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A Comparative Investigation on the Wear Performance of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI) Treated with Single and Double Tempering

Year 2022, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 75 - 80, 28.06.2022


Compacted graphite iron (CGI) is a critical material in today's automotive and manufacturing industries. Heat treatment processes can improve CGI wear properties, related primarily to microstructural changes. In this study, single and double tempering heat treatments were used to improve the wear properties of CGI. Oil quenching was performed after 90 minutes of austenitization at 900°C, followed by 60 minutes of single and double tempering at three different temperatures (315, 350, and 375°C). The wear performance of the samples was compared using a pin-on disc test and hardness measurements. The volume loss and friction coefficient were evaluated, and wear maps were constructed to determine the samples' wear behavior. SEM and EDS analyses were carried out to worn surfaces to interpret the relationship between wear mechanism and microstructure. According to the study's findings, double tempering heat treatment may optimize wear performance better than traditional single tempering, and structures with high toughness-wear resistance combinations can be obtained.


The author is thankful to Dr. İsmail Ovalı for his contributions to the study.


  • [1] Ovalı, İ. (2012). Chill formation on the surface of ductile iron and the effects of austempering heat treatments on microstructures and mechanical properties. Ph.D. thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Science and Technology, Ankara.
  • [2] Tooptong, S., Park, K. H., & Kwon, P. (2018). A comparative investigation on flank wear when turning three cast irons. Tribology International, 120, 127-139.
  • [3] Pina, J. C., Shafqat, S., Kouznetsova, V. G., Hoefnagels, J. P. M., & Geers, M. G. D. (2016). Microstructural study of the mechanical response of compacted graphite iron: An experimental and numerical approach. Materials Science & Engineering A, 658, 439-449.
  • [4] Sjogren, T., Vomacka, P., & Svensson, I. L. (2004). Comparison of mechanical properties in flake graphite and compacted graphite cast irons for piston rings. International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 17(2), 65-71.
  • [5] Dawson, S. (2009). Compacted graphite iron-A material solution for modern diesel engine cylinder blocks and heads. China Foundry, 6, 241-246.
  • [6] Yang, W. J., Pang, J. C., Wang, L., Wang, S. G., Liu, Y. Z., Hui, L., Li, S. X. & Zhang, Z. F. (2021). Tensile properties and damage mechanisms of compacted graphite iron based on microstructural simulation. Materials Science & Engineering A, 814, 141244.
  • [7] Nayyar, V., Kaminski, J., Kinnander, A., & Nyborg, L. (2012). An experimental investigation of machinability of graphitic cast iron grades; flake, compacted, and spheroidal graphite iron in continuous machining operations. Procedia CIRP, 1, 488-493.
  • [8] Slatter, T., Lewis, R., & Jones, A. H. (2011). The influence of induction hardening on the impact wear resistance of compacted graphite iron (CGI). Wear, 3-4, 302-311.
  • [9] Dawson, S., & Indra, F. (2014). Compacted graphite iron—a new material for highly stressed cylinder blocks and cylinder heads. Sintercast, 1-14.
  • [10] Ki, S., Cockcroft, S. L., Omran, A. M., & Hwang, H. (2009). Mechanical, wear and heat exposure properties of compacted graphite iron at elevated temperatures. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 487, 253-257.
  • [11] Lewis, R., & Dwyer-Joyce R. S. (2002). Wear diesel engine inlet valves and seat inserts. Journal of Automobile Engineering Proceedings of the IMechE Part D, 216, 205-216.
  • [12] Venugopal Rao, S., Venkata Ramana, M., & Kumar, A. C. S. (2019). An experimental investigation on compact graphite iron wear behavior at 32 °C and 200°C. Materials Today: Proceedings, 19, 778-780.
  • [13] Ovalı, İ., & Mavi, A. (2011, May) The effect of ausferrite volume fraction on the surface roughness of dual-phase matrix structure ductile iron. Proceedings of the 6th International Advanced Technologies Symposium/Elazig. (pp. 156-160).
  • [14] Venugopal Rao, S., Venkata Ramana, M., & Kumar, A. C. S. (2021). Friction and dry sliding wear properties of compact graphite iron at room temperature and 100 °C. Materials Today: Proceedings, 45, 3250-3254.
  • [15] Kaplan, Y., Yıldırım, A., & Aksöz, S. (2020). The effect of oxidation process after nitrocarburization on tribological properties of AISI 4140 steel. Journal of Polytechnic, 23(4), 1357-1362.
  • [16] Pamuk, Ö., Kaplan, Y., & Aksöz, S. (2022). The effects of different heat treatment regimes on the wear properties of Fe-based composite materials. Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics, 60(7-8), 439-450.
  • [17] Federici, M., Cinzia, M., Moscatelli A., & Gialanella, S. (2017). Pin-on disc study of a friction material dry sliding against HVOF coated discs at room temperature and 300 °C. Tribology International, 115, 89-99.
  • [18] Filho, D. D. S., Tschiptschin, A. P., & Goldenstein, H. (2018). Effects of ethanol content on cast iron cylinder wear in a flex-fuel internal combustion engine–A case study. Wear, 406-407, 105-117.
  • [19] Annual book of ASTM standards. (2017). ASTM G99-17, standard test method for wear testing with a pin-on-disk apparatus, ASTM Int, West Conshohocken, PA,
  • [20] Annual book of ASTM standards. (2005). ASTM E18, standard test method for Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of metallic materials, vol. 03.01. ASTM Int, PA,
  • [21] Woodward, R. G., Toumpis, A., & Galloway, A. (2022). The influence of tempering and annealing on the microstructure and sliding wear response of G350 grey cast iron. Wear, 496-497, 204283.
  • [22] Wang, B., Qiu, F., Zhang, Y., Yang, J., Cui, W., Jin, Y., Cai, G., Yuan, Y., Guo, S., Li, H., & Barber, G. C. (2022). Influences of dual-phased nanoparticles on microstructure, mechanical properties and wear resistance of vermicular graphite cast iron. Materials Letters, 308-b, 131296.
  • [23] Masuda, K., Oguma, N., Ishiguro, M., Sakamoto, Y., & Ishihara, S. (2021). Sliding wear life and sliding wear mechanism of gray cast iron AISI NO.35B. Wear, 474-475, 203870.
  • [24] Akinribide, O. J., Akinwamide, S. O., Obadele, B. A., Ogundare, O. D., Ayeleru, O. O., & Olubambi, P. A. (2021). Tribological behaviour of ductile and austempered grey cast iron under dry environment. Materials Today: Proceedings, 38, 1174-1182.
  • [25] Wang, B., Pan, Y., Liu, Y., Lyu, N., Barber, G. C., Wang, R., Cui, w., Qiu, F., & Hu, M. (2020). Effects of quench-tempering and laser hardening treatment on wear resistance of gray cast iron. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 9(4), 8163-8171.
  • [26] Torre, U. D. L., Gonzalez-Martinez, R., & Mendez, S. (2020). Effect of the section size, holding temperature, and time on the kinetics of the ausferritic transformation and mechanical properties of as-cast ausferritic ductile iron. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 788, 139536.
  • [27] Li, Y., Song, R., Chen, C., Zhao, Z., & Pei, Y. (2019). Enhancing mechanism of interaction of individual phases of 3.45 wt%Cr–Mn–Cu–Ni–B iron after quenching and tempering. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 760, 165-173.
  • [28] Cui, J., & Chen, L. (2017). Microstructure and abrasive wear resistance of an alloyed ductile iron subjected to deep cryogenic and austempering treatments. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 33(12), 1549-1554.
  • [29] Wang, B., Pan, Y., Barber, G. C., Qiu, F., & Hu, M. (2020). Wear behavior of composite strengthened gray cast iron by austempering and laser hardening treatment. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 9(2), 2037-2043.
  • [30] Vadiraj, A., Balachandran, G., Kamaraj, M., & Kazuya, E. (2011). Mechanical and wear behavior of quenched and tempered alloyed hypereutectic gray cast iron. Materials & Design, 32(4), 2438-2443.
  • [31] Coronado, J. J., Gomez, A., & Sinatora, A. (2009). Tempering temperature effects on abrasive wear of mottled cast iron. Wear, 267(11), 2070-2076

Tek ve Çift Temperleme İşlemi Yapılmış Vermiküler Dökme Demirin (VDD) Aşınma Performansı Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir Araştırma

Year 2022, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 75 - 80, 28.06.2022


Vermiküler dökme demir (VDD), günümüzün otomotiv ve imalat endüstrilerinde kritik bir malzemedir. Isıl işlem süreçleri, büyük ölçüde mikroyapısal değişikliklerle ilgili olan VDD aşınma özelliklerini iyileştirebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, VDD'nin aşınma özelliklerini iyileştirmek için tek ve çift temperleme ısıl işlemleri kullanılmıştır. 900°C'de 90 dakikalık östenitleme ve yağda su vermeden sonra üç farklı sıcaklıkta (315, 350 ve 375°C) 60 dakika süreyle tek ve çift temperleme uygulanmıştır. Numunelerin aşınma performansı, pin-on disk testi ve sertlik ölçümleri kullanılarak karşılaştırılmıştır. Numunelerin aşınma davranışını belirlemek için hacim kaybı ve sürtünme katsayısı incelenmiş, ayrıca aşınma haritaları oluşturulmuştur. Aşınma mekanizmaları ile mikro yapı arasındaki ilişkiyi yorumlamak için aşınma yüzeylerine SEM ve EDS analizleri uygulanmıştır. Çalışmanın bulgularına göre, çift temperleme ısıl işlemiyle aşınma performansının geleneksel tek tavlamaya göre daha iyi optimize edilebileceği ve yüksek tokluk-aşınma direnci kombinasyonuna sahip yapılar elde edilebileceği belirlenmiştir.


  • [1] Ovalı, İ. (2012). Chill formation on the surface of ductile iron and the effects of austempering heat treatments on microstructures and mechanical properties. Ph.D. thesis, Gazi University, Institute of Science and Technology, Ankara.
  • [2] Tooptong, S., Park, K. H., & Kwon, P. (2018). A comparative investigation on flank wear when turning three cast irons. Tribology International, 120, 127-139.
  • [3] Pina, J. C., Shafqat, S., Kouznetsova, V. G., Hoefnagels, J. P. M., & Geers, M. G. D. (2016). Microstructural study of the mechanical response of compacted graphite iron: An experimental and numerical approach. Materials Science & Engineering A, 658, 439-449.
  • [4] Sjogren, T., Vomacka, P., & Svensson, I. L. (2004). Comparison of mechanical properties in flake graphite and compacted graphite cast irons for piston rings. International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 17(2), 65-71.
  • [5] Dawson, S. (2009). Compacted graphite iron-A material solution for modern diesel engine cylinder blocks and heads. China Foundry, 6, 241-246.
  • [6] Yang, W. J., Pang, J. C., Wang, L., Wang, S. G., Liu, Y. Z., Hui, L., Li, S. X. & Zhang, Z. F. (2021). Tensile properties and damage mechanisms of compacted graphite iron based on microstructural simulation. Materials Science & Engineering A, 814, 141244.
  • [7] Nayyar, V., Kaminski, J., Kinnander, A., & Nyborg, L. (2012). An experimental investigation of machinability of graphitic cast iron grades; flake, compacted, and spheroidal graphite iron in continuous machining operations. Procedia CIRP, 1, 488-493.
  • [8] Slatter, T., Lewis, R., & Jones, A. H. (2011). The influence of induction hardening on the impact wear resistance of compacted graphite iron (CGI). Wear, 3-4, 302-311.
  • [9] Dawson, S., & Indra, F. (2014). Compacted graphite iron—a new material for highly stressed cylinder blocks and cylinder heads. Sintercast, 1-14.
  • [10] Ki, S., Cockcroft, S. L., Omran, A. M., & Hwang, H. (2009). Mechanical, wear and heat exposure properties of compacted graphite iron at elevated temperatures. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 487, 253-257.
  • [11] Lewis, R., & Dwyer-Joyce R. S. (2002). Wear diesel engine inlet valves and seat inserts. Journal of Automobile Engineering Proceedings of the IMechE Part D, 216, 205-216.
  • [12] Venugopal Rao, S., Venkata Ramana, M., & Kumar, A. C. S. (2019). An experimental investigation on compact graphite iron wear behavior at 32 °C and 200°C. Materials Today: Proceedings, 19, 778-780.
  • [13] Ovalı, İ., & Mavi, A. (2011, May) The effect of ausferrite volume fraction on the surface roughness of dual-phase matrix structure ductile iron. Proceedings of the 6th International Advanced Technologies Symposium/Elazig. (pp. 156-160).
  • [14] Venugopal Rao, S., Venkata Ramana, M., & Kumar, A. C. S. (2021). Friction and dry sliding wear properties of compact graphite iron at room temperature and 100 °C. Materials Today: Proceedings, 45, 3250-3254.
  • [15] Kaplan, Y., Yıldırım, A., & Aksöz, S. (2020). The effect of oxidation process after nitrocarburization on tribological properties of AISI 4140 steel. Journal of Polytechnic, 23(4), 1357-1362.
  • [16] Pamuk, Ö., Kaplan, Y., & Aksöz, S. (2022). The effects of different heat treatment regimes on the wear properties of Fe-based composite materials. Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics, 60(7-8), 439-450.
  • [17] Federici, M., Cinzia, M., Moscatelli A., & Gialanella, S. (2017). Pin-on disc study of a friction material dry sliding against HVOF coated discs at room temperature and 300 °C. Tribology International, 115, 89-99.
  • [18] Filho, D. D. S., Tschiptschin, A. P., & Goldenstein, H. (2018). Effects of ethanol content on cast iron cylinder wear in a flex-fuel internal combustion engine–A case study. Wear, 406-407, 105-117.
  • [19] Annual book of ASTM standards. (2017). ASTM G99-17, standard test method for wear testing with a pin-on-disk apparatus, ASTM Int, West Conshohocken, PA,
  • [20] Annual book of ASTM standards. (2005). ASTM E18, standard test method for Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of metallic materials, vol. 03.01. ASTM Int, PA,
  • [21] Woodward, R. G., Toumpis, A., & Galloway, A. (2022). The influence of tempering and annealing on the microstructure and sliding wear response of G350 grey cast iron. Wear, 496-497, 204283.
  • [22] Wang, B., Qiu, F., Zhang, Y., Yang, J., Cui, W., Jin, Y., Cai, G., Yuan, Y., Guo, S., Li, H., & Barber, G. C. (2022). Influences of dual-phased nanoparticles on microstructure, mechanical properties and wear resistance of vermicular graphite cast iron. Materials Letters, 308-b, 131296.
  • [23] Masuda, K., Oguma, N., Ishiguro, M., Sakamoto, Y., & Ishihara, S. (2021). Sliding wear life and sliding wear mechanism of gray cast iron AISI NO.35B. Wear, 474-475, 203870.
  • [24] Akinribide, O. J., Akinwamide, S. O., Obadele, B. A., Ogundare, O. D., Ayeleru, O. O., & Olubambi, P. A. (2021). Tribological behaviour of ductile and austempered grey cast iron under dry environment. Materials Today: Proceedings, 38, 1174-1182.
  • [25] Wang, B., Pan, Y., Liu, Y., Lyu, N., Barber, G. C., Wang, R., Cui, w., Qiu, F., & Hu, M. (2020). Effects of quench-tempering and laser hardening treatment on wear resistance of gray cast iron. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 9(4), 8163-8171.
  • [26] Torre, U. D. L., Gonzalez-Martinez, R., & Mendez, S. (2020). Effect of the section size, holding temperature, and time on the kinetics of the ausferritic transformation and mechanical properties of as-cast ausferritic ductile iron. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 788, 139536.
  • [27] Li, Y., Song, R., Chen, C., Zhao, Z., & Pei, Y. (2019). Enhancing mechanism of interaction of individual phases of 3.45 wt%Cr–Mn–Cu–Ni–B iron after quenching and tempering. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 760, 165-173.
  • [28] Cui, J., & Chen, L. (2017). Microstructure and abrasive wear resistance of an alloyed ductile iron subjected to deep cryogenic and austempering treatments. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 33(12), 1549-1554.
  • [29] Wang, B., Pan, Y., Barber, G. C., Qiu, F., & Hu, M. (2020). Wear behavior of composite strengthened gray cast iron by austempering and laser hardening treatment. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 9(2), 2037-2043.
  • [30] Vadiraj, A., Balachandran, G., Kamaraj, M., & Kazuya, E. (2011). Mechanical and wear behavior of quenched and tempered alloyed hypereutectic gray cast iron. Materials & Design, 32(4), 2438-2443.
  • [31] Coronado, J. J., Gomez, A., & Sinatora, A. (2009). Tempering temperature effects on abrasive wear of mottled cast iron. Wear, 267(11), 2070-2076
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Engin Tan 0000-0003-4441-3678

Early Pub Date June 25, 2022
Publication Date June 28, 2022
Submission Date March 1, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


APA Tan, E. (2022). A Comparative Investigation on the Wear Performance of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI) Treated with Single and Double Tempering. International Journal of Innovative Engineering Applications, 6(1), 75-80.
AMA Tan E. A Comparative Investigation on the Wear Performance of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI) Treated with Single and Double Tempering. IJIEA. June 2022;6(1):75-80. doi:10.46460/ijiea.1081220
Chicago Tan, Engin. “A Comparative Investigation on the Wear Performance of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI) Treated With Single and Double Tempering”. International Journal of Innovative Engineering Applications 6, no. 1 (June 2022): 75-80.
EndNote Tan E (June 1, 2022) A Comparative Investigation on the Wear Performance of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI) Treated with Single and Double Tempering. International Journal of Innovative Engineering Applications 6 1 75–80.
IEEE E. Tan, “A Comparative Investigation on the Wear Performance of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI) Treated with Single and Double Tempering”, IJIEA, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 75–80, 2022, doi: 10.46460/ijiea.1081220.
ISNAD Tan, Engin. “A Comparative Investigation on the Wear Performance of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI) Treated With Single and Double Tempering”. International Journal of Innovative Engineering Applications 6/1 (June 2022), 75-80.
JAMA Tan E. A Comparative Investigation on the Wear Performance of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI) Treated with Single and Double Tempering. IJIEA. 2022;6:75–80.
MLA Tan, Engin. “A Comparative Investigation on the Wear Performance of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI) Treated With Single and Double Tempering”. International Journal of Innovative Engineering Applications, vol. 6, no. 1, 2022, pp. 75-80, doi:10.46460/ijiea.1081220.
Vancouver Tan E. A Comparative Investigation on the Wear Performance of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI) Treated with Single and Double Tempering. IJIEA. 2022;6(1):75-80.