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Neoklasik Makro Göç Kuramı Çerçevesinde Uluslararası Göç: En Çok Göç Alan Ülkeler Üzerine Bir Analiz

Year 2022, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 177 - 194, 30.06.2022


Uluslararası göç teorileri genel anlamda geliştirilen ilk teoriden itibaren emek göçü üzerine odaklanmaktadır. Bu teorilere göre göçmen akışı ekonomik sistem içinde bir emek arzı oluşturmaktadır. Oluşan bu emek arzı emek talebini de beraberinde getirmektedir. Göç teorileri ülkeler arasındaki ücret düzeyi farklılıkları, gelir farklılıkları, istihdam imkanları göçü harekete geçiren önemli unsurlar üzerinde durmaktadır. Ülkeler arasındaki ekonomik farklılıklardan hareketle bu çalışma Uluslararası Göç Enstitüsüne göre en çok göç alan ülkelerin göç alma faktörlerini Neo-klasik Makro Göç Teorisi çerçevesinde ele almaktadır. Çalışma 1990-2017 dönemini kapsamaktadır. Heterojen panel nedensellik testi olan Dumitrescu-Hurlin nedensellik testinden faydalanılmıştır. Uygulama sonucunda elde edilen bulgulara göre göçün, kişi başı GSYİH, istihdam oranları ve ortalama yıllık ücret ile arasında çift yönlü bir nedenselliğin varlığı tespit edilmiştir.


  • Altunç, Ö. F., Ucan, O., and Akyıldız, A. (2017), Dış göçlerin Türkiye ekonomisinde işsizlik enflasyon ve ekonomik büyüme üzerine etkileri: Ekonometrik bir analiz (1985-2015). Researcher: Social Science Studies, 5(8), 197−212.
  • Aydemir, A., & Borjas, G. J. (2007). Cross-country variation in the impact of international migration: Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Journal of The European Economic Association, 5(4), 663−708.
  • Azam, M. (2015). The role of migrant workers remittances in fostering economic growth: The four Asian developing countries’ experiences. International Journal of Social Economics, 42(8), 690−705.
  • Baltagi, B. H. (2008). Forecasting with panel data. Journal of forecasting, 27(2), 153−173.
  • Barbu, T. C., Mariana Vuță, M., Străchinaru, A. L. & Cioacă, S. I. (2017). An assessment of the immigration impact on the international housing price. Amfiteatru Economic Journal, 19(46), 682−695.
  • Barcellos, S. H. (2010, March). The dynamics of immigration and wages (RAND Labor and Population Working Paper No. WR-755). RAND Corporation.
  • Borjas, G. J. (1989). Economic theory and international migration, International Migration Review, 23(3), 457–485.
  • Boubtane, E., Dumont, J-C., & Rault, C. (2014). Immigration and economic growth in the OECD countries, 1986-2006 (IZA Discussion Papers No. 8681). Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn.
  • Bauer, T. K., & Zimmermann, K. F. (1999, July). Assessment of Possible Migration Pressure and its Labour Market Impact Following EU Enlargement to Central and Eastern Europe (IZA Research Report No.3). Institute of Labor Economics.
  • Bove, V., & Elia, L. (2017). Migration, diversity and economic growth. World Development, (89), 227−239.
  • Card, D. (1989). The impact of the Mariel Boatlift on the Miami Labor Market (Working Paper No. 3069). National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  • Castelli, F. (2018). Drivers of migration: Why do people move? Journal of Travel Medicine, 25(1), 1−7.
  • Cooray, A. (2012), The impact of migrant remittances on economic growth: Evidence from South Asia. Review of International Economics, 20(5), 985−998.
  • Damette, O., & Fromentin, V. (2013). Migration and labour markets in OECD countries: A panel cointegration approach. Applied Economics, 45(16), 2295−2304. 46.2012.661400
  • Dolado, J., Goria, A., & Ichino, A. (1994), Immigration, human capital and growth in the host country. Journal of Population Economics (7), 193−215.
  • Furlaretto, F., & Robstad, O. (2019). Immigration and the macroeconomy: Some new emprical evidence. Review of Economics Dynamics, (34), 1−19.
  • Göv, A., & Dürü, Z. (2017). Göç ve ekonomik büyüme ilişkisi: Seçilmiş beş ülke üzerine bir ekonometrik analiz. International Journal of Economic Studies, 3(4), 490−502.
  • Harris, J. R., & Todaro, M. P. (1970). Migration, unemployment and development: A two-sector analysis. The American Economic Review, 60(1), 126−142
  • Hicks, J. R. (1932). The theory of wages. Macmillan.
  • Hurlin,C., & Dumitrescu, E. (2012). Testing for Granger Non-causality in Heterogeneous Panels. 2012. ffhalshs-00224434v2f
  • Iqbal, K., Peng, H., & Hafeez, M-K. (2020). Analyzing the effect of ICT on migration and economic growth in Belt and Road (BRI) countries. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 21(1), 307−318
  • Kritz, M. M., Lim, L. L., & Zlotnik, H. (Ed.). (1992). International migration systems: A global approach. Clarendon Press; Oxford University Press.
  • Kum, H. & Bozkaya, Ş. (2020), İstihdam ve göç ilişkisi; Avustralya örneği (1984-2018), 8th International Conference on Culture and Civilization, August 21−22, Trabzon 2020.
  • Kurekova, L. (2011, April). Theories of migration: Conceptual review and empirical testing in the context of the EU East-West flows. In interdisciplinary conference on migration. Economic change, social challenge (Vol. 4, pp. 6-9).
  • Lewis, W. A. (1954), Economic devolopment with unlimited suplies of labour. The Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies, 22(2), 139−191.
  • Massey, D. S., Arango, J., Hugo, G., Kouaouci, A., Pellegrino, A., & Taylor, J. E. (1993). Theories of international migration: A review and appraisal. Population and Development Review, 19(3), 431−466.
  • Meçik, O., & Koyuncu, T. (2020). Türkiye’de göç ve ekonomik büyüme ilişkisi: Toda-Yamamoto nedensellik testi. İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9(3), 2618−2635.
  • Menyah, K., Nazlıoğlu, Ş., & Wolde-Rufael, Y. (2014). Financial Development, Trade Openness and Economic Growth in African Countries: New Insights from a Panel Causality Approach. Economic Modelling, 37, ss. 386−394.
  • Ottaviano, G. I. P., & Peri, G. (2006, August). Rethinking the effects of immigration on wages (Working Paper No. 12497). National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Peri, G. (2006). The effects of immigration on California’s labor market (Working Paper No. 06−37). University of California, Department of Economics.
  • Peri, G., & Sparber, C. (2008), Task specialization, immigration, and wages (Working Paper No. 09-1). University of California, Department of Economics.
  • Pesaran, M. H. (2004). General diagnostic tests for cross section dependence in panels (Working Paper No. 0435). . University of Cambridge. id=572504.
  • Pesaran, M. H., & Yamagata, T. (2008). Testing slope homogeneity in large panels. Journal of Econometrics, 142(1), 50-93.
  • Porumbescu, A. (2018). Critical perspective on the neoclassical economics and labor migration theory. Revista Universitara de Sociologie, 14(2), 8−17.
  • Prakash, N. (2009). The development impact of workers’ remittances in Fiji [Master Thesis, Massey University].
  • Ravenstein, E. G. (1885). The laws of migration. Journal of the Statistical Society of London, 48(2), 167−235.
  • Sevinç, H., Bozkurt, E., Künü, S., & Eroğlu Sevinç, D. (2016). Ekonomik büyüme ve göç ilişkisi: Gelişmekte olan ülkelere dayalı bir analiz. Internetional Conference on Eurosan Economics 2016 (ss. 398-403). SESSION 2C: Kalkınma II.
  • Swamy, P.A.V.B. (1970), Efficient Inference in Random Coefficient Regression Model, Econometrica, 38, ss. 311−23.
  • Todaro, M. P., & Smith, S. C. (2006). Economic development. Pearson Addison Wesley.
  • Venturini, A., & Villosio, C. (2002, April), Are immigrants competing with natives in the Italian labour market? The employment effect (IZA Research Report No.3). Institute of Labor Economics.

International Migration in the Framework of Neoclassical Macro Migration Theory: An Analysis of the Countries Receiving the Most Immigration

Year 2022, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 177 - 194, 30.06.2022


International migration theories generally focus on labor migration from the first theory developed. According to these theories, the flow of immigrants creates a labor supply within the economic system. This labor supply brings along the demand for labor. Migration theories focus on the differences in wage levels, income differences, employment opportunities among the countries that are important factors that motivate migration. Based on the economic differences between the countries, this study deals with the immigration factors of the countries that receive the most immigration according to the International Migration Institute within the framework of the Neo-classical Macro Migration Theory. The study includes annual data for the period 1990-2017. Dumitrescu-Hurlin causality test, which is a heterogeneous panel causality test, was used. According to the findings obtained as a result of the application, it has been determined that there is a bidirectional causality between migration, GDP per capita, employment rates and average annual wage.


  • Altunç, Ö. F., Ucan, O., and Akyıldız, A. (2017), Dış göçlerin Türkiye ekonomisinde işsizlik enflasyon ve ekonomik büyüme üzerine etkileri: Ekonometrik bir analiz (1985-2015). Researcher: Social Science Studies, 5(8), 197−212.
  • Aydemir, A., & Borjas, G. J. (2007). Cross-country variation in the impact of international migration: Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Journal of The European Economic Association, 5(4), 663−708.
  • Azam, M. (2015). The role of migrant workers remittances in fostering economic growth: The four Asian developing countries’ experiences. International Journal of Social Economics, 42(8), 690−705.
  • Baltagi, B. H. (2008). Forecasting with panel data. Journal of forecasting, 27(2), 153−173.
  • Barbu, T. C., Mariana Vuță, M., Străchinaru, A. L. & Cioacă, S. I. (2017). An assessment of the immigration impact on the international housing price. Amfiteatru Economic Journal, 19(46), 682−695.
  • Barcellos, S. H. (2010, March). The dynamics of immigration and wages (RAND Labor and Population Working Paper No. WR-755). RAND Corporation.
  • Borjas, G. J. (1989). Economic theory and international migration, International Migration Review, 23(3), 457–485.
  • Boubtane, E., Dumont, J-C., & Rault, C. (2014). Immigration and economic growth in the OECD countries, 1986-2006 (IZA Discussion Papers No. 8681). Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn.
  • Bauer, T. K., & Zimmermann, K. F. (1999, July). Assessment of Possible Migration Pressure and its Labour Market Impact Following EU Enlargement to Central and Eastern Europe (IZA Research Report No.3). Institute of Labor Economics.
  • Bove, V., & Elia, L. (2017). Migration, diversity and economic growth. World Development, (89), 227−239.
  • Card, D. (1989). The impact of the Mariel Boatlift on the Miami Labor Market (Working Paper No. 3069). National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
  • Castelli, F. (2018). Drivers of migration: Why do people move? Journal of Travel Medicine, 25(1), 1−7.
  • Cooray, A. (2012), The impact of migrant remittances on economic growth: Evidence from South Asia. Review of International Economics, 20(5), 985−998.
  • Damette, O., & Fromentin, V. (2013). Migration and labour markets in OECD countries: A panel cointegration approach. Applied Economics, 45(16), 2295−2304. 46.2012.661400
  • Dolado, J., Goria, A., & Ichino, A. (1994), Immigration, human capital and growth in the host country. Journal of Population Economics (7), 193−215.
  • Furlaretto, F., & Robstad, O. (2019). Immigration and the macroeconomy: Some new emprical evidence. Review of Economics Dynamics, (34), 1−19.
  • Göv, A., & Dürü, Z. (2017). Göç ve ekonomik büyüme ilişkisi: Seçilmiş beş ülke üzerine bir ekonometrik analiz. International Journal of Economic Studies, 3(4), 490−502.
  • Harris, J. R., & Todaro, M. P. (1970). Migration, unemployment and development: A two-sector analysis. The American Economic Review, 60(1), 126−142
  • Hicks, J. R. (1932). The theory of wages. Macmillan.
  • Hurlin,C., & Dumitrescu, E. (2012). Testing for Granger Non-causality in Heterogeneous Panels. 2012. ffhalshs-00224434v2f
  • Iqbal, K., Peng, H., & Hafeez, M-K. (2020). Analyzing the effect of ICT on migration and economic growth in Belt and Road (BRI) countries. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 21(1), 307−318
  • Kritz, M. M., Lim, L. L., & Zlotnik, H. (Ed.). (1992). International migration systems: A global approach. Clarendon Press; Oxford University Press.
  • Kum, H. & Bozkaya, Ş. (2020), İstihdam ve göç ilişkisi; Avustralya örneği (1984-2018), 8th International Conference on Culture and Civilization, August 21−22, Trabzon 2020.
  • Kurekova, L. (2011, April). Theories of migration: Conceptual review and empirical testing in the context of the EU East-West flows. In interdisciplinary conference on migration. Economic change, social challenge (Vol. 4, pp. 6-9).
  • Lewis, W. A. (1954), Economic devolopment with unlimited suplies of labour. The Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies, 22(2), 139−191.
  • Massey, D. S., Arango, J., Hugo, G., Kouaouci, A., Pellegrino, A., & Taylor, J. E. (1993). Theories of international migration: A review and appraisal. Population and Development Review, 19(3), 431−466.
  • Meçik, O., & Koyuncu, T. (2020). Türkiye’de göç ve ekonomik büyüme ilişkisi: Toda-Yamamoto nedensellik testi. İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9(3), 2618−2635.
  • Menyah, K., Nazlıoğlu, Ş., & Wolde-Rufael, Y. (2014). Financial Development, Trade Openness and Economic Growth in African Countries: New Insights from a Panel Causality Approach. Economic Modelling, 37, ss. 386−394.
  • Ottaviano, G. I. P., & Peri, G. (2006, August). Rethinking the effects of immigration on wages (Working Paper No. 12497). National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Peri, G. (2006). The effects of immigration on California’s labor market (Working Paper No. 06−37). University of California, Department of Economics.
  • Peri, G., & Sparber, C. (2008), Task specialization, immigration, and wages (Working Paper No. 09-1). University of California, Department of Economics.
  • Pesaran, M. H. (2004). General diagnostic tests for cross section dependence in panels (Working Paper No. 0435). . University of Cambridge. id=572504.
  • Pesaran, M. H., & Yamagata, T. (2008). Testing slope homogeneity in large panels. Journal of Econometrics, 142(1), 50-93.
  • Porumbescu, A. (2018). Critical perspective on the neoclassical economics and labor migration theory. Revista Universitara de Sociologie, 14(2), 8−17.
  • Prakash, N. (2009). The development impact of workers’ remittances in Fiji [Master Thesis, Massey University].
  • Ravenstein, E. G. (1885). The laws of migration. Journal of the Statistical Society of London, 48(2), 167−235.
  • Sevinç, H., Bozkurt, E., Künü, S., & Eroğlu Sevinç, D. (2016). Ekonomik büyüme ve göç ilişkisi: Gelişmekte olan ülkelere dayalı bir analiz. Internetional Conference on Eurosan Economics 2016 (ss. 398-403). SESSION 2C: Kalkınma II.
  • Swamy, P.A.V.B. (1970), Efficient Inference in Random Coefficient Regression Model, Econometrica, 38, ss. 311−23.
  • Todaro, M. P., & Smith, S. C. (2006). Economic development. Pearson Addison Wesley.
  • Venturini, A., & Villosio, C. (2002, April), Are immigrants competing with natives in the Italian labour market? The employment effect (IZA Research Report No.3). Institute of Labor Economics.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Şeyma Bozkaya 0000-0001-8589-6608

Hakan Kum 0000-0002-7880-8355

Publication Date June 30, 2022
Submission Date October 12, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 15 Issue: 1


APA Bozkaya, Ş., & Kum, H. (2022). Neoklasik Makro Göç Kuramı Çerçevesinde Uluslararası Göç: En Çok Göç Alan Ülkeler Üzerine Bir Analiz. International Journal of Social Inquiry, 15(1), 177-194.


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