Prevalence Areas and Damage Rate of Contarinia Pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Apricot Orchards in Malatya and Elazığ provinces (Turkey)
Year 2021,
, 171 - 175, 31.12.2021
Talip Yiğit
Hasan Tunaz
Apricot flower midge (Contarinia pruniflorum) emerged in February-March and lay eggs on the flower buds of the apricot trees. The larvae hatching feeds through the bud wall and flower genital organs. The damaged flower does not turn into fruit. It is a pest that directly affects the yield.prevalence areas in apricot orchards in Malatya (Turkey) and the damage rate were determined. The highest infestation rate of the pest is in Kale and Battalgazi districts of Malatya and Baskil district of Elazığ with 100 %, then, Yeşilyurt 95%,Yazıhan 90%,Akçadağ 76%, Darende 75%, Kuluncak 50%, Arguvan 50% and Doğanşehir 12.5% followed by infestation rates. No pests were found in the orchards which were controlled in Hekimhan district of Malatya and Elbistan district of Kahramanmaraş. Although the damage rate varies according to years, it was determined that the flower damage rate was 0.7% and the fruit set rate was 10.6 % in orchard in Kale where the pest control is done, while the damage rate was 11.8% and the fruit set rate was 2.9% in the orchard without pest control in 2017.In 2018, when compared with orchards with or without pest control, while there was damage in the number of flowers, but there was no change in the amount of fruit.
Supporting Institution
T.C Tarım Orman Bakanlığı Tarımsal Araştırmalar ve Politikalar Genel Müdürlüğü
Project Number
We are grateful to the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture And Forestry General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies which provides financial support to our study.
- [1] Coutin, R., & Rambier, A. (1955). Description d'une nouvelle cécidomyie sur les fleurs des Prunus: Contarinia pruniflorum n. sp. et ses principaux caracteres biologiques (Dipt. Itonididae). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, 60: 104-110.
- [2] Pollini, A., & Bariselli, M. (1996). Contarinia pruniflorum, a new pest of apricot. Informatore Agrario, 52: 71-73.
- [3] Ondet, S.J. (2004). Saint-Pierre-des-Corps, A. Journées Techniques Fruits et Légumes Biologiques Saint-Pierre-des-Corps, A. Journées Techniques Fruits et Légumes Biologiques, pp. 39-44. from (Date accessed: 12.10.2019)
- [4] Roskam, H, & Carbonelle, S. (2015). Annotated checklist of the gall midges from the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen, 44, 47-167.
- [5] Gagné, R.J., & Jaschhof, M. (2014). A Catalog of the Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) of the World. Digital version 2, p. 493. from (Date accessed: 12.10.2019)
- [6] Gagné, R.J. & Jaschhof, M. (2017). A Catalog of the Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) of the World. Digital, p. 762. (Web page: (Date accessed: 12.10.2019)
- [7] Doğanlar, M., Yiğit, T., Aslan, A., & Karakaş, H.B. (June 2014). First record of the apricot flower midge, Contarina pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Malatya province, Turkey. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 9 (2), s. 765-769.
- [8] TÜİK. (2018). Turkish Statistical Institute. from (Date accessed: 11.10.2018).
- [9] Gunduz, O., Aslan, A., Ceyhan, V. & Bayramoglu, Z. (2021). Measuring the metafrontier efficiencies and technology gaps of dried apricot farms in different agro-ecological zones. Custos E Agronegocio on line, 17(1), 63-87.
- [10] TÜİK. (2016). Turkish Statistical Institute. from (Date accessed: 11.10.2018).
- [11] Bora, T., & Karaca, İ. (1970). Kültür Bitkilerinde Hastalığın ve Zararın Ölçülmesi, Ege Üniversitesi. Zir. Fak., Yardımcı Ders Kitabı, Yayın No. 167, s. 43.
- [12] Pierre, E., & Chauvin-Buthaud, B. (2001). Remove from marked records A "new" pest in the south of France: a midge which gives cause for concern on apricot blossom (Contarinia pruniflorum). Un « nouveau » ravageur dans le sud de la France: une cécidomyie préoccupante sur fleurs d'abricotiers. Phytoma 2001, No. 541, pp. 38-39
- [13] Skuhrava, M. Skuhravy, V., Dauphin, P., & Coutin, R. (2005). Gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) of France. Les Cécidomyies de France. p 212.
- [14] Gagné, R. J. (2010). Update for a catalog of the Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) of the world. Digital version 1. p. 544 from (Date accessed: 12.10.2019)
- [15] Tommasini, M. G. (2006). Recenti problematiche fitosanitarie dell’albicocco. Frutticoltura, 9: 68.
- [16] Tsagarakis, Α.Ε., & Mitsopoulus, D. I. (2007). First record of the apricot flower midge Contarinia pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Greece. (in Greek, English abstract) Abstr. of. 12th National Entomological Congress of Greece, 13-16 November 2007, Larnaca, Cyprus, 230 p.
- [17] Bugiani, R., & Bariselli . M. (2008). Albicocco, i disciplinari anticipano la revisione. Terra e Vita. Speciale Difesa Frutteto. n. 10/2008 8 Marzo 2008. p 62-63. from (Date accessed: 10.10.2019)
- [18] Gomez, C., Chauvin-Buthaud, B., & Stevenin, S. (2006). Lutte contre la Cecidomyie Contarinia pruniflorum en verger d'abrıcotıers. Arborıculture 2006 (Fiche A06RA/02. from (Date accessed: 12.10.2019)
- [19] INC. (2019). Statistical Yearbooks of The International Nut and Dried Fruit Council, from (24/12/2019)
Malatya Kayısı Bahçelerinde Contarinia Pruniflorum Coutın & Rambıer (Dıptera: Cecıdomyııdae)'un Yayılış Alanları ve Zarar Oranı
Year 2021,
, 171 - 175, 31.12.2021
Talip Yiğit
Hasan Tunaz
Kayısı Tomurcuk Sineği (Contarinia pruniflorum) Şubat-Mart aylarında ortaya çıkarak kayısının çiçek tomurcuklarına yumurta koyarlar. Yumurtadan çıkan larva tomurcuk içerisinde çiçek organlarıyla beslenerek çiçeğin açmamasına neden olmaktadır. Verim miktarına doğrudan etki eden bir zararlıdır. Zararlının, Malatya ve civarındaki yayılış alanları ve kayısı bahçelerindeki zarar oranı belirlenmiştir. Zararlının bulaşıklık oranı en yüksek % 100 ile Malatya’nın Kale ve Battalgazi ilçeleri ile Elazığ’ın Baskil ilçesi olurken bunu Yeşilyurt % 95, Yazıhan % 90, Akçadağ % 76, Darende % 75, Kuluncak % 50, Arguvan % 50, Doğanşehir % 12.5 bulaşıklık oranları takip etmiştir. Malatya’nın Hekimhan ilçesi ve Kahramanmaraş’ın Elbistan ilçesindeki kontrol edilen bahçelerde zararlıya rastlanmamıştır. Zarar oranı yıllara göre değişmekle birlikte 2017 yılında Kale ilçesinde kimyasal mücadele yapılmayan bahçede çiçek zarar oranı % 11.8 ve meyve oranı % 2.9 iken kimyasal mücadele yapılan bahçedeki çiçek zarar oranı % 0.7 ve meyve oranının % 10.6 olduğu belirlenmiştir. 2018 yılında kimyasal mücadele yapılan ve yapılmayan bahçeler kıyaslandığında çiçek miktarında zarar oluşmasına karşın meyve miktarında zarar oluşmamıştır.
Project Number
- [1] Coutin, R., & Rambier, A. (1955). Description d'une nouvelle cécidomyie sur les fleurs des Prunus: Contarinia pruniflorum n. sp. et ses principaux caracteres biologiques (Dipt. Itonididae). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, 60: 104-110.
- [2] Pollini, A., & Bariselli, M. (1996). Contarinia pruniflorum, a new pest of apricot. Informatore Agrario, 52: 71-73.
- [3] Ondet, S.J. (2004). Saint-Pierre-des-Corps, A. Journées Techniques Fruits et Légumes Biologiques Saint-Pierre-des-Corps, A. Journées Techniques Fruits et Légumes Biologiques, pp. 39-44. from (Date accessed: 12.10.2019)
- [4] Roskam, H, & Carbonelle, S. (2015). Annotated checklist of the gall midges from the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen, 44, 47-167.
- [5] Gagné, R.J., & Jaschhof, M. (2014). A Catalog of the Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) of the World. Digital version 2, p. 493. from (Date accessed: 12.10.2019)
- [6] Gagné, R.J. & Jaschhof, M. (2017). A Catalog of the Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) of the World. Digital, p. 762. (Web page: (Date accessed: 12.10.2019)
- [7] Doğanlar, M., Yiğit, T., Aslan, A., & Karakaş, H.B. (June 2014). First record of the apricot flower midge, Contarina pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Malatya province, Turkey. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 9 (2), s. 765-769.
- [8] TÜİK. (2018). Turkish Statistical Institute. from (Date accessed: 11.10.2018).
- [9] Gunduz, O., Aslan, A., Ceyhan, V. & Bayramoglu, Z. (2021). Measuring the metafrontier efficiencies and technology gaps of dried apricot farms in different agro-ecological zones. Custos E Agronegocio on line, 17(1), 63-87.
- [10] TÜİK. (2016). Turkish Statistical Institute. from (Date accessed: 11.10.2018).
- [11] Bora, T., & Karaca, İ. (1970). Kültür Bitkilerinde Hastalığın ve Zararın Ölçülmesi, Ege Üniversitesi. Zir. Fak., Yardımcı Ders Kitabı, Yayın No. 167, s. 43.
- [12] Pierre, E., & Chauvin-Buthaud, B. (2001). Remove from marked records A "new" pest in the south of France: a midge which gives cause for concern on apricot blossom (Contarinia pruniflorum). Un « nouveau » ravageur dans le sud de la France: une cécidomyie préoccupante sur fleurs d'abricotiers. Phytoma 2001, No. 541, pp. 38-39
- [13] Skuhrava, M. Skuhravy, V., Dauphin, P., & Coutin, R. (2005). Gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) of France. Les Cécidomyies de France. p 212.
- [14] Gagné, R. J. (2010). Update for a catalog of the Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) of the world. Digital version 1. p. 544 from (Date accessed: 12.10.2019)
- [15] Tommasini, M. G. (2006). Recenti problematiche fitosanitarie dell’albicocco. Frutticoltura, 9: 68.
- [16] Tsagarakis, Α.Ε., & Mitsopoulus, D. I. (2007). First record of the apricot flower midge Contarinia pruniflorum Coutin & Rambier (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Greece. (in Greek, English abstract) Abstr. of. 12th National Entomological Congress of Greece, 13-16 November 2007, Larnaca, Cyprus, 230 p.
- [17] Bugiani, R., & Bariselli . M. (2008). Albicocco, i disciplinari anticipano la revisione. Terra e Vita. Speciale Difesa Frutteto. n. 10/2008 8 Marzo 2008. p 62-63. from (Date accessed: 10.10.2019)
- [18] Gomez, C., Chauvin-Buthaud, B., & Stevenin, S. (2006). Lutte contre la Cecidomyie Contarinia pruniflorum en verger d'abrıcotıers. Arborıculture 2006 (Fiche A06RA/02. from (Date accessed: 12.10.2019)
- [19] INC. (2019). Statistical Yearbooks of The International Nut and Dried Fruit Council, from (24/12/2019)