Year 2012,
Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 127 - 137, 01.06.2012
Gheorghiţa Nistor
Mirela Anghel
Problem Statement: The children represent a vulnerable age category that is exposed to numerous social risks. Poverty represents a social risk but also a cause of social exclusion for children and youngsters. Purpose of Study: Education represents the key factor of social inclusion for this category of population and preventing school dropout needs to represent the target of social policies. Social policies of support need to ensure coherent strategies in the educational milieu especially in the context of present economic crisis. The children represent the future generation who will support the economy and these social-educational policies circumstances need to support school integration, discrimination prevention and social inequalities.Research Methods: The sociological research was achieved on a group of children and youngsters in 2011 and tried to gather information regarding their opinion towards social policies integration at school level. The methods of research were quantitative methods i.e. the sociological survey. Findings and Conclusions: The social policies of support are mostly perceived negatively without consensual strategies for the crisis time being. The social policies should prevent school dropout therefore breaking the link which specialists entitled the culture of poverty
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Year 2012,
Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 127 - 137, 01.06.2012
Gheorghiţa Nistor
Mirela Anghel
- Barus-Michel Jacqueline, Adrian Neculau (2011), Psihosociologia crizei, Bucureşti: Trei
- Krogsrud Miley Karla, O”Melia Michel, DuBois Brenda (2006) Practica asistenţei sociale, Iaşi: Polirom,
- Mărginean Ioan, Raluca Popescu, Daniel Arpinte, Gabriela Neagu (2006), Condiţii Sociale ale Excluziunii Copilului, Institutul de Cercetare a Calităţii Vieţii
- Maslow Abraham (2007) Motivaţie şi personalitate, Bucureşti: Trei
- Nistor Gheorghiţa (2011) Copiii – victime ale sărăciei. Cercetări şi cnexiuni teoretico-metodologice/Children-victims of poverty. Reserches and theoretical and methodological approches, Bucurest: Universitară
- Nistor Gheorghiţa, 2009, Sărăcia- factor de risc pentru abandonul şcolar, în Revista Protecţia socială a copilului, revistă de pedagogie şi asistenţă socială, nr. 34/2009, editată de Federaţia Internaţională a Comunităţilor Educative - FICE România, Bucuresti: Universitară
- Nistor Gheorghiţa, Vlad Ioana Camelia (2012) în Dumitraşcu Hanibal (coord), Consilierea în asistenţa Socială, Iaşi: Editura Polirom
- Rotaru Traian, Iluţ Petre (1996), Sociologie, Cluj- Napoca: Mesagerul,
- Zamfir Cătălin (2004) O analiză critică a tranziţiei. Ce va fi “după”, Iaşi: Polirom
- Zamfir, Elena (2000 ) Strategii anti-saracie si dezvoltare comunitară, Bucuresti: Expert
- Zamfir, Elena, Zamfir, C Cătălin, 1995, Politici sociale. România în context European, Bucureşti: Alternative.