Effect of Zakat Potential Management on Achieving SDGs: Case of the Indonesian National Amil Zakat Agency
Year 2023,
Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 160 - 188, 30.03.2023
Muhammad Said
Darmawati Darmawati
Dwi Irianty Hadiningdyah
Yulian Hadromi
This study aims to analyse the influence of zakat potential on sustainable development goals (SDGs), i.e., no poverty, no hunger, and quality education. The study’s findings show that zakat potential influences SDGs even though the correlation is low when it comes to poverty (0.103), no hunger (0.193), and quality education (0.079). Additionally, it is also found that access to quality education through the allocation of BAZNAS scholarship programs for undergraduate, Master, and Doctoral programs and research assistance bring positive changes. Scholarship recipients hold periodic meetings with inspirational figures to disseminate practical experience and encourage BAZNAS Scholarship awardees to become business actors to be independent and help others. Zakat potential empowers teachers' book writing skills through writing awards to increase intellectual potential, academic potential, and thinking productivity. Zakat potential is also distributed for psychosocial visiting children and communities affected by natural disasters. In addition to educating them and raising their self-confidence, it also releases them from prolonged psychological trauma.
Supporting Institution
Center for Research and Development State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
We deeply thank to Director of the Research and Development Center for the financial aid provided to the Author during the research process conducted. We also thank the Rector of State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah for the funding and opportunity given to the Authors.
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- Abdullah, D Vicary & Chee, K (2010). Islamic Finnace why it makes sense, Understanding its Principles and Practices. Singapore: Marshal Cavendis Business.
- Adiwijaya, Z. A., & Suprianto, E. (2020). Good Governance of Zakat Institutions: A Literature Review. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 55(2), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.35741/issn.0258-2724.55.2.38
- Alaba, O. A., Hongoro, C., Thulare, A., & Lukwa, A. T. (2022). Drivers of socioeconomic inequalities of child hunger during COVID ‑ 19 in South Africa : evidence from NIDS ‑ CRAM Waves 1 – 5. BMC Public Health, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-022-14482-1
- Allen, S. A. (2022). Physicians and Hunger Strikes in Prison : Confrontation , Manipulation , Medicalization and Medical Ethics ( part 1 ). October.
- Anghel, G. A., & Neculau, B. C. (2022). Quality education as a predictor of education for sustainability 1. 132–141.
- Arsal, M., Ulfah, K., & Muchran, M. (2022). Amanah As a Value in Zakat Management Accounting. Imanensi: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, Dan Akuntansi Islam, 7(2), 13–20. https://doi.org/10.34202/imanensi.7.2.2022.13-20
- Bahri, E. S., Salamun, A., & Arif, Z. (2022). Measuring the Effectiveness of Zakat Disbursement at Amil Zakat Institution Dewan Da’wah Utilizing Zakat Core Principle Approach. Al Maal: Journal of Islamic Economics and Banking, 4(1), 119. https://doi.org/10.31000/almaal.v4i1.5937
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- Fitri, Lailatul & Falikhatun (2021) Religiosity, Literacy, Income, and Accessibility to Awareness in Professional Zakah Payment: A Quantitative Study. International Journal of Zakat Vol. 6(1) 2021 page 39-48
- Haron, Sudin & Nursofiza Wan Azmi (2009). Islamic Finance and Banking System: Philosophies, Principles & Practices. McGraw Hill, 2009
- Islam, M. K., Mitu, S. T., Munshi, R., & Khanam, R. (2022). Perceptions about the common malpractice of zakat paying in Bangladesh during Covid-19 pandemic: evidence from the supply side. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, August. https://doi.org/10.1108/JIABR-09-2021-0253
- Ismail, Gea, D., Shabri Abd. Majid, M., Marliyah, M., & Handayani, R. (2022). Productive Zakat As a Financial Instrument in Economic Empowerment in Indonesia. International Journal of Economic, Business, Accounting, Agriculture Management and Sharia Administration (IJEBAS), 2(1), 83–92. https://doi.org/10.54443/ijebas.v2i1.122
- Karim, A., Mufakhidin, A., Kusuma, H. H., Adeni, A., & Fitri, F. (2022). Mitigating Poverty: the Clustering of Potential Zakat in Indonesia. Analisa: Journal of Social Science and Religion, 7(1), 109–126. https://doi.org/10.18784/analisa.v7i1.1641
- Khan, A., & Ubale, P. V. (2022). Identification of Statistical Weights for the Components of the Hunger Index. October.
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- Yasin, Hafidz M & Khan, Atiq-us Jafar (2016). Fundamentals of Islamic Economics and Finance. Jeddah:Institute of Research and Training
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- Li, G., Jiao, Y., Li, J., & Yan, Q. (2022). Spatiotemporal Evolution and Influential Factors of Rural Poverty in Poverty-Stricken Areas of Guizhou Province : Implications for Consolidating the Achievements of Poverty Alleviation. 1–26.
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- Mansoor, S., Khan, T., Farooq, I., Shah, L. R., Sharma, V., Sonne, C., Rinklebe, J., & Ahmad, P. (2022). Drought and global hunger : biotechnological interventions in sustainability and management. Planta, October. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00425-022-04006-x
- Matthew B. Miles, A. Michael Huberman, & Johnny Saldana (1998). Qualitative Data Analysis. Sage Pub;ication
- Mohamed Salleh, W. N. A. W., Abdul Rasid, S. Z., & Basiruddin, R. (2022). Optimising Digital Technology in Managing Zakat. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(8). https://doi.org/10.6007/ijarbss/v12-i8/14355
- Muhammad, M., Mahri, A. J. W., Nurasiyah, A., & Saad, R. A. J. (2022). Factors Predicting Zakat Compliance Behaviour in Indonesia. International Journal of Zakat, 7(1), 47–62. https://doi.org/10.37706/ijaz.v7i1.349
- Muneeza, A., & Nadwi, S. (2019). The Potential of Application of Technology-Based Innovations for Zakat Administration in India. International Journal of Zakat, 4(2), 87–100. https://doi.org/10.37706/ijaz.v4i2.191
- Othman, R. Bin. (2019). Agihan Zakat Pendidikan Tinggi : Satu Pendekatan Baharu Di Wazan , UPM Zakat Distribution of Higher Education : A New Approach at WAZAN , UPM. 1–10.
- Onur, Altindag and Bilge, Erten and Keskin, Pinar, Mental Health Costs of Lockdowns: Evidence from Age-Specific Curfews in Turkey. IZA Discussion Paper No. 14281, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3828328 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3828328
- P, A. A. N. (2022). Poverty in the Midst of Plenty. November.
- Rony, J. H., Karim, N., & Begum, M. (2021). E-Zakat: an Approach for Zakat Management To Eradicate Poverty. International Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance Research, December, 29–40. https://doi.org/10.46281/ijibfr.v8i1.1521
- Shaykh Muhammad Saalih al-Munajjid. (2007). Poverty and its negative effects, and means of eliminating it in Islam. Islam Question and Answer, September, 92027. http://repositorio.unan.edu.ni/2986/1/5624.pdf%0Ahttps://islamqa.info/en/95340
- Subathra, S., & Rajendran, S. S. (2021). Psycosocial Well- Being Status of Breast Cancer Survivors - an Observational Study. November 2020.
- Ubogu, R. (2022). Quality Education : A Strategic Tool For Human Capital. June.
- Usmanova, A., Aziz, A., Rakhmonov, D., & Osamy, W. (2022). Utilities of Artificial Intelligence in Poverty Prediction : A Review sustainability Utilities of Artificial Intelligence in Poverty Prediction : A Review. November. https://doi.org/10.3390/su142114238
- Uyob, R. (2020). Current Research in Zakat Accounting Research. International Journal of Business and Management, 4(3), 40–49. https://doi.org/10.26666/rmp.ijbm.2020.3.5
- United Nations Development Programmee. www.undp.org. Online, accessed Dec 21, 2022
- Vollmer, F. (2022). RURAL POVERTY WITH The Rural Multidimensional (Issue February). https://doi.org/10.4060/cb8269en
- Wan Mohamed Salleh, W. N. A., Abdul Rasid, S. Z., & Basiruddin, R. (2022). Blockchain Knowledge Awareness and Intention to Adopt a Technology for Zakat Transactions. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(8). https://doi.org/10.6007/ijarbss/v12-i8/14510
- Wardani, A. R., & Fachrunnisa, O. (2022). Strengthening Reputation Of Zakat Management Institution Through Organizational Trust. AZKA International Journal of Zakat & Social Finance, 3(September), 86–99. https://doi.org/10.51377/azjaf.vol3no2.116
- Wahab, N.A. and Rahim Abdul Rahman, A. (2011), "A framework to analyse the efficiency and governance of zakat institutions", Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 43-62. https://doi.org/10.1108/17590811111129508
- Yankuzo, K. I. (2022). The Extent of Poverty in Nigeria and MDGs. November.
- Yasin, Hafidz M & Khan, Atiq-us Jafar (2016). Fundamentals of Islamic Economics and Finance. Jeddah:Institute of Research and Training.
- Yusuf, M. (2011). Effects of Spiritual Capital On Muslim Economy : The Case of. 1(2), 23–41.
- Zainal Alim Adiwijaya, E. S. (2015). Fiqh of Asnaf in the Distribution of Zakat: Case Study of the National Board of Zakat of Indonesia (Baznas). AL-INFAQ: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, 6(2), 5–24.
Year 2023,
Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 160 - 188, 30.03.2023
Muhammad Said
Darmawati Darmawati
Dwi Irianty Hadiningdyah
Yulian Hadromi
- Al-Jayyousi, O. (2012). Islam and sustainable development: new worldviews. Grower Publishing
- Abdullah, Daud V & Chee, Keon (2011). Islamic Finance why it makes sense, Understanding its Principles and Practices. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Business
- Article 6 of Law Laws of The Republic Indonesia Number 23 of 2011 About Zakat Management
- Abdullah Azzam Robbani, & Falikhatun. (2022). Are Zakat Institutions Trusted To Accept Charity? Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting Studies, 4(2), 366–374. https://doi.org/10.32996/jefas.2022.4.2.32,
- Abdullah, D Vicary & Chee, K (2010). Islamic Finnace why it makes sense, Understanding its Principles and Practices. Singapore: Marshal Cavendis Business.
- Adiwijaya, Z. A., & Suprianto, E. (2020). Good Governance of Zakat Institutions: A Literature Review. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 55(2), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.35741/issn.0258-2724.55.2.38
- Alaba, O. A., Hongoro, C., Thulare, A., & Lukwa, A. T. (2022). Drivers of socioeconomic inequalities of child hunger during COVID ‑ 19 in South Africa : evidence from NIDS ‑ CRAM Waves 1 – 5. BMC Public Health, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-022-14482-1
- Allen, S. A. (2022). Physicians and Hunger Strikes in Prison : Confrontation , Manipulation , Medicalization and Medical Ethics ( part 1 ). October.
- Anghel, G. A., & Neculau, B. C. (2022). Quality education as a predictor of education for sustainability 1. 132–141.
- Arsal, M., Ulfah, K., & Muchran, M. (2022). Amanah As a Value in Zakat Management Accounting. Imanensi: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, Dan Akuntansi Islam, 7(2), 13–20. https://doi.org/10.34202/imanensi.7.2.2022.13-20
- Bahri, E. S., Salamun, A., & Arif, Z. (2022). Measuring the Effectiveness of Zakat Disbursement at Amil Zakat Institution Dewan Da’wah Utilizing Zakat Core Principle Approach. Al Maal: Journal of Islamic Economics and Banking, 4(1), 119. https://doi.org/10.31000/almaal.v4i1.5937
- Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
- Central Bureau of Statistics Republic of Indonesia. ttps://www.kompas.com/tren/read/2021/02/18/110300865/angka-kemiskinan-indonesia-naik-ini-data-per-provinsi#:~:text=KOMPAS.com%20% 2019.
- Corbett, Michael. (2009, April 27). Opportunity in crisis: Anessay review of Theobald's Education Now. Education Review, 12(6).Retrieved [date] from http://edrev.asu.edu/essays/v12n6index.html. [accessed Feb 11 2023].
- Hafidudin, Didin (2004). Zakat in the modern economy. Jakarta:Gema Insani Press.
- Dieu, H. J. De, Theogene, H., & Philothere, N. (2022). Quality Education in Rwanda : A Critical Analysis of Quality Indicators Quality Education in Rwanda : A Critical Analysis of Quality Indicators. February. https://doi.org/10.9790/0837-2702065270
- EFE, A. (2021). İslam Perspektifinden Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma. Yönetim Ekonomi Edebiyat İslami ve Politik Bilimler Dergisi, July. https://doi.org/10.24013/jomelips.777888
- Fitri, Lailatul & Falikhatun (2021) Religiosity, Literacy, Income, and Accessibility to Awareness in Professional Zakah Payment: A Quantitative Study. International Journal of Zakat Vol. 6(1) 2021 page 39-48
- Haron, Sudin & Nursofiza Wan Azmi (2009). Islamic Finance and Banking System: Philosophies, Principles & Practices. McGraw Hill, 2009
- Islam, M. K., Mitu, S. T., Munshi, R., & Khanam, R. (2022). Perceptions about the common malpractice of zakat paying in Bangladesh during Covid-19 pandemic: evidence from the supply side. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, August. https://doi.org/10.1108/JIABR-09-2021-0253
- Ismail, Gea, D., Shabri Abd. Majid, M., Marliyah, M., & Handayani, R. (2022). Productive Zakat As a Financial Instrument in Economic Empowerment in Indonesia. International Journal of Economic, Business, Accounting, Agriculture Management and Sharia Administration (IJEBAS), 2(1), 83–92. https://doi.org/10.54443/ijebas.v2i1.122
- Karim, A., Mufakhidin, A., Kusuma, H. H., Adeni, A., & Fitri, F. (2022). Mitigating Poverty: the Clustering of Potential Zakat in Indonesia. Analisa: Journal of Social Science and Religion, 7(1), 109–126. https://doi.org/10.18784/analisa.v7i1.1641
- Khan, A., & Ubale, P. V. (2022). Identification of Statistical Weights for the Components of the Hunger Index. October.
- Khan, M. A. (2022). Role of Zakat in Business Growth and Empowerment Program : An Empirical Study Role of Zakat in Business Growth and Empowerment Program : An Empirical Study. October. https://doi.org/10.15640/ijat.v10n1a1
- Yasin, Hafidz M & Khan, Atiq-us Jafar (2016). Fundamentals of Islamic Economics and Finance. Jeddah:Institute of Research and Training
- Kufeoglu, S. (2022). SDG-2 Zero Hunger. July. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-07127-0
- Kompas. 2,0 Million Indonesians are Illiterate. Edukasi.Kompas.com. Online, accessed December 13, 2022
- Göktuğ Kıprızlı, “Through the Lenses of Morality and Responsibility:BRICS, Climate Change and Sustainable Development”, Uluslararasi Iliskiler, Vol. 19, No75, pp. 65-82, DOI: 10.33458/uidergisi.1164936 .[accessed Nov 17 2022].
- Li, G., Jiao, Y., Li, J., & Yan, Q. (2022). Spatiotemporal Evolution and Influential Factors of Rural Poverty in Poverty-Stricken Areas of Guizhou Province : Implications for Consolidating the Achievements of Poverty Alleviation. 1–26.
- Liu, T., Zhu, X., & Cao, M. (2022). Impacts of Reduced Inequalities on Quality Education : Examining the Relationship between Regional Sustainability and Higher Education.
- Lukala, M. S., & Mramba, P. T. (2022). East African Journal of Education Studies Contributions of Educational Stakeholders Towards Access to Quality Education in Morogoro Municipality. 5(3), 311–319. https://doi.org/10.37284/eajes.5.3.945
- Mansoor, S., Khan, T., Farooq, I., Shah, L. R., Sharma, V., Sonne, C., Rinklebe, J., & Ahmad, P. (2022). Drought and global hunger : biotechnological interventions in sustainability and management. Planta, October. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00425-022-04006-x
- Matthew B. Miles, A. Michael Huberman, & Johnny Saldana (1998). Qualitative Data Analysis. Sage Pub;ication
- Mohamed Salleh, W. N. A. W., Abdul Rasid, S. Z., & Basiruddin, R. (2022). Optimising Digital Technology in Managing Zakat. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(8). https://doi.org/10.6007/ijarbss/v12-i8/14355
- Muhammad, M., Mahri, A. J. W., Nurasiyah, A., & Saad, R. A. J. (2022). Factors Predicting Zakat Compliance Behaviour in Indonesia. International Journal of Zakat, 7(1), 47–62. https://doi.org/10.37706/ijaz.v7i1.349
- Muneeza, A., & Nadwi, S. (2019). The Potential of Application of Technology-Based Innovations for Zakat Administration in India. International Journal of Zakat, 4(2), 87–100. https://doi.org/10.37706/ijaz.v4i2.191
- Othman, R. Bin. (2019). Agihan Zakat Pendidikan Tinggi : Satu Pendekatan Baharu Di Wazan , UPM Zakat Distribution of Higher Education : A New Approach at WAZAN , UPM. 1–10.
- Onur, Altindag and Bilge, Erten and Keskin, Pinar, Mental Health Costs of Lockdowns: Evidence from Age-Specific Curfews in Turkey. IZA Discussion Paper No. 14281, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3828328 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3828328
- P, A. A. N. (2022). Poverty in the Midst of Plenty. November.
- Rony, J. H., Karim, N., & Begum, M. (2021). E-Zakat: an Approach for Zakat Management To Eradicate Poverty. International Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance Research, December, 29–40. https://doi.org/10.46281/ijibfr.v8i1.1521
- Shaykh Muhammad Saalih al-Munajjid. (2007). Poverty and its negative effects, and means of eliminating it in Islam. Islam Question and Answer, September, 92027. http://repositorio.unan.edu.ni/2986/1/5624.pdf%0Ahttps://islamqa.info/en/95340
- Subathra, S., & Rajendran, S. S. (2021). Psycosocial Well- Being Status of Breast Cancer Survivors - an Observational Study. November 2020.
- Ubogu, R. (2022). Quality Education : A Strategic Tool For Human Capital. June.
- Usmanova, A., Aziz, A., Rakhmonov, D., & Osamy, W. (2022). Utilities of Artificial Intelligence in Poverty Prediction : A Review sustainability Utilities of Artificial Intelligence in Poverty Prediction : A Review. November. https://doi.org/10.3390/su142114238
- Uyob, R. (2020). Current Research in Zakat Accounting Research. International Journal of Business and Management, 4(3), 40–49. https://doi.org/10.26666/rmp.ijbm.2020.3.5
- United Nations Development Programmee. www.undp.org. Online, accessed Dec 21, 2022
- Vollmer, F. (2022). RURAL POVERTY WITH The Rural Multidimensional (Issue February). https://doi.org/10.4060/cb8269en
- Wan Mohamed Salleh, W. N. A., Abdul Rasid, S. Z., & Basiruddin, R. (2022). Blockchain Knowledge Awareness and Intention to Adopt a Technology for Zakat Transactions. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(8). https://doi.org/10.6007/ijarbss/v12-i8/14510
- Wardani, A. R., & Fachrunnisa, O. (2022). Strengthening Reputation Of Zakat Management Institution Through Organizational Trust. AZKA International Journal of Zakat & Social Finance, 3(September), 86–99. https://doi.org/10.51377/azjaf.vol3no2.116
- Wahab, N.A. and Rahim Abdul Rahman, A. (2011), "A framework to analyse the efficiency and governance of zakat institutions", Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 43-62. https://doi.org/10.1108/17590811111129508
- Yankuzo, K. I. (2022). The Extent of Poverty in Nigeria and MDGs. November.
- Yasin, Hafidz M & Khan, Atiq-us Jafar (2016). Fundamentals of Islamic Economics and Finance. Jeddah:Institute of Research and Training.
- Yusuf, M. (2011). Effects of Spiritual Capital On Muslim Economy : The Case of. 1(2), 23–41.
- Zainal Alim Adiwijaya, E. S. (2015). Fiqh of Asnaf in the Distribution of Zakat: Case Study of the National Board of Zakat of Indonesia (Baznas). AL-INFAQ: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, 6(2), 5–24.