection through learning analytics." Companion Proceedings of the 11th
International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge LAK21. 2021.
- Toro-Troconis, Maria, Jesse Alexander, and Manuel Frutos-Perez. "Assessing stu-
dent engagement in online programmes: Using learning design and learning analyt-
ics." International Journal of Higher Education 8.6 (2019).
- Moubayed, Abdallah, et al. "Student engagement level in an e-learning environ-
ment: Clustering using k-means." American Journal of Distance Education 34.2
(2020): 137-156.
Year 2023,
, 11 - 28, 16.06.2023
Souhila Zerdoudi
Houda Tadjer
Yacine Lafifi
- Plante, Sarah-milie. "Enjeu local, cause globale. Lengagement tudiant au sein du
Collectif de Minuit lUniversit Laval." Francophones et citoyens du monde (2014):
- Brault-Labb, Anne, and Lise Dub. "Engagement scolaire, bien-tre personnel et au-
todtermination chez des tudiants luniversit." Canadian Journal of Behavioural
Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement 42.2 (2010): 80.
- Brault-Labb, A., et al. "Thorie de lautodtermination et modle multimodal dengage-
ment: un pairage prometteur pour mieux comprendre les liens entre motivation et
engagement scolaires chez des tudiants universitaires." European Review of Applied
Psychology 68.1 (2018): 23-34.
- Lu, Owen HT, et al. "Applying learning analytics for improving students engage-
ment and learning outcomes in an MOOCs enabled collaborative programming
course." Interactive Learning Environments 25.2 (2017): 220-234.
- Cobos, Ruth, and Juan Carlos RuizGarcia. "Improving learner engagement in
MOOCs using a learning intervention system: A research study in engineering edu-
cation." Computer Applications in Engineering Education 29.4 (2021): 733-749.
- Rajabalee, Yousra Banoor, and Mohammad Issack Santally. "Learner satisfaction,
engagement and performances in an online module: Implications for institutional
e-learning policy." Education and Information Technologies 26.3 (2021): 2623-2656.
- Cirigliano, Matthew M., Charles D. Guthrie, and Martin V. Pusic. "Click-level
learning analytics in an online medical education learning platform." Teaching and
learning in medicine 32.4 (2020): 410-421.
- Ouyang, Fan, Si Chen, and Xu Li. "Eect of three network visualizations on stu-
dents' socialcognitive engagement in online discussions." British Journal of Educa-
tional Technology 52.6 (2021): 2242-2262.
- Karaoglan Yilmaz, Fatma Gizem, and Ramazan Yilmaz. "Learning analytics inter-
vention improves students engagement in online learning." Technology, Knowledge
and Learning 27.2 (2022): 449-460.
- Liu, Danny Yen-Ting, et al. "An enhanced learning analytics plugin for Moodle:
student engagement and personalised intervention." ASCILITE 2015-Australasian
Society for Computers in Learning and Tertiary Education, Conference Proceedings.
- Silvola, Anni, et al. "Expectations for supporting student engagement with learn-
ing analytics: An academic path perspective." Computers & Education 168 (2021):
- Zhang, Xi, et al. "Learning analytics in collaborative learning supported by Slack:
From the perspective of engagement." Computers in Human Behavior 92 (2019):
- Schumacher, Clara, and Dirk Ifenthaler. "Features students really expect from
learning analytics." Computers in human behavior 78 (2018): 397-407.
- Slade, Sharon, Paul Prinsloo, and Mohammad Khalil. "Learning analytics at the
intersections of student trust, disclosure and benet." Proceedings of the 9th Inter-
national Conference on learning analytics & knowledge. 2019.
- Sahni, Jolly. "Does blended learning enhance student engagement? Evidence from
higher education." Journal of E-learning and Higher Education 2019.2019 (2019):
- Zanjani, Nastaran. "The important elements of LMS design that aect user en-
gagement with e-learning tools within LMSs in the higher education sector." Aus-
tralasian Journal of Educational Technology 33.1 (2017).
- Nortvig, Anne-Mette, Anne Kristine Petersen, and Sren Hattesen Balle. "A liter-
ature review of the factors in
uencing elearning and blended learning in relation
to learning outcome, student satisfaction and engagement." Electronic Journal of
E-learning 16.1 (2018): pp46-55.
- Morton, Caroline E., et al. "Blended learning: how can we optimise undergraduate
student engagement?." BMC medical education 16.1 (2016): 1-8.
- Mohamad, Siti Nurul Mahfuzah, Nur Syaatun Safwana Sazali, and Mohd Azran
Mohd Salleh. "Gamication approach in education to increase learning engage-
ment." International Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences 4.1 (2018):
- McGuinness, Claire, and Crystal Fulton. "Digital literacy in higher education: A
case study of student engagement with e-tutorials using blended learning." Journal
of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice 18 (2019): 001-028.
- Noria, G. O. U. Z. I., and M. A. Z. A. R. Yamina. "Le numrique au service du co
apprentissage en ligne du FLE: de lengagement personnel la formation profession-
nelle. Cas du dpartement de franais luniversit africaine-Adrar Digital Technology at
the Service of Online Co-learning of FFL: from Personal Commitment to Vocational
Training. Case of the Department of."
- Sassi, M. Ben, and Mona Laroussi. "Analyse des traces dans Moodle." Proc. Con-
frence on Environnements Informatiques pour lApprentissage Humain. 2009.
- Zainuddin, Zamzami, et al. "The role of gamied e-quizzes on student learning
and engagement: An interactive gamication solution for a formative assessment
system." Computers & Education 145 (2020): 103729.
- Yu, Zhonggen, Mingle Gao, and Lifei Wang. "The eect of educational games on
learning outcomes, student motivation, engagement and satisfaction." Journal of
Educational Computing Research 59.3 (2021): 522-546.
- Hallifax, Stuart, et al. "Dynamic gamication adaptation framework based on en-
gagement detection through learning analytics." Companion Proceedings of the 11th
International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge LAK21. 2021.
- Toro-Troconis, Maria, Jesse Alexander, and Manuel Frutos-Perez. "Assessing stu-
dent engagement in online programmes: Using learning design and learning analyt-
ics." International Journal of Higher Education 8.6 (2019).
- Moubayed, Abdallah, et al. "Student engagement level in an e-learning environ-
ment: Clustering using k-means." American Journal of Distance Education 34.2
(2020): 137-156.