Research Article
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A Bibliometric Analysis of International Trade and Environment

Year 2025, Volume: 10 Issue: 26, 295 - 310, 28.02.2025


The aim of this study is to examine the scientific research literature on international trade and environment through bibliometric analysis. The Web of Science database was used for the study data, covering the period 1991-2023. The data were analyzed using VOSviewer 1.6.20 software. A cluster analysis was performed on the analysis results. According to the findings of the analysis, the most co-authored author is Manfred Lenzen, the most cited author is Thomas Wiedmann, the most co-cited author is John Barrett, and the three most used keywords are trade, China, and climate. The author with the highest link strength is Manfred Lenzen and the country with the highest number of co-citations is the United States of America. The journal with the highest number of publications related to the researched area is Ecological Economics. This study is of particular importance for researchers who want to gain a holistic perspective on international trade and environment by identifying key indicators in the scientific literature on international trade and environment.


  • Abdulai, A., and Ramcke, L. (2008, July). New empirical evidence for the impact of trade and economic growth on the environment. In Degit Conference Papers (No. c013_022). Degit, Kiel, Germany.
  • Adalı, G., Yardibi, F., Aydın, Ş., Güdekli, A., Aksoy, E., and Hoştut, S. (2024). Gender and advertising: A 50-year bibliometric analysis. Journal of Advertising,
  • Aksnes, D. W., and Sivertsen, G. (2023). Global trends in international research collaboration, 1980-2021. Journal of Data and Information Science, 8(2), 26-42.
  • Bahoo, S. (2020). Corruption in banks: A bibliometric review and agenda. Finance Research Letters, 35, 1-13.
  • Cai, X., Lu, Y., Wu, M., and Yu, L. (2016). Does environmental regulation drive away inbound foreign direct investment? Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China. Journal of development economics, 123, 73-85.
  • Cepeda-López, F., Gamboa-Estrada, F., León, C., and Rincón-Castro, H. (2019). The evolution of world trade from 1995 to 2014: A network approach. The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 28(4), 452-485.
  • Ceylan, İ. F., and Toiha, B. (2024). Doğrudan yabancı sermaye yatırımlarının çevresel etkisi: Bibliyometrik bir analiz. İşletme Bilimi Dergisi, 12(1), 14-37.
  • Chen, H., and Xu, Y. (2021). Environmental regulation and exports: Evidence from the comprehensive air pollution policy in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(3), 1316.
  • Chen, J., Luo, C., Ju, P., Tu, S., Shi, S., Wang, Z., and Wu, H. (2024). A bibliometric analysis and visualization of acupuncture and moxibustion therapy for herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia. Skin Research and Technology, 30(6), e13815.
  • Cherniwchan, J., and Najjar, N. (2022). Do environmental regulations affect the decision to export?. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 14(2), 125-60.
  • Clarivate. (2024, December 31). Academia & Government.
  • Copeland, B. R., and Taylor, M. S. (1995). Trade and transboundary pollution. The American Economic Review, American Economic Association, 85(4), 716-737.
  • Copeland, B. R., and Taylor, M. S. (2001). Trade and transboundary pollution. In B. R. Copeland, and M. S. Taylor (Eds.), International Trade and the Environment (pp. 119-142). Routledge.
  • Donthu, N., Kumar, S., and Pattnaik, D. (2020). Forty-five years of Journal of Business Research: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Business Research, 109, 1-14.
  • Duan, Y., Ji, T., Lu, Y., and Wang, S. (2021). Environmental regulations and international trade: A quantitative economic analysis of world pollution emissions. Journal of Public Economics, 203, 104521.
  • Erdogan, A. M. (2014). Foreign direct investment and environmental regulations: A survey. Journal of Economic Surveys, 28(5), 943-955.
  • Fabrizi, A., Gentile, M., Guarini, G., and Meliciani, V. (2024). The impact of environmental regulation on innovation and international competitiveness. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 34(1), 169-204.
  • Garfield, E. (1979). Is citation analysis a legitimate evaluation tool?. Scientometrics, 1(4), 359-375.
  • Grossman, G. M., and Krueger, A. B. (1991). Environmental impacts of a North American Free Trade Agreement (November 1991). NBER Working Paper No. w3914.
  • Gudekli, A., Dogan, M. E., Goru Dogan, T., and Gudekli, D. (2023). Gender, sustainability, and urbanism: A systematic review of literature and cross-cluster analysis. Sustainability, 15(20), 14994.
  • Hering, L., and Poncet, S. (2014). Environmental policy and exports: Evidence from Chinese cities. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 68(2), 296-318.
  • Huang, J., Chen, X., Huang, B., and Yang, X. (2017). Economic and environmental impacts of foreign direct investment in China: A spatial spillover analysis. China Economic Review, 45, 289-309.
  • Kahveci, A. (2023). İhracat performansı: Vosviewer ile bibliyometrik bir analiz. Tarsus Üniversitesi Uygulamalı Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(2), 118-133.
  • Kutlu, D. (2023, 22-24 Eylül). Kırsal turizm ile ilgili çalışmaların Vosviewer ile bibliyometrik analizi. In U. Ceylan, E.T. Tamer and İ. Akça (Ed.), 12. Ulusal Kırsal Turizm Kongresi (pp. 97-114). Kütahya.
  • Lee, I. S., Lee, H., Chen, Y. H., and Chae, Y. (2020). Bibliometric analysis of research assessing the use of acupuncture for pain treatment over the past 20 years. Journal of Pain Research, 13, 367-376.
  • Li, J., Burnham, J. F., Lemley, T. and Britton, R.M. (2010). Citation analysis: Comparison of web of science®, scopus™, SciFinder®, and google scholar. Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries, 7(3), 196-217.
  • Lulu, L., Ramachandran, S., Bidin, S., Subramaniam, T., and Chaoyi, C. (2023). A bibliometric analysis of residents’ perceptions in rural tourism development using citespace. Tourism Planning & Development, 21(4), 438-461.
  • McCain, K. W. (1990). Mapping authors in intellectual space: a technical overview. Journal of the American Society for Information Science (1986-1998), 41(6), 433-443.;2-Q
  • Ongun, U., and Çuhadar, Y. (2024). Web of Science veri tabanındaki yavaş şehir (cittaslow) yayınların bibliyometrik analizi. Journal of Tourism Intelligence and Smartness, 7(2), 105-123.
  • Our World in Data. (2024, October 1). Trade as a share of GDP, 2022.
  • Özekenci, E. K. (2023). Bibliometric analysis of articles published on the Web of Science (Wos) database on sustainable trade and green logistics. Akademik Yaklaşımlar Dergisi, 14(1), 346-369.
  • Padhan, L., and Bhat, (2023). Interrelationship between trade and environment: A bibliometric analysis of published articles from the last two decades. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30, 17051-17075.
  • Perianes-Rodriguez, A., Waltman, L., and Van Eck, N. J. (2016). Constructing bibliometric networks: A comparison between full and fractional counting. Journal of informetrics, 10(4), 1178-1195.
  • Pesta, B., Fuerst, J., and Kirkegaard, E. O. W. (2018). Bibliometric keyword analysis across seventeen years (2000–2016) of intelligence articles. Journal of Intelligence, 6(4), 46.
  • Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (2024, October 4). Dünya Ticaret Örgütü (DTÖ).
  • Rodríguez-Navarro, A., and Brito, R. (2022). The link between countries’ economic and scientific wealth has a complex dependence on technological activity and research policy. Scientometrics, 127(5), 2871-2896.
  • Song, G., and Ding, C. (2024). How do local environmental regulations affect the export technological complexity of enterprises? Sustainability, 16(17), 7709.
  • Sun, C., Zhan, Y., and Gao, X. (2023). Does environmental regulation increase domestic value-added in exports? An empirical study of cleaner production standards in China. World Development, 163, 106154.
  • Surwase, G., Sagar, A., Kademani, B. S., and Bhanumurthy, K. (2011, September 16-17). Co-citation analysis: An overview. B.S. Kademani, A.N. Bandi, S. Sirurmath, M. Angadi, I.C. Bandi, T. Shah, and S. Rao (Ed.), BOSLA National Conference Proceedings in (pp. 179-185), C-DAC.
  • Tian, X., Geng, Y., Sarkis, J., and Zhong, S. (2018). Trends and features of embodied flows associated with international trade based on bibliometric analysis. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 131, 148-157.
  • TÜBİTAK. (2025, December 30, 2024). Bibliyometrik.
  • UN. (2025, February 25). Climate Change.
  • Van Eck, N.J. and Waltman, L. (2014). Visualizing bibliometric networks. In Measuring scholarly impact: Methods and practice (pp. 285-320). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • VOSviewer. (2024, December 31). VOSviewer Online Docs.
  • VOSviewer. (2025, January 2). Home.
  • Wagner, U. J., and Timmins, C. D. (2009). Agglomeration effects in foreign direct ınvestment and the pollution haven hypothesis. Environ Resource Econ 43, 231-256.
  • Wahab, B. A. (2024). Environmental regulations and BRICS export flows: An empirical test of the porter hypothesis. Preprint (Version 1), Research Square.
  • Wiedmann, T., Lenzen, M., Turner, K., and Barrett, J. (2007). Examining the global environmental impact of regional consumption activities-Part 2: Review of input–output models for the assessment of environmental impacts embodied in trade. Ecological economics, 61(1), 15-26.
  • World Bank Group. (2024, October 1). World development ındicators.
  • WTO. (2022, October 3). Leveraging trade in environmental goods and services to tackle climate change, November 2022.
  • WTO. (2024a, December 20). Evolution of trade under the WTO: handy statistics.
  • WTO. (2024b, October 10). Early years: emerging environment debate in GATT/WTO.
  • WTO. (2024c, October 10). Commemorating 30th anniversary of the Marrakesh Agreement.
  • WTO. (2024d, October 4). An introduction to trade and environment in the WTO.
  • Yiğit Açıkgöz, F., and Çizmeli, D. (2023). İletişim araştırmalarındaki güncel eğilimler üzerine bibliyometrik bir inceleme. Akdeniz İletişim, (43), 214-234.
  • Zhang, Y., Cui, J., and Lu, C. (2020). Does environmental regulation affect firm exports? Evidence from wastewater discharge standard in China. China Economic Review, 61, 101451.
  • Zhao, X., Yang, X., Peng, G., and Yue, S. (2023). International trade and carbon emissions: Evaluating the role of trade rule uncertainty. Sustainability, 15(15), 11662.
  • Zupic, I., and Čater, T. (2015). Bibliometric methods in management and organization. Organizational Research Methods, 18(3), 429-472.

Uluslararası Ticaret ve Çevre Alanlarına İlişkin Bir Bibliyometrik Analizi

Year 2025, Volume: 10 Issue: 26, 295 - 310, 28.02.2025


Bu çalışmanın amacı, uluslararası ticaret ve çevre ile ilgili yapılan bilimsel araştırma literatürünü bibliyometrik analiz yöntemiyle incelemektir. 1991-2023 dönemi kapsayan çalışma verileri için Web of Science veri tabanı kullanılmıştır. Veriler, VOSviewer 1.6.20 yazılımı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonuçları üzerinden bir kümeleme analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Analiz bulgularına göre, en fazla ortak yazarlık yapan yazar Manfred Lenzen, en fazla atıf alan yazar Thomas Wiedmann, en fazla ortak atıf alan yazar John Barrett ve en çok kullanılan üç anahtar kelime trade, China ve climate olmuştur. Ayrıca, bağlantı gücü yüksek olan yazar Manfred Lenzen ve en fazla ortak atıf alan ülke Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’dir. Araştırılan alanla ilişkili en çok yayın yapan dergi ise Ecological Economics’tir. Bu çalışma, uluslararası ticaret ve çevre konularında bilimsel literatürdeki temel göstergeleri belirleyerek uluslararası ticaret ve çevre alanlarına ilişkin bütünsel bir bakış açısı kazanmak isteyen araştırmacılar için özel bir öneme sahiptir.


  • Abdulai, A., and Ramcke, L. (2008, July). New empirical evidence for the impact of trade and economic growth on the environment. In Degit Conference Papers (No. c013_022). Degit, Kiel, Germany.
  • Adalı, G., Yardibi, F., Aydın, Ş., Güdekli, A., Aksoy, E., and Hoştut, S. (2024). Gender and advertising: A 50-year bibliometric analysis. Journal of Advertising,
  • Aksnes, D. W., and Sivertsen, G. (2023). Global trends in international research collaboration, 1980-2021. Journal of Data and Information Science, 8(2), 26-42.
  • Bahoo, S. (2020). Corruption in banks: A bibliometric review and agenda. Finance Research Letters, 35, 1-13.
  • Cai, X., Lu, Y., Wu, M., and Yu, L. (2016). Does environmental regulation drive away inbound foreign direct investment? Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China. Journal of development economics, 123, 73-85.
  • Cepeda-López, F., Gamboa-Estrada, F., León, C., and Rincón-Castro, H. (2019). The evolution of world trade from 1995 to 2014: A network approach. The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 28(4), 452-485.
  • Ceylan, İ. F., and Toiha, B. (2024). Doğrudan yabancı sermaye yatırımlarının çevresel etkisi: Bibliyometrik bir analiz. İşletme Bilimi Dergisi, 12(1), 14-37.
  • Chen, H., and Xu, Y. (2021). Environmental regulation and exports: Evidence from the comprehensive air pollution policy in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(3), 1316.
  • Chen, J., Luo, C., Ju, P., Tu, S., Shi, S., Wang, Z., and Wu, H. (2024). A bibliometric analysis and visualization of acupuncture and moxibustion therapy for herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia. Skin Research and Technology, 30(6), e13815.
  • Cherniwchan, J., and Najjar, N. (2022). Do environmental regulations affect the decision to export?. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 14(2), 125-60.
  • Clarivate. (2024, December 31). Academia & Government.
  • Copeland, B. R., and Taylor, M. S. (1995). Trade and transboundary pollution. The American Economic Review, American Economic Association, 85(4), 716-737.
  • Copeland, B. R., and Taylor, M. S. (2001). Trade and transboundary pollution. In B. R. Copeland, and M. S. Taylor (Eds.), International Trade and the Environment (pp. 119-142). Routledge.
  • Donthu, N., Kumar, S., and Pattnaik, D. (2020). Forty-five years of Journal of Business Research: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Business Research, 109, 1-14.
  • Duan, Y., Ji, T., Lu, Y., and Wang, S. (2021). Environmental regulations and international trade: A quantitative economic analysis of world pollution emissions. Journal of Public Economics, 203, 104521.
  • Erdogan, A. M. (2014). Foreign direct investment and environmental regulations: A survey. Journal of Economic Surveys, 28(5), 943-955.
  • Fabrizi, A., Gentile, M., Guarini, G., and Meliciani, V. (2024). The impact of environmental regulation on innovation and international competitiveness. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 34(1), 169-204.
  • Garfield, E. (1979). Is citation analysis a legitimate evaluation tool?. Scientometrics, 1(4), 359-375.
  • Grossman, G. M., and Krueger, A. B. (1991). Environmental impacts of a North American Free Trade Agreement (November 1991). NBER Working Paper No. w3914.
  • Gudekli, A., Dogan, M. E., Goru Dogan, T., and Gudekli, D. (2023). Gender, sustainability, and urbanism: A systematic review of literature and cross-cluster analysis. Sustainability, 15(20), 14994.
  • Hering, L., and Poncet, S. (2014). Environmental policy and exports: Evidence from Chinese cities. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 68(2), 296-318.
  • Huang, J., Chen, X., Huang, B., and Yang, X. (2017). Economic and environmental impacts of foreign direct investment in China: A spatial spillover analysis. China Economic Review, 45, 289-309.
  • Kahveci, A. (2023). İhracat performansı: Vosviewer ile bibliyometrik bir analiz. Tarsus Üniversitesi Uygulamalı Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(2), 118-133.
  • Kutlu, D. (2023, 22-24 Eylül). Kırsal turizm ile ilgili çalışmaların Vosviewer ile bibliyometrik analizi. In U. Ceylan, E.T. Tamer and İ. Akça (Ed.), 12. Ulusal Kırsal Turizm Kongresi (pp. 97-114). Kütahya.
  • Lee, I. S., Lee, H., Chen, Y. H., and Chae, Y. (2020). Bibliometric analysis of research assessing the use of acupuncture for pain treatment over the past 20 years. Journal of Pain Research, 13, 367-376.
  • Li, J., Burnham, J. F., Lemley, T. and Britton, R.M. (2010). Citation analysis: Comparison of web of science®, scopus™, SciFinder®, and google scholar. Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries, 7(3), 196-217.
  • Lulu, L., Ramachandran, S., Bidin, S., Subramaniam, T., and Chaoyi, C. (2023). A bibliometric analysis of residents’ perceptions in rural tourism development using citespace. Tourism Planning & Development, 21(4), 438-461.
  • McCain, K. W. (1990). Mapping authors in intellectual space: a technical overview. Journal of the American Society for Information Science (1986-1998), 41(6), 433-443.;2-Q
  • Ongun, U., and Çuhadar, Y. (2024). Web of Science veri tabanındaki yavaş şehir (cittaslow) yayınların bibliyometrik analizi. Journal of Tourism Intelligence and Smartness, 7(2), 105-123.
  • Our World in Data. (2024, October 1). Trade as a share of GDP, 2022.
  • Özekenci, E. K. (2023). Bibliometric analysis of articles published on the Web of Science (Wos) database on sustainable trade and green logistics. Akademik Yaklaşımlar Dergisi, 14(1), 346-369.
  • Padhan, L., and Bhat, (2023). Interrelationship between trade and environment: A bibliometric analysis of published articles from the last two decades. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30, 17051-17075.
  • Perianes-Rodriguez, A., Waltman, L., and Van Eck, N. J. (2016). Constructing bibliometric networks: A comparison between full and fractional counting. Journal of informetrics, 10(4), 1178-1195.
  • Pesta, B., Fuerst, J., and Kirkegaard, E. O. W. (2018). Bibliometric keyword analysis across seventeen years (2000–2016) of intelligence articles. Journal of Intelligence, 6(4), 46.
  • Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (2024, October 4). Dünya Ticaret Örgütü (DTÖ).
  • Rodríguez-Navarro, A., and Brito, R. (2022). The link between countries’ economic and scientific wealth has a complex dependence on technological activity and research policy. Scientometrics, 127(5), 2871-2896.
  • Song, G., and Ding, C. (2024). How do local environmental regulations affect the export technological complexity of enterprises? Sustainability, 16(17), 7709.
  • Sun, C., Zhan, Y., and Gao, X. (2023). Does environmental regulation increase domestic value-added in exports? An empirical study of cleaner production standards in China. World Development, 163, 106154.
  • Surwase, G., Sagar, A., Kademani, B. S., and Bhanumurthy, K. (2011, September 16-17). Co-citation analysis: An overview. B.S. Kademani, A.N. Bandi, S. Sirurmath, M. Angadi, I.C. Bandi, T. Shah, and S. Rao (Ed.), BOSLA National Conference Proceedings in (pp. 179-185), C-DAC.
  • Tian, X., Geng, Y., Sarkis, J., and Zhong, S. (2018). Trends and features of embodied flows associated with international trade based on bibliometric analysis. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 131, 148-157.
  • TÜBİTAK. (2025, December 30, 2024). Bibliyometrik.
  • UN. (2025, February 25). Climate Change.
  • Van Eck, N.J. and Waltman, L. (2014). Visualizing bibliometric networks. In Measuring scholarly impact: Methods and practice (pp. 285-320). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • VOSviewer. (2024, December 31). VOSviewer Online Docs.
  • VOSviewer. (2025, January 2). Home.
  • Wagner, U. J., and Timmins, C. D. (2009). Agglomeration effects in foreign direct ınvestment and the pollution haven hypothesis. Environ Resource Econ 43, 231-256.
  • Wahab, B. A. (2024). Environmental regulations and BRICS export flows: An empirical test of the porter hypothesis. Preprint (Version 1), Research Square.
  • Wiedmann, T., Lenzen, M., Turner, K., and Barrett, J. (2007). Examining the global environmental impact of regional consumption activities-Part 2: Review of input–output models for the assessment of environmental impacts embodied in trade. Ecological economics, 61(1), 15-26.
  • World Bank Group. (2024, October 1). World development ındicators.
  • WTO. (2022, October 3). Leveraging trade in environmental goods and services to tackle climate change, November 2022.
  • WTO. (2024a, December 20). Evolution of trade under the WTO: handy statistics.
  • WTO. (2024b, October 10). Early years: emerging environment debate in GATT/WTO.
  • WTO. (2024c, October 10). Commemorating 30th anniversary of the Marrakesh Agreement.
  • WTO. (2024d, October 4). An introduction to trade and environment in the WTO.
  • Yiğit Açıkgöz, F., and Çizmeli, D. (2023). İletişim araştırmalarındaki güncel eğilimler üzerine bibliyometrik bir inceleme. Akdeniz İletişim, (43), 214-234.
  • Zhang, Y., Cui, J., and Lu, C. (2020). Does environmental regulation affect firm exports? Evidence from wastewater discharge standard in China. China Economic Review, 61, 101451.
  • Zhao, X., Yang, X., Peng, G., and Yue, S. (2023). International trade and carbon emissions: Evaluating the role of trade rule uncertainty. Sustainability, 15(15), 11662.
  • Zupic, I., and Čater, T. (2015). Bibliometric methods in management and organization. Organizational Research Methods, 18(3), 429-472.
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects International Economics (Other)
Journal Section Research Papers

Zeynep Aktaş Çimen 0000-0003-0959-5314

Early Pub Date February 28, 2025
Publication Date February 28, 2025
Submission Date January 11, 2025
Acceptance Date February 25, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 10 Issue: 26


APA Aktaş Çimen, Z. (2025). A Bibliometric Analysis of International Trade and Environment. İktisadi İdari Ve Siyasal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 10(26), 295-310.
AMA Aktaş Çimen Z. A Bibliometric Analysis of International Trade and Environment. JEBUPOR. February 2025;10(26):295-310. doi:10.25204/iktisad.1617979
Chicago Aktaş Çimen, Zeynep. “A Bibliometric Analysis of International Trade and Environment”. İktisadi İdari Ve Siyasal Araştırmalar Dergisi 10, no. 26 (February 2025): 295-310.
EndNote Aktaş Çimen Z (February 1, 2025) A Bibliometric Analysis of International Trade and Environment. İktisadi İdari ve Siyasal Araştırmalar Dergisi 10 26 295–310.
IEEE Z. Aktaş Çimen, “A Bibliometric Analysis of International Trade and Environment”, JEBUPOR, vol. 10, no. 26, pp. 295–310, 2025, doi: 10.25204/iktisad.1617979.
ISNAD Aktaş Çimen, Zeynep. “A Bibliometric Analysis of International Trade and Environment”. İktisadi İdari ve Siyasal Araştırmalar Dergisi 10/26 (February 2025), 295-310.
JAMA Aktaş Çimen Z. A Bibliometric Analysis of International Trade and Environment. JEBUPOR. 2025;10:295–310.
MLA Aktaş Çimen, Zeynep. “A Bibliometric Analysis of International Trade and Environment”. İktisadi İdari Ve Siyasal Araştırmalar Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 26, 2025, pp. 295-10, doi:10.25204/iktisad.1617979.
Vancouver Aktaş Çimen Z. A Bibliometric Analysis of International Trade and Environment. JEBUPOR. 2025;10(26):295-310.