Research Article
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Brexit Dilemma and the Future of Euroscepticism

Year 2023, Volume: 8 Issue: 21, 618 - 629, 30.06.2023


The United Kingdom (UK) has always been sceptical towards the European integration initiative and European Union (EU) membership has been a controversial issue in UK politics throughout the decades. Following the historic referendum questioning the UK’s EU membership, the withdrawal of the UK from the EU (Brexit) has been on the top of the agenda both in the UK and the EU. Brexit referendum result raised concerns about the impact of UK’s exit from the EU on other EU member states’ (MS) perceptions on EU full membership and the future of EU integration. Thus, there were concerns whether Eurosceptic tendencies would increase among the political parties. In this framework, the purpose of the article is to discuss the extent to which the UK's decision to leave the EU has affected the Eurosceptic attitudes of political parties towards the EU. Although there were concerns whether Brexit would trigger a domino effect that would pose a threat to European integration, the public and political support towards EU integration and full membership remained mostly moderate. Devoting specific focus to the impact of Brexit on the future of Euroscepticism, this paper also discusses why Brexit appears to have less impact on Eurosceptic tendencies of political parties than it was anticipated. However, Euroscepticism in the MSs is likely to depend on the series of future crises the EU would face and the future success of the UK-EU relations.


  • Adam, R. G. (2020). Brexit causes and consequences. Springer.
  • Baker, D. and Schnapper, P. (2015). Britain and the crisis of the European Union. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Bickerton, C. (2012). European integration: from nation-states to member states. Oxford University Press.
  • Brack, N. and Startin, N. (2015). Introduction: Euroscepticism, from the margins to the mainstream. International Political Science Review, 36(3), 239-249.
  • Coricelli, N. and Campos, F. (2015). Why did Britain join the EU? A new insight from economic history. VoxEU Organisation, 03 February.'s%20per%20capita, %2D%C3%A0%2Dvis%20the%20EU6
  • Carl, N., Dennison, J. and Evans, G. (2019). European but not European enough: An explanation for Brexit. European Union Politics, 20(2), 282-304.
  • Chopin, T. (2017). Defending Europe to defend real sovereignty. Notre Europe Jacques Delors Institute and Fondation Robert Schuman Policy Paper 194, 25 April.
  • Chopin, T. and Lequesne, C. (2021). Disintegration reversed: Brexit and the cohesiveness of the EU27. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 29(3), 419-431.
  • Curtice, J. (2015). A revolt on the right? The social and political attitudes of UKIP supporters. In: Ormston, R. and Curtice, J. (Eds.), British Social Attitudes: the 32nd Report (p. 17-31) NatCen Social Research.
  • Curtice, J. and Evans, G. (2015). Britain and Europe: Are we all Eurosceptics now?. In: Ormston, R. and Curtice, J. (Eds.), British Social Attitudes: the 32nd Report (p. 32-52) London: NatCen Social Research.
  • Curtice, J. and Ormston, R. (2015). Key findings five years of coalition government: public reactions and future consequences. In: Ormston, R. and Curtice, J. (Eds.), British Social Attitudes: the 32nd Report (p. 4-16) NatCen Social Research.
  • de Witte, B., Grant, C. and Piris, J.-C. (2015). United Kingdom's renegotiation of its constitutional relationship with the EU: Agenda, Priorities and Risks. EPRS: European Parliamentary Research Service. Belgium.
  • de Vries, C. (2018). Euroscepticism and the future of European Integration. Oxford University Press.
  • Guerra, S. (2020). Brexit: The EU27’s momentary lapse of unity. Political Insight, 11(2), 34-36.
  • Harmsen, R. and Spiering, M. (2004). Introduction: Euroscepticism and the evolution of European political debate. In: Harmsen, R. and Spiering, M. (Eds.), Euroscepticism: Party Politics, National Identity and European Integration (p. 13-35) Rodopi.
  • Henley, J. (2016, Jun 10). Would Brexit trigger a domino effect in Europe?. The Guardian.
  • Hobolt, S. B., and de Vries, C. E. (2016). Public support for European integration. Annual Review of Political Science, 19(1), 413-32.
  • Hoffmann, I. and de Vries, C. (2016). Brexit has raised support for the European Union. eupinions Brief and Bertelsmann Stiftung, November.
  • Hooghe, L. and Marks, G. (2019). Grand theories of European integration in the twenty-first century. Journal of European Public Policy, 26(8), 1113-1133.
  • Lekl, C. (2016). The reaction of the six to the United Kingdom’s second application for accession. CVCE European Navigator.
  • Martini, M. and Walter, S. (2023). Learning from precedent: how the British Brexit experience shapes nationalist rhetoric outside the UK. Journal of European Public Policy.
  • Oliver, T. (2013). Europe without Britain: assessing the impact on the European Union of a British withdrawal. SWP Research Paper (2013/RP 07), Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik.
  • Oliver, T. (2015). Europe's British question: The UK–EU relationship in a changing Europe and multipolar world. Global Society, 29(3), 409-426.
  • Randerson, J. (2019). Brexit is ‘vaccine’ against Euroskepticism, says Tusk. Politico, 28 May.
  • Rennie, D. (2012). The continent or the open sea: Does Britain have a European future?. Centre for European Reform.
  • Rodriguez-Aguilera de Prat, C. (2013). Euroscepticism, Europhobia and Eurocriticism: The radical parties of the right and left vis-à-vis the European Union. P.I.E. Peter Lang.
  • Szczerbiak, A., and Taggart, P. (2018). Contemporary research on Euroscepticism: the state of the art. In: Leruth, B., Startin, N. And Usherwood, S. (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Euroscepticism (p. 11–21) Routledge.
  • Solli, K.L. (2021). The future of British Euroscepticism post-Brexit. Political Studies Association Blog, 13 January.
  • Spiering, M. (2004). British Euroscepticism. In: R. Harmsen and M. Spiering (Eds.), Euroscepticism: Party Politics, National Identity and European Integration (p. 127–149) Rodopi.
  • Szucko, A. (2020). Brexit and the differentiated European (dis)integration. Contexto Internacional, 42(3), 621-646.
  • Taggart, P. and Szczerbiak, A. (2008). Theorizing party-based Euroscepticism: problems of definition, measurement, and causality. In: Taggart, P. and Szczerbiak, A. (Eds.), Opposing Europe: Comparative Party Politics of Euroscepticism. Volume 2 (p. 238-262) Oxford University Press.
  • Taggart, P. and Szczerbiak, A. (2018). Putting Brexit into perspective: the effect of the Eurozone and migration crises and Brexit on Euroscepticism in European states. Journal of European Public Policy, 25(8), 1194-1214.
  • The Economist (2015a). The reluctant European. Special Report, Britain and Europe, October 15th.
  • The Economist (2015b). The open sea: Euroscepticism and its roots. Special Report, Britain and Europe, October 15th.
  • The Economist (2015c). The wider world: the geopolitical question. Special Report, Britain and Europe, October 15th.
  • Usherwood, S. (2018). The third era of British Euroscepticism: Brexit as a paradigm shift. The Political Quarterly, 89(4), 553-559.
  • Usherwood, S. (2020). Euroscepticisim after Brexit. Political Insight, 11(2), 30-33.
  • van Kessel, S., Chelotti, N., Drake, H., Roch, P., and Rodi, P. (2020). Eager to leave? populist radical right parties’ responses to the UK’s Brexit vote. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 22(1), 65-84.
  • Wachowiak, J. and Zuleeg, F. (2021). Could the Brexit domino effect come back to haunt us?. Commentary. EPC, 23 April.
  • Wachowiak, J. and Zuleeg, F. (2022). Brexit and the Trade and Cooperation Agreement: implications for internal and external EU differentiation. The International Spectator, 57(1), 142-159.
  • Wassenberg, B. (2020). Challenging the origins of Euroscepticism. A historical perspective. Historia y Política, 44, 55-79.
  • Webber, D. (2014). How likely is it that the European Union will disintegrate? A critical analysis of competing theoretical perspectives. European Journal of International Relations, 20(2), 341–365.
  • Webber, D. (2020). Why Brexit has not and will not trigger EU disintegration. The Conversation, 31 January.
  • Wilson T. M. (2020). Anthropological approaches to why Brexit matters. Ethnologia Europaea, 50(2), 7–15.

Brexit İkilemi ve AB Şüpheciliğinin Geleceği

Year 2023, Volume: 8 Issue: 21, 618 - 629, 30.06.2023


Birleşik Krallık (BK), Avrupa entegrasyon girişimine karşı her zaman şüphe ile yaklaşmış ve Avrupa Birliği (AB) üyeliği BK siyasetinde yıllar boyu tartışılan bir konu olmuştur. BK’nin AB üyeliğini sorgulayan tarihi referandumun ardından, BK'nin AB'den ayrılma süreci (Brexit) hem BK hem de AB’nin gündeminde ilk sıralarda yer almıştır. Brexit referandum sonucu, BK’nin AB’den ayrılmasının diğer AB ülkelerinin AB üyelikleri ve AB entegrasyonunun geleceği hakkındaki algıları üzerindeki etkisine ilişkin endişeleri arttırmıştır. Dolayısıyla, siyasi partiler arasında Avrupa şüpheci eğilimlerin artıp artmayacağı konusunda endişeler ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu kapsamda çalışmanın amacı, BK’nin AB'den ayrılma kararının siyasi partilerin Avrupa şüpheci tutumlarını ne ölçüde etkilediğini tartışmaktır. Brexit'in Avrupa bütünleşmesine tehdit oluşturacak bir domino etkisini tetikleyip tetikleyemeyeceğine dair endişeler olsa da AB entegrasyonuna ve tam üyeliğe yönelik kamuoyu ve siyasi destek çoğunlukla ılımlı kalmıştır. Brexit'in Avrupa şüpheciliğinin geleceği üzerindeki etkilerine odaklanan bu çalışma ayrıca Brexit'in siyasi partilerin Avrupa şüpheci eğilimleri üzerinde neden tahmin edildiğinden daha az etkiye sahip olduğunu tartışmaktadır. Buna rağmen, üye ülkelerdeki AB şüpheciliği AB'nin ileride karşı karşıya kalacağı krizler ve BK-AB ilişkilerinin gelecekteki başarısına bağlı olacaktır.


  • Adam, R. G. (2020). Brexit causes and consequences. Springer.
  • Baker, D. and Schnapper, P. (2015). Britain and the crisis of the European Union. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Bickerton, C. (2012). European integration: from nation-states to member states. Oxford University Press.
  • Brack, N. and Startin, N. (2015). Introduction: Euroscepticism, from the margins to the mainstream. International Political Science Review, 36(3), 239-249.
  • Coricelli, N. and Campos, F. (2015). Why did Britain join the EU? A new insight from economic history. VoxEU Organisation, 03 February.'s%20per%20capita, %2D%C3%A0%2Dvis%20the%20EU6
  • Carl, N., Dennison, J. and Evans, G. (2019). European but not European enough: An explanation for Brexit. European Union Politics, 20(2), 282-304.
  • Chopin, T. (2017). Defending Europe to defend real sovereignty. Notre Europe Jacques Delors Institute and Fondation Robert Schuman Policy Paper 194, 25 April.
  • Chopin, T. and Lequesne, C. (2021). Disintegration reversed: Brexit and the cohesiveness of the EU27. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 29(3), 419-431.
  • Curtice, J. (2015). A revolt on the right? The social and political attitudes of UKIP supporters. In: Ormston, R. and Curtice, J. (Eds.), British Social Attitudes: the 32nd Report (p. 17-31) NatCen Social Research.
  • Curtice, J. and Evans, G. (2015). Britain and Europe: Are we all Eurosceptics now?. In: Ormston, R. and Curtice, J. (Eds.), British Social Attitudes: the 32nd Report (p. 32-52) London: NatCen Social Research.
  • Curtice, J. and Ormston, R. (2015). Key findings five years of coalition government: public reactions and future consequences. In: Ormston, R. and Curtice, J. (Eds.), British Social Attitudes: the 32nd Report (p. 4-16) NatCen Social Research.
  • de Witte, B., Grant, C. and Piris, J.-C. (2015). United Kingdom's renegotiation of its constitutional relationship with the EU: Agenda, Priorities and Risks. EPRS: European Parliamentary Research Service. Belgium.
  • de Vries, C. (2018). Euroscepticism and the future of European Integration. Oxford University Press.
  • Guerra, S. (2020). Brexit: The EU27’s momentary lapse of unity. Political Insight, 11(2), 34-36.
  • Harmsen, R. and Spiering, M. (2004). Introduction: Euroscepticism and the evolution of European political debate. In: Harmsen, R. and Spiering, M. (Eds.), Euroscepticism: Party Politics, National Identity and European Integration (p. 13-35) Rodopi.
  • Henley, J. (2016, Jun 10). Would Brexit trigger a domino effect in Europe?. The Guardian.
  • Hobolt, S. B., and de Vries, C. E. (2016). Public support for European integration. Annual Review of Political Science, 19(1), 413-32.
  • Hoffmann, I. and de Vries, C. (2016). Brexit has raised support for the European Union. eupinions Brief and Bertelsmann Stiftung, November.
  • Hooghe, L. and Marks, G. (2019). Grand theories of European integration in the twenty-first century. Journal of European Public Policy, 26(8), 1113-1133.
  • Lekl, C. (2016). The reaction of the six to the United Kingdom’s second application for accession. CVCE European Navigator.
  • Martini, M. and Walter, S. (2023). Learning from precedent: how the British Brexit experience shapes nationalist rhetoric outside the UK. Journal of European Public Policy.
  • Oliver, T. (2013). Europe without Britain: assessing the impact on the European Union of a British withdrawal. SWP Research Paper (2013/RP 07), Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik.
  • Oliver, T. (2015). Europe's British question: The UK–EU relationship in a changing Europe and multipolar world. Global Society, 29(3), 409-426.
  • Randerson, J. (2019). Brexit is ‘vaccine’ against Euroskepticism, says Tusk. Politico, 28 May.
  • Rennie, D. (2012). The continent or the open sea: Does Britain have a European future?. Centre for European Reform.
  • Rodriguez-Aguilera de Prat, C. (2013). Euroscepticism, Europhobia and Eurocriticism: The radical parties of the right and left vis-à-vis the European Union. P.I.E. Peter Lang.
  • Szczerbiak, A., and Taggart, P. (2018). Contemporary research on Euroscepticism: the state of the art. In: Leruth, B., Startin, N. And Usherwood, S. (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Euroscepticism (p. 11–21) Routledge.
  • Solli, K.L. (2021). The future of British Euroscepticism post-Brexit. Political Studies Association Blog, 13 January.
  • Spiering, M. (2004). British Euroscepticism. In: R. Harmsen and M. Spiering (Eds.), Euroscepticism: Party Politics, National Identity and European Integration (p. 127–149) Rodopi.
  • Szucko, A. (2020). Brexit and the differentiated European (dis)integration. Contexto Internacional, 42(3), 621-646.
  • Taggart, P. and Szczerbiak, A. (2008). Theorizing party-based Euroscepticism: problems of definition, measurement, and causality. In: Taggart, P. and Szczerbiak, A. (Eds.), Opposing Europe: Comparative Party Politics of Euroscepticism. Volume 2 (p. 238-262) Oxford University Press.
  • Taggart, P. and Szczerbiak, A. (2018). Putting Brexit into perspective: the effect of the Eurozone and migration crises and Brexit on Euroscepticism in European states. Journal of European Public Policy, 25(8), 1194-1214.
  • The Economist (2015a). The reluctant European. Special Report, Britain and Europe, October 15th.
  • The Economist (2015b). The open sea: Euroscepticism and its roots. Special Report, Britain and Europe, October 15th.
  • The Economist (2015c). The wider world: the geopolitical question. Special Report, Britain and Europe, October 15th.
  • Usherwood, S. (2018). The third era of British Euroscepticism: Brexit as a paradigm shift. The Political Quarterly, 89(4), 553-559.
  • Usherwood, S. (2020). Euroscepticisim after Brexit. Political Insight, 11(2), 30-33.
  • van Kessel, S., Chelotti, N., Drake, H., Roch, P., and Rodi, P. (2020). Eager to leave? populist radical right parties’ responses to the UK’s Brexit vote. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 22(1), 65-84.
  • Wachowiak, J. and Zuleeg, F. (2021). Could the Brexit domino effect come back to haunt us?. Commentary. EPC, 23 April.
  • Wachowiak, J. and Zuleeg, F. (2022). Brexit and the Trade and Cooperation Agreement: implications for internal and external EU differentiation. The International Spectator, 57(1), 142-159.
  • Wassenberg, B. (2020). Challenging the origins of Euroscepticism. A historical perspective. Historia y Política, 44, 55-79.
  • Webber, D. (2014). How likely is it that the European Union will disintegrate? A critical analysis of competing theoretical perspectives. European Journal of International Relations, 20(2), 341–365.
  • Webber, D. (2020). Why Brexit has not and will not trigger EU disintegration. The Conversation, 31 January.
  • Wilson T. M. (2020). Anthropological approaches to why Brexit matters. Ethnologia Europaea, 50(2), 7–15.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Economics, International Relations
Journal Section Research Papers

Zeynep Kaplan 0000-0002-6166-0905

Early Pub Date June 24, 2023
Publication Date June 30, 2023
Submission Date January 6, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 8 Issue: 21


APA Kaplan, Z. (2023). Brexit Dilemma and the Future of Euroscepticism. İktisadi İdari Ve Siyasal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(21), 618-629.
AMA Kaplan Z. Brexit Dilemma and the Future of Euroscepticism. JEBUPOR. June 2023;8(21):618-629. doi:10.25204/iktisad.1230211
Chicago Kaplan, Zeynep. “Brexit Dilemma and the Future of Euroscepticism”. İktisadi İdari Ve Siyasal Araştırmalar Dergisi 8, no. 21 (June 2023): 618-29.
EndNote Kaplan Z (June 1, 2023) Brexit Dilemma and the Future of Euroscepticism. İktisadi İdari ve Siyasal Araştırmalar Dergisi 8 21 618–629.
IEEE Z. Kaplan, “Brexit Dilemma and the Future of Euroscepticism”, JEBUPOR, vol. 8, no. 21, pp. 618–629, 2023, doi: 10.25204/iktisad.1230211.
ISNAD Kaplan, Zeynep. “Brexit Dilemma and the Future of Euroscepticism”. İktisadi İdari ve Siyasal Araştırmalar Dergisi 8/21 (June 2023), 618-629.
JAMA Kaplan Z. Brexit Dilemma and the Future of Euroscepticism. JEBUPOR. 2023;8:618–629.
MLA Kaplan, Zeynep. “Brexit Dilemma and the Future of Euroscepticism”. İktisadi İdari Ve Siyasal Araştırmalar Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 21, 2023, pp. 618-29, doi:10.25204/iktisad.1230211.
Vancouver Kaplan Z. Brexit Dilemma and the Future of Euroscepticism. JEBUPOR. 2023;8(21):618-29.