Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 78 - 94, 01.12.2017


In this study, the effect of interorganizational
rumors and status on internal identity asymmetry is debated theoretically which
has resulted in some propositions.

According to this, the propositions for the followings
have been developed: communities within the organization can spread unrealistic
positive rumors about any member to protect or favor him/her and the person, to
whom the positive qualities are attributed, will experience internal identity
asymmetry; individuals, who attach importance to the views and impressions of
others, will try to direct the impression of others through rumors and
displaying attitudes and behaviors outside of his/her own identity and this
will cause internal identity asymmetry; the inconsistency between the
individual's status and the actual performance values ​​will reveal the
internal identity asymmetry; he/she will evaluate himself more positively than
he/she is when the individual cannot correctly identify the knowledge and abilities
he/she possesses; he/she will have internal identity asymmetry when he/she
evaluates himself/herself better than he/she is and sees himself/herself having
high status even though he/she has low status. 


  • Anderson, C. , Ames, D. R. ve Gosling, S. D. (2008) . “Punishing hubris: The perils of overestimating one's status in a group”, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34 /1, 90-101.
  • Anderson, C. ve Berdhal, J. L. (2002) . “The experience of power: Examining the effects of power on approach and inhibition tendencies” , Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83, 1362-1377.
  • Aquino, K. ve Bommer, W.H. (2003). “Preferential mistreatment: how victim status moderates the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and workplace victimization” , Organization Science, 14 /4, 374-385.
  • Arslan, S. (2006). “Farklı soyutlama düzeylerinde benlik temsilleri -I- Bireysel benlik ve Kolektif Benlik ya da 'Ben'lik ve 'Biz'lik” , Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, 9/18, 81-99.
  • Asencio, E. K. (2013). “ Self- esteem, reflected appraisals and self views: Examining criminal and worker identities” , Social Psychology Quarterly, 76/4, 291-313.
  • Burke, P. J. (1991). “ Identity processes and social stress” , American Sociological Review, 56/6, 836-849.
  • Cole, J. M. ve Scrivener, H. (2013). “Short term effects of gossip behavior on self esteem” , Current Psychology, 32/3, 252-260.
  • Daniel, J. W. (2012). “ Gossip in New Testament” , Biblical Theology Bulletin, 42/4, 204-213.
  • Dippong, J. ve Kalkhoff, W. (2015). “ Predicting performance expectations from affective impressions: Linking affect control theory and status characteristics theory” , Social Science Research, 50, 1-14.
  • Ellwardt, L., Steglich, C. ve Wittek, R. (2012a). “ The co-evalution of gossip and friendship in workplace socail networks” , Social Networks, 34 /4, 623-633.
  • Ellwardt, L., Labianca, G. ve Wittek R. (2012b). “ Who are the objects of positive and negative gossip at work?” , A Social network perspective on workplace gossip, Social Networks, 34, 193-205.
  • Friedkin, N. E. (2011). “A formal theory of reflected appraisals in the evolution of power” , Administrative Science Quarterly, 56/4, 501-529.
  • Gray, B. ve Kish- Gephart, J. J. (2013). “Encountering social class differences at work: How "classwork" perpetuates inequality” , Academy of Management Review, 38 /4, 670-699.
  • Grosser, T. J. , Lopez-Kidwell, V. ve Labianca, G. (2010). “ A social network analysis of positive and negative gossip in organizational life” , Group Organization Management, 35/2, 177-212.
  • Hamid, P. N. (1989). “ Self-monitoring and locus of control as determinants of social interaction a preliminary investigation” , Social Behavior and Personality, 17/2, 125-133.
  • Heider, F. (1958). The psychology of interpersonal relation, John Wiley& Sons.
  • Hess, N. H. ve Hagen, E. H. (2006). “ Psychological adaptations for assessing gossip veracity” , Human Nature, 17 /3, 337-354.
  • Hogg, M. A., Terry, D. J. ve White, K. M. (1995) . “A tale of two theories: Acritical comparison of identity theory with social identity theory” , Social Psychology Quarterly, 58 /4, 225-269.
  • Hogg, M. A. ve Terry, D. J. (2000). “ Social identity and self-categorization processes in organizational contexts” , Academy of Management Review, 25/1, 121-140.
  • Jaret, C., Reitzes, D. ve Shapkina N. (2015). “Reflected appraisals and self-esteem, Sociological Perspectives” , 48/3 , 403-419.
  • Kennedy, J. A., Anderson, C. ve Moore, D. A. (2013). “When over-confidence is revealed to others: Testing the status enhancement theory of ver-confidence”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 122, 266-279.
  • Kurland, N. B. ve Pelled, L. H. (2000). “ Passing the word: Toward a model of gossip and powerr in the work place” , Academy of Mangagement Review, 25/2, 428-438.
  • Labianca, G. ve Brass, D. J. (2006). “Exploring the social ledger: Negative relationships and negative asymmetry in social networks in organization” , Academy of Managenent Review, 31/3, 596-614.
  • Litman, J. A. ve Pezzo, M. V. (2005). “Individual differences in attitudes towards gossip, Personality and Individual Differences” , 38, 963-980.
  • Lynn, F. B., Podolny, J. M. ve Tao, L. (2009). “ A sociological (de)construction of the relationship between status and quality” , American Journal of Sociology, 115/3,755-804.
  • Magee, J. C. ve Galinsky, A. D. (2008). “Social hierarchy : The self reinforcing nature of power and status” , The Academy of Management Annals, 2 /1, 351-398.
  • Marcussen, K. (2006). “Identitites , self esteem and psychological distress: An application of identity- discrepancy theory” , Sociological Perspective, 49/1, 1-24.
  • Martinescu, E., Janssen O. ve Nijstad B. A. (2014). “Tell me the gossip: The self- evaluative function of receiving gossip about others”, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40 /2, 1668-1680.
  • Martiny, S. E. ve Kessler T. (2014). “Managing one's social identity: Successful and unsuccessful identity management” , European Journal of Social Psychology, 44, 748-757.
  • McAndrew, F. T., Bell, E. K. ve Garcia, C. M. (2007). “Who do we tell and whom do we tell on? Gossip as a strategy for status enhancement” , Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 37/7, 1562-1577.
  • Meister, A., Jehn, K. A. ve Thatcher, S. M. B. (2012). “ Internal identity asymmetry and the perception of conflict”, 25th Annual International Association of Conflict Management Conference, South Africa 11-14 July 2012.
  • Meister, A., Jehn, K. A. ve Thatcher, S. M. B. (2014). “ Feeling misidentified: The consequences of internal identity asymmetries for individual at work” , Academy of Management Review, 39/4, 488-512.
  • Michelson, G. ve Mouly, S. (2000). “Rumour and gossip in organizations: A conceptual study” , Management Decision, 38 /5-6, 339-346.
  • Michelson, G., Iterson A. V. ve Waddington K. (2010). “Gossip in organizations: Contexts, consequences and controversies” , Group and Organization Management, 35/4, 371-390.
  • Paine, R. (1967). “What is gossip about? An alternative hypothesis”, Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland Language, 2/2, 278-285.
  • Patterson, M. M., Bigler, R. S. ve Swann, W. B. (2010). “When personal identitites confirm versus conflict with group identitites: Evidence from intergroup paradigm” , European Journal of Social Psychology, 40/4, 652-670.
  • Petriglieri, J. L. (2011). “Under threat: Responses to and the consequences of threats to individual's identities” , Academy of Management Review, 36 /4, 641-662.
  • Piazza, A. ve Castellucci, F. (2014). “Status in organization and management theory”, Journal of Management, 40 /1, 287-315.
  • Standen, P., Paull, M. ve Omari, M. (2014). “ Workplace bullying: Propositions from Heider's balance theory” , Journal of Management and Organization, 20/6, 733-748.
  • Stets, J. E. ve Burke, P. J. (2014a). “ Emotions and identity non- verification” , Social Psychology Quarterly, 77 /4, 387-410.
  • Stets, J. E. ve Burke, P. J. 2014b. “ Self esteem and identities” , Sociological Perspectives, 57/4, 409-433.
  • Stets, J. E. ve Harrod, M. M. (2004). “Verification across multiple identities : The role of status” , Social Psychology Quarterly, 67 /2 , 155-171.
  • Tajfel, H., ed. (1982). Social Identity and Intergroup Relations. İçinde Turner J.C. Towards a coginitive redefinition of the socil group, Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
  • Torelli, C.J., Leslie, L.M.,Stoner, J.L. ve Puente, R. 2014. “Cultural determinants of status: Implications for workplace evaluations and behaviors”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 123, 34-48.
  • Turner, M. M., Mazur, M. A.,Wendel, N. ve Winslow R. (2010). “Relational ruin or social glue? The joint effect of relationship type and gossip valence on liking, trust and expertise” , Communication Monographs, 70/2, 129-141.
  • Watson, D. C. (2011). “Gossip and the self” , Journal of Applied Psychology, 41/7, 1818-1833.
  • Van Der Vegt, G. S., Bunderson, J. S. ve Oosterhof, A. (2006). “Expertness diversity and interpersonal helping in teams: Why those who need the most help end up getting the least”, Academy of Management Journal, 49 /5, 877-893.
  • Van Niekerk, J. (2008). “The virtue of gossip”, South African Journal of Philosophy, 27/4, 400-412.


Year 2017, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 78 - 94, 01.12.2017


Bu çalışmada,
örgüt içi söylenti ve statünün içsel kimlik asimetrisi üzerindeki etkisi
kuramsal olarak tartışılmış olup bunun sonucunda bazı önermelere ulaşılmıştır.
Buna göre; örgüt içerisindeki toplulukların herhangi bir üyeyi korumak ya
da kayırmak için üyeye ilişkin gerçek dışı olumlu söylentiler yayabileceği ve
kendisine olumlu özellikler atfedilen kişinin içsel kimlik asimetrisi
yaşayacağına; diğerlerinin görüşlerine ve izlenimlerine önem veren bireylerin,
aracılığı ile diğerlerinin izlenimini yönetmeye çalışmasının ve kendi kimliği
dışında tutum ve davranışlar sergilemesinin içsel kimlik asimetrisine neden
olacağına; bireyin statüsü ile gerçek performans değerleri arasındaki
uyumsuzluğun içsel kimlik asimetrisini ortaya çıkaracağına; bireyin, sahip
olduğu bilgi ve yetenekleri doğru bir şekilde tanımlayamadığında ya da kendine
aşırı güvendiğinde kendini olduğundan daha olumlu olarak değerlendireceğine ve
bireyin, kendini olduğundan daha iyi düzeyde değerlendirmesinin ve düşük
statülü olmasına rağmen kendisini yüksek statülü olarak görmesinin içsel kimlik
asimetrisine neden olacağına ilişkin önermeler geliştirilmiştir. 


  • Anderson, C. , Ames, D. R. ve Gosling, S. D. (2008) . “Punishing hubris: The perils of overestimating one's status in a group”, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34 /1, 90-101.
  • Anderson, C. ve Berdhal, J. L. (2002) . “The experience of power: Examining the effects of power on approach and inhibition tendencies” , Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83, 1362-1377.
  • Aquino, K. ve Bommer, W.H. (2003). “Preferential mistreatment: how victim status moderates the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and workplace victimization” , Organization Science, 14 /4, 374-385.
  • Arslan, S. (2006). “Farklı soyutlama düzeylerinde benlik temsilleri -I- Bireysel benlik ve Kolektif Benlik ya da 'Ben'lik ve 'Biz'lik” , Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, 9/18, 81-99.
  • Asencio, E. K. (2013). “ Self- esteem, reflected appraisals and self views: Examining criminal and worker identities” , Social Psychology Quarterly, 76/4, 291-313.
  • Burke, P. J. (1991). “ Identity processes and social stress” , American Sociological Review, 56/6, 836-849.
  • Cole, J. M. ve Scrivener, H. (2013). “Short term effects of gossip behavior on self esteem” , Current Psychology, 32/3, 252-260.
  • Daniel, J. W. (2012). “ Gossip in New Testament” , Biblical Theology Bulletin, 42/4, 204-213.
  • Dippong, J. ve Kalkhoff, W. (2015). “ Predicting performance expectations from affective impressions: Linking affect control theory and status characteristics theory” , Social Science Research, 50, 1-14.
  • Ellwardt, L., Steglich, C. ve Wittek, R. (2012a). “ The co-evalution of gossip and friendship in workplace socail networks” , Social Networks, 34 /4, 623-633.
  • Ellwardt, L., Labianca, G. ve Wittek R. (2012b). “ Who are the objects of positive and negative gossip at work?” , A Social network perspective on workplace gossip, Social Networks, 34, 193-205.
  • Friedkin, N. E. (2011). “A formal theory of reflected appraisals in the evolution of power” , Administrative Science Quarterly, 56/4, 501-529.
  • Gray, B. ve Kish- Gephart, J. J. (2013). “Encountering social class differences at work: How "classwork" perpetuates inequality” , Academy of Management Review, 38 /4, 670-699.
  • Grosser, T. J. , Lopez-Kidwell, V. ve Labianca, G. (2010). “ A social network analysis of positive and negative gossip in organizational life” , Group Organization Management, 35/2, 177-212.
  • Hamid, P. N. (1989). “ Self-monitoring and locus of control as determinants of social interaction a preliminary investigation” , Social Behavior and Personality, 17/2, 125-133.
  • Heider, F. (1958). The psychology of interpersonal relation, John Wiley& Sons.
  • Hess, N. H. ve Hagen, E. H. (2006). “ Psychological adaptations for assessing gossip veracity” , Human Nature, 17 /3, 337-354.
  • Hogg, M. A., Terry, D. J. ve White, K. M. (1995) . “A tale of two theories: Acritical comparison of identity theory with social identity theory” , Social Psychology Quarterly, 58 /4, 225-269.
  • Hogg, M. A. ve Terry, D. J. (2000). “ Social identity and self-categorization processes in organizational contexts” , Academy of Management Review, 25/1, 121-140.
  • Jaret, C., Reitzes, D. ve Shapkina N. (2015). “Reflected appraisals and self-esteem, Sociological Perspectives” , 48/3 , 403-419.
  • Kennedy, J. A., Anderson, C. ve Moore, D. A. (2013). “When over-confidence is revealed to others: Testing the status enhancement theory of ver-confidence”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 122, 266-279.
  • Kurland, N. B. ve Pelled, L. H. (2000). “ Passing the word: Toward a model of gossip and powerr in the work place” , Academy of Mangagement Review, 25/2, 428-438.
  • Labianca, G. ve Brass, D. J. (2006). “Exploring the social ledger: Negative relationships and negative asymmetry in social networks in organization” , Academy of Managenent Review, 31/3, 596-614.
  • Litman, J. A. ve Pezzo, M. V. (2005). “Individual differences in attitudes towards gossip, Personality and Individual Differences” , 38, 963-980.
  • Lynn, F. B., Podolny, J. M. ve Tao, L. (2009). “ A sociological (de)construction of the relationship between status and quality” , American Journal of Sociology, 115/3,755-804.
  • Magee, J. C. ve Galinsky, A. D. (2008). “Social hierarchy : The self reinforcing nature of power and status” , The Academy of Management Annals, 2 /1, 351-398.
  • Marcussen, K. (2006). “Identitites , self esteem and psychological distress: An application of identity- discrepancy theory” , Sociological Perspective, 49/1, 1-24.
  • Martinescu, E., Janssen O. ve Nijstad B. A. (2014). “Tell me the gossip: The self- evaluative function of receiving gossip about others”, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40 /2, 1668-1680.
  • Martiny, S. E. ve Kessler T. (2014). “Managing one's social identity: Successful and unsuccessful identity management” , European Journal of Social Psychology, 44, 748-757.
  • McAndrew, F. T., Bell, E. K. ve Garcia, C. M. (2007). “Who do we tell and whom do we tell on? Gossip as a strategy for status enhancement” , Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 37/7, 1562-1577.
  • Meister, A., Jehn, K. A. ve Thatcher, S. M. B. (2012). “ Internal identity asymmetry and the perception of conflict”, 25th Annual International Association of Conflict Management Conference, South Africa 11-14 July 2012.
  • Meister, A., Jehn, K. A. ve Thatcher, S. M. B. (2014). “ Feeling misidentified: The consequences of internal identity asymmetries for individual at work” , Academy of Management Review, 39/4, 488-512.
  • Michelson, G. ve Mouly, S. (2000). “Rumour and gossip in organizations: A conceptual study” , Management Decision, 38 /5-6, 339-346.
  • Michelson, G., Iterson A. V. ve Waddington K. (2010). “Gossip in organizations: Contexts, consequences and controversies” , Group and Organization Management, 35/4, 371-390.
  • Paine, R. (1967). “What is gossip about? An alternative hypothesis”, Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland Language, 2/2, 278-285.
  • Patterson, M. M., Bigler, R. S. ve Swann, W. B. (2010). “When personal identitites confirm versus conflict with group identitites: Evidence from intergroup paradigm” , European Journal of Social Psychology, 40/4, 652-670.
  • Petriglieri, J. L. (2011). “Under threat: Responses to and the consequences of threats to individual's identities” , Academy of Management Review, 36 /4, 641-662.
  • Piazza, A. ve Castellucci, F. (2014). “Status in organization and management theory”, Journal of Management, 40 /1, 287-315.
  • Standen, P., Paull, M. ve Omari, M. (2014). “ Workplace bullying: Propositions from Heider's balance theory” , Journal of Management and Organization, 20/6, 733-748.
  • Stets, J. E. ve Burke, P. J. (2014a). “ Emotions and identity non- verification” , Social Psychology Quarterly, 77 /4, 387-410.
  • Stets, J. E. ve Burke, P. J. 2014b. “ Self esteem and identities” , Sociological Perspectives, 57/4, 409-433.
  • Stets, J. E. ve Harrod, M. M. (2004). “Verification across multiple identities : The role of status” , Social Psychology Quarterly, 67 /2 , 155-171.
  • Tajfel, H., ed. (1982). Social Identity and Intergroup Relations. İçinde Turner J.C. Towards a coginitive redefinition of the socil group, Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
  • Torelli, C.J., Leslie, L.M.,Stoner, J.L. ve Puente, R. 2014. “Cultural determinants of status: Implications for workplace evaluations and behaviors”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 123, 34-48.
  • Turner, M. M., Mazur, M. A.,Wendel, N. ve Winslow R. (2010). “Relational ruin or social glue? The joint effect of relationship type and gossip valence on liking, trust and expertise” , Communication Monographs, 70/2, 129-141.
  • Watson, D. C. (2011). “Gossip and the self” , Journal of Applied Psychology, 41/7, 1818-1833.
  • Van Der Vegt, G. S., Bunderson, J. S. ve Oosterhof, A. (2006). “Expertness diversity and interpersonal helping in teams: Why those who need the most help end up getting the least”, Academy of Management Journal, 49 /5, 877-893.
  • Van Niekerk, J. (2008). “The virtue of gossip”, South African Journal of Philosophy, 27/4, 400-412.
There are 48 citations in total.


Journal Section Research Article

Esra Çınar

Publication Date December 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Çınar, E. (2017). THE EFFECT OF INTERORGANIZATIONAL RUMORS AND STATUS ON INTERNAL IDENTITY ASYMMETRY. International Journal of Social And Humanities Sciences, 1(2), 78-94.
Chicago Çınar, Esra. “THE EFFECT OF INTERORGANIZATIONAL RUMORS AND STATUS ON INTERNAL IDENTITY ASYMMETRY”. International Journal of Social And Humanities Sciences 1, no. 2 (December 2017): 78-94.
EndNote Çınar E (December 1, 2017) THE EFFECT OF INTERORGANIZATIONAL RUMORS AND STATUS ON INTERNAL IDENTITY ASYMMETRY. International Journal of Social And Humanities Sciences 1 2 78–94.
ISNAD Çınar, Esra. “THE EFFECT OF INTERORGANIZATIONAL RUMORS AND STATUS ON INTERNAL IDENTITY ASYMMETRY”. International Journal of Social And Humanities Sciences 1/2 (December 2017), 78-94.
MLA Çınar, Esra. “THE EFFECT OF INTERORGANIZATIONAL RUMORS AND STATUS ON INTERNAL IDENTITY ASYMMETRY”. International Journal of Social And Humanities Sciences, vol. 1, no. 2, 2017, pp. 78-94.