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Sanal Kaytarma ve İş Performansı İlişkisi: Sağlık ve Tekstil Sektörü Çalışanlarının Karşılaştırılması

Year 2016, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 33 - 62, 30.12.2016


Bu çalışmanın temel amacı; İstanbul’da tekstil ve sağlık sektörü çalışanlarının sanal
kaytarma davranışlarının iş performansları üzerindeki olası etkilerini
incelenmektedir. İki ayrı sektör çalışanlarının sanal kaytarma davranışları ve iş
performansı seviyelerinin demografik değişkenler açısından farklılık gösterip
göstermediğinin belirlenmesi ise araştırmanın ikincil amacını oluşturmaktadır.
Verilerin analizi sonucunda; sağlık çalışanlarının sanal kaytarma davranışı ile
bireysel iş performansı arasında negatif ve anlamlı ilişki olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
Tekstil çalışanlarının sanal kaytarma davranışı ile bireysel iş performansı arasında
regresyon analizi sonuçlarına göre pozitif ve anlamlı bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir.
Sanal kaytarma davranışının bireysel iş performansının %3,2’ünü açıklayabildiği
görülmüş ve etki düzeyinin oldukça düşük olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Yapılan bağımsız
örneklem t testi sonuçlarına göre; sanal kaytarma davranışı açısından sağlık ve
tekstil sektörü çalışanları arasında anlamlı farklılık bulunmuştur. Sağlık sektörü
çalışanlarının sanal kaytarma düzeylerinin, tekstil sektörü çalışanlarına göre daha
düşük olduğu belirlenmiştir. Demografik değişkenler incelendiğinde ise; eğitim
seviyesi bakımından lisansüstü mezunu sağlık çalışanlarının önemli sanal kaytarma
davranışı, lise ve lisans mezunlarına göre daha düşük bulunurken; tekstil sektörü
çalışanlarında lisansüstü mezunu olan çalışanların önemli sanal kaytarma
davranışının, lise ve lisans mezunlarına göre daha fazla sıklık gösterdiği tespit


  • Afacan Fındıklı, Mine; Tatar Ş. Burçin (2015). “Zaman yönetimi ile İş Performansı İlişkisinde Sanal Aylaklığın Aracılık Etkisi: Sağlık Sektöründe Bir Araştırma”, 3. Örgütsel Davranış Kongresi, 5-7 Kasım, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi.
  • Ahmad, Nor Lela; Yusuf, Mohd Nor, D. M. Shobri; Samsudin Wahab (2012).“The Relationship between Time Management ve Job Performance in Event Management”, International Congress on Interdisciplinary Business ve Social Science, 65, 937-941.
  • Alam, Syed S.; Hashim, Nik M.; Hazrul Nik; Ahmad, Maisarah; Wel, Che Aniza Che; Nor, Sallehuddin Mohd; Omar, Nor Asiah (2014). “Negative and positive impact of internet addiction on young adults: Empericial study in Malaysia”. Intangible Capital, 10(3),619-638.
  • Anandarajan, Murugan; Devine, Patrick; Simmers, Claire A. (2004).“A Multidimensional Sealing Approach to Personal Web Usage in the Workplace”, içinde; A Personal Web Usage in the Workplace: A Guide to Effective Human Resources Management, Ed: M. Anandarajan ve C.A. Simmers, 1st Edition, Hensey, Information Science Publishing.
  • Bandyopadhyay, A.K.; Bhartesh, K.R. (2005).“Intelectual Capital: Concept and Its Measurement”, Finance India, Accounting & Tax Periodicals, 14(4), 1365-1374.
  • Barney, Jay B. (1995). “Looking Inside for Competitive Advantage”, Academy of Management Executive, 9(4), 49-59.
  • Bayram, Nuran (2015). Sosyal Bilimlerde SPSS İle Veri Analizi. Bursa: Ezgi Kitabevi
  • Beaton D, Bombardier C, Escorpizo R.; Zhang, W.; Lacaille, D.; Boonen, A., Osborne, R.H.; Anis, A.H.; Strand, C.V.; Tugwell, P.S. (2009), “Measuring worker productivity: frameworks and measures”, J Rheumatol, 36(9), 2100–2109.
  • Bingöl, Dursun (2013). İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi, Beta Yayınları, 8. Baskı,367.
  • Binnewies, Carmen; Sonnentag, Sabine; Mojza, Eva J. (2009). “Daily Performance At Work: Feeling Recovered İn The Morning As A Predictor Of Day-Level Job Performance”, Journal Of Organizational Behavior, 30, 67-93.
  • Blanchard, Anita; Henle, Chiristine A. (2008). “Corrolates of Different Forms of Cyberloafing: The Role of Norms, External Locus of Control”, Computers in Human Behavior, 24(3). 1067- 1084.
  • Borman, Walter C.; Motowidlo, Stephan J. (1997). “Task performance and contextual performance: the meaning for personnel research”, Human Performance, 10, 99 - 109.
  • Bowen, Natasha K.; Guo Shenyang (2011). Structural Equation Modeling (Pocket Guides to Social Work Research Methods), OUP USA, First Edition.
  • Bush, Robert P.; Bush, Alan J.; Ortinau, David J.; Hair, Joseph F. (1990). “Developing a Behavior-Based Scale to Assess Retail Salesperson Performance”, Journal of Retail, 66(1), 119–136.
  • Byrne, B. (2010). Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS: Basic Concepts, Applications, and Programming, Second Edition, New York: Taylor and Francis Group.
  • Candan, Hakan; İnce ,Mehmet (2016). “Siber kaytarma ve örgütsel bağlılık arasındaki ilişkinin İncelenmesine Yönelik Emniyet Çalışanları Üzerine Bir Araştırma”, Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 9(1), 229 235.
  • Campbell J.P. (1990). “Modeling the performance prediction problem in industrial and organizational psychology”, içinde: Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Ed: Dunnette M.D.; Hough L.M., Palo Alto, CA, 687–732.
  • Chen, J.C.; Silverthorne, C. (2008). “The impact of locus of control on job stress, job performance and job satisfaction in Taiwan”, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 29(7), 572 - 582.
  • Çokluk, Ömay; Şekercioğlu, Güçlü; Büyüköztürk, Şener (2014) Sosyal Bilimler İçin Çok Değişkenli istatistik, Ankara: Pegem Akademi
  • Eke, Gift Juliet; Adaku, Ngozi Achilike (2014). “Business Process Reengineering in Organizational Performance in Nigerian Banking Sector”, Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(5), 113-124.
  • Erdem, İnci (2015), Örgütsel Davranış, Organizational Behavior, Robbins, Stephen P ve Judge, Timothy A., 554-580.
  • Garrett, R.K.; Danziger, J. N. (2008). “Disaffection or Expected Outcomes: Understanding Personal Internet Use During Work”, Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 13, 937-958.
  • Genç, Esra; Aydoğan, Enver (2015), “İşyerı̇nde Sanal Tembellik Davranışı ve Etkı̇n Zaman Yönetimi İlişkisi: Bir Kamu Kurumunda Araştırma”, 23. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi kitabı.
  • Greenfield, David N.; Davis, Richard A. (2002). “Lost in Cyberspace: The Web@Work”, Cyberpsychology and Behavior, 5(4):347-353.
  • Greengard, Samuel (2000). “The High Cost of Cyberslacking- Employees Waste Time Online”, Workforce, 79(12):22-24.
  • Griffin, Mark, A; Neal, Andrew, Neal; Parker, Sharon K. (2007). “A New Model Of Work Role Performance: Positive Behavior In Uncertain And Interdependent Contexts”, Academy of Management Journal, 50(2), 327-347.
  • Hair Joseph F.; Tatham Ronald L.; Anderson R. E.; Black William (1998). Multivariate Data Analysis, 5th Edition, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • İnce, Mehmet ve Gül, Hasan (2011) “The Relation of Cyber Slacking Behaviors with Various Organizational Outputs: Example of Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University” European Journal of Scientific Research, 52(4):507-527.
  • Kahle, Dave J. (2003). 10 Secrets of time management for salespeople: gain the competitive edge and make every second count. Career Press, 1-229.
  • Kanten, Pelin; Kanten, Selahattin; Gürlek, Mert (2015). “The Effects of Organizational Structures and Learning Organization on Job Embeddedness and Individual Adaptive Performance”, Procedia Economics and Finance, 23,1358-1366.
  • Kaplan, Metin; Öğüt, Adem (2012). “Algılanan Örgütsel Adalet ile Sanal Kaytarma Arasındaki İlişkinin Analizi: Hastane Çalışanları Örneği”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi 20. Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 592- 596.
  • Kaplan, Metin; Çetinkaya, Ali Ş. (2014). “Sanal Kaytarma ve Demografik Özellikler Açısından Farklılıklar: Otel İşletmelerinde Bir Araştırma”, Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 25(1), 26-34.
  • Koch, C. J.; Kleinmann, M. (2002). “A stitch in time saves nine: Behavioural decision making explanations for time management problems”, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 11 (2), 199–217.
  • Koçel, Tamer (2005). İşletme Yöneticiliği, Arıkan Yayınevi.
  • Köse, Sevinç; Oral, Lale ve Türesin, Hilmiye (2012). “İş Yaşamında Sosyal Kolaylaştırma Kavramı ve Sanal Kaytarma ile İlişkisi: Araştırma Görevlileri Üzerinde Bir Araştırma” Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Dergisi, 4(1), 287-295.
  • Kuschnaroff, Fernando Contreras; Bayma, F. Oliveira (2014). “Critical Analysis of Cyberslacking in Organizational Structures”, Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies, 2014, 2, 70-90.
  • Lavoie, J.A.A.; Pychyl, T.A. (2001) “Cyberslacking and the Procrastination Superhighway: A Web-Based Survey in Online Procrastination, Attitudes, and Emotion” Social Science Computer Review, 19(4):431-444.
  • Liberman, B. Seidman; McKenna, G.K.; Buffardi, L.E. (2011). “Employee Job Attitudes and Organizational Characteristics as Predictors of Cyberloafing”, Computers in Human Behavior, 27, 2192-2199.
  • Lim, Vivien K.G. (2002). “The IT was of Loafing on the Job: Cyberloafing, Neutralizing and Organizational Justice”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23, 675- 694.
  • Lim, Vivien K.G.; Chen, J.Q. (2012). “Cyberloafing at the Workplace: Gain or Drain on Work?”, Behaviour and Information Technology, 31(4), 343-353.
  • Mills, Juline E.; Hu, Bo; Beldona, Srikanth; Clay, Joan (2001). “Cyberslacking! A Wired-Workplace Liability Issue” The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 42(5):34-47.
  • Mintzberg, Henry (2014). Örgütler ve Yapıları, Çev: Ahmet Aypay, Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Oravec, Jo Ann (2002). “Constructive Approaches to Internet Recreation in the Workplace” Communications of the ACM, 45(1), 60-63.
  • Organ, D. W., Podsakoff, P. M., & Podsakoff, N. P. (2011). “Expanding the criterion domain to include organizational citizenship behavior: Implications for employee selection”, APA Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2, 281–323.
  • Örücü, Edip; Yıldız, Harun (2014). “İşyerinde kişisel internet ve teknoloji kullanımı: sanal kaytarma”, Ege Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 14(1), 99-114.
  • Özdil, Kamil; Korkmaz, Murat; Baykara, Serhan (2012). “Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanelerinde Uzman Doktorlarin Zaman Yönetimi”, Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 28(1),1-16.
  • Özkalp Enver; Aydın Ufuk; Tekeli Seda (2012). “Sapkın Örgütsel Davranışlar ve Çalışma Yaşamında Yeni Bir Olgu: Sanal Kaytarma (Cyberloafıng) ve İş İlişkilerine Etkileri”, Çimento İşveren Dergisi, 2(26), 20-32.
  • Öztürkmen, Murat (2012). “İktisatta Rasyonellik Varsayımı”, Selçuk Üniversitesi İktisat AnabilimDalı Dönem projesi,
  •İKTİSATTA_RASYONELLİK_VARSAYIMI, Erişim Tarihi: (30.08.2016).
  • Sonnentag, Sabine; Frese, Michael (2002). Performance concepts and performance theory, içinde, Psychological Management of Individual Performance Germany: John Wiley & Sons,Ltd., 4- 25.
  • Stanton, Jeffrey M. (2002). “Company Profile of the Frequent Internet User”, Communications of the ACM, 45(1), 55-59.
  • Tabachnick, Barbara; Fidell, Linda (2012). Using Multivariate Statistics, 6th Edition, Boston: Pearson Education.
  • Tang Essomba, Augustin C. (2005). “Compétence et performance : deux concepts fortement influencés par le temps”,, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.08.2016).
  • Ugrin, Joseph C.; Pearson, J. Michael; Odom, Marcus D. (2007). “Profiling CyberSlackers in the Workplace: Demographic, Cultural, and Workplace Factors”, Journal of Internet Commerce, 6(3):75-89.
  • Ünal, Ömer Faruk; Tekdemir, Songül (2015). “Sanal Kaytarma: Bir Kamu Kurumunda Ampirik Bir Araştırma”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(2), 95-118.
  • Van Scotter, James R. (2000). “Relationships of task performance and contextual performance with turnover, job satisfaction, and affective commitment”, Human Resource Management Review, 10 (1), 79-95.
  • Vitak, Jessica; Crouse, Julia; LaRose, Robert (2011). “Personal Internet Use at Work: Understanding Cyberslacking”, Computers in Human Behavior, 27(5): 1751-1759.
  • Yağcı, Melek, Yüceler, Aydan (2016). “Cyber Loafing with Its Conceptual Aspects”, International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, 2 (2), 663-673.
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Relationship Between Cyberloafing and Work Performance: Comparison of Health And Textile Industry Workers

Year 2016, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 33 - 62, 30.12.2016


The primary aim of this study is to analyse the impact of the possible effects of
cyberloafing behaviours of textiles and health sector employees based in Istanbul on
their job performances. The secondary aim of this study is to identify whether there
are differences in terms of demographic variables among the two different sector
employees’ cyberloafing behaviours and their level of job performances. The results
of the data analysis show that there is a negative and significant relation between
cyberloafing behaviours of health sector employees and their individual job
performances. According to the results of the regression analysis, a positive and
significant relation was found among the cyberloafing behaviours of textile sector
employees and their individual job performances. It is also observed that the
cyberloafing behaviour is able to explain 3.2 % of individual job performance along
with a rather low level of impact. According to the results of the independent sample
t test, there is a significant variance among the health sector and textile sector
employees in terms of serious cyberloafing behaviour. The levels of serious
cyberloafing of health sector employees are found to be lower than the textile sector
employees. Based on the analysis of the demographic variables, and in terms of level
of education, it is found that the serious cyberloafing behaviour of health sector
employees who are postgraduates is lower than high school graduates and university
graduates; whereas the serious cyberloafing behaviour of textile sector employees
who are postgraduates shows more frequency compared to high school graduates and
university graduates.


  • Afacan Fındıklı, Mine; Tatar Ş. Burçin (2015). “Zaman yönetimi ile İş Performansı İlişkisinde Sanal Aylaklığın Aracılık Etkisi: Sağlık Sektöründe Bir Araştırma”, 3. Örgütsel Davranış Kongresi, 5-7 Kasım, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi.
  • Ahmad, Nor Lela; Yusuf, Mohd Nor, D. M. Shobri; Samsudin Wahab (2012).“The Relationship between Time Management ve Job Performance in Event Management”, International Congress on Interdisciplinary Business ve Social Science, 65, 937-941.
  • Alam, Syed S.; Hashim, Nik M.; Hazrul Nik; Ahmad, Maisarah; Wel, Che Aniza Che; Nor, Sallehuddin Mohd; Omar, Nor Asiah (2014). “Negative and positive impact of internet addiction on young adults: Empericial study in Malaysia”. Intangible Capital, 10(3),619-638.
  • Anandarajan, Murugan; Devine, Patrick; Simmers, Claire A. (2004).“A Multidimensional Sealing Approach to Personal Web Usage in the Workplace”, içinde; A Personal Web Usage in the Workplace: A Guide to Effective Human Resources Management, Ed: M. Anandarajan ve C.A. Simmers, 1st Edition, Hensey, Information Science Publishing.
  • Bandyopadhyay, A.K.; Bhartesh, K.R. (2005).“Intelectual Capital: Concept and Its Measurement”, Finance India, Accounting & Tax Periodicals, 14(4), 1365-1374.
  • Barney, Jay B. (1995). “Looking Inside for Competitive Advantage”, Academy of Management Executive, 9(4), 49-59.
  • Bayram, Nuran (2015). Sosyal Bilimlerde SPSS İle Veri Analizi. Bursa: Ezgi Kitabevi
  • Beaton D, Bombardier C, Escorpizo R.; Zhang, W.; Lacaille, D.; Boonen, A., Osborne, R.H.; Anis, A.H.; Strand, C.V.; Tugwell, P.S. (2009), “Measuring worker productivity: frameworks and measures”, J Rheumatol, 36(9), 2100–2109.
  • Bingöl, Dursun (2013). İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi, Beta Yayınları, 8. Baskı,367.
  • Binnewies, Carmen; Sonnentag, Sabine; Mojza, Eva J. (2009). “Daily Performance At Work: Feeling Recovered İn The Morning As A Predictor Of Day-Level Job Performance”, Journal Of Organizational Behavior, 30, 67-93.
  • Blanchard, Anita; Henle, Chiristine A. (2008). “Corrolates of Different Forms of Cyberloafing: The Role of Norms, External Locus of Control”, Computers in Human Behavior, 24(3). 1067- 1084.
  • Borman, Walter C.; Motowidlo, Stephan J. (1997). “Task performance and contextual performance: the meaning for personnel research”, Human Performance, 10, 99 - 109.
  • Bowen, Natasha K.; Guo Shenyang (2011). Structural Equation Modeling (Pocket Guides to Social Work Research Methods), OUP USA, First Edition.
  • Bush, Robert P.; Bush, Alan J.; Ortinau, David J.; Hair, Joseph F. (1990). “Developing a Behavior-Based Scale to Assess Retail Salesperson Performance”, Journal of Retail, 66(1), 119–136.
  • Byrne, B. (2010). Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS: Basic Concepts, Applications, and Programming, Second Edition, New York: Taylor and Francis Group.
  • Candan, Hakan; İnce ,Mehmet (2016). “Siber kaytarma ve örgütsel bağlılık arasındaki ilişkinin İncelenmesine Yönelik Emniyet Çalışanları Üzerine Bir Araştırma”, Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 9(1), 229 235.
  • Campbell J.P. (1990). “Modeling the performance prediction problem in industrial and organizational psychology”, içinde: Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Ed: Dunnette M.D.; Hough L.M., Palo Alto, CA, 687–732.
  • Chen, J.C.; Silverthorne, C. (2008). “The impact of locus of control on job stress, job performance and job satisfaction in Taiwan”, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 29(7), 572 - 582.
  • Çokluk, Ömay; Şekercioğlu, Güçlü; Büyüköztürk, Şener (2014) Sosyal Bilimler İçin Çok Değişkenli istatistik, Ankara: Pegem Akademi
  • Eke, Gift Juliet; Adaku, Ngozi Achilike (2014). “Business Process Reengineering in Organizational Performance in Nigerian Banking Sector”, Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(5), 113-124.
  • Erdem, İnci (2015), Örgütsel Davranış, Organizational Behavior, Robbins, Stephen P ve Judge, Timothy A., 554-580.
  • Garrett, R.K.; Danziger, J. N. (2008). “Disaffection or Expected Outcomes: Understanding Personal Internet Use During Work”, Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 13, 937-958.
  • Genç, Esra; Aydoğan, Enver (2015), “İşyerı̇nde Sanal Tembellik Davranışı ve Etkı̇n Zaman Yönetimi İlişkisi: Bir Kamu Kurumunda Araştırma”, 23. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi kitabı.
  • Greenfield, David N.; Davis, Richard A. (2002). “Lost in Cyberspace: The Web@Work”, Cyberpsychology and Behavior, 5(4):347-353.
  • Greengard, Samuel (2000). “The High Cost of Cyberslacking- Employees Waste Time Online”, Workforce, 79(12):22-24.
  • Griffin, Mark, A; Neal, Andrew, Neal; Parker, Sharon K. (2007). “A New Model Of Work Role Performance: Positive Behavior In Uncertain And Interdependent Contexts”, Academy of Management Journal, 50(2), 327-347.
  • Hair Joseph F.; Tatham Ronald L.; Anderson R. E.; Black William (1998). Multivariate Data Analysis, 5th Edition, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • İnce, Mehmet ve Gül, Hasan (2011) “The Relation of Cyber Slacking Behaviors with Various Organizational Outputs: Example of Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University” European Journal of Scientific Research, 52(4):507-527.
  • Kahle, Dave J. (2003). 10 Secrets of time management for salespeople: gain the competitive edge and make every second count. Career Press, 1-229.
  • Kanten, Pelin; Kanten, Selahattin; Gürlek, Mert (2015). “The Effects of Organizational Structures and Learning Organization on Job Embeddedness and Individual Adaptive Performance”, Procedia Economics and Finance, 23,1358-1366.
  • Kaplan, Metin; Öğüt, Adem (2012). “Algılanan Örgütsel Adalet ile Sanal Kaytarma Arasındaki İlişkinin Analizi: Hastane Çalışanları Örneği”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi 20. Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, 592- 596.
  • Kaplan, Metin; Çetinkaya, Ali Ş. (2014). “Sanal Kaytarma ve Demografik Özellikler Açısından Farklılıklar: Otel İşletmelerinde Bir Araştırma”, Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 25(1), 26-34.
  • Koch, C. J.; Kleinmann, M. (2002). “A stitch in time saves nine: Behavioural decision making explanations for time management problems”, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 11 (2), 199–217.
  • Koçel, Tamer (2005). İşletme Yöneticiliği, Arıkan Yayınevi.
  • Köse, Sevinç; Oral, Lale ve Türesin, Hilmiye (2012). “İş Yaşamında Sosyal Kolaylaştırma Kavramı ve Sanal Kaytarma ile İlişkisi: Araştırma Görevlileri Üzerinde Bir Araştırma” Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Dergisi, 4(1), 287-295.
  • Kuschnaroff, Fernando Contreras; Bayma, F. Oliveira (2014). “Critical Analysis of Cyberslacking in Organizational Structures”, Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies, 2014, 2, 70-90.
  • Lavoie, J.A.A.; Pychyl, T.A. (2001) “Cyberslacking and the Procrastination Superhighway: A Web-Based Survey in Online Procrastination, Attitudes, and Emotion” Social Science Computer Review, 19(4):431-444.
  • Liberman, B. Seidman; McKenna, G.K.; Buffardi, L.E. (2011). “Employee Job Attitudes and Organizational Characteristics as Predictors of Cyberloafing”, Computers in Human Behavior, 27, 2192-2199.
  • Lim, Vivien K.G. (2002). “The IT was of Loafing on the Job: Cyberloafing, Neutralizing and Organizational Justice”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23, 675- 694.
  • Lim, Vivien K.G.; Chen, J.Q. (2012). “Cyberloafing at the Workplace: Gain or Drain on Work?”, Behaviour and Information Technology, 31(4), 343-353.
  • Mills, Juline E.; Hu, Bo; Beldona, Srikanth; Clay, Joan (2001). “Cyberslacking! A Wired-Workplace Liability Issue” The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 42(5):34-47.
  • Mintzberg, Henry (2014). Örgütler ve Yapıları, Çev: Ahmet Aypay, Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Oravec, Jo Ann (2002). “Constructive Approaches to Internet Recreation in the Workplace” Communications of the ACM, 45(1), 60-63.
  • Organ, D. W., Podsakoff, P. M., & Podsakoff, N. P. (2011). “Expanding the criterion domain to include organizational citizenship behavior: Implications for employee selection”, APA Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2, 281–323.
  • Örücü, Edip; Yıldız, Harun (2014). “İşyerinde kişisel internet ve teknoloji kullanımı: sanal kaytarma”, Ege Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 14(1), 99-114.
  • Özdil, Kamil; Korkmaz, Murat; Baykara, Serhan (2012). “Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanelerinde Uzman Doktorlarin Zaman Yönetimi”, Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 28(1),1-16.
  • Özkalp Enver; Aydın Ufuk; Tekeli Seda (2012). “Sapkın Örgütsel Davranışlar ve Çalışma Yaşamında Yeni Bir Olgu: Sanal Kaytarma (Cyberloafıng) ve İş İlişkilerine Etkileri”, Çimento İşveren Dergisi, 2(26), 20-32.
  • Öztürkmen, Murat (2012). “İktisatta Rasyonellik Varsayımı”, Selçuk Üniversitesi İktisat AnabilimDalı Dönem projesi,
  •İKTİSATTA_RASYONELLİK_VARSAYIMI, Erişim Tarihi: (30.08.2016).
  • Sonnentag, Sabine; Frese, Michael (2002). Performance concepts and performance theory, içinde, Psychological Management of Individual Performance Germany: John Wiley & Sons,Ltd., 4- 25.
  • Stanton, Jeffrey M. (2002). “Company Profile of the Frequent Internet User”, Communications of the ACM, 45(1), 55-59.
  • Tabachnick, Barbara; Fidell, Linda (2012). Using Multivariate Statistics, 6th Edition, Boston: Pearson Education.
  • Tang Essomba, Augustin C. (2005). “Compétence et performance : deux concepts fortement influencés par le temps”,, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.08.2016).
  • Ugrin, Joseph C.; Pearson, J. Michael; Odom, Marcus D. (2007). “Profiling CyberSlackers in the Workplace: Demographic, Cultural, and Workplace Factors”, Journal of Internet Commerce, 6(3):75-89.
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There are 60 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Mine Afacan Fındıklı

Publication Date December 30, 2016
Submission Date January 30, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Afacan Fındıklı, M. (2016). Relationship Between Cyberloafing and Work Performance: Comparison of Health And Textile Industry Workers. International Journal of Social Inquiry, 9(1), 33-62.


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