Year 2021,
Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 39 - 54, 31.12.2021
Panganayi Jere
N. Msıpa
Charles Mazhazhate
The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between government poli-cy and effective public procurement in parastatals with specific reference to The Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company. Government policy is critical in mapping the desired culture and skills in the procurement function of any state-owned enterprise. On the other hand, public procurement is a strategic function that contribute to cost-savings, value for money and overall national eco-nomic growth. This was a case study of one parastatal, whose target population was 136 employees. A sample size of 91 was randomly selected for representativeness. 72 questionnaires were retrieved giving a response rate of 79.12%. A descriptive research design was used. Data was analyzed using SPSS. The study found out that there was a direct relationship between government policy and public procurement in parastatals. The study recommends for effective policy enforcement as well as adoption of e-procurement software systems to attain cost-effective levels.
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