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Year 2021, , 184 - 192, 20.12.2021



  • 1. SM Shaikh, RC Doijad, AS Shete, PS Sankpal. A Review on: Preservatives used in Pharmaceuticals and impacts on health. PharmaTutor 2016;4(5):25-34.
  • 2. Ostrosky EA, Marcondes EMC, Nishikawa SO, Lopes PS, Varca GHC, Pinto TJA, Consiglieri TVO, Baby AR, Velasco MVR, Kaneko TM. Rubus rosaefolius extract as a natural preservative candidate in topical formulations. AAPS Pharm Sci Tech 2011;12(2):732-7.
  • 3. Oliveira B, Rodrigues AC, Cardoso BMI, Ramos ALCC, Bertoldi MC, Taylor JG, Cunha LR, Pinto UM. Antioxidant, antimicrobial and antiquorum sensing activities of Rubus rosaefolius phenolic extract. Industrial Crops and Products 2016;84: 59-66.
  • 4. Hernandes C, Pina ES, Taleb-Contini SH, Bertoni BW, Cestari IM, Espanha LG, Varanda EA, Camilo KFB, Martinez EZ, França SC, Pereira AMS. Lippia origanoides essential oil: an efficient and safe alternative to preserve food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. J Appl Microbiol 2017;122(4):900-910.
  • 5. Chataing B, Rojas L, Usubillaga A, Mora D. Chemical composition and bioactivity on bacteria and fungi of the essential oil from Lippia origanoides H.B.K. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants 2012;(15)3:454-460.
  • 6. Güner A, Aslan S, Ekim T, Vural M, Babaç M.T. [List of Turkey plants]. 1.Baskı. İstanbul: Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını; 2012.
  • 7. Baytop T. [Treatment with plants in Turkey]. Türkiye’de Bitkiler ile Tedavi. İstanbul, 1984, s. 190.
  • 8. Cava R, Nowak E, Taboada A, Marin-Iniesta F. Antimicrobial Activity of Clove and Cinnamon Essential Oils against Listeria monocytogenes in Pasteurized Milk. J Food Prot 2007;70:2757-63.
  • 9. Alma MH, Ertas M, Nitz S, Kollmannsberger H. Chemical composition and content of essential oil from the bud of cultivated Turkish clove (Syzygium aromaticum L.). Bio Res 2007;2 (2): 265-269.
  • 10. Davidson PM, Bozkurt Cekmer H, Monu EA, Techathuvanan C. The use of natural antimicrobials in food: An overview. Handbook of Natural Antimicrobials for Food Safety and Quality, Wood head Publishing/Elsevier, Cambridge, UK. 2014.p. 6-10.
  • 11. Yossa N, Patel J, Macarisin D, Millner P, Murphy C, Bauchan G, Lo MY. Antibacterial activity of cinnamaldehyde and sporan against Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella. J Food Process Preserv 2012;1:1-11.
  • 12. Mandalari G, Bennett R.N, Bisignano G, Trombetta D, Saija A, Faulds CB, Gasson MJ, Narbad A. Antimicrobial Activity of Flavonoids Extracted from Bergamot (Citrus bergamia Risso) Peel. A By product of the Essential Oil Industry. Journal of Applied Microbiology 2007;103:2056-2064.
  • 13. Fisher K, Phillips CA. The effect of lemon, orange and bergamot essential oils and their components on the survival of Campylobacter jejuni, Escherichia coli O157, Listeria monocytogenes, Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus in vitro and in food systems. J Appl Microbiol 2006;101(6):1232-40.
  • 14. Zanoli P, Zavatti M. Pharmacognostic and pharmacological profile of Humulus lupulus L. J Ethnopharmacol 2008;116:383-96.
  • 15. Thielmann J, Kohnen S, Hauser C. Antimicrobial activity of Olea europaea Linné extracts and their applicability as natural food preservative agents. International Journal of Food Microbiology 2017;251;48-66.
  • 16. Medina E, Garcia A, Romero C, Castro AD, Brenes M. Study of the anti-lactic acid bacteria compounds in table olives. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2009;44:(7)1286–1291. 17. Delaquis PJ, Mazza G. Antimicrobial properties of isothiocyanates in food preservation. Food Technology 1995;49: 73-84.
  • 18. Dufour V, Stahl M, Baysse C. The antibacterial properties of isothiocyanates. Microbiology 2015;161(2):229-43.
  • 19. Sofos JN, Beuchat LR, Davidson PM, Johnson EA. Naturally occurring antimicrobials in food. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 1998;28(2):71-2.
  • 20. Ankri S, Mirelman D. Antimicrobial properties of allicin from garlic. Microbes and Infection. 1999;2;125-129.
  • 21. Marchese A. Antifungal and antibacterial activities of allicin: A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology 2016;52:49-56.
  • 22. Vukics V, Kery A, Guttman A. Flower extracts and their essential oils as potential antimicrobial agents for food uses and pharmaceutical applications. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 2008;11(1):34-55.
  • 23. Mantil E, Daly G, Avis TJ. Effect of tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) oil as a natural antimicrobial agent in lipophilic formulations. Can J Microbiol 2015;61(1):82-8.
  • 24. Dweck AC. Natural preservatives. Research Director, Peter Black Medicare Ltd., White Horse Business Park, Aintree Avenue, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, UK. BA14 0XB.
  • 25. Manufacturing Chemist, March 1993. Essential evaluation: taking a closer look at natural oils. Anon.
  • 26. Selim SA, Adam ME, Hassan SM, Albalawi AR. Chemical composition, antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity of the essential oil and methanol extract of the Mediterranean cypress (Cupressus sempervirens L.) BMC complementary and alternative medicine 2014;14(1):179.
  • 27. Silva F, Domingues CF. Antimicrobial activity of coriander oil and its effectiveness as food preservative. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 2017;57:1:35-47.
  • 28. Rodriguez-Lafuente A, Nerin C. Batlle R. Active paraffin based paper packaging for extending the shelf life of cherry tomatoes. J. Agric. Food Chem 2010;58:6780-6786.
  • 29. Rodriguez A, Batlle R. and Nerin C. The use of natural essential oils as antimicrobial solutions in paper packaging. Part II. Prog. Org. Coat 2007;60:33-38.
  • 30. Rodriguez-Garcia I, Silva-Espinoza BA, Ortega-Ramirez L, Leyva JM, Siddiqui MW, Cruz-Valenzuela MR, Gonzalez-Aguilar GA, Ayala-Zavala JF. Oregano essential oil as an antimicrobial and antioxidant additive in food products. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr 2016;56(10):1717-27.
  • 31. Cristani M, D’Arrigo M, Mandalari G, Castelli F, Sarpietro MG, Micieli D, Venuti V, Bisignano G, Saija A, Trombetta D. Interaction of four monoterpenes contained in essential oils with model membranes: implications for their antibacterial activity. J Agric Food Chem 2007;55(15):6300-8.
  • 32. Silva Gonçalves GM, Srebernich SM, Bragagnolo N, Madalozzo ES, Merhi VL, Pires DC. Study of the composition of Thymus vulgaris essential oil, developing of topic formulations and evaluation of antimicrobial efficacy. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 2016;7(23):1736-1745.
  • 33. Mancini E, Senatore F, Monte DD, Martino LD, Grulova D, Scognamiglio M, Snoussi M, Feo VD. Studies on Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Five Thymus vulgaris L. Essential Oils. Molecules 2015;20:12016-12028.
  • 34. Martac IM, Podea P, Determination of antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of essential oil isolated from Rosmarinus officinalis L. Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology 2012;4(2):40-45.
  • 35. Del Campo J, Amiot MJ, Nguyen-The C. Antimicrobial effect of rosemary extracts. J Food Prot 2000;63(10):1359-68.
  • 36. Nejati H, Farahpour MR, Nagadehi MN. Topical Rosemary officinalis essential oil improves wound healing against disseminated Candida albicans infection in rat model. Comparative Clinical Pathology 2015;24(6):1377-1383.
  • 37. Yu ZH, Ding XZ, Xia LQ, Xiao XQ, Cao ZP, Xu S, Liu XM. Antimicrobial Activity and Mechanism of Total Saponins from Allium chinense. J Food Science 2013;34(15):75-80.
  • 38. Vijay KJ, Dwivedi HP, Yan X. Novel Natural Food Antimicrobials Annual Review of Food Science and Technology 2012;3:381-403.
  • 39. Al-Snafi EA. Antimicrobial effects of medicinal plants (Part 3): plant based review. IOSR Journal Of Pharmacy 2016;6(10):67-92.
  • 40. Singh S, Sarkar BK, Grace XF, Devgan M. Antimicrobial evaluation of herbal formulation of Equisetum arvense. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2015;2(3):908-912.
  • 41. Alzomor AK, Moharram AS, Noman NM, Alafifi J, Mokred H, Alaregi N. Extraction, formulation and evaluation of Argemone mexicana Linn leaves as antimikrobiyal cream and ointment. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Bio-science 2016;5(4):37-51.
  • 42. Raju PK, Srinivas P, Sadanandam M. Oral and topical preparations using natural products. Journal of Natural Pharmaceuticals 2013;4(1):37-46.

Natural Preservatives

Year 2021, , 184 - 192, 20.12.2021


Preservatives are used in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food and industrial products to prevent deterioration of the product and to prolong its use. Preservatives are classified into two groups as natural and synthetic according to their source. However, the interest in natural preservatives has increased due to the negative effects of synthetic preservatives on health and the increasing concerns about their safety. Plants have been used in many fields such as medicine, food, perfume and cosmetics since ancient times, and they are important as natural preservatives. There are studies in which the antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal effects of essential oils, extracts prepared from herbal drugs with various solvents, and herbal active substances purified and isolated from these extracts are investigated and significant results are revealed. For this reason, it is thought that they can be used as preservatives in the cosmetics, pharmaceutical and food industries due to their antimicrobial and antioxidant effects. In this study, plants, drugs, and herbal active substances that are used or can be used as preservatives of herbal origin with regards to their antimicrobial effects were examined. 


  • 1. SM Shaikh, RC Doijad, AS Shete, PS Sankpal. A Review on: Preservatives used in Pharmaceuticals and impacts on health. PharmaTutor 2016;4(5):25-34.
  • 2. Ostrosky EA, Marcondes EMC, Nishikawa SO, Lopes PS, Varca GHC, Pinto TJA, Consiglieri TVO, Baby AR, Velasco MVR, Kaneko TM. Rubus rosaefolius extract as a natural preservative candidate in topical formulations. AAPS Pharm Sci Tech 2011;12(2):732-7.
  • 3. Oliveira B, Rodrigues AC, Cardoso BMI, Ramos ALCC, Bertoldi MC, Taylor JG, Cunha LR, Pinto UM. Antioxidant, antimicrobial and antiquorum sensing activities of Rubus rosaefolius phenolic extract. Industrial Crops and Products 2016;84: 59-66.
  • 4. Hernandes C, Pina ES, Taleb-Contini SH, Bertoni BW, Cestari IM, Espanha LG, Varanda EA, Camilo KFB, Martinez EZ, França SC, Pereira AMS. Lippia origanoides essential oil: an efficient and safe alternative to preserve food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. J Appl Microbiol 2017;122(4):900-910.
  • 5. Chataing B, Rojas L, Usubillaga A, Mora D. Chemical composition and bioactivity on bacteria and fungi of the essential oil from Lippia origanoides H.B.K. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants 2012;(15)3:454-460.
  • 6. Güner A, Aslan S, Ekim T, Vural M, Babaç M.T. [List of Turkey plants]. 1.Baskı. İstanbul: Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını; 2012.
  • 7. Baytop T. [Treatment with plants in Turkey]. Türkiye’de Bitkiler ile Tedavi. İstanbul, 1984, s. 190.
  • 8. Cava R, Nowak E, Taboada A, Marin-Iniesta F. Antimicrobial Activity of Clove and Cinnamon Essential Oils against Listeria monocytogenes in Pasteurized Milk. J Food Prot 2007;70:2757-63.
  • 9. Alma MH, Ertas M, Nitz S, Kollmannsberger H. Chemical composition and content of essential oil from the bud of cultivated Turkish clove (Syzygium aromaticum L.). Bio Res 2007;2 (2): 265-269.
  • 10. Davidson PM, Bozkurt Cekmer H, Monu EA, Techathuvanan C. The use of natural antimicrobials in food: An overview. Handbook of Natural Antimicrobials for Food Safety and Quality, Wood head Publishing/Elsevier, Cambridge, UK. 2014.p. 6-10.
  • 11. Yossa N, Patel J, Macarisin D, Millner P, Murphy C, Bauchan G, Lo MY. Antibacterial activity of cinnamaldehyde and sporan against Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella. J Food Process Preserv 2012;1:1-11.
  • 12. Mandalari G, Bennett R.N, Bisignano G, Trombetta D, Saija A, Faulds CB, Gasson MJ, Narbad A. Antimicrobial Activity of Flavonoids Extracted from Bergamot (Citrus bergamia Risso) Peel. A By product of the Essential Oil Industry. Journal of Applied Microbiology 2007;103:2056-2064.
  • 13. Fisher K, Phillips CA. The effect of lemon, orange and bergamot essential oils and their components on the survival of Campylobacter jejuni, Escherichia coli O157, Listeria monocytogenes, Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus in vitro and in food systems. J Appl Microbiol 2006;101(6):1232-40.
  • 14. Zanoli P, Zavatti M. Pharmacognostic and pharmacological profile of Humulus lupulus L. J Ethnopharmacol 2008;116:383-96.
  • 15. Thielmann J, Kohnen S, Hauser C. Antimicrobial activity of Olea europaea Linné extracts and their applicability as natural food preservative agents. International Journal of Food Microbiology 2017;251;48-66.
  • 16. Medina E, Garcia A, Romero C, Castro AD, Brenes M. Study of the anti-lactic acid bacteria compounds in table olives. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2009;44:(7)1286–1291. 17. Delaquis PJ, Mazza G. Antimicrobial properties of isothiocyanates in food preservation. Food Technology 1995;49: 73-84.
  • 18. Dufour V, Stahl M, Baysse C. The antibacterial properties of isothiocyanates. Microbiology 2015;161(2):229-43.
  • 19. Sofos JN, Beuchat LR, Davidson PM, Johnson EA. Naturally occurring antimicrobials in food. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 1998;28(2):71-2.
  • 20. Ankri S, Mirelman D. Antimicrobial properties of allicin from garlic. Microbes and Infection. 1999;2;125-129.
  • 21. Marchese A. Antifungal and antibacterial activities of allicin: A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology 2016;52:49-56.
  • 22. Vukics V, Kery A, Guttman A. Flower extracts and their essential oils as potential antimicrobial agents for food uses and pharmaceutical applications. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 2008;11(1):34-55.
  • 23. Mantil E, Daly G, Avis TJ. Effect of tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) oil as a natural antimicrobial agent in lipophilic formulations. Can J Microbiol 2015;61(1):82-8.
  • 24. Dweck AC. Natural preservatives. Research Director, Peter Black Medicare Ltd., White Horse Business Park, Aintree Avenue, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, UK. BA14 0XB.
  • 25. Manufacturing Chemist, March 1993. Essential evaluation: taking a closer look at natural oils. Anon.
  • 26. Selim SA, Adam ME, Hassan SM, Albalawi AR. Chemical composition, antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity of the essential oil and methanol extract of the Mediterranean cypress (Cupressus sempervirens L.) BMC complementary and alternative medicine 2014;14(1):179.
  • 27. Silva F, Domingues CF. Antimicrobial activity of coriander oil and its effectiveness as food preservative. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 2017;57:1:35-47.
  • 28. Rodriguez-Lafuente A, Nerin C. Batlle R. Active paraffin based paper packaging for extending the shelf life of cherry tomatoes. J. Agric. Food Chem 2010;58:6780-6786.
  • 29. Rodriguez A, Batlle R. and Nerin C. The use of natural essential oils as antimicrobial solutions in paper packaging. Part II. Prog. Org. Coat 2007;60:33-38.
  • 30. Rodriguez-Garcia I, Silva-Espinoza BA, Ortega-Ramirez L, Leyva JM, Siddiqui MW, Cruz-Valenzuela MR, Gonzalez-Aguilar GA, Ayala-Zavala JF. Oregano essential oil as an antimicrobial and antioxidant additive in food products. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr 2016;56(10):1717-27.
  • 31. Cristani M, D’Arrigo M, Mandalari G, Castelli F, Sarpietro MG, Micieli D, Venuti V, Bisignano G, Saija A, Trombetta D. Interaction of four monoterpenes contained in essential oils with model membranes: implications for their antibacterial activity. J Agric Food Chem 2007;55(15):6300-8.
  • 32. Silva Gonçalves GM, Srebernich SM, Bragagnolo N, Madalozzo ES, Merhi VL, Pires DC. Study of the composition of Thymus vulgaris essential oil, developing of topic formulations and evaluation of antimicrobial efficacy. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 2016;7(23):1736-1745.
  • 33. Mancini E, Senatore F, Monte DD, Martino LD, Grulova D, Scognamiglio M, Snoussi M, Feo VD. Studies on Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Five Thymus vulgaris L. Essential Oils. Molecules 2015;20:12016-12028.
  • 34. Martac IM, Podea P, Determination of antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of essential oil isolated from Rosmarinus officinalis L. Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology 2012;4(2):40-45.
  • 35. Del Campo J, Amiot MJ, Nguyen-The C. Antimicrobial effect of rosemary extracts. J Food Prot 2000;63(10):1359-68.
  • 36. Nejati H, Farahpour MR, Nagadehi MN. Topical Rosemary officinalis essential oil improves wound healing against disseminated Candida albicans infection in rat model. Comparative Clinical Pathology 2015;24(6):1377-1383.
  • 37. Yu ZH, Ding XZ, Xia LQ, Xiao XQ, Cao ZP, Xu S, Liu XM. Antimicrobial Activity and Mechanism of Total Saponins from Allium chinense. J Food Science 2013;34(15):75-80.
  • 38. Vijay KJ, Dwivedi HP, Yan X. Novel Natural Food Antimicrobials Annual Review of Food Science and Technology 2012;3:381-403.
  • 39. Al-Snafi EA. Antimicrobial effects of medicinal plants (Part 3): plant based review. IOSR Journal Of Pharmacy 2016;6(10):67-92.
  • 40. Singh S, Sarkar BK, Grace XF, Devgan M. Antimicrobial evaluation of herbal formulation of Equisetum arvense. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2015;2(3):908-912.
  • 41. Alzomor AK, Moharram AS, Noman NM, Alafifi J, Mokred H, Alaregi N. Extraction, formulation and evaluation of Argemone mexicana Linn leaves as antimikrobiyal cream and ointment. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Bio-science 2016;5(4):37-51.
  • 42. Raju PK, Srinivas P, Sadanandam M. Oral and topical preparations using natural products. Journal of Natural Pharmaceuticals 2013;4(1):37-46.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine
Journal Section Reviews

Büşra Kulaksız Pişkin 0000-0002-6466-3271

Gülsün Vildan Seyhan This is me 0000-0001-9162-2937

Publication Date December 20, 2021
Submission Date August 27, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Kulaksız Pişkin, B., & Seyhan, G. V. (2021). Natural Preservatives. International Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine Research, 2(3), 184-192.

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This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.