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Year 2018, Volume: 4 Issue: 14, 706 - 713, 01.08.2018


Diaspora yatırımları son 30 yılda Hindistan veya Çin gibi ülkelerin kalkınmasında çok büyük etkiye sahipken, diğer gelişmekte olan ülkeler Uluslararası Para Fonu gibi uluslararası borç verenlere veya doğrudan yabancı yatırım avına borç atarak başladılar. çoğu zaman alıcı ülkelerin ekonomileri için gerçek bir katalizör olarak görülür. Ancak, bu görev hala zor. Çeşitli nedenlerden dolayı, hükümetler genellikle büyüme hedeflerine uygun olmayan, ancak yatırımcıların stratejik çıkarlarına uygun seçimler yapıyorlar. Öte yandan, son yıllarda Afrika ülkelerine özel işçi dövizlerinde güçlü bir büyüme gerçekleşmiştir. Dünya bankasının rakamlarına göre, Sahra Altı Afrika, 2016 yılında 33 milyar ABD Doları'ndan az olmamakla birlikte, bu Afrika diasporasının kendi menşe ülkeleri için sahip olabileceği güce özellikle dikkat çekiyor. Dünya bankasının 2000 ve 2016 arasındaki kıtadaki para transferleri hakkındaki verilerine dayanarak, bu makale Afrika diasporasının mali kapasitelerini ve zorluklarını inceliyor; bu da, kıtaya gönderilen fonlarla, kilit sektörlerdeki yatırımları çoğaltarak yerel ekonomileri önemli ölçüde etkileyebilir.


  • Adams, S. (2009). Can foreign direct investment (FDI) help to promote growth in Africa? African Journal of Business Management , 3 (5), 178-183.
  • Adams, S. (2009, April). Foreign Direct investment, domestic investment, and economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Policy Modeling , 939-949.
  • APIX senegal. (2016, 9). Note Conceptuelle Création d’un« Espace Diaspora ». Daum, C., & Dougnon, I. (2009). Les migrations internes au continent africain. Hommes et migrations , 280, 6-11.
  • Debass, T., & Ardovino, M. (2009). Diaspora Direct Investment (DDI): The Untapped Resource For Development. United States Agency for International Development (USAID). United States Agency for International Development.
  • French Embassy in Cameroon. (2014). L’investissement direct étranger en Centrafrique en 2011. French Embassy.
  • Gohou, G., & Soumare, I. (2012). Does Foreign Direct Investment Reduce Poverty in Africa and are There Regional Differences? World Development , 40 (No. 1), pp. 75–95.
  • Hairsine, K. (2018, 04 24). Africa loses billions due to high cost of remittances. Retrieved from Deutsche Welle:
  • Ngouhouo, I. (2008). Les investissements directs étrangers en Afrique centrale : attractivité et effets économiques. PhD Thesis in Economics, Université du Sud Toulon Var, Economies et finances.
  • Ratha, D. (2015, 12). The invisibles billions: remittances. TEDxGateway. (TEDx, Interviewer)
  • Rodriguez-Montemayor, E. (2012, 9). Diaspora direct investment: policy options for development. Inter-American Development Bank brief , IDB-PB-183.
  • Shinn, D. H. (2002). Reversing the brain drain in Ethiopia.
  • THILOGNE ASSIOCIATION DÉVELOPPEMENT . (2014). Retrieved from Thilogne Assiociation Développement : UN-Habitat. (2018). The State of African Cities 2018 - The geography of African investment. United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat).
  • Watkins, K., & Quattri, M. (2014, April). Lost in intermediation : How excessive charges undermine the benefits of remittances for Africa. Overseas Development Institute .
  • Wolff, V., & Opoku-Owusu, S. (2017). L’engagement de la diaspora dans le domaine de l’investissement et de l’entreprenariat. International Centre for Migration Policy Development, Rabat, Moroco.


Year 2018, Volume: 4 Issue: 14, 706 - 713, 01.08.2018


Diaspora investments have had tremendous impacts in the development of countries like India or China during the last three decades while other developing countries have embarked on a rush of debt to international lenders like the International Monetary Fund IMF or to the hunt for foreign direct investment FDI , often seen as a real catalyst for the economies of the recipient countries. Yet the task remains difficult: for various reasons, governments often make choices that are not suited to their growth ambitions but simply to the strategic interests of investors. On the other hand, there has been strong growth in private remittances to African countries in recent years. According to the figures of the world bank, Sub-Saharan Africa received not less than US33 billion during the year 2016. This draws particular attention to the strength that this African diaspora can have for their countries of origin. Based on the world bank’s data on remittances to the continent between 2000 and 2016, this article analyses the financial capacities and challenges of the African diaspora, which, through funds sent to the continent, can significantly impact local economies by multiplying investments in the key sectors.


  • Adams, S. (2009). Can foreign direct investment (FDI) help to promote growth in Africa? African Journal of Business Management , 3 (5), 178-183.
  • Adams, S. (2009, April). Foreign Direct investment, domestic investment, and economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Policy Modeling , 939-949.
  • APIX senegal. (2016, 9). Note Conceptuelle Création d’un« Espace Diaspora ». Daum, C., & Dougnon, I. (2009). Les migrations internes au continent africain. Hommes et migrations , 280, 6-11.
  • Debass, T., & Ardovino, M. (2009). Diaspora Direct Investment (DDI): The Untapped Resource For Development. United States Agency for International Development (USAID). United States Agency for International Development.
  • French Embassy in Cameroon. (2014). L’investissement direct étranger en Centrafrique en 2011. French Embassy.
  • Gohou, G., & Soumare, I. (2012). Does Foreign Direct Investment Reduce Poverty in Africa and are There Regional Differences? World Development , 40 (No. 1), pp. 75–95.
  • Hairsine, K. (2018, 04 24). Africa loses billions due to high cost of remittances. Retrieved from Deutsche Welle:
  • Ngouhouo, I. (2008). Les investissements directs étrangers en Afrique centrale : attractivité et effets économiques. PhD Thesis in Economics, Université du Sud Toulon Var, Economies et finances.
  • Ratha, D. (2015, 12). The invisibles billions: remittances. TEDxGateway. (TEDx, Interviewer)
  • Rodriguez-Montemayor, E. (2012, 9). Diaspora direct investment: policy options for development. Inter-American Development Bank brief , IDB-PB-183.
  • Shinn, D. H. (2002). Reversing the brain drain in Ethiopia.
  • THILOGNE ASSIOCIATION DÉVELOPPEMENT . (2014). Retrieved from Thilogne Assiociation Développement : UN-Habitat. (2018). The State of African Cities 2018 - The geography of African investment. United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat).
  • Watkins, K., & Quattri, M. (2014, April). Lost in intermediation : How excessive charges undermine the benefits of remittances for Africa. Overseas Development Institute .
  • Wolff, V., & Opoku-Owusu, S. (2017). L’engagement de la diaspora dans le domaine de l’investissement et de l’entreprenariat. International Centre for Migration Policy Development, Rabat, Moroco.
There are 14 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Yannick Roland Nene Ngoma Tchıbında

Publication Date August 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 4 Issue: 14


APA Ngoma Tchıbında, Y. R. N. (2018). DIASPORA DIRECT INVESTMENTS: THE CHALLENGES OF THE AFRICAN DIASPORA. Journal of Institute of Economic Development and Social Researches, 4(14), 706-713.