Peer Review Process
Every manuscript submitted to the Turkish International Journal of Special Education and Guidance & Counselling (TIJSEG) is first evaluated by the editor in chief and sent to the field editors within two weeks at the latest. The manuscripts; not original, not contributing to the field, outside of the scope, with similarity above 15%, that consist of major scientific mistakes and poorly written are rejected. The author(s) of such manuscripts receive an email within two weeks after the submission with the details of the rejection. All manuscripts passed from pre-assessment of the editor in chief and the fields editors are forwarded to two referees who are specialized in the field. All manuscripts submitted to TIJSEG are double-blind reviewed.
Double Blind Review
TIJSEG uses the double-blind review method in the review process of all manuscripts. The identity of the reviewers and the authors are not disclosed to either party. In this method the identities of the authors and reviewers are confidential.
These referees state their decision whether they take the submitted manuscript into evaluation or not to the publication board within two weeks at the latest. If the referees do not state an opinion to the publication board, new referees are assigned for the reviewing the manuscript.
The assigned referees evaluate the study by using TIJSEG manuscript reviewer form.
Views of the referees serve as a guide to the editor in chief and the field editors to make a final decision. The final decision always belongs to the editors and the field editors.
Referees can state the following four views for the submitted manuscript:
√ Acceptance for publication
√ Acceptance for publication after minor revision [it is decided after revisions are checked by the editorial board]
√ Reviewing again after a major revision [After a revision is made by the author(s) of the study, to be evaluated for the second tour]
√ It is not published [Rejection]
Based on the views of referees third or fourth referees can be assigned. In such case, the same process of evaluation will be performed.
Editors and field editors give final decision for the manuscript by taking into consideration of views and suggestions of referees. Finally, the final decision is sent to the author(s).
Creative Commons Licenses
All articles published in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUAY DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION (IJOSDA) are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.