Conference Paper
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Year 2017, , 1068 - 1081, 01.10.2017



  • (We are not sure if we fill this field properly. Please, if there is something to be added here, inform us to
  • Bibliography Ammons, M. (1962). The definition, function and use of educational objectives. The Elementary School Journal Vol. 62, No. 8 (May, 1962), pp. 432-436 Apple, M. (1986). Ideology and Curriculum (Ιδεολογία και Αναλυτικά Προγράμματα). Thessaloniki: Paratiritis Babalis, Th. (2011). Child’s Socialization in the school classroom. The role of the teacher. (Η κοινωνικοποίηση του παιδιού στη σχολική τάξη. Ο ρόλος του εκπαιδευτικού). Athens: Diadrasi Barrows H.S. (1996). A taxonomy of problem-based learning methods. Medical Educa-tion. Vol. 20. Issue 6. Pp. 481-196 Black P. & William D. (2009). Developing the theory of formative assessment. Educa-tional Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability. Vol.21. Is.1. DOI: 10.1007/s11092-008-9068-5 Bonner S. (1999). Choosing teaching Methods Based on Learning Objectives: An Inte-grative Framework. Issues in Accounting Education: Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 11-15 Bullough R. (1992). Beginning teacher curriculum decision making, personal teaching metaphors and teaching education. Teaching and Teacher Education, Vol. 8(3). pp: 239-252 Burke P. (2003). Autopsy. The use of images as historical evidence. (Αυτοψία. Οι χρήσεις των εικόνων ως ιστορικών μαρτυριών). Athens: Metaixmio Burnett, P. (1994). Self-concept and self-esteem in elementary school children. Psychol-ogy in the Schools. Vol.31. Issue 2. Pp 164-171 Christodoulou, Ν. (2015). Understanding curriculum as a field for study and research. (Κατανοώντας το Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα ως πεδίο μελέτης και έρευνας). Athens: Grigoris Chrysafi, A. (2012). The ideological use of History. (Η ιδεολογική χρήση της Ιστορίας). Athens: Papazisis Connely M. & Clandinin J. (1988). Teachers as Curriculum Planners. Narratives of Ex-perience. New York: teachers College Press Conway J. (1984). The Myth, Mystery and Mastery of Participative Decision Making in Education. Educational Administration Quarterly, Vol.20 (3). pp. 11-40 Dimitropoulos, Ε. (2007). Decisions – Decision making. Introduction to the psychology of decisions. (Αποφάσεις-Λήψη αποφάσεων. Εισαγωγή στην ψυχολογία των αποφάσε-ων). Athens: Grigoris Douglas, D. & Gifford, R. (2001). Evaluation of the physical classroom by students and professors: A lens model approach. Educational Research, 43(3), 295-309. Fraser, B. (2012). Classroom Management. London and New York: Routledge Fry, H., Ketteridge St. & Marshall St. (2009). A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. New York & London: Routledge Frydaki, Ε. (2009). Teaching at the intersection of modern and post-modern thought. (Η διδασκαλία στην τομή της νεωτερικής και της μετανεωτερικής σκέψης). Athens: Kritiki Fykaris, Ι. (2010). Modern dimensions of teaching and the role of the educator. (Σύγχρο-νες διαστάσεις του διδακτικού έργου και ρόλου του εκπαιδευτικού). Thessaloniki: Afoi Kyriakidi Gagne R., Wager W., Golas K., Keller M., Russell J. (2005). Principles of instructional design. Performance Improvement. Vol.44. Issue 2. pp.44-46 Georgantopoulou, Α. (2013). Development of a support system for risk management in engineering projects (master thesis) (Ανάπτυξη συστήματος στήριξης για τη διαχείριση κινδύνων στα τεχνικά έργα). Patras: University of Patras, Department of Civil Engi-neering Hacker, D. J. & Tenent, A. (2002). Implementing reciprocal teaching in the classroom: Overcoming obstacles and making modifications. Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol 94(4), Dec 2002, 699-718 Harden, R.M. (1986). Ten questions to ask when planning a course or curriculum. Medi-cal Education. Vol.20, pp. 356-365 Hatzidimou, D. (2012). Preparation and lesson planning. (Προετοιμασία και Σχέδιο Μα-θήματος). Thessaloniki: Afoi Kyriakidi Hollander, C. (1978). An introduction to sociogram construction. Snow Lion Press Ioannidou-Koutselini, Μ. (2013). Curriculum and teaching. (Αναλυτικά Προγράμματα και Διδασκαλία). Athens: Pedio Jennings, H.H. 1987. Sociometry in Group Relations. 2nd ed. Westport: Greenwood Kogoulis, Ι. (1988). Introduction to Pedagogy. (Εισαγωγή στην Παιδαγωγική). Thessalo-niki: Afoi Kyriakidi Koutsiafti, Ν. (2012). Irrational decision. MSc Thesis. (Μη ορθολογική απόφαση. Διπλω-ματική εργασία ΠΜΣ). Athens: National Capodistrian University Konstantinou Ch. (2000). Student’s evaluation as pedagogic logic and a school practice (Η αξιολόγηση της επίδοσης του μαθητή ως παιδαγωγική λογική και σχολική πρακτι-κή). Athens: Gutenberg Leontari, Α. (1996). Self-perception. (Αυτοαντίληψη). Athens: Ellinika Grammata Mager, R. (2000). Didactic objectives and teaching. (Διδακτικοί στόχοι και διδασκαλία). Thessaloniki: Afoi Kyriakidi Manesis, Ν. (2010). Socially differentiated parental expectation and representations of the deficiencies and school functions. (Κοινωνικά διαφοροποιημένες γονεϊκές προσ-δοκίες και αναπαραστάσεις για τις ελλείψεις και τις λειτουργίες του σχολείου). Social Sciences Tribune (Το Βήμα των Κοινωνικών Επιστημών), 57, 31-54. Leighton J. & Gierl M. (2007). Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment for Education: Theory and Applications. New York: Cambridge University Press Matsagouras, E. (2001). Didactic strategies. Critical thinking in teaching. (Στρατηγικές Διδασκαλίας. Η κριτική σκέψη στη Διδακτική Πράξη). Athens: Gutenberg. Matsagouras, E. (2005). The personal theory as a context for stochastic-critical analysis. (Θεωρία της Διδασκαλίας. Η προσωπική θεωρία ως πλαίσιο στοχαστικο-κριτικής ανά-λυσης). Athens: Gutenberg. Matsagouras, E. (2008). The school classroom. (Η Σχολική τάξη). Athens: Grigoris McCorskey J. & McVetta R. (1978). Classroom Seating Arrangements: Instructional Communication Theory versus Student Preferences. Communication Education, 27, 99-111. Mills, A (2001). A systematic approach to risk management for construction. Structural Survey, Vol. 19 Iss: 5, pp.245 - 252 Orlich D., Harder R., Callahan M., Trevisan M., Brown A., Miller D. (2013). Teaching Strategies: A Guide to Effective Instruction. Belmont: Wadsworth, Cengage learning Papadimitriou, Ε.G. (2004). Science Theory and History of Philosophy. (Θεωρία της Επιστήμης και Ιστορία της Φιλοσοφίας). Athens: Gutenberg Papas, A. (2004). Contemporary Theory and Theory of Education. (Σύγχρονη Θεωρία και Πράξη της Παιδείας). Athens: Delphi Rasmussen J. (1997). Risk management in a dynamic society: a modelling problem. Safety Science, 27 (2-3), pp. 183-213 Rohrer M. &Samson N. (2014). Ten Critical Components for Success in Special Educa-tion Classroom. Thousand Oaks: Corwin Scott C., Murray G., Mertens C. & Dustin R. (1996). Student self-esteem and the School System; Perceptions and Implications. The Journal of Educational Research. Vol.89. Issue 5. Pp. 286-293. Seguin, R. (1989). The elaboration of school textbooks. Methodological guide. Division of Educational Sciences, Contents and Methods of Education. Unesco. Shapiro J.P. & Stefkovich, J. (2005). Ethical Leadership and decision making in educa-tion. London, Malwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers Smith S. & Dollase R. (1999). Outcome-based education: Part 2 – Planning, implement-ing and evaluating a competency-based curriculum. Medical Teacher, Vol.21, No.1 Stulz, R. (1996). Rethinking risk management. Journal of applied corporate finance. Vol.9 (3), pp.8-25 Neumann, J. & Morgenstern, O. (1953). Theory of Games and Economic Behavior. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press Tacco, A. (2005). Il rischio nella didattica. Il rischio e l’ animo dell’ occidente. Venezia: Editrice Cafoscarina Tzouriadou, Μ. (2011). Curriculum adjustments for students with learning difficulties. Theoretical context. (Προσαρμογές Αναλυτικών Προγραμμάτων για μαθητές με μαθη-σιακές δυσκολίες. Θεωρητικό Πλαίσιο). Athens: Ministry of Education Trilianos, Α. (1991). Teaching Methodology I. Critical approach based on scientific re-search findings. (Μεθοδολογία της Διδασκαλίας Ι. Κριτική προσέγγιση με βάση τα πο-ρίσματα της σύγχρονης επιστημονικής έρευνας). Athens: Afoi Tolidi Trilianos, Α. (2004). Methodology of modern teaching. Innovative approaches in teach-ing practice. (Μεθοδολογία της Σύγχρονης Διδασκαλίας. Καινοτόμες επιστημονικές προσεγγίσεις στη διδακτική πράξη). Vol.1. Athens Tyler, R. (2013). Basic principles of Curriculum and Instruction. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press Xochellis, P. (1993). Fundamental problems of Pedagogy. (Θεμελιώδη προβλήματα της Παιδαγωγικής Επιστήμης). Thessaloniki: Afoi Kyriakidi Urdan T. & Schoenfelder E. (2006). Classroom effects on student motivation: Goal structures, social relationships and competence beliefs. Journal of School Psychology. Vol.44, Issue 5. Pp. 331-349 Weston P. (1992) A Decade for Differentiation. British Journal of Special Education, Volume 19, No.1 March 1992 Westwood P. (1996). Effective Teaching. Australian Journal of Teacher Education. Vol. 21. Issue 1. Pp.66-84

The “risk in teaching process” or the “didactic risk”: Views of the Greek teachers

Year 2017, , 1068 - 1081, 01.10.2017


In every aspect of everyday teaching
process, the teacher is called to make decisions which determine the
achievement of predetermined objectives. Every such decisions shall be taken
considering a number of preconditions, as a part of a rational approach. Since
teaching is a dynamic process in which every action can alter the expected
outcome, any decision involves small or large “risk” rate. The current survey
firstly tries to give a theoretical context of “didactic risk” based both on data
from other scientific fields and on assumptions about planning the teaching
procedure. Secondly, it examines the views of Greek teachers about what they
think to be “risk in teaching process’.


  • (We are not sure if we fill this field properly. Please, if there is something to be added here, inform us to
  • Bibliography Ammons, M. (1962). The definition, function and use of educational objectives. The Elementary School Journal Vol. 62, No. 8 (May, 1962), pp. 432-436 Apple, M. (1986). Ideology and Curriculum (Ιδεολογία και Αναλυτικά Προγράμματα). Thessaloniki: Paratiritis Babalis, Th. (2011). Child’s Socialization in the school classroom. The role of the teacher. (Η κοινωνικοποίηση του παιδιού στη σχολική τάξη. Ο ρόλος του εκπαιδευτικού). Athens: Diadrasi Barrows H.S. (1996). A taxonomy of problem-based learning methods. Medical Educa-tion. Vol. 20. Issue 6. Pp. 481-196 Black P. & William D. (2009). Developing the theory of formative assessment. Educa-tional Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability. Vol.21. Is.1. DOI: 10.1007/s11092-008-9068-5 Bonner S. (1999). Choosing teaching Methods Based on Learning Objectives: An Inte-grative Framework. Issues in Accounting Education: Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 11-15 Bullough R. (1992). Beginning teacher curriculum decision making, personal teaching metaphors and teaching education. Teaching and Teacher Education, Vol. 8(3). pp: 239-252 Burke P. (2003). Autopsy. The use of images as historical evidence. (Αυτοψία. Οι χρήσεις των εικόνων ως ιστορικών μαρτυριών). Athens: Metaixmio Burnett, P. (1994). Self-concept and self-esteem in elementary school children. Psychol-ogy in the Schools. Vol.31. Issue 2. Pp 164-171 Christodoulou, Ν. (2015). Understanding curriculum as a field for study and research. (Κατανοώντας το Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα ως πεδίο μελέτης και έρευνας). Athens: Grigoris Chrysafi, A. (2012). The ideological use of History. (Η ιδεολογική χρήση της Ιστορίας). Athens: Papazisis Connely M. & Clandinin J. (1988). Teachers as Curriculum Planners. Narratives of Ex-perience. New York: teachers College Press Conway J. (1984). The Myth, Mystery and Mastery of Participative Decision Making in Education. Educational Administration Quarterly, Vol.20 (3). pp. 11-40 Dimitropoulos, Ε. (2007). Decisions – Decision making. Introduction to the psychology of decisions. (Αποφάσεις-Λήψη αποφάσεων. Εισαγωγή στην ψυχολογία των αποφάσε-ων). Athens: Grigoris Douglas, D. & Gifford, R. (2001). Evaluation of the physical classroom by students and professors: A lens model approach. Educational Research, 43(3), 295-309. Fraser, B. (2012). Classroom Management. London and New York: Routledge Fry, H., Ketteridge St. & Marshall St. (2009). A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. New York & London: Routledge Frydaki, Ε. (2009). Teaching at the intersection of modern and post-modern thought. (Η διδασκαλία στην τομή της νεωτερικής και της μετανεωτερικής σκέψης). Athens: Kritiki Fykaris, Ι. (2010). Modern dimensions of teaching and the role of the educator. (Σύγχρο-νες διαστάσεις του διδακτικού έργου και ρόλου του εκπαιδευτικού). Thessaloniki: Afoi Kyriakidi Gagne R., Wager W., Golas K., Keller M., Russell J. (2005). Principles of instructional design. Performance Improvement. Vol.44. Issue 2. pp.44-46 Georgantopoulou, Α. (2013). Development of a support system for risk management in engineering projects (master thesis) (Ανάπτυξη συστήματος στήριξης για τη διαχείριση κινδύνων στα τεχνικά έργα). Patras: University of Patras, Department of Civil Engi-neering Hacker, D. J. & Tenent, A. (2002). Implementing reciprocal teaching in the classroom: Overcoming obstacles and making modifications. Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol 94(4), Dec 2002, 699-718 Harden, R.M. (1986). Ten questions to ask when planning a course or curriculum. Medi-cal Education. Vol.20, pp. 356-365 Hatzidimou, D. (2012). Preparation and lesson planning. (Προετοιμασία και Σχέδιο Μα-θήματος). Thessaloniki: Afoi Kyriakidi Hollander, C. (1978). An introduction to sociogram construction. Snow Lion Press Ioannidou-Koutselini, Μ. (2013). Curriculum and teaching. (Αναλυτικά Προγράμματα και Διδασκαλία). Athens: Pedio Jennings, H.H. 1987. Sociometry in Group Relations. 2nd ed. Westport: Greenwood Kogoulis, Ι. (1988). Introduction to Pedagogy. (Εισαγωγή στην Παιδαγωγική). Thessalo-niki: Afoi Kyriakidi Koutsiafti, Ν. (2012). Irrational decision. MSc Thesis. (Μη ορθολογική απόφαση. Διπλω-ματική εργασία ΠΜΣ). Athens: National Capodistrian University Konstantinou Ch. (2000). Student’s evaluation as pedagogic logic and a school practice (Η αξιολόγηση της επίδοσης του μαθητή ως παιδαγωγική λογική και σχολική πρακτι-κή). Athens: Gutenberg Leontari, Α. (1996). Self-perception. (Αυτοαντίληψη). Athens: Ellinika Grammata Mager, R. (2000). Didactic objectives and teaching. (Διδακτικοί στόχοι και διδασκαλία). Thessaloniki: Afoi Kyriakidi Manesis, Ν. (2010). Socially differentiated parental expectation and representations of the deficiencies and school functions. (Κοινωνικά διαφοροποιημένες γονεϊκές προσ-δοκίες και αναπαραστάσεις για τις ελλείψεις και τις λειτουργίες του σχολείου). Social Sciences Tribune (Το Βήμα των Κοινωνικών Επιστημών), 57, 31-54. Leighton J. & Gierl M. (2007). Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment for Education: Theory and Applications. New York: Cambridge University Press Matsagouras, E. (2001). Didactic strategies. Critical thinking in teaching. (Στρατηγικές Διδασκαλίας. Η κριτική σκέψη στη Διδακτική Πράξη). Athens: Gutenberg. Matsagouras, E. (2005). The personal theory as a context for stochastic-critical analysis. (Θεωρία της Διδασκαλίας. Η προσωπική θεωρία ως πλαίσιο στοχαστικο-κριτικής ανά-λυσης). Athens: Gutenberg. Matsagouras, E. (2008). The school classroom. (Η Σχολική τάξη). Athens: Grigoris McCorskey J. & McVetta R. (1978). Classroom Seating Arrangements: Instructional Communication Theory versus Student Preferences. Communication Education, 27, 99-111. Mills, A (2001). A systematic approach to risk management for construction. Structural Survey, Vol. 19 Iss: 5, pp.245 - 252 Orlich D., Harder R., Callahan M., Trevisan M., Brown A., Miller D. (2013). Teaching Strategies: A Guide to Effective Instruction. Belmont: Wadsworth, Cengage learning Papadimitriou, Ε.G. (2004). Science Theory and History of Philosophy. (Θεωρία της Επιστήμης και Ιστορία της Φιλοσοφίας). Athens: Gutenberg Papas, A. (2004). Contemporary Theory and Theory of Education. (Σύγχρονη Θεωρία και Πράξη της Παιδείας). Athens: Delphi Rasmussen J. (1997). Risk management in a dynamic society: a modelling problem. Safety Science, 27 (2-3), pp. 183-213 Rohrer M. &Samson N. (2014). Ten Critical Components for Success in Special Educa-tion Classroom. Thousand Oaks: Corwin Scott C., Murray G., Mertens C. & Dustin R. (1996). Student self-esteem and the School System; Perceptions and Implications. The Journal of Educational Research. Vol.89. Issue 5. Pp. 286-293. Seguin, R. (1989). The elaboration of school textbooks. Methodological guide. Division of Educational Sciences, Contents and Methods of Education. Unesco. Shapiro J.P. & Stefkovich, J. (2005). Ethical Leadership and decision making in educa-tion. London, Malwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers Smith S. & Dollase R. (1999). Outcome-based education: Part 2 – Planning, implement-ing and evaluating a competency-based curriculum. Medical Teacher, Vol.21, No.1 Stulz, R. (1996). Rethinking risk management. Journal of applied corporate finance. Vol.9 (3), pp.8-25 Neumann, J. & Morgenstern, O. (1953). Theory of Games and Economic Behavior. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press Tacco, A. (2005). Il rischio nella didattica. Il rischio e l’ animo dell’ occidente. Venezia: Editrice Cafoscarina Tzouriadou, Μ. (2011). Curriculum adjustments for students with learning difficulties. Theoretical context. (Προσαρμογές Αναλυτικών Προγραμμάτων για μαθητές με μαθη-σιακές δυσκολίες. Θεωρητικό Πλαίσιο). Athens: Ministry of Education Trilianos, Α. (1991). Teaching Methodology I. Critical approach based on scientific re-search findings. (Μεθοδολογία της Διδασκαλίας Ι. Κριτική προσέγγιση με βάση τα πο-ρίσματα της σύγχρονης επιστημονικής έρευνας). Athens: Afoi Tolidi Trilianos, Α. (2004). Methodology of modern teaching. Innovative approaches in teach-ing practice. (Μεθοδολογία της Σύγχρονης Διδασκαλίας. Καινοτόμες επιστημονικές προσεγγίσεις στη διδακτική πράξη). Vol.1. Athens Tyler, R. (2013). Basic principles of Curriculum and Instruction. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press Xochellis, P. (1993). Fundamental problems of Pedagogy. (Θεμελιώδη προβλήματα της Παιδαγωγικής Επιστήμης). Thessaloniki: Afoi Kyriakidi Urdan T. & Schoenfelder E. (2006). Classroom effects on student motivation: Goal structures, social relationships and competence beliefs. Journal of School Psychology. Vol.44, Issue 5. Pp. 331-349 Weston P. (1992) A Decade for Differentiation. British Journal of Special Education, Volume 19, No.1 March 1992 Westwood P. (1996). Effective Teaching. Australian Journal of Teacher Education. Vol. 21. Issue 1. Pp.66-84
There are 2 citations in total.


Journal Section Makaleler

Vasileios Zagkotas

İoannis Fykaris This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Zagkotas, V., & Fykaris, İ. (2017). The “risk in teaching process” or the “didactic risk”: Views of the Greek teachers. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, 3(4), 1068-1081.
AMA Zagkotas V, Fykaris İ. The “risk in teaching process” or the “didactic risk”: Views of the Greek teachers. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research. October 2017;3(4):1068-1081. doi:10.24289/ijsser.305447
Chicago Zagkotas, Vasileios, and İoannis Fykaris. “The “risk in Teaching process” or the ‘didactic risk’: Views of the Greek Teachers”. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research 3, no. 4 (October 2017): 1068-81.
EndNote Zagkotas V, Fykaris İ (October 1, 2017) The “risk in teaching process” or the “didactic risk”: Views of the Greek teachers. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research 3 4 1068–1081.
IEEE V. Zagkotas and İ. Fykaris, “The “risk in teaching process” or the ‘didactic risk’: Views of the Greek teachers”, International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 1068–1081, 2017, doi: 10.24289/ijsser.305447.
ISNAD Zagkotas, Vasileios - Fykaris, İoannis. “The “risk in Teaching process” or the ‘didactic risk’: Views of the Greek Teachers”. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research 3/4 (October 2017), 1068-1081.
JAMA Zagkotas V, Fykaris İ. The “risk in teaching process” or the “didactic risk”: Views of the Greek teachers. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research. 2017;3:1068–1081.
MLA Zagkotas, Vasileios and İoannis Fykaris. “The “risk in Teaching process” or the ‘didactic risk’: Views of the Greek Teachers”. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, vol. 3, no. 4, 2017, pp. 1068-81, doi:10.24289/ijsser.305447.
Vancouver Zagkotas V, Fykaris İ. The “risk in teaching process” or the “didactic risk”: Views of the Greek teachers. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research. 2017;3(4):1068-81.


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