Year 2012,
Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 259 - 267, 01.06.2012
Mirela Anghel
Our century is already defined as being the era of cultural relations and people acknowledge the importance of knowing the value of the others and in the same time to desiring for their own culture to be known. Communication skills form the professional capital of a specialist. They are also at the core of social interaction. It’s a well-acknowledged fact that man cannot live without communicating. From the very moment we opened eyes for the very first time we “expected” for people around us to provide a proof of existence. Communication affects our general wellbeing due to the fact that the society places great emphasis on the social support and relationships. Communication shows us who we are. And this can only happen by interacting with other people and through this interaction we develop our self-image. By interacting with others we can answer to who we are and how others define us
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