Year 2021,
Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 1 - 13, 31.12.2021
Beyza Himmetoğlu
Damla Ayduğ
Coşkun Bayrak
- Abraham, R. (2000). Organizational cynicism: Bases and consequences. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 126(3), 269-292.
- Akın, U. (2015). The relationship between organizational cynicism and trust in schools: A research on teachers. Education and Science, 40(181), 175-189.
- AL-Abrrow, H.A. (2018). The effect of perceived organisational politics on organisational silence through organisational cynicism: Moderator role of perceived support. Journal of Management & Organization, 1-20.
- Altahayneh, Z.L., Khasawneh, A., & Abedalhafiz, A. (2014). Relationship between organizational justice and job satisfaction as perceived by Jordanian physical education teachers. Asian Social Science, 10(4), 131.
- Altınkurt, Y., & Ekinci, C. E. (2016). Examining the relationships between occupational professionalism and organizational cynicism of teachers. Educational Process: International Journal, 5(3), 236-253.
- Altınkurt, Y., Yılmaz, K., Erol, E., & Salalı, E. T. (2014). Relationship between school principals’ use of power sources and teachers’ organizational cynicism perceptions. Journal of Teacher Education and Educators, 3(1), 25-52.
- Apaydın, Ç. (2012). Relationship between workplace bullying and organizational cynicism in Turkish public universities. African Journal of Business Management, 6(34), 9649-9657.
- Arabaci, I.B. (2010). The effects of depersonalization and organizational cynicism levels on the job satisfaction of educational inspectors. African Journal of Business Management, 4(13), 2802-2811.
- Author (2018). Removed for blind review.
- Aydın, İ., & Pehlivan, Z. (2010). Strategies and personality types used by primary school principals in Turkey to influence teachers (Ankara case). Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(2), 3652-3659.
- Babaoğlan, E., & Ertürk, E. (2013). Öğretmenlerin örgütsel adalet algısı ile örgütsel adanmışlıkları arasındaki ilişki [The relationship between teachers’ organizational justice perception and organizational commitment]. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 28(28-2), 87-101.
- Barefoot, J.C., Dodge, K.A., Peterson, B.L., Dahlstrom, W.G., & Williams, R.B. (1989). The Cook-Medley hostility scale: Item content and ability to predict survival. Psychosomatic Medicine, 51, 46-57.
- Bashir, S., Nasir, Z.M., Saeed, S., & Ahmed, M. (2011). Breach of psychological contract, perception of politics and organizational cynicism: Evidence from Pakistan. African Journal of Business Management, 5(3), 884-888.
- Baş, G., & Şentürk, C. (2011). İlköğretim okulu öğretmenlerinin örgütsel adalet, örgütsel vatandaşlık ve örgütsel güven algıları [Elementary school teachers’ perceptions of organisational justice, organizational citizenship behaviours and organisational trust]. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 17(1), 29-62.
- Bernerth, J.B., Armenakis, A.A., Feild, H.S., & Walker, H.J. (2007). Justice, cynicism, and commitment: A study of important organizational change variables. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 43(3), 303-326.
- Biswas, S., & Kapil, K. (2017). Linking perceived organizational support and organizational justice to employees’ in-role performance and organizational cynicism through organizational trust: A field investigation in India. Journal of Management Development, 36(5), 696-711.
- Blakely, G.L., Andrews, M.C., & Moorman, R.H. (2005). The moderating effects of equity sensitivity on the relationship between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behaviors. Journal of Business and Psychology, 20(2), 259-273.
- Brandes, P.M. (1997). Organizational cynicism: Its nature, antecedents, and consequences. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, University of Cicinnati, Ohio.
- Bursalı, Y.M. (2008). Örgütsel politikanın işleyişi: Örgütsel politika algısı ve politik davranış arasındaki ilişkiler [The functioning of organizastional politics: The relationships between perceptions of organizational politics and political behaviour]. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Dokuz Eylul University, Institute of Social Sciences, İzmir.
- Çalışkan, K. (2006). Political behavior in organizations: Antecedents and consequences. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Marmara University, Institute of Social Sciences, İstanbul.
- Chiaburu, D.S., Peng, A.C., Oh, I.S., Banks, G.C., & Lomeli, L.C. (2013). Antecedents and consequences of employee organizational cynicism: A meta-analysis. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83(2), 181-197.
- Cho, B., Lee, D., & Kim, K. (2014). How does relative deprivation influence employee intention to leave a merged company? The role of organizational identification. Human Resource Management, 53(3), 421-443.
- Chrobot-Mason, D.L. (2003). Keeping the promise: Psychological contract violations for minority employees. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 18(1), 22-45.
- Colquitt, J.A., Greenberg, J., & Zapata-Phelan, C.P. (2005). What is organizational justice? A historical overview. J. Greenberg and J. A. Colquitt (Eds.). In Handbook of organizational justice (3-58), New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Cropanzano, R.C., & Ambrose, M.L. (2001). Advances in organizational justice. J. Greenberg (Ed.). In Advances in organizational justice (119-151), Palo Alto: Stanford University Press.
- Cropanzano, R., Bowen, D.E., & Gilliland, S.W. (2007). The management of organizational justice. The Academy of Management Perspectives, 34-48.
- Davis, W.D., & Gardner, W.L. (2004). Perceptions of politics and organizational cynicism: An attributional and leader–member exchange perspective. The leadership quarterly, 15(4), 439-465.
- Dean J.W., Brandes, P., & Dharwadkar, R. (1998). Organizational cynicism. The Academy of Management Review, 23(2), 341-352.
- Dipaola, M., & Guy, S. (2009). The impact of organizational justice on climate and trust in high schools. Journal of School Leadership, 19(4), 382-405.
- Efeoğlu, İ.E., & İplik, E. (2011). Algılanan örgütsel adaletin örgütsel sinizm üzerindeki etkilerini belirlemeye yönelik ilaç sektöründe bir uygulama [A field research conducted to deterimne the effects of organizational justice perceptions on organizational cynicism in pharmaceutical industry]. Cukurova University Journal of Social Sciences, 20(3), 343-350.
- Eisenhardt, K.M., & Bourgeois III, L. J. (1988). Politics of strategic decision making in high velocity environments: Toward a midrange theory. The Academy of Management Journal, 31(4), 737-770.
- Ertem, M. (2011). Örgüt kültürü ve politik davranış algılamaları: farklılıklar ve ilişkileri belirlemeye yönelik bir araştırma [Organizational culture and perceptions of political behaviour: A study to determine the differences and relations]. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Erciyes University, Institute of Social Sciences, Kayseri.
- Farrel, D., & Peterson, J. C. (1982). Patterns of political behavior in organizations. The Academy of Management Review, 7(3), 403-412.
- Field, A. (2009). Discovering statistics using SPSS (and sex and drugs and rock ‘n’ roll). (Third Edition). London: SAGE.
- Folger, R., & Konovsky, M. A. (1989). Effects of procedural and distributive justice on reactions to pay raise decisions. Academy of Management Journal, 32(1), 115-130.
- Gökberk, M. (2005). Felsefe tarihi [History of philosophy] (16th Edition). İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
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- James, M.S., Miles, A.K., & Mullins, T. (2011). The interactive effects of spirituality and trait cynicism on citizenship and counterproductive work behaviors. Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, 8(2), 165-182.
- Johnson, J.L., & O'Leary-Kelly, A.M. (2003). The effects of psychological contract breach and organizational cynicism: not all social exchange violations are created equal. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 24(5), 627-647.
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Relationships among Teachers’ Justice and Cynicism Perceptions and Political Influence Behaviours of School Principals
Year 2021,
Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 1 - 13, 31.12.2021
Beyza Himmetoğlu
Damla Ayduğ
Coşkun Bayrak
Main purpose of this study is to examine the effects of teachers’ organizational justice perceptions and the political behaviours used by school principals on teachers’ organizational cynicism levels according to the opinions of primary school teachers. Sample of study, designed as a correlational study, consisted of 614 primary school teachers selected via cluster sampling method among 1948 primary school teachers. According to results, organizational cynicism levels of teachers are low. According to teachers’ opinions, the most preferred political influence behaviours of school principals is idealized effect and the least one is pressure. Results show that organizational justice perceptions of teachers are high. Lastly, results of the study indicate that organizational justice perceptions of teachers and their opinions on the idealized effect and pressure behaviours used by school principals predict about %41 of their organizational cynicism levels. While organizational justice perceptions of teachers and idealized effect behaviour used by school principals predict organizational cynicism levels of teachers negatively, pressure behaviour used by school principals predicts it positively. With the scope of these results, some suggestions were made to decrease of organizational cynicism levels of teachers and for further researches.
- Abraham, R. (2000). Organizational cynicism: Bases and consequences. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 126(3), 269-292.
- Akın, U. (2015). The relationship between organizational cynicism and trust in schools: A research on teachers. Education and Science, 40(181), 175-189.
- AL-Abrrow, H.A. (2018). The effect of perceived organisational politics on organisational silence through organisational cynicism: Moderator role of perceived support. Journal of Management & Organization, 1-20.
- Altahayneh, Z.L., Khasawneh, A., & Abedalhafiz, A. (2014). Relationship between organizational justice and job satisfaction as perceived by Jordanian physical education teachers. Asian Social Science, 10(4), 131.
- Altınkurt, Y., & Ekinci, C. E. (2016). Examining the relationships between occupational professionalism and organizational cynicism of teachers. Educational Process: International Journal, 5(3), 236-253.
- Altınkurt, Y., Yılmaz, K., Erol, E., & Salalı, E. T. (2014). Relationship between school principals’ use of power sources and teachers’ organizational cynicism perceptions. Journal of Teacher Education and Educators, 3(1), 25-52.
- Apaydın, Ç. (2012). Relationship between workplace bullying and organizational cynicism in Turkish public universities. African Journal of Business Management, 6(34), 9649-9657.
- Arabaci, I.B. (2010). The effects of depersonalization and organizational cynicism levels on the job satisfaction of educational inspectors. African Journal of Business Management, 4(13), 2802-2811.
- Author (2018). Removed for blind review.
- Aydın, İ., & Pehlivan, Z. (2010). Strategies and personality types used by primary school principals in Turkey to influence teachers (Ankara case). Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(2), 3652-3659.
- Babaoğlan, E., & Ertürk, E. (2013). Öğretmenlerin örgütsel adalet algısı ile örgütsel adanmışlıkları arasındaki ilişki [The relationship between teachers’ organizational justice perception and organizational commitment]. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 28(28-2), 87-101.
- Barefoot, J.C., Dodge, K.A., Peterson, B.L., Dahlstrom, W.G., & Williams, R.B. (1989). The Cook-Medley hostility scale: Item content and ability to predict survival. Psychosomatic Medicine, 51, 46-57.
- Bashir, S., Nasir, Z.M., Saeed, S., & Ahmed, M. (2011). Breach of psychological contract, perception of politics and organizational cynicism: Evidence from Pakistan. African Journal of Business Management, 5(3), 884-888.
- Baş, G., & Şentürk, C. (2011). İlköğretim okulu öğretmenlerinin örgütsel adalet, örgütsel vatandaşlık ve örgütsel güven algıları [Elementary school teachers’ perceptions of organisational justice, organizational citizenship behaviours and organisational trust]. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 17(1), 29-62.
- Bernerth, J.B., Armenakis, A.A., Feild, H.S., & Walker, H.J. (2007). Justice, cynicism, and commitment: A study of important organizational change variables. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 43(3), 303-326.
- Biswas, S., & Kapil, K. (2017). Linking perceived organizational support and organizational justice to employees’ in-role performance and organizational cynicism through organizational trust: A field investigation in India. Journal of Management Development, 36(5), 696-711.
- Blakely, G.L., Andrews, M.C., & Moorman, R.H. (2005). The moderating effects of equity sensitivity on the relationship between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behaviors. Journal of Business and Psychology, 20(2), 259-273.
- Brandes, P.M. (1997). Organizational cynicism: Its nature, antecedents, and consequences. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, University of Cicinnati, Ohio.
- Bursalı, Y.M. (2008). Örgütsel politikanın işleyişi: Örgütsel politika algısı ve politik davranış arasındaki ilişkiler [The functioning of organizastional politics: The relationships between perceptions of organizational politics and political behaviour]. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Dokuz Eylul University, Institute of Social Sciences, İzmir.
- Çalışkan, K. (2006). Political behavior in organizations: Antecedents and consequences. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Marmara University, Institute of Social Sciences, İstanbul.
- Chiaburu, D.S., Peng, A.C., Oh, I.S., Banks, G.C., & Lomeli, L.C. (2013). Antecedents and consequences of employee organizational cynicism: A meta-analysis. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83(2), 181-197.
- Cho, B., Lee, D., & Kim, K. (2014). How does relative deprivation influence employee intention to leave a merged company? The role of organizational identification. Human Resource Management, 53(3), 421-443.
- Chrobot-Mason, D.L. (2003). Keeping the promise: Psychological contract violations for minority employees. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 18(1), 22-45.
- Colquitt, J.A., Greenberg, J., & Zapata-Phelan, C.P. (2005). What is organizational justice? A historical overview. J. Greenberg and J. A. Colquitt (Eds.). In Handbook of organizational justice (3-58), New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Cropanzano, R.C., & Ambrose, M.L. (2001). Advances in organizational justice. J. Greenberg (Ed.). In Advances in organizational justice (119-151), Palo Alto: Stanford University Press.
- Cropanzano, R., Bowen, D.E., & Gilliland, S.W. (2007). The management of organizational justice. The Academy of Management Perspectives, 34-48.
- Davis, W.D., & Gardner, W.L. (2004). Perceptions of politics and organizational cynicism: An attributional and leader–member exchange perspective. The leadership quarterly, 15(4), 439-465.
- Dean J.W., Brandes, P., & Dharwadkar, R. (1998). Organizational cynicism. The Academy of Management Review, 23(2), 341-352.
- Dipaola, M., & Guy, S. (2009). The impact of organizational justice on climate and trust in high schools. Journal of School Leadership, 19(4), 382-405.
- Efeoğlu, İ.E., & İplik, E. (2011). Algılanan örgütsel adaletin örgütsel sinizm üzerindeki etkilerini belirlemeye yönelik ilaç sektöründe bir uygulama [A field research conducted to deterimne the effects of organizational justice perceptions on organizational cynicism in pharmaceutical industry]. Cukurova University Journal of Social Sciences, 20(3), 343-350.
- Eisenhardt, K.M., & Bourgeois III, L. J. (1988). Politics of strategic decision making in high velocity environments: Toward a midrange theory. The Academy of Management Journal, 31(4), 737-770.
- Ertem, M. (2011). Örgüt kültürü ve politik davranış algılamaları: farklılıklar ve ilişkileri belirlemeye yönelik bir araştırma [Organizational culture and perceptions of political behaviour: A study to determine the differences and relations]. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Erciyes University, Institute of Social Sciences, Kayseri.
- Farrel, D., & Peterson, J. C. (1982). Patterns of political behavior in organizations. The Academy of Management Review, 7(3), 403-412.
- Field, A. (2009). Discovering statistics using SPSS (and sex and drugs and rock ‘n’ roll). (Third Edition). London: SAGE.
- Folger, R., & Konovsky, M. A. (1989). Effects of procedural and distributive justice on reactions to pay raise decisions. Academy of Management Journal, 32(1), 115-130.
- Gökberk, M. (2005). Felsefe tarihi [History of philosophy] (16th Edition). İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
- Greenberg, J. (1990). Organizational justice: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Journal of Management, 16(2), 399-432.
- Güleş, H. (2016). Öğretmen görüşlerine göre okul yöneticilerinin ilişki davranışları ve kullandıkları politik taktiklerin incelenmesi [Investigating school administrators’ relationship behaviors and political tactics they use based on teacher views]. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis. Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Eskisehir.
- Huang, I.C., Chuang, C.H.J., & Lin, H.C. (2003). The role of burnout in the relationship between perceptions off organizational politics and turnover intentions. Public Personnel Management, 32(4), 519-531.
- İçerli, L. (2010). Örgütsel adalet: Kuramsal bir yaklaşım [Organizational justice: A theoretical approach]. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Development, 5 (1), 67-92.
- İnce, F. (2018). The effect of democratic leadership on organizational cynicism: A study on public employees. Journal of Business research-TURK, 10(2), 245-253.
- İslamoğlu, G., & Börü, D. (2007). Politik davranış boyutları: bir ölçek geliştirme çalışması [Scale development for the dimensions of political behavior]. Akdeniz IIBF Journal, 14, 135-153.
- İşcan, Ö. M. (2005). Siyasal arena metaforu olarak örgütler ve örgütsel siyasetin örgütsel adalet algısına etkisi [Organizations as politicall arena metaphors and the effect of organizational politics on the perception of organizational justice]. Ankara University SBF Journal, 60(1), 149-171.
- Homans, G.C. (1958). Social behavior as exchange. American Journal of Sociology, 63(6), 597-606.
- James, M.S.L. (2005). Antecedents and consequences of cynicism in organizations: An examination of the potential positive and negative effects on school systems. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis. The Florida State University, Florida.
- James, M.S., Miles, A.K., & Mullins, T. (2011). The interactive effects of spirituality and trait cynicism on citizenship and counterproductive work behaviors. Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, 8(2), 165-182.
- Johnson, J.L., & O'Leary-Kelly, A.M. (2003). The effects of psychological contract breach and organizational cynicism: not all social exchange violations are created equal. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 24(5), 627-647.
- Kalağan, G. (2009). Araştırma görevlilerinin örgütsel destek algıları ile örgütsel sinizm tutumları arasındaki ilişki [The relationship between researh assistants’ perceived organizational support and organizational cynicism]. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Akdeniz University, Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
- Karadag, E., Kilicoglu, G., & Yilmaz, D. (2014). Organizational cynicism, school culture, and academic achievement: the study of structural equation modeling. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 14(1), 102-113.
- Karadal, H. (2008). Organizasyonlarda politik davranışlar ve taktikler [Political behaviors and tactics in organizations]. M. Özdevecioğlu and H. Karadal. (Eds). In Örgütsel davranışta seçme konular [Selected subjects in organizational behavior] (1-21), Ankara: İlke Yayıncılık.
- Kipnis, D., & Schmidt, S. M. (1988). Upward influence styles: relationship with performance evaluations, salary, and stress. Administrative Science Quarterly, 33(4), 528-542.
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