Aim & Scope

Volga- Ural and Turkestan regions played important roles in history. The regions are on Silk Road from the east to west, Fur Trade Road from north to south, Spice Road from south to North and were not only an important trading place in history but also a meeting point of cultures, languages and religions. From this aspect, the regions hosted many empires and cultures. The aim of IJVUTS is to present international level of informations about the region that is components to and in interaction with each other to academic community neoterically. 

The journal is published on February and September, twice a year.
The journal has to follow publication schedule.
Double-blind systematic review is applied in the journal.
Social and human studies about Volga-Ural and Turkestan regions is published in the journal.
Studies which was published in other publication before is rejected by editor. A paper was presented in a conference or symposium must be stated in the paper.
After uploading a paper, researcher is informed by an e-mail about that the paper is sent to the journal. If this e-mail isn’t sent, the paper must be uploaded to journal again.
Papers must be proper to “Scientific Ethical Rules” of YÖK. Authors are responsible for papers that is not proper to ethical rules.
If papers sent to IJVUTS had been rejected by another journal before, this situation must be stated to the editor or an assistant editor.
Authors must reload papers editing it in accordance with prior reviews and referee reports in 10 days at the latest.
Papers are uploaded by authors. Editor views the papers and makes a prior review. This examination is not an content examination. Two expert referees examine contents and decide if papers could be published or not. If papers must be edited, referees state these points on their reports and then send them to the editor. Editor send referee reports to authors by using system. Authors must definitely apply editings take part in referee reports. Papers aren’t edited in accordance with referee reports at the appointed time are rejected by editor.
“Publishing Consultative Comitee” of the journal is being updated consistently, Arbitration Comitee is being enlarged.

Period Months
February August