[1] Cruz, J. M., Girson-Sierra, J., Aranda, J. ve Esteban, S., ‘’Improving the Comfort of a Fast Ferry’’, IEEE Control Systems, 2004.
[2] Lloyd, A. R., ‘’Seakeeping: Ship Behaviour in Rough Water’’, United Kongdom, Ellis Horwood Ltd, 1989.
[3] Ma, Y., Zhu, Q. ve Yang, Z., ‘’Fuzzy control of fast catamaran ride control systems’’, Proceedings of the 37th Chinese Control Conference, Wuhan, China, 2018.
[4] Davis M.R., ve Watson N.L., Holloway DS., ‘’Wave response of an 86m high speed catamaran with active Tfoils and stern tabs’’, International Journal of Maritime Engineering, 2003.
[5] Fossen, T. I., ‘’Guidance and Control of Ocean Marine Vehicles’’, UK, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1994.
[6] Esteban, S., Cruz, J. M., Girson-Sierra, J. M., Andreas, B., Aranda, J. ve Diaz, J. M., ‘’Fast Ferry Vertical Accelerations Reduction with Active Flaps and T-foil’’, Aalborg, Denmark, IFAC Manoeuvering and Control of Marine Craft, 227-232, 2000.
[7] Mirjalili S., ‘’SCA: a sine cosine algorithm for solving optimization problems’’, Knowledge-Based Systems, 96, 120-133, 2016.
[8] Chandrasekaran, K., ‘’ Improved Sine Cosine Algorithm for Solving Dynamic Economic Dispatch Problem‘’ International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8 Issue-3, February 2019.
Sine-Cosine Algorithm Based PID Controller for a Catamaran
Year 2019,
Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 146 - 150, 23.12.2019
In this study, control of an active T-foil placed near to the bow and two active flaps located on the transom of a catamaran is performed to improve the maritime performance of the catamaran and to increase the comfort and safety of both passengers and crew. In the scope of the study, heave and pitch motions of the catamaran under the effect of subjected to head waves are considered. Sine-cosine algorithm based PID controller is employed for the control of active flap and T-foil actuators. The purpose of the optimally tuned PID controller is to reduce the vertical acceleration by controlling the position of the catamaran, especially controlling the angles of the flaps and the T-foil. Mathematical models of the catamaran and actuators are presented and MATLAB / Simulink platform is utilized simulate the control process. Simulation results show that optimally tuned PID controller provides satisfactory results in active flap and T-foil control which effectively reduce vertical acceleration.
[1] Cruz, J. M., Girson-Sierra, J., Aranda, J. ve Esteban, S., ‘’Improving the Comfort of a Fast Ferry’’, IEEE Control Systems, 2004.
[2] Lloyd, A. R., ‘’Seakeeping: Ship Behaviour in Rough Water’’, United Kongdom, Ellis Horwood Ltd, 1989.
[3] Ma, Y., Zhu, Q. ve Yang, Z., ‘’Fuzzy control of fast catamaran ride control systems’’, Proceedings of the 37th Chinese Control Conference, Wuhan, China, 2018.
[4] Davis M.R., ve Watson N.L., Holloway DS., ‘’Wave response of an 86m high speed catamaran with active Tfoils and stern tabs’’, International Journal of Maritime Engineering, 2003.
[5] Fossen, T. I., ‘’Guidance and Control of Ocean Marine Vehicles’’, UK, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1994.
[6] Esteban, S., Cruz, J. M., Girson-Sierra, J. M., Andreas, B., Aranda, J. ve Diaz, J. M., ‘’Fast Ferry Vertical Accelerations Reduction with Active Flaps and T-foil’’, Aalborg, Denmark, IFAC Manoeuvering and Control of Marine Craft, 227-232, 2000.
[7] Mirjalili S., ‘’SCA: a sine cosine algorithm for solving optimization problems’’, Knowledge-Based Systems, 96, 120-133, 2016.
[8] Chandrasekaran, K., ‘’ Improved Sine Cosine Algorithm for Solving Dynamic Economic Dispatch Problem‘’ International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8 Issue-3, February 2019.