Writing Rules

1. Article and Length

Articles submitted to the IZMIR KATIP CELEBI UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES JOURNAL; title, abstract, keywords and JEL codes, the main text, the bibliography and, if applicable, the annexes. These articles should be added and should not exceed 20,000 words including bibliography. However, taking into account the contents of the articles, longer articles may be taken into consideration if the editor deems it appropriate.

2. Main Text and Section Headings

Articles submitted to the IZMIR KATIP CELEBI UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES JOURNAL should be written in Microsoft Word environment, single line spacing, borders and A4 format. Titles in text 1, 1.1., 1.1.2. should be numbered.

Main text; paragraph indentation, 11 point, Times New Roman, and line spacing must be "single".

The Main Article of the Makalene should be descriptive and should represent the main issues of the article. Main article in Turkish and English should be 12 pt, bold, capital letter and Times New Roman.

Titles in the text should be 12 pt, bold and Times New Roman.

Paragraph spacing in text should be applied before and after 6nk.

Paragraph spacing in headings should be applied before and after 12nk.

3. Summary, Keyword and Gel Codes

The abstract should be in 10 pt, Times New Roman and italic. The summary should not exceed 200 words. The title of the article should be in Turkish, "ABSTRACT" title and English title "ABSTRACT" in 11 point font, bold, italic and Times New Roman.

In Journal, JEL (Journal of Economic Literature) code application has been adopted and at least 2 and maximum 4 JEL codes should be indicated in the works to be sent.

At least 3 keywords and at most 5 keywords should be specified in the articles.

In addition, it is necessary to include the author, title, institution, communication and ORCID ID information on the article.

4. Table, Figure and Mathematical Equations

The tables and figures should be numbered consecutively. Each shape and table should be given a title. If tables and figures are taken elsewhere, the source should be shown. Table Headings should be 11 points. In-table texts and mathematical equations should be written in 8 - 10 points.

The equations should be in the middle of the page and every equation must be given a sequence number. The sequence numbers of the equations should be on the right side of the page and in parentheses.

5. References

All articles submitted to the journal must be written in a format consistent with the spelling guidelines in the "American Psychological Association (6th edition)" published by the American Psychological Association (APA). It is necessary to use the method of showing source for the text. All resources presented in the text should be shown on the welder. Some examples for in-text display are as follows:

Reference to single-language publications: (Zeren, 2013: 102).

A reference to two literary publications: (Demirci and Zeren, 2016: 34).

A reference to three and more written publications: (Zeren et al., 2007: 77).

If the same author has a large number of sources at the source, the resources are written in the old order. Sources with the same date are sorted by letter.

It is necessary to write the bibliography in 11 points and some bibliographical examples according to the bibliographic rules are as follows:

Single authored book

Sayyid, G. (2017). Business Finance, Political Bookstore, Ankara.

Book written by multiple authors

Akkus, Ö. and Özkan, H. (2016). Qualitative Data Analysis with Stata Applications, Seçkin Bookstore, Ankara

Article written by a single author

Zeren, F. (2017) Investigation of Profit Sharing Knowledge: An Application on BİST Temtem-25 Index, Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Kırklareli University, 1-15.

Article written by more than one author

Saraç, M. and Zeren, F. (2015) The Dependency of Islamic Bank Rates to Conventional Bank Interest Rates: Further Evidence from Turkey, Applied Economics, February, 212-235.


Kökdemir, C. (2004) Organizational Culture and Worker-Employer Relationship. Unpublished Doctorate Thesis, Gazi University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.

Internet resources

Müderrisoğlu, O. (2006, 21 August). Anatolian approach will give life to 70 thousand SMEs. Sabah Newspaper. http://arsiv.sabah.com.tr/2006/08/21/eko110.html (Access Date, October 20, 2007).

For more detailed information, please visit http://www.apastyle.org/.

 1. Article and Length

Articles submitted to the Bulletin of Accounting and Finance Reviews (BAFR); title, abstract, keywords and JEL codes, the main text, the bibliography and, if applicable, the annexes. These articles should be added and should not exceed 20,000 words including bibliography. However, taking into account the contents of the articles, longer articles may be taken into consideration if the editor deems it appropriate.

2. Main Text and Section Headings

Articles submitted to the Bulletin of Accounting and Financial Review (BAFR) should be written in Microsoft Word environment, single line spacing, borders and A4 format. Titles in text 1, 1.1., 1.1.2. should be numbered.

Main text; paragraph indentation, 11 point, Times New Roman, and line spacing must be "single".

The Main Article of the Makalene should be descriptive and should represent the main issues of the article. Main article in Turkish and English should be 12 pt, bold, capital letter and Times New Roman.

Titles in the text should be 12 pt, bold and Times New Roman.

Paragraph spacing in text should be applied before and after 6nk.

Paragraph spacing in headings should be applied before and after 12nk.

3. Summary, Keyword and Gel Codes

The abstract should be in 10 pt, Times New Roman and italic. The summary should not exceed 200 words. The title of the article should be in Turkish, "ABSTRACT" title and English title "ABSTRACT" in 11 point font, bold, italic and Times New Roman.

In Journal, JEL (Journal of Economic Literature) code application has been adopted and at least 2 and maximum 4 JEL codes should be indicated in the works to be sent.

At least 3 keywords and at most 5 keywords should be specified in the articles.

In addition, it is necessary to include the author, title, institution, communication and ORCID ID information on the article.

4. Table, Figure and Mathematical Equations

The tables and figures should be numbered consecutively. Each shape and table should be given a title. If tables and figures are taken elsewhere, the source should be shown. Table Headings should be 11 points. In-table texts and mathematical equations should be written in 8 - 10 points.

The equations should be in the middle of the page and every equation must be given a sequence number. The sequence numbers of the equations should be on the right side of the page and in parentheses.

5. References

All articles submitted to the journal must be written in a format consistent with the spelling guidelines in the "American Psychological Association (6th edition)" published by the American Psychological Association (APA). It is necessary to use the method of showing source for the text. All resources presented in the text should be shown on the welder. Some examples for in-text display are as follows:

Reference to single-language publications: (Zeren, 2013: 102).

A reference to two literary publications: (Demirci and Zeren, 2016: 34).

A reference to three and more written publications: (Zeren et al., 2007: 77).

If the same author has a large number of sources at the source, the resources are written in the old order. Sources with the same date are sorted by letter.

It is necessary to write the bibliography in 11 points and some bibliographical examples according to the bibliographic rules are as follows:

Single authored book

Sayyid, G. (2017). Business Finance, Political Bookstore, Ankara.

Book written by multiple authors

Akkus, Ö. and Özkan, H. (2016). Qualitative Data Analysis with Stata Applications, Seçkin Bookstore, Ankara

Article written by a single author

Zeren, F. (2017) Investigation of Profit Sharing Knowledge: An Application on BİST Temtem-25 Index, Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Kırklareli University, 1-15.

Article written by more than one author

Saraç, M. and Zeren, F. (2015) The Dependency of Islamic Bank Rates to Conventional Bank Interest Rates: Further Evidence from Turkey, Applied Economics, February, 212-235.


Kökdemir, C. (2004) Organizational Culture and Worker-Employer Relationship. Unpublished Doctorate Thesis, Gazi University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.

Internet resources

Müderrisoğlu, O. (2006, 21 August). Anatolian approach will give life to 70 thousand SMEs. Sabah Newspaper. http://arsiv.sabah.com.tr/2006/08/21/eko110.html (Access Date, October 20, 2007).

For more detailed information, please visit http://www.apastyle.org/.


Creative Commons Lisansı
İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.