Aim & Scope

International Journal on Lifelong Education and Leadership (IJLEL Journal) is an international, editorial and double blind peer-reviewed, non-profit, free of charge, an open-access online journal. IJLEL is a journal that accepts manuscripts related to education, lifelong learning, adult education and leadership. The journal is published online two times in a year (January- June / July-December). IJLEL publishes research employing a variety of qualitative and/or quantitative methods and approaches in all areas of the education and related fields. IJLEL journal welcomes articles from different institutions and countries related to education field. Publication language is ENGLISH. 

International Journal on Lifelong Education and Leadership (IJLEL Journal) was established in 2015. The journal publishes high quality articles in the fields of educational policy and practice, and research that links the two. The journal is of interest to academics, researchers and those people concerned with mediating research findings to policy makers and practitioners. The journal is a valuable resource for teachers, counselors, supervisors, administrators, policy makers, curriculum planners, and educational researchers as they consider the structure of tomorrow's educational system.

IJLEL journal publishes research employing a variety of qualitative and/or quantitative methods and approaches in all areas of the education field especially lifelong education and adult education. The aim of the journal is to increase understanding of learning and teaching in pre-primary, primary, secondary, higher and adult education, and to contribute to the improvement of educational processes and outcomes. Subjects IJLEL Journal has recently covered include such as;

- The Concept of Lifelong Education-LLE - Lifelong Science/Social Science Education

- Educational Sciences for LLE - Adult Education Programs

- Lifelong Special Education - Teachers’ Education and LLE

- European Union Education Programs - Hobby Education Program

- Senior Citizens' Educations - Lifelong Learning for Mass Education Program

- Equality in Education - Inclusion in LLE

- Curriculum Development for LLE - Comparative Lifelong Experiences

- Lifelong Distance Education - Lifelong Learning Technologies

- Lifelong Language Education - Literacy Development and Lifelong Learning

- Psychology of LLE - Psychological Counselling and Support in LLE

- Internship and Vocational Education - In Service Training in LLE

- Lifelong Sports and Education - NGO Educations for Society

- Multi-Cultural Education - Internationalization in Education

- Citizenship Education - Music and Art Education for Lifelong

- Leadership in Education - Management and Educational Administration

- Human Resource Management - Organizational Behavior

- Globalization and Effects - Organizational Pschology

- Public Adminstration - Project Management for LLE

- Entrepreneurship in Education -Human Relations in Educational Institues

Period Months
June December
Last Update Time: 11/18/24, 4:44:07 PM