Conference Paper
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Year 2017, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 1 - 11, 01.06.2017



  • Akcos, Y., 1994. Sideritis lycia Boiss. & Heldr. üzerinde farmakognozik araştırmalar. Bilim Uzmanlığı Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Alcaraz, M.J., Jimenez, M..J., Valverde, S., Sanz, J., Rabanal, R.M., Villar, A., 1989. Anti- inflammatory compounds from Sideritis javalambrensis n-hexana extract. Journal of Natural Products, 52(5), 1088-1091.
  • Aydın, H., 1993. Cytotaxonomical, anatomical and morphological researches on some Sideritis L. Species. Masters Thesis, Dokuz Eylül Universty Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, İzmir, Turkey.
  • Baltisberger, M., 1991. Cytological investigations ofsome plants from Turkey. Willdenowia, 21, 225-232.
  • Barber, J.C., Francisco-Ortega, J., Santos-Guerra, A., Turner, K.G., Jansen, R.K., 2002. Origin of Macaronesian Sideritis L. (Lamioideae: Lamiaceae) inferred from nuclear and chloroplast sequence datasets. Molecular Phylogenetic Evolution, 23, 293-306.
  • Baser, K.H.C., 1995. Essential oils from aromatic plants which are used as herbal tea in Turkey. Flavours, Fragrances and Essenial Oils. Proceedings of the 13th International Congress of Flavours, Fragrances and Essential Oils, 15-19 October, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Baytop, T., 1999. Therapy With Medicinal Plants in Turkey. Publication of the Istanbul University, İstanbul, Turkey.
  • Contandriopoulos, J., 1978. Contribution a I’Etude Cytotaxinomique des Sideritis section Empedoclia (Labiatae). Plant Systematics and Evolution, 129, 277-289.
  • Davis, P.H., Mill, R.R., Tan, K., (Ed.) 1982. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Vol 7., Edinburgh Univ. Press, Edinburgh, pp. 186-187.
  • Diaz, R.M., Garcia-Granados, A., Moreno, E., Parra, A., Quevedo-Sarmiento, J., Saenz de Buruaga, A., Saenz de Burunaga, J.M., 1988. Studies the relationship of structure to antimicrobial properties of diterpenoid compounds from Sideritis. Planta Medica, 54(4), 301- 304.
  • Duman, H., Kırımer, N., Unal, F., Güvenc, A., Sahin, P., 2005. Türkiye Sideritis L. türlerinin revizyonu. Tübitak Projesi Sonuç Raporu, Ankara.
  • Elci, S., 1982. Sitogenetikte Gözlemler ve Araştırma Yöntemleri. Fırat Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Yayınları, Elazığ.
  • Ezer, N., 1991. Halk ilacı ve cay olarak kullanılan Sideritis libanotica Labill. subsp. linearis (Bentham) Bornm. üzerinde morfolojik ve anatomik araştırmalar. Doğa TU Tıp ve Eczacılık Dergisi, 1, 1-9.
  • Ezer, N., Sezik, E., 1988. Turkiye’de halk ilacı ve çay olarak kullanılan bitkiler uzerinde morfolojik ve anatomik araştırmalar VI. Sideritis arguta Boiss. et Heldr. Doğa TU Tıp ve Eczacılık Dergisi, 12, 136-142.
  • Gergis, V., Spiliotis, V., Poulos, C., 1990. Antimicrobial activity of essential oils from greek Sideritis species. Pharmazie, 45(1), 70-71.
  • Godo, A., de Heras, B.L., Vivas, J.M., Villar, A., 2000. Anti-Inflammatory properties of a lipid fraction obtained from Sideritis javalambrensis. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 23(10), 1193-1197.
  • Guner, A., Ozhatay, N., Ekim, T., Baser, K.H.C., 2000. Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands. Supplement II. Vol 11, Edinburgh Univ. Press, Edinburgh.
  • Guvenc, A., Duman, H., 2010. Morphological and anatomical studies of annual taxa of Sideritis L. (Lamiaceae), with notes on chorology in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany, 34, 83-104.
  • Heywood, V.H., 1996. Flowering Plants of The World, BT Batsford Ltd 239, London.
  • Hickey, M., King, C., 1997. Common Families of Flowering Plants. Cambridge Univ. Press, England, pp. 119-127.
  • Hyde, H.A., Adams, K.F., 1958. An Atlas Of Airborne Pollen Grains, Macmillans. Co Ltd, London.
  • Huynh, K.L., 1972. Le pollen et la systematique du genre Sideritis L. (Labiatae). Bull Mus Hist Nat 3 serie, 45. Botanique, 1, 1-28.
  • Kesercioglu, T., Nakipoglu, M., 1996. Şifalı çay olarak kullanılan Sideritis L. (Dağ çayı) türleri üzerinde biyosistematik araştırmalar. XII. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi Bildiri ve Poster Özetleri, İstanbul.
  • Kıtıkı, A., Nakipoglu, M., Tan, A., Kesercioglu, T., Otan, H., Sarı, A.O., Oguz, B., Aydın, H., 1998a. Güney-Batı Anadolu bölgesinde yayılış gösteren bazı Sideritis L. türlerinin toplanması ve üzerinde biyosistematik araştırmalar. Anadolu Journal of Aegean Agricultural Research Institute, 8(1), 26-54.
  • Kıtıkı, A., Nakipoglu, M., Tan, A., Kesercioglu, T., Otan, H., Sarı, A.O., Oguz, B., Aydın, H., 1998b. Collection and biosystematic characterization of some Sideritis L. ssp. situated in the South-Western Anatolia region. Anadolu Journal of Aegean Agricultural Research Institute, 8(1).
  • Koca, F., Kaya, A., Baser, K.H.C., 1994. Sideritis germanicopolitana üzerinde morfolojik ve anatomik araştırmalar. Turkish Journal of Botany, 18, 153-159.
  • Levan, A., Fredga, K., Sandberg, A.A., 1964. Nomenclature for Centromeric Position on Chromosomes. Hereditas, 52, 201-220.
  • Metcalfe, C.R., Chalk, L., 1965. Anatomy of the Dicotyledones, Vol 2. Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp. 1041-1053.
  • Martin, E., Duman, H., Unal, F., 2008. Karyological studies of five taxa of Sideritis L. (Lamiaceae) section Hesiodia Benth. from Turkey. Caryologia, 61(2), 115-122.
  • Martin E, Duman, H., Unal, F., 2009. Karyological Studies on Section Empedoclia of Sideritis (Lamiaceae) from Turkey. Caryologia, 62(3), 180-197.
  • Navarro, A., de las Hegas, B., Villar, A.M., 2001. Anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating properties of a sterol fraction from Sideritis foetedens Clem. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 24(5), 470-473.
  • Oz, S., 1995. Balıkesir Edremit Kazdağ yöresinde yetişen Sideritis türlerinde kromozom çalışmaları (S. perfoliata L., S. athoa Papanikolau & Kokkini, S. dichotoma Huter, S. trojana Bornm.). Masters Thesis, Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Balıkesir, Turkey.
  • Perez de Paz, P.L., Negrin Sosa, L., 1992. Revision Taxonomica de Siderütis 1. Subgenera Hlcrrrirbinstririi (hloench) Hlend.-Heuer (Endemismo Macaronesico). Plianerogamarurn Hlonographiae 1420, Berlin, E. Schweizebart V., Stuttgart.
  • Rios, J.L., Manez, S., Paya, M., Alcaraz, M..J., 1992. Antioxidant activity of flavonoids from Sideritis javalambrensis. Phytochemistry, 31(6), 1947-1950.
  • Romero Zarco, C., 1986. A new method for estimating karyotype asymmetry. Taxon, 35(3), 526-530.
  • Stebbins, G.L., 1971. Chromosomal evolution in higher plants. London, Edward Arnold.
  • Strid, A., 1965. Studies in the Aegean Flora: 6, Notes on some genera of Labiatae. Botaniska Notiser, 118, 104-121.
  • Sezik, E., Ezer, N., 1983. Türkiye’de halk ilacı ve çay olarak kullanılan bitkiler üzerinde morfolojik ve anatomik araştırmalar 1. Sideritis congesta Davis & Huber-Morath. Doğa Bilim Dergisi, 7, 163-168.
  • Sahin, F.P., Duman, H., Calis, I., Ezer, N., 2005. Botanical properties of herbal tea: Sideritis stricta Boiss. & Heldr. apud Bentham. Fabad Journal of Pharmacutical Sciences, 30, 190-195.
  • Uysal, I., Ozturk, M., Pirdal, M., 1991. Sideritis trojana Bornm. endemik türünün morfolojisi, anatomisi ve ekolojisi. Doğa Türk Botanik Dergisi, 15, 371-379.
  • Villena, C., Vivas, J.M., Villar, A.M., 2000. Suppression of croton oil-induced rabbit corneal edema by Sideritis javalambrensis. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 71(1-2), 301-305.
  • Yıldız, K., Gücel, S., Dadandı, M.Y., 2009. A palynological investigation of endemic taxa from Northern Cyprus. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 41(3), 991-1007.
  • Wodehouse, R.P., 1935. Pollen Grains. New York, McGrew Hill.

Morphological, anatomical, palynological and karyological characters of endemic Sideritis vulcanica Hub.-Mor. (Lamiaceae) from Turkey

Year 2017, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 1 - 11, 01.06.2017


Sideritis vulcanica Hub.-Mor. included in the Empedoclia section of the Lamiaceae family is an endemic species to Turkey and that is vulnerable. Sideritis vulcanica is an endemic, vulnerable and medicinal plant, therefore we focused on this species. In accordance with the new observations, additional information was added to the previous description of this species, and the description was edited. In the anatomical studies, the anatomies of the root, stem and leaf of this species have been enlightened. The shape of the pollen of S. vulcanica has been found as oblate-spheroidal. It has been determined that the polen aperture is trizonocolpate and ornamentation is reticulate. In karyological studies, chromosome counts and karyotype analyses of the species have been done and idyograms have been generated. The somatic chromosome number of S. vulcanica has been found as 2n=32 (x=16). The karyotype formula of this species consists of fourteen median chromosome and two submedian chromosome


  • Akcos, Y., 1994. Sideritis lycia Boiss. & Heldr. üzerinde farmakognozik araştırmalar. Bilim Uzmanlığı Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Alcaraz, M.J., Jimenez, M..J., Valverde, S., Sanz, J., Rabanal, R.M., Villar, A., 1989. Anti- inflammatory compounds from Sideritis javalambrensis n-hexana extract. Journal of Natural Products, 52(5), 1088-1091.
  • Aydın, H., 1993. Cytotaxonomical, anatomical and morphological researches on some Sideritis L. Species. Masters Thesis, Dokuz Eylül Universty Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, İzmir, Turkey.
  • Baltisberger, M., 1991. Cytological investigations ofsome plants from Turkey. Willdenowia, 21, 225-232.
  • Barber, J.C., Francisco-Ortega, J., Santos-Guerra, A., Turner, K.G., Jansen, R.K., 2002. Origin of Macaronesian Sideritis L. (Lamioideae: Lamiaceae) inferred from nuclear and chloroplast sequence datasets. Molecular Phylogenetic Evolution, 23, 293-306.
  • Baser, K.H.C., 1995. Essential oils from aromatic plants which are used as herbal tea in Turkey. Flavours, Fragrances and Essenial Oils. Proceedings of the 13th International Congress of Flavours, Fragrances and Essential Oils, 15-19 October, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Baytop, T., 1999. Therapy With Medicinal Plants in Turkey. Publication of the Istanbul University, İstanbul, Turkey.
  • Contandriopoulos, J., 1978. Contribution a I’Etude Cytotaxinomique des Sideritis section Empedoclia (Labiatae). Plant Systematics and Evolution, 129, 277-289.
  • Davis, P.H., Mill, R.R., Tan, K., (Ed.) 1982. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Vol 7., Edinburgh Univ. Press, Edinburgh, pp. 186-187.
  • Diaz, R.M., Garcia-Granados, A., Moreno, E., Parra, A., Quevedo-Sarmiento, J., Saenz de Buruaga, A., Saenz de Burunaga, J.M., 1988. Studies the relationship of structure to antimicrobial properties of diterpenoid compounds from Sideritis. Planta Medica, 54(4), 301- 304.
  • Duman, H., Kırımer, N., Unal, F., Güvenc, A., Sahin, P., 2005. Türkiye Sideritis L. türlerinin revizyonu. Tübitak Projesi Sonuç Raporu, Ankara.
  • Elci, S., 1982. Sitogenetikte Gözlemler ve Araştırma Yöntemleri. Fırat Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Yayınları, Elazığ.
  • Ezer, N., 1991. Halk ilacı ve cay olarak kullanılan Sideritis libanotica Labill. subsp. linearis (Bentham) Bornm. üzerinde morfolojik ve anatomik araştırmalar. Doğa TU Tıp ve Eczacılık Dergisi, 1, 1-9.
  • Ezer, N., Sezik, E., 1988. Turkiye’de halk ilacı ve çay olarak kullanılan bitkiler uzerinde morfolojik ve anatomik araştırmalar VI. Sideritis arguta Boiss. et Heldr. Doğa TU Tıp ve Eczacılık Dergisi, 12, 136-142.
  • Gergis, V., Spiliotis, V., Poulos, C., 1990. Antimicrobial activity of essential oils from greek Sideritis species. Pharmazie, 45(1), 70-71.
  • Godo, A., de Heras, B.L., Vivas, J.M., Villar, A., 2000. Anti-Inflammatory properties of a lipid fraction obtained from Sideritis javalambrensis. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 23(10), 1193-1197.
  • Guner, A., Ozhatay, N., Ekim, T., Baser, K.H.C., 2000. Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands. Supplement II. Vol 11, Edinburgh Univ. Press, Edinburgh.
  • Guvenc, A., Duman, H., 2010. Morphological and anatomical studies of annual taxa of Sideritis L. (Lamiaceae), with notes on chorology in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany, 34, 83-104.
  • Heywood, V.H., 1996. Flowering Plants of The World, BT Batsford Ltd 239, London.
  • Hickey, M., King, C., 1997. Common Families of Flowering Plants. Cambridge Univ. Press, England, pp. 119-127.
  • Hyde, H.A., Adams, K.F., 1958. An Atlas Of Airborne Pollen Grains, Macmillans. Co Ltd, London.
  • Huynh, K.L., 1972. Le pollen et la systematique du genre Sideritis L. (Labiatae). Bull Mus Hist Nat 3 serie, 45. Botanique, 1, 1-28.
  • Kesercioglu, T., Nakipoglu, M., 1996. Şifalı çay olarak kullanılan Sideritis L. (Dağ çayı) türleri üzerinde biyosistematik araştırmalar. XII. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi Bildiri ve Poster Özetleri, İstanbul.
  • Kıtıkı, A., Nakipoglu, M., Tan, A., Kesercioglu, T., Otan, H., Sarı, A.O., Oguz, B., Aydın, H., 1998a. Güney-Batı Anadolu bölgesinde yayılış gösteren bazı Sideritis L. türlerinin toplanması ve üzerinde biyosistematik araştırmalar. Anadolu Journal of Aegean Agricultural Research Institute, 8(1), 26-54.
  • Kıtıkı, A., Nakipoglu, M., Tan, A., Kesercioglu, T., Otan, H., Sarı, A.O., Oguz, B., Aydın, H., 1998b. Collection and biosystematic characterization of some Sideritis L. ssp. situated in the South-Western Anatolia region. Anadolu Journal of Aegean Agricultural Research Institute, 8(1).
  • Koca, F., Kaya, A., Baser, K.H.C., 1994. Sideritis germanicopolitana üzerinde morfolojik ve anatomik araştırmalar. Turkish Journal of Botany, 18, 153-159.
  • Levan, A., Fredga, K., Sandberg, A.A., 1964. Nomenclature for Centromeric Position on Chromosomes. Hereditas, 52, 201-220.
  • Metcalfe, C.R., Chalk, L., 1965. Anatomy of the Dicotyledones, Vol 2. Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp. 1041-1053.
  • Martin, E., Duman, H., Unal, F., 2008. Karyological studies of five taxa of Sideritis L. (Lamiaceae) section Hesiodia Benth. from Turkey. Caryologia, 61(2), 115-122.
  • Martin E, Duman, H., Unal, F., 2009. Karyological Studies on Section Empedoclia of Sideritis (Lamiaceae) from Turkey. Caryologia, 62(3), 180-197.
  • Navarro, A., de las Hegas, B., Villar, A.M., 2001. Anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating properties of a sterol fraction from Sideritis foetedens Clem. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 24(5), 470-473.
  • Oz, S., 1995. Balıkesir Edremit Kazdağ yöresinde yetişen Sideritis türlerinde kromozom çalışmaları (S. perfoliata L., S. athoa Papanikolau & Kokkini, S. dichotoma Huter, S. trojana Bornm.). Masters Thesis, Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Balıkesir, Turkey.
  • Perez de Paz, P.L., Negrin Sosa, L., 1992. Revision Taxonomica de Siderütis 1. Subgenera Hlcrrrirbinstririi (hloench) Hlend.-Heuer (Endemismo Macaronesico). Plianerogamarurn Hlonographiae 1420, Berlin, E. Schweizebart V., Stuttgart.
  • Rios, J.L., Manez, S., Paya, M., Alcaraz, M..J., 1992. Antioxidant activity of flavonoids from Sideritis javalambrensis. Phytochemistry, 31(6), 1947-1950.
  • Romero Zarco, C., 1986. A new method for estimating karyotype asymmetry. Taxon, 35(3), 526-530.
  • Stebbins, G.L., 1971. Chromosomal evolution in higher plants. London, Edward Arnold.
  • Strid, A., 1965. Studies in the Aegean Flora: 6, Notes on some genera of Labiatae. Botaniska Notiser, 118, 104-121.
  • Sezik, E., Ezer, N., 1983. Türkiye’de halk ilacı ve çay olarak kullanılan bitkiler üzerinde morfolojik ve anatomik araştırmalar 1. Sideritis congesta Davis & Huber-Morath. Doğa Bilim Dergisi, 7, 163-168.
  • Sahin, F.P., Duman, H., Calis, I., Ezer, N., 2005. Botanical properties of herbal tea: Sideritis stricta Boiss. & Heldr. apud Bentham. Fabad Journal of Pharmacutical Sciences, 30, 190-195.
  • Uysal, I., Ozturk, M., Pirdal, M., 1991. Sideritis trojana Bornm. endemik türünün morfolojisi, anatomisi ve ekolojisi. Doğa Türk Botanik Dergisi, 15, 371-379.
  • Villena, C., Vivas, J.M., Villar, A.M., 2000. Suppression of croton oil-induced rabbit corneal edema by Sideritis javalambrensis. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 71(1-2), 301-305.
  • Yıldız, K., Gücel, S., Dadandı, M.Y., 2009. A palynological investigation of endemic taxa from Northern Cyprus. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 41(3), 991-1007.
  • Wodehouse, R.P., 1935. Pollen Grains. New York, McGrew Hill.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Other ID JA84RJ59CZ
Journal Section Article

Figen Erdem This is me

Gülden Doğan

Yaşar Kıran This is me

Harun Evren This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2017
Submission Date June 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Erdem, F., Doğan, G., Kıran, Y., Evren, H. (2017). Morphological, anatomical, palynological and karyological characters of endemic Sideritis vulcanica Hub.-Mor. (Lamiaceae) from Turkey. International Journal of Nature and Life Sciences, 1(1), 1-11.