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Year 2010, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 9 - 16, 01.06.2010


This paper explores some important theoretical questions on the relationship between sports and older people, beyond the health perspective. Sport has been attributed numerous social functions and meanings. Also policymakers have experimented with the use of sport for social purposes. However, both research and policy initiatives are in general considered from a functional and instrumental point of view. Especially considering older people sport is mainly approached from a health perspective. A combination of insights from gerontology and sport sciences should help us gain a better view on how sport can contribute to the social integration of older people. This paper offers an extensive literature review focusing on formulating opportunities for further research about sport participation among older people


  • Adams, Rebecca (1993), “Activity as Structure and Process: Friendships of Older Adults”, (in:
  • Kelly, John Ed, Activity and Aging, Staying Involved in Later Life), Newbury Park: Sage Publications. Atchley, Robert (1989), A Continuity Theory of Normal Aging, The Gerontologist, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 183 – 190.
  • Atchley, Robert (1993), “Continuity Theory and the Evolution of Activity in Later Adulthood”,
  • (in: Kelly, John Ed, Activity and Aging, Staying Involved in Later Life), Newbury Park: Sage Publications. Baars, Jan (2006), Het nieuwe ouder worden. Paradoxen en perspectieven van leven in de tijd [in
  • Dutch: The new aging. Paradoxes and perspectives from living into time], Amsterdam: Humanistics University Press. Bossaerts, Nicole, Eva Vonck (2008), 55-plussers in beweging: naar een kwaliteitsvol sport- en bewegingsbeleid voor senioren [in Dutch: 55+ on the move, to a qualitative sports policy for older people], Working paper. Brussel: Bloso.
  • Cardenas, David, Karla A. Henderson and Beth E. Wilson (2009), “Physical Activity and Senior
  • Games Participation: Benefits, Constraints, and Behaviors”, Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp.135-153. Collins, Mike, Tess Kay (2003), Sport and Social Exclusion, London: Routledge.
  • De Knop, Paul, Agnes Elling (2000), Samenleving en Sport: gelijkheid van kansen en sport [in
  • Dutch: Society and Sport, equal opportunities in sport], Brussel: Koning Boudewijnstichting. De Knop, Paul, Jeroen Hoyng (1998), De functies en betekenissen van sport [in Dutch: The functions and meanings of sport], Tilburg: Tilburg University Press.
  • Dionigi, Rylee (2006), “Competitive Sport and Aging: The Need for a Qualitative Sociological
  • Research”, Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp.365-379. Elling, Agnes (2001), “The Social Integrative Meaning of Sport: A Critical and Comparative
  • Analysis of Policy and Practice in the Netherlands”, Sociology of Sport Journal, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp.414-343. Grant, Bevan C (2001), “You’re never too old: beliefs about physical activity and playing sport in later life”, Aging and Society, Vol. 21, pp.777-798.
  • Grant, Bevan C (2008), “An insider’s view on physical activity in later life”, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Vol. 9, pp.817-829.
  • Langley, David J., Sharon M. Knight (1999), “Continuity in Sport Participation as an Adaptive
  • Strategy in the Aging Process: A Lifespan Narrative”, Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, Vol. , No. 1, pp.32-54. McAuley, Edward (1993), “Self-Efficacy, Physical Activity, and Aging”, (in: Kelly, John Ed,
  • Activity and Aging, Staying Involved in Later Life), Newbury Park: Sage Publications. McPherson, Barry (1986), “Sport, Health, Well-Being, and Aging: Some Conceptual and Methodological Issues and Questions for Sport Scientists”, (in: McPherson Barry Ed, Sport and Aging), Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics Publishers.
  • O’Brien Cousins, Sandra, Norah Keating (1995), Life cycle patterns of physical activity among sedentary older women, Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, Vol, 3, No. 4, pp. 340 – 359.
  • O’Brien Cousins, Sandra, Patricia Vertinsky (1995), Recapturing the physical activity experiences of the old: A study of three women, Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 146 – 162.
  • Phillipson, Chris (2010), Critical Gerontology: Origins, Current Concerns and future Issues,
  • Working paper. Keele University: Centre for Social Gerontology. Phoenix, Cassandra, Bevan Grant (2009), “Expanding the Agenda for Research on the Physical
  • Active Aging Body”, Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp.362-379. Putnam, Robert (2000), Bowling Alone. The Collapse and Revival of American Community, New
  • York, NY: Simon & Schuster. Scheerder, Jeroen (2004), Spelen op het middenveld: vrijetijdssport als ontspanning, ontplooing en ontmoeting [in Dutch: Playing on the midfield, leisure sport as recreation, self development and encounter], Tielt: Lannoo.
  • Scheerder, Jeroen (2006), “Sport en senioren: naar een kwalitatief actief vrijetijdsaanbod voor toekomstige ouderengeneraties [in Dutch: Sport and older people: to a qualitative leisure offer for future generations of older people]”, (in: De Knop, Paul, Jeroen Scheerder and Bart Vanreusel Ed,
  • Sportsociologie), Maarssen: Elsevier gezondheidszorg. Scheerder, Jeroen, Tom Van Aken and Astrid Vervaet (2006), “Sport in/en de samenleving: maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen in relatie tot sport- en bewegingscultuur (in Dutch: Sports in/and the society: social developments in relation to sportsculture]”, (in: Sportbeleid in Vlaanderen,
  • Volume I, Trends, Visies, Cases en cijfers), Brussel: Publicatiefonds Vlaamse Trainersschool. Tamboer, Jan, Johan Steenbergen (2004), Sportfilosofie [Sports Philosophy], Budel: Uitgeverij Damon.
  • Theeboom, Marc (2009), Winst door sport, kwestie van voorwaarden [Benefit through sports, a matter of conditions], Working paper. Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
  • Tokarski, Walter (2004), “Sport of the elderly”, Kinesiology, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp.98-103.
  • Tulle, Emmanuelle (2008), “Acting your Age? Sports Science and the Ageing Body”, Journal of
  • Aging Studies, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 340 – 347. Van Bottenbug, Maarten (2009), De maatschappelijke betekenis van sport: easy to see, hard to prove [in Dutch: The social meaning of sport: easy to see, hard to prove], Working paper.
  • Universiteit Utrecht. Van Tuyckom, Charlotte, Jeroen Scheerder (2008), “Sport voor Allen: mythe of realiteit? Sociale gelaagdheid van sportbeoefening. Een onderzoeksnota [in Dutch: Sports for All, a myth or reality?
  • The social stratification of sport] ”, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, Vol. 4, pp. 454 – 465. Verté, Dominique, Nico De Witte en Liesbeth De Donder (2007), Schaakmat of aan zet? Monitor voor lokaal ouderenbeleid in Vlaanderen [in Dutch: Checkmate or to move, monitor for local policy on older people in Flanders], Brugge: Uitgeverij Vanden Broele.
Year 2010, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 9 - 16, 01.06.2010



  • Adams, Rebecca (1993), “Activity as Structure and Process: Friendships of Older Adults”, (in:
  • Kelly, John Ed, Activity and Aging, Staying Involved in Later Life), Newbury Park: Sage Publications. Atchley, Robert (1989), A Continuity Theory of Normal Aging, The Gerontologist, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 183 – 190.
  • Atchley, Robert (1993), “Continuity Theory and the Evolution of Activity in Later Adulthood”,
  • (in: Kelly, John Ed, Activity and Aging, Staying Involved in Later Life), Newbury Park: Sage Publications. Baars, Jan (2006), Het nieuwe ouder worden. Paradoxen en perspectieven van leven in de tijd [in
  • Dutch: The new aging. Paradoxes and perspectives from living into time], Amsterdam: Humanistics University Press. Bossaerts, Nicole, Eva Vonck (2008), 55-plussers in beweging: naar een kwaliteitsvol sport- en bewegingsbeleid voor senioren [in Dutch: 55+ on the move, to a qualitative sports policy for older people], Working paper. Brussel: Bloso.
  • Cardenas, David, Karla A. Henderson and Beth E. Wilson (2009), “Physical Activity and Senior
  • Games Participation: Benefits, Constraints, and Behaviors”, Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp.135-153. Collins, Mike, Tess Kay (2003), Sport and Social Exclusion, London: Routledge.
  • De Knop, Paul, Agnes Elling (2000), Samenleving en Sport: gelijkheid van kansen en sport [in
  • Dutch: Society and Sport, equal opportunities in sport], Brussel: Koning Boudewijnstichting. De Knop, Paul, Jeroen Hoyng (1998), De functies en betekenissen van sport [in Dutch: The functions and meanings of sport], Tilburg: Tilburg University Press.
  • Dionigi, Rylee (2006), “Competitive Sport and Aging: The Need for a Qualitative Sociological
  • Research”, Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp.365-379. Elling, Agnes (2001), “The Social Integrative Meaning of Sport: A Critical and Comparative
  • Analysis of Policy and Practice in the Netherlands”, Sociology of Sport Journal, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp.414-343. Grant, Bevan C (2001), “You’re never too old: beliefs about physical activity and playing sport in later life”, Aging and Society, Vol. 21, pp.777-798.
  • Grant, Bevan C (2008), “An insider’s view on physical activity in later life”, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Vol. 9, pp.817-829.
  • Langley, David J., Sharon M. Knight (1999), “Continuity in Sport Participation as an Adaptive
  • Strategy in the Aging Process: A Lifespan Narrative”, Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, Vol. , No. 1, pp.32-54. McAuley, Edward (1993), “Self-Efficacy, Physical Activity, and Aging”, (in: Kelly, John Ed,
  • Activity and Aging, Staying Involved in Later Life), Newbury Park: Sage Publications. McPherson, Barry (1986), “Sport, Health, Well-Being, and Aging: Some Conceptual and Methodological Issues and Questions for Sport Scientists”, (in: McPherson Barry Ed, Sport and Aging), Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics Publishers.
  • O’Brien Cousins, Sandra, Norah Keating (1995), Life cycle patterns of physical activity among sedentary older women, Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, Vol, 3, No. 4, pp. 340 – 359.
  • O’Brien Cousins, Sandra, Patricia Vertinsky (1995), Recapturing the physical activity experiences of the old: A study of three women, Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 146 – 162.
  • Phillipson, Chris (2010), Critical Gerontology: Origins, Current Concerns and future Issues,
  • Working paper. Keele University: Centre for Social Gerontology. Phoenix, Cassandra, Bevan Grant (2009), “Expanding the Agenda for Research on the Physical
  • Active Aging Body”, Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp.362-379. Putnam, Robert (2000), Bowling Alone. The Collapse and Revival of American Community, New
  • York, NY: Simon & Schuster. Scheerder, Jeroen (2004), Spelen op het middenveld: vrijetijdssport als ontspanning, ontplooing en ontmoeting [in Dutch: Playing on the midfield, leisure sport as recreation, self development and encounter], Tielt: Lannoo.
  • Scheerder, Jeroen (2006), “Sport en senioren: naar een kwalitatief actief vrijetijdsaanbod voor toekomstige ouderengeneraties [in Dutch: Sport and older people: to a qualitative leisure offer for future generations of older people]”, (in: De Knop, Paul, Jeroen Scheerder and Bart Vanreusel Ed,
  • Sportsociologie), Maarssen: Elsevier gezondheidszorg. Scheerder, Jeroen, Tom Van Aken and Astrid Vervaet (2006), “Sport in/en de samenleving: maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen in relatie tot sport- en bewegingscultuur (in Dutch: Sports in/and the society: social developments in relation to sportsculture]”, (in: Sportbeleid in Vlaanderen,
  • Volume I, Trends, Visies, Cases en cijfers), Brussel: Publicatiefonds Vlaamse Trainersschool. Tamboer, Jan, Johan Steenbergen (2004), Sportfilosofie [Sports Philosophy], Budel: Uitgeverij Damon.
  • Theeboom, Marc (2009), Winst door sport, kwestie van voorwaarden [Benefit through sports, a matter of conditions], Working paper. Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
  • Tokarski, Walter (2004), “Sport of the elderly”, Kinesiology, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp.98-103.
  • Tulle, Emmanuelle (2008), “Acting your Age? Sports Science and the Ageing Body”, Journal of
  • Aging Studies, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 340 – 347. Van Bottenbug, Maarten (2009), De maatschappelijke betekenis van sport: easy to see, hard to prove [in Dutch: The social meaning of sport: easy to see, hard to prove], Working paper.
  • Universiteit Utrecht. Van Tuyckom, Charlotte, Jeroen Scheerder (2008), “Sport voor Allen: mythe of realiteit? Sociale gelaagdheid van sportbeoefening. Een onderzoeksnota [in Dutch: Sports for All, a myth or reality?
  • The social stratification of sport] ”, Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, Vol. 4, pp. 454 – 465. Verté, Dominique, Nico De Witte en Liesbeth De Donder (2007), Schaakmat of aan zet? Monitor voor lokaal ouderenbeleid in Vlaanderen [in Dutch: Checkmate or to move, monitor for local policy on older people in Flanders], Brugge: Uitgeverij Vanden Broele.
There are 31 citations in total.


Other ID JA46FZ87DK
Journal Section Articles

Eva Vonck This is me

Dominique Verté This is me

Liesbeth De Donder This is me

Tine Buffel This is me

Nico De Witte This is me

Sarah Dury This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Vonck, E., Verté, D., Donder, L. D., Buffel, T., et al. (2010). OLDER PEOPLE AND SPORT, LOOKING BEYOND THE HEALTH PERSPECTIVE. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies, 2(1), 9-16.
AMA Vonck E, Verté D, Donder LD, Buffel T, Witte ND, Dury S. OLDER PEOPLE AND SPORT, LOOKING BEYOND THE HEALTH PERSPECTIVE. IJ-SSHS. June 2010;2(1):9-16.
Chicago Vonck, Eva, Dominique Verté, Liesbeth De Donder, Tine Buffel, Nico De Witte, and Sarah Dury. “OLDER PEOPLE AND SPORT, LOOKING BEYOND THE HEALTH PERSPECTIVE”. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies 2, no. 1 (June 2010): 9-16.
EndNote Vonck E, Verté D, Donder LD, Buffel T, Witte ND, Dury S (June 1, 2010) OLDER PEOPLE AND SPORT, LOOKING BEYOND THE HEALTH PERSPECTIVE. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies 2 1 9–16.
IEEE E. Vonck, D. Verté, L. D. Donder, T. Buffel, N. D. Witte, and S. Dury, “OLDER PEOPLE AND SPORT, LOOKING BEYOND THE HEALTH PERSPECTIVE”, IJ-SSHS, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 9–16, 2010.
ISNAD Vonck, Eva et al. “OLDER PEOPLE AND SPORT, LOOKING BEYOND THE HEALTH PERSPECTIVE”. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies 2/1 (June 2010), 9-16.
MLA Vonck, Eva et al. “OLDER PEOPLE AND SPORT, LOOKING BEYOND THE HEALTH PERSPECTIVE”. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies, vol. 2, no. 1, 2010, pp. 9-16.
Vancouver Vonck E, Verté D, Donder LD, Buffel T, Witte ND, Dury S. OLDER PEOPLE AND SPORT, LOOKING BEYOND THE HEALTH PERSPECTIVE. IJ-SSHS. 2010;2(1):9-16.