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Perception management strategies in leadership: The case of Donald Trump

Year 2023, , 115 - 123, 31.08.2023


Today, the widespread use of mass media enables leaders and followers to interact more. Therefore, the use of mass media has become strategic for leaders to reach more followers. Some interdisciplinary strategies that leaders refer to in the implementation of these strategies are the subject of this research. The strategy used to distinguish leaders from their competitors, on the other hand, has turned to some marketing strategies based on the understanding of sui generis. Approaching today's political communication strategies with a different perspective, Donald Trump was influenced by certain marketing techniques while creating his own leader brand and put them into practice in an organizational and well-constructed manner. The leading brand of Donald Trump, which is revealed by this application and marketing strategy, will be examined in this study.It is among the findings of this study that Donald Trump used the unique selling points (USP) in order to bring the leader to mind the easiest among these marketing strategies.


  • Busby, R. & Cronshaw, S. (2015). “Political branding: the tea party and its use of participation branding”, Journal of Political Marketing, Sayı: 14, s. 96-110.
  • Cosgrove, M. K. (2022). Donald Trump and the Branding of the American Presidency The President of Segments, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Elsbach, K. D. (2003). Organizational perception management, Research in Organizational Behavior, Sayı: 25
  • Immelman, A. & Griebie, A. (2020). The Personality Profile And Leadership Style Of U.S. President Donald J. Trump in Office, College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University.
  • Mitchell, A. & Gottfried, J. & Stocking, G. & Matsa, K. E. & Grieco, E. (2017). Covering President Trump in a Polarized Media Environment. Pew Research Center: Journalism and Media.
  • Needham, C. (2006). “Special issue papers brands and political loyalty”, Journal of Brand Management, Satı:13 No. 3, s. 180-187.
  • Pich, C. & Dean, D. (2015). “Political branding: sense of identity or identity crisis? An investigation of the transfer potential of the brand identity prism and the UK conservative party”, Journal of Marketing Management, 3, s. 1353-1378.
  • Reeves, R. (1970). Reality in Advertising, Ted Bates & Company, Inc.
  • Thomson, M. (2006). Human brands: Investigating antecedents to consumers’ strong attachments to celebrities. Journal of Marketing, 70(3), s. 104–119.
  • Tolson, A. (2001). ‘‘Being yourself’’: The pursuit of authentic celebrity. Discourse Studies, 3(4), s. 443–457.
  • White, J, & L de Chernatony. (2002). New Labour: A study of the creation, development and demise of a political brand. Journal of Political Marketing, 1 (2/3), s. 45–52.

Liderlikte algı yönetimi stratejileri: Donald Trump örneği

Year 2023, , 115 - 123, 31.08.2023


Günümüzde kitle iletişim araçlarının yaygınlaşması liderlerin ve izleyenlerin daha fazla etkileşim içerisinde olmasını sağlamaktadır. Dolayısıyla kitle iletişim araçlarının kullanılması liderler için daha fazla izleyene ulaşmak için stratejik bir hal aldı. Liderlerin bu stratejileri uygulamasında referans aldığı disiplinler arası bazı stratejiler bu araştırmanın konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Liderlerin rakiplerinden ayrılması amacıyla kullanılan strateji ise nevi şahsına münhasırlık anlayışından yola çıkarak bazı pazarlama stratejilerine yönelmiştir. Günümüz siyasal iletişim stratejilerine farklı bir perspektifle yaklaşan Donald Trump, kendi lider markasını oluştururken belirli pazarlama tekniklerinden etkilenmiş ve bunları organizasyonel, iyi kurgulanmış bir şekilde uygulamaya koymuştur. Bu uygulama ve pazarlama stratejisinin ortaya çıkarttığı Donald Trump’ın lider markası bu çalışmada incelenecektir. Bu pazarlama stratejilerinden liderin akıllara en kolay gelmesi amacıyla benzersiz satış noktası (unique selling points / USP) Donald Trump tarafından kullanıldığı bu çalışmanın bulguları arasındadır.


  • Busby, R. & Cronshaw, S. (2015). “Political branding: the tea party and its use of participation branding”, Journal of Political Marketing, Sayı: 14, s. 96-110.
  • Cosgrove, M. K. (2022). Donald Trump and the Branding of the American Presidency The President of Segments, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Elsbach, K. D. (2003). Organizational perception management, Research in Organizational Behavior, Sayı: 25
  • Immelman, A. & Griebie, A. (2020). The Personality Profile And Leadership Style Of U.S. President Donald J. Trump in Office, College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University.
  • Mitchell, A. & Gottfried, J. & Stocking, G. & Matsa, K. E. & Grieco, E. (2017). Covering President Trump in a Polarized Media Environment. Pew Research Center: Journalism and Media.
  • Needham, C. (2006). “Special issue papers brands and political loyalty”, Journal of Brand Management, Satı:13 No. 3, s. 180-187.
  • Pich, C. & Dean, D. (2015). “Political branding: sense of identity or identity crisis? An investigation of the transfer potential of the brand identity prism and the UK conservative party”, Journal of Marketing Management, 3, s. 1353-1378.
  • Reeves, R. (1970). Reality in Advertising, Ted Bates & Company, Inc.
  • Thomson, M. (2006). Human brands: Investigating antecedents to consumers’ strong attachments to celebrities. Journal of Marketing, 70(3), s. 104–119.
  • Tolson, A. (2001). ‘‘Being yourself’’: The pursuit of authentic celebrity. Discourse Studies, 3(4), s. 443–457.
  • White, J, & L de Chernatony. (2002). New Labour: A study of the creation, development and demise of a political brand. Journal of Political Marketing, 1 (2/3), s. 45–52.
There are 11 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Leadership
Journal Section Articles

İsmet Anıl Yılmaz 0009-0005-3218-673X

Publication Date August 31, 2023
Submission Date July 10, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Yılmaz, İ. A. (2023). Liderlikte algı yönetimi stratejileri: Donald Trump örneği. Uluslararası Liderlik Çalışmaları Dergisi: Kuram Ve Uygulama, 6(2), 115-123.