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Factor Analysis With Validity And Reliability And For Highschool And University Students Of Zung Depression

Year 2011, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 1 - 16, 01.09.2011



  • Albayrak, Kaymak, D., (1998) Guidance and Psychological Counselling Needs of Boğaziçi Students. Yöret Mail, Istanbul, pp: 12.
  • Aydemir, O., (1999) Psychiatry Consultation Manual. Matsan Press, Istanbul, p.147.
  • Aydın, B., (1989) Investigation of Depression Levels and Study Habits and Attitudes in Some of University Students. Marmara University Faculty of Education, Educational Sciences Journal, 1, 8–15.
  • Batlaş, A., (1991) Measuring Depression.. Ciba-Geigy Pharmaceutical and Chemical Industry Publication, Istanbul.
  • Beck, A. T.,(1961) An Inventory for Measuring Depression. Archives of General Psychology, 4.
  • Breton, Sue.,(1996) Depression, Your Question Answered. Element Books Limited, p. 71.
  • Ceyhun, B, Akça, F., (1996) A Study on Reliability and Validity of Zung Depression Scale. VIII. Scientific Studies in the National Congress of Psychology, Turkish Psychological Association Publication, Ankara, p. 20–26.
  • Derogatis, L. R.,(1997) SCL-90, Administration, Scoring and Procedures. Manuel-I. USA: John Hopkins University, School of Medicine.
  • Duran, A., (2002) Psychiatric Symptoms: Surgery Psychiatry (Ilkay, Ertaç; Editor) I. Ü. Publication number: 4326. p. 100. Istanbul.
  • Elbi, M. Mete,L., Nifirne, Z., Sorias, S. ve Saygılı, R., (1989) SCID Reliability Studies. XXV. National Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences Congress (Science Studies), Turkey Mental Health and Treatment Foundation Publications: I, Saypa Edition, Ankara, p. 540–542.
  • Emik, Caner and Kayaalp, M. Levent and Eker, Engin., (1989) Depression-Anxiety Findings in Medical Specialty Students and relationships with their marriages. XXV. National Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences Congress (Science Studies), Turkey Mental Health and Treatment Foundation Publications: I, Saypa Edition, Ankara, p. 629–631.
  • Gokcakan, Z. & Gokcakan, N., (1998) Depression in Teacher Candidates, VII. National Educational Sciences Congress, Volume 1, p. 271, Konya.
  • Gökler, B. (1978) Evaluation in terms of Psychological Symptoms of Children in Primary School Age of Neurotic Female patients. (Unpublished master's Thesis), Hacettepe University, Capa Medical Faculty, Department of Psychiatry, Ankara.
  • Gumuş, A. ve Gomleksiz, M.,(1999) Religion, Nationalism and Authoritarianism, Education-sen Publications, Research Series: 3, Ankara, September, p. 98.
  • Hell, D., (1998) Treatment of Patients with Depression. Documenta Ciba-Geigy An International Forum for The Doctor, p.4.
  • Hisli N., (1988) Validity and Reliability of the Beck Depression Inventory for university students. Journal of Psychology, 6 (22).
  • Hisli N., (1989) Reliability and Validity of the Beck Depression Inventory for university students. Journal of Psychology, 7 (23), 3–13.
  • Isık, E, Gurer, M.A, Aydogan, A. Cosar, B., (1989) Level of Depression in a group of Behcet Patient, Anxiety Levels and Comparative Investigation of MMPI Profiles. XXV. National Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences Congress (Science Studies) Turkey Mental Health and Treatment Foundation Publications: 1, Saypa Edition, Ankara. p. 540–542.
  • Kaplan, Harold., I. and Sadock, Benjamin J., (1998) Primary Step Psychiatry Handbook. (Translation:Banu Büyükkale), Turgut Publishing & Trading Co., Ltd., Golden Print, Istanbul, p. 55.
  • Kilic, M., (1987) Problems of students having and non-having to Different Psychological Symptoms (Unpublished PhD Thesis), Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Kirkpinar, Rel. (1983) A study on Depression and other Adolescence Problems in High School Students in the city center of Erzurum (Unpublished PhD Thesis) University. Faculty of Medicine, Erzurum.
  • Kocabas, Z. and Celebi, A., (1997). Anxiety in Migraine and Tension Headache, Depression and Neurotic Education Levels. Thinking Man, Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences,Istanbul, 10, 3, p.17–20.
  • Köroğlu, E.,(2004) Psychonorology: Descriptive Clinical Psychiatry. S. 253–283. American Psychiatric Association. Ankara, Turkey.
  • Lostar, Sadiye, Yurtseven, Hilal, Aykut, Levent, Şen, Bahar and et al., (1989) Zung Index in a Group of Students in Medicine and Biology, XXV Detection of Depressive Items. XXV. National Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences Congress (Science Studies) Turkey Mental Health and Treatment Foundation Publications: 1, Saypa Edition, Ankara, p.135–144.
  • Oskay, G., (1997) Turkey Adaptation of the Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale, Validity and Reliability Study, PDR Journal, Volume II, Issue 8, Ankara, p. 17–26.
  • Oner, N., (1997) Psychological tests used in Turkey, a Reference resource, (3rd Edition), Bogazici University Publication No: 584, Bogazici University Press, İstanbul, p.298,301 - 302, 463.
  • Ozbay, H. and Ozturk, E., (1994) Youth, Communication Publications, Sefik Press, İstanbul, 1992, p. 12–13.
  • Özgüven, İ. Ethem. Psychological Tests. New Dogus Press, Ankara, 1994, p.95.
  • Ozkan, A., Cengiz, K., (1987) Arik, A.C. Effect of ranitidine to depression in Patients with Peptic Ulcers. XXIII. National Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences Congress, AKM, Istanbul,p.204–206.
  • Ozturkoğlu, M., Evlice, E.Y., Ozpoyraz, N., Unal, M. and Fettahlıoğlu, M., (1994) Antidepressant Efficacy and Side Effects of Electroconvulsive Therapy, Turkish Journal of Psychiatry, 5: (2).
  • Saydam, M. and et al., (1989) Evaluation in terms of Psychiatric and Psychosomatic of Mourning Process. XXV. National Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences Congress Scientific Studies. Turkey Mental Health and Treatment Foundation Publications: 1, Saypa Edition, Ankara,p.508–511.
  • Savasır, I., and Sahin, Hisli, N., (1997) Assessment in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Scales Used Frequently. Turkish Psychological Association Publications No. 9, Ozyurt printing, Ankara, Turkey. p.25.
  • Sualp, A., (1994) Diuretics, Calcium Channel Blockers, ACE inhibitors and Comparison with the Zung Depression Scale of patients with hypertension regulated with diet (Medical Specialty Unpublished Thesis), Ministry of Health, the Pediatric Hospital, Istanbul.
  • Sener, S.., (1994) Depression in Children and Adolescents, Depression Monographs Series-7, Doctors’ Publishing Association, Medikomat Printing Publishing Industry. ve Tic. Ltd.. LTD. Ankara, p.322.
  • Terakke,G ve Algıer, I., (1992) Depression in adolescents Hospitalized and with Chronic Illness. I. Psychosomatic Symposium Scientific Publishing, Antalya, p. 200–213.
  • Turkcan, S. et al., (1992) Personal and Familial Expectations Affecting Psychiatric symptomatology in High School Senior Class Students in OSS Pre-and Post-Term. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Days Congress Book. Kusadasi, p.149–163.
  • Turkum, S., (1996) Effect of psychological counseling with group based on Cognitive-behavioralApproach on Cognitive Distortion Communication Skills, (Unpublished PhD Thesis), Ankara University, Social Sciences institute, Ankara.
  • Ugurel, Semin, R., (1980) Psychology of Youth. Istanbul University Faculty of Literature Publication No. 267, Faculty Press, Istanbul.
  • User, N., (1995) Analysis of Factors Affecting Academic Positions of students in the navigation school with Multivariate Statistical Techniquess, Marmara University, Institute of Science, Istanbul, p. 41.
  • Zung, W.W.K., (1965) A Self-Rating Depression Scale. Archive of General Psychiatry. 12, p. 63–70.
  • Zung,W.W.K.,(1974) Measurement of Affects: Depression and Anxiety. In Pierre Pichot (Ed.) Psychological measurement in Psychopharmacology: Modern Problems in Pharmaco-Psychiatry (Vol.7) Based, Switzerland: Kargerspp, s.170–180.


Year 2011, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 1 - 16, 01.09.2011


Depresyon önemli bir psikolojik bozukluktur. Bu nedenle erken teşhis önem taşımaktadır (Oskay,1997; Köroğlu,2004). Depresyonun ölçülmesinde değişik depresyon ölçekleri kullanılmaktadır. Zung Depresyon Ölçeği, birçok araştırmada kullanılmasına karşın Ceyhun ve Akça, (1996)’nın psikiyatrik hastalarla yaptığı çalışma dışında geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışmasına rastlanmamıştır. Depresyonu belirlemede geçerli ve güvenilir araçlara gereksinim vardır. Bu nedenle “Zung Depresyon Ölçeği”nin geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışmasına gerek duyulmuştur. Araştırma, 242 lise öğrencisi ile 767 “normal” ve 212 “hasta” üniversite öğrencisinden oluşan 1221 kişi üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ölçeğin, “yapı” ve “benzer ölçek” geçerliği için Beck Depresyon Envanteri ile SCL–90 R ölçeğinin “Depresyon” alt ölçeğinden yararlanılmıştır. Güvenirliğinin saptanmasında, Cronbach Alfa Katsayısı, Gutman Split-half ve Spearman Brown iki yarı güvenirliği hesaplanmıştır. Ayrıca ölçeğin faktör yapısını belirlemek için önce örneklem yeterliği ve uygunluğu Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Sampling Adequecy ve Berlett’s Test of Sphericity analizleri yapılmıştır. Lise ve üniversite öğrencileri depresyon puan ortalamaları açısından, lise öğrencileri ile üniversite normal öğrenci grubu arasında Zung Depresyon Ölçeği puanları açısından p > 0.05 önem düzeyinde anlamlı bir fark çıkmazken, lise ve üniversite hasta öğrenci grubu arasında p < 0.05 önem düzeyinde lise öğrencileri lehine anlamlı bir fark bulunmuştur. Normal ve hasta üniversite öğrencileri arasında normallerin lehine fark bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, Zung Depresyon Ölçeğinin lise ve üniversite öğrencilerinde, normal ve hasta öğrencilerin depresyon düzeylerinin ölçülmesinde geçerli ve güvenilir olduğu yani psikometrik özellikler yönünden uygun olduğu söylenebilir. Bu bağlamda, ölçeğin araştırmalarda normal ve hasta öğrencilerin depresyon düzeylerinin ölçülmesinde geçerli ve güvenilir bir araç olarak kullanılabileceği önerilebilir


  • Albayrak, Kaymak, D., (1998) Guidance and Psychological Counselling Needs of Boğaziçi Students. Yöret Mail, Istanbul, pp: 12.
  • Aydemir, O., (1999) Psychiatry Consultation Manual. Matsan Press, Istanbul, p.147.
  • Aydın, B., (1989) Investigation of Depression Levels and Study Habits and Attitudes in Some of University Students. Marmara University Faculty of Education, Educational Sciences Journal, 1, 8–15.
  • Batlaş, A., (1991) Measuring Depression.. Ciba-Geigy Pharmaceutical and Chemical Industry Publication, Istanbul.
  • Beck, A. T.,(1961) An Inventory for Measuring Depression. Archives of General Psychology, 4.
  • Breton, Sue.,(1996) Depression, Your Question Answered. Element Books Limited, p. 71.
  • Ceyhun, B, Akça, F., (1996) A Study on Reliability and Validity of Zung Depression Scale. VIII. Scientific Studies in the National Congress of Psychology, Turkish Psychological Association Publication, Ankara, p. 20–26.
  • Derogatis, L. R.,(1997) SCL-90, Administration, Scoring and Procedures. Manuel-I. USA: John Hopkins University, School of Medicine.
  • Duran, A., (2002) Psychiatric Symptoms: Surgery Psychiatry (Ilkay, Ertaç; Editor) I. Ü. Publication number: 4326. p. 100. Istanbul.
  • Elbi, M. Mete,L., Nifirne, Z., Sorias, S. ve Saygılı, R., (1989) SCID Reliability Studies. XXV. National Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences Congress (Science Studies), Turkey Mental Health and Treatment Foundation Publications: I, Saypa Edition, Ankara, p. 540–542.
  • Emik, Caner and Kayaalp, M. Levent and Eker, Engin., (1989) Depression-Anxiety Findings in Medical Specialty Students and relationships with their marriages. XXV. National Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences Congress (Science Studies), Turkey Mental Health and Treatment Foundation Publications: I, Saypa Edition, Ankara, p. 629–631.
  • Gokcakan, Z. & Gokcakan, N., (1998) Depression in Teacher Candidates, VII. National Educational Sciences Congress, Volume 1, p. 271, Konya.
  • Gökler, B. (1978) Evaluation in terms of Psychological Symptoms of Children in Primary School Age of Neurotic Female patients. (Unpublished master's Thesis), Hacettepe University, Capa Medical Faculty, Department of Psychiatry, Ankara.
  • Gumuş, A. ve Gomleksiz, M.,(1999) Religion, Nationalism and Authoritarianism, Education-sen Publications, Research Series: 3, Ankara, September, p. 98.
  • Hell, D., (1998) Treatment of Patients with Depression. Documenta Ciba-Geigy An International Forum for The Doctor, p.4.
  • Hisli N., (1988) Validity and Reliability of the Beck Depression Inventory for university students. Journal of Psychology, 6 (22).
  • Hisli N., (1989) Reliability and Validity of the Beck Depression Inventory for university students. Journal of Psychology, 7 (23), 3–13.
  • Isık, E, Gurer, M.A, Aydogan, A. Cosar, B., (1989) Level of Depression in a group of Behcet Patient, Anxiety Levels and Comparative Investigation of MMPI Profiles. XXV. National Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences Congress (Science Studies) Turkey Mental Health and Treatment Foundation Publications: 1, Saypa Edition, Ankara. p. 540–542.
  • Kaplan, Harold., I. and Sadock, Benjamin J., (1998) Primary Step Psychiatry Handbook. (Translation:Banu Büyükkale), Turgut Publishing & Trading Co., Ltd., Golden Print, Istanbul, p. 55.
  • Kilic, M., (1987) Problems of students having and non-having to Different Psychological Symptoms (Unpublished PhD Thesis), Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Kirkpinar, Rel. (1983) A study on Depression and other Adolescence Problems in High School Students in the city center of Erzurum (Unpublished PhD Thesis) University. Faculty of Medicine, Erzurum.
  • Kocabas, Z. and Celebi, A., (1997). Anxiety in Migraine and Tension Headache, Depression and Neurotic Education Levels. Thinking Man, Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences,Istanbul, 10, 3, p.17–20.
  • Köroğlu, E.,(2004) Psychonorology: Descriptive Clinical Psychiatry. S. 253–283. American Psychiatric Association. Ankara, Turkey.
  • Lostar, Sadiye, Yurtseven, Hilal, Aykut, Levent, Şen, Bahar and et al., (1989) Zung Index in a Group of Students in Medicine and Biology, XXV Detection of Depressive Items. XXV. National Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences Congress (Science Studies) Turkey Mental Health and Treatment Foundation Publications: 1, Saypa Edition, Ankara, p.135–144.
  • Oskay, G., (1997) Turkey Adaptation of the Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale, Validity and Reliability Study, PDR Journal, Volume II, Issue 8, Ankara, p. 17–26.
  • Oner, N., (1997) Psychological tests used in Turkey, a Reference resource, (3rd Edition), Bogazici University Publication No: 584, Bogazici University Press, İstanbul, p.298,301 - 302, 463.
  • Ozbay, H. and Ozturk, E., (1994) Youth, Communication Publications, Sefik Press, İstanbul, 1992, p. 12–13.
  • Özgüven, İ. Ethem. Psychological Tests. New Dogus Press, Ankara, 1994, p.95.
  • Ozkan, A., Cengiz, K., (1987) Arik, A.C. Effect of ranitidine to depression in Patients with Peptic Ulcers. XXIII. National Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences Congress, AKM, Istanbul,p.204–206.
  • Ozturkoğlu, M., Evlice, E.Y., Ozpoyraz, N., Unal, M. and Fettahlıoğlu, M., (1994) Antidepressant Efficacy and Side Effects of Electroconvulsive Therapy, Turkish Journal of Psychiatry, 5: (2).
  • Saydam, M. and et al., (1989) Evaluation in terms of Psychiatric and Psychosomatic of Mourning Process. XXV. National Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences Congress Scientific Studies. Turkey Mental Health and Treatment Foundation Publications: 1, Saypa Edition, Ankara,p.508–511.
  • Savasır, I., and Sahin, Hisli, N., (1997) Assessment in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Scales Used Frequently. Turkish Psychological Association Publications No. 9, Ozyurt printing, Ankara, Turkey. p.25.
  • Sualp, A., (1994) Diuretics, Calcium Channel Blockers, ACE inhibitors and Comparison with the Zung Depression Scale of patients with hypertension regulated with diet (Medical Specialty Unpublished Thesis), Ministry of Health, the Pediatric Hospital, Istanbul.
  • Sener, S.., (1994) Depression in Children and Adolescents, Depression Monographs Series-7, Doctors’ Publishing Association, Medikomat Printing Publishing Industry. ve Tic. Ltd.. LTD. Ankara, p.322.
  • Terakke,G ve Algıer, I., (1992) Depression in adolescents Hospitalized and with Chronic Illness. I. Psychosomatic Symposium Scientific Publishing, Antalya, p. 200–213.
  • Turkcan, S. et al., (1992) Personal and Familial Expectations Affecting Psychiatric symptomatology in High School Senior Class Students in OSS Pre-and Post-Term. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Days Congress Book. Kusadasi, p.149–163.
  • Turkum, S., (1996) Effect of psychological counseling with group based on Cognitive-behavioralApproach on Cognitive Distortion Communication Skills, (Unpublished PhD Thesis), Ankara University, Social Sciences institute, Ankara.
  • Ugurel, Semin, R., (1980) Psychology of Youth. Istanbul University Faculty of Literature Publication No. 267, Faculty Press, Istanbul.
  • User, N., (1995) Analysis of Factors Affecting Academic Positions of students in the navigation school with Multivariate Statistical Techniquess, Marmara University, Institute of Science, Istanbul, p. 41.
  • Zung, W.W.K., (1965) A Self-Rating Depression Scale. Archive of General Psychiatry. 12, p. 63–70.
  • Zung,W.W.K.,(1974) Measurement of Affects: Depression and Anxiety. In Pierre Pichot (Ed.) Psychological measurement in Psychopharmacology: Modern Problems in Pharmaco-Psychiatry (Vol.7) Based, Switzerland: Kargerspp, s.170–180.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Başaran Gençdoğan This is me

Nihal Ören This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 2 Issue: 3


APA Gençdoğan, B., & Ören, N. (2011). ZUNG DEPRESYON ÖLÇEĞİNİN LİSE VE ÜNİVERSİTE ÖĞRENCİLERİ İÇİN GEÇERLİK VE GÜVENİRLİĞİ. The International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 2(3), 1-16.
AMA Gençdoğan B, Ören N. ZUNG DEPRESYON ÖLÇEĞİNİN LİSE VE ÜNİVERSİTE ÖĞRENCİLERİ İÇİN GEÇERLİK VE GÜVENİRLİĞİ. The International Journal of Research in Teacher Education. September 2011;2(3):1-16.
Chicago Gençdoğan, Başaran, and Nihal Ören. “ZUNG DEPRESYON ÖLÇEĞİNİN LİSE VE ÜNİVERSİTE ÖĞRENCİLERİ İÇİN GEÇERLİK VE GÜVENİRLİĞİ”. The International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2, no. 3 (September 2011): 1-16.
EndNote Gençdoğan B, Ören N (September 1, 2011) ZUNG DEPRESYON ÖLÇEĞİNİN LİSE VE ÜNİVERSİTE ÖĞRENCİLERİ İÇİN GEÇERLİK VE GÜVENİRLİĞİ. The International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2 3 1–16.
IEEE B. Gençdoğan and N. Ören, “ZUNG DEPRESYON ÖLÇEĞİNİN LİSE VE ÜNİVERSİTE ÖĞRENCİLERİ İÇİN GEÇERLİK VE GÜVENİRLİĞİ”, The International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 1–16, 2011.
ISNAD Gençdoğan, Başaran - Ören, Nihal. “ZUNG DEPRESYON ÖLÇEĞİNİN LİSE VE ÜNİVERSİTE ÖĞRENCİLERİ İÇİN GEÇERLİK VE GÜVENİRLİĞİ”. The International Journal of Research in Teacher Education 2/3 (September 2011), 1-16.
JAMA Gençdoğan B, Ören N. ZUNG DEPRESYON ÖLÇEĞİNİN LİSE VE ÜNİVERSİTE ÖĞRENCİLERİ İÇİN GEÇERLİK VE GÜVENİRLİĞİ. The International Journal of Research in Teacher Education. 2011;2:1–16.
MLA Gençdoğan, Başaran and Nihal Ören. “ZUNG DEPRESYON ÖLÇEĞİNİN LİSE VE ÜNİVERSİTE ÖĞRENCİLERİ İÇİN GEÇERLİK VE GÜVENİRLİĞİ”. The International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, vol. 2, no. 3, 2011, pp. 1-16.
Vancouver Gençdoğan B, Ören N. ZUNG DEPRESYON ÖLÇEĞİNİN LİSE VE ÜNİVERSİTE ÖĞRENCİLERİ İÇİN GEÇERLİK VE GÜVENİRLİĞİ. The International Journal of Research in Teacher Education. 2011;2(3):1-16.