Bu araştırma, Cemaleddin Efganî'nin hayatına birkaç açıdan bakıp üzerinde durur. Bu açılardan biri, muhtelif yerlere aktarılan bir düşünce tarzı olan Tefsîrü'l-Menâr ve Medresetu'l-Menar'a ektisidir. Ayrıca bu araştırma Efganî'nin tasavvur ve düşünce tarzlarına, Kur'an-ı Kerim'in onun hayatını nasıl etkilediğine, onun tefsire görüşüne odaklar. Bununla birlikte Efganî'nin, hidayete, reforma, kalkınmaya, insanı güzel ahlaka teşvik edip ve aynı zamanda insanı boyun eğmeye ve zulümeden uzaklaştıran Nass-ı Kur'ana hizmet etmeyen alt bilim dallar ile meşgul kalan diğer tefsirlere görüşünü araştırır.
جمال الدين الأفغاني تفسير المنار الإصلاح الديني محمد عبده رشيد رضا
يتناول هذا البحث, سيرة الرَّاحل جمال الدِّين الأفغاني, من زاويةٍ محددة, تتمحور حول أثره في تفسير المنار, ومدرسة المنار, كفكرةٍ انتقلت إلى العديدِ من الأقطار المختلفة, مع التَّركيز على دورِ القرآن الكريم في حياةِ الأفغاني, ونظرته إلى التفسير, ورؤاه وتصوراته, وفي الوقت ذاته رأيه في التَّفاسير الأخرى, واشتباكها مع علومٍ فرعيةٍ لم تخدم النَّص القرآني, الذي يدعو إلى الهدايةِ, والإصلاح, والنهضة بالأمة من كبوتها, والارتقاء بالإنسان إلى حسنِ المكارم, والنأي به عن مسارب الذُّل والخضوعِ للظُّلم.
جمال الدين الأفغاني تفسير المنار الإصلاح الديني محمد عبده رشيد رضا
This research deals with the biography of the late Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, from a specific angle, without going into the controversies that revolve around his personality and political history, and limiting himself to explaining his impact on the Interpretation of al-Manar and Al-Manar school, as an idea that moved to many different countries, and as its impact was not limited to Egypt only. There is a focus on the role of the Noble Qur’an in the life of Al-Afghani, his view of interpretation, his visions, and his Qur’anic perceptions, and at the same time his opinion on other interpretations, and their clash with sub-sciences that did not serve the Qur’anic text, which calls for guidance, reform, and renaissance for the nation from repression, elevating man to good deeds, and keeping him away from the paths of humiliation, and submission to oppression. It was found that al-Afghani had reformist and da'wah views on the Qur'anic text, despite his lack of dealing with the interpretation of the Holy Qur'an. Upon consideration and reflection, it becomes clear the agreement of the major landmarks in looking at the Noble Qur’an between Professor Jamal Al-Din Al-Afghani and the interpretation of Al-Manar. Which leads to confirm that the interpretation of Al-Manar, in fact, is based on three men: The first of them: Mr. Jamal Al-Din Al-Afghani.
Jamal al-Din al-Afghani Tafseer al-Manar religious reform Muhammad Abduh Rashid Rida
Birincil Dil | Arapça |
Konular | Din Araştırmaları |
Bölüm | Makaleler |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 31 Aralık 2021 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2021 Sayı: 6 |