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Yıl 2021, , 79 - 92, 09.12.2021


Bu çalışma yeni medya teknolojilerinin ve blog faaliyetlerinin Kazakistan’daki gazetecilik pratiğinde sahip olduğu yeri incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Yeni medya ifadesindeki yeni kelimesinin yaptığı çağrışımın aksine, yeni medya araçları insan yaşamına gireli yirmi yıldan uzun bir süre olmuştur. Bu görece uzun zaman dilimi içerisinde yeni medya araçları çeşitli merhalelerden geçerek gelişmeye devam etmiştir. Bu bağlamda 1990’ların sonlarından itibaren tüm dünyada blog faaliyetlerine olanak tanıyan web siteleri ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu çalışma öncelikle Kazakistan’da blog faaliyetlerinin ortaya çıkışı ve gelişimine dair genel bir çerçeve çizmektedir. Daha sonra Kazak blog evreni ile Kazak gazetecilerin mesleki yaşamı arasındaki yakın ilişki incelenecektir. Kazak bloglarıyla ilgili yapılan genel değerlendirme blogların Kazakistan’da hobilerden profesyonel yaşama kadar pek çok alanda kullanıcı katılımına olanak tanıyan sosyal alanlar olduğunu göstermektedir. Kazak gazeteciler blog ve mikroblog platformlarını küresel eğilimlere de uygun olarak mesleki yaşamlarına entegre etmektedir. Kazak gazeteciler düzenli olarak blog yazıları okumakta ve neredeyse yarısı çeşitli bloglarda sosyopolitik tartışmalarda yer almaktadır. Bloglar Kazak gazetecileri için yeni iletişim kanallarını, yeni gazetecilik tarzlarını ve yeni bir ifade alanını beraberinde getirmiştir. Diğer yandan Kazakistan’da kitle iletişim araçları ve internet hakkındaki mevzuat ifade özgürlüğüyle ilgili kaygılar uyandırmaktadır. Bununla birlikte Kazak blog yazarlarının ifade özgürlüğü alanını genişletmek üzere ümit vaat eden gelişmeler de yaşanmaktadır.


  • Agyltayeva, A. (2012, October). TV interview. (KazakhstanTV, Interviewer). Almaty.
  • Bulatova, M., & Beisenkulov, A. (2017). The role of social media in Kazakhstani journalism: New traditions and challenges. Global Media Journal, 15, 1.
  • Castells, M. (2009). Comunicación y poder. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
  • Conniff, M. (September 29, 2009). Just what is a blog, anyway? Retrieved from p050929/?__cf_chl_ jschl_tk__=pmd_d.47OedPV.sBWudx284.0tSX4nl7Q7E51B90cfdGy- Sc-1629582635-0-gqNtZGzNAdCjcnBszQal.
  • DataReportal. (2021). Digital 2021: Kazakhstan. Retrieved from /reports/digital- 2021-kazakhstan.
  • Emrich, F., Plakhina, Y., & Tsyrenzhapova, D. (2013). Mapping digital media: Kazakhstan. Retrieved from https://www. mapping-digital-media-kazakhstan-eng-20131024.pdf.
  • Facebook. (n.d.). Facebook transparency: Kazakhstan. Retrieved from data/content-restrictions/country/KZ /.
  • FirstSiteGuide. (2021). The state of the blogging industry in 2020. Retrieved from https://firstsiteguide. com/blogging-industry-survey/.
  • Freedom House. (2021). Freedom on the net 2020: Kazakhstan. Retrieved from https://freedomhouse. org/country/kazakhstan/freedom-world/2020.
  • Gitelman, L. (2006). Always already new: Media, history, and the data of culture. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
  • Harmanci, R. (February 20, 2005). Time to get a life — pioneer blogger Justin Hall bows out at 31. Retrieved from Justin-Hall-2697359.php.
  • Hedman, U., & Djerf-Pierre, M. (2013). The social journalist: Embracing the social media life or creating a new digital divide? Digital Journalism, 1, 1-18.
  • Ho, S. (2007). Blogging as popular history making, blogs as public history: A Singapore case study. Public History Review, 64-79.
  • Internet World Stats. (2021). Asia internet use, population statistics data and Facebook data - mid-year 2021. Retrieved from
  • Mysayeva, K. (2016). Kazakhstan’s new media development: Role of social media on society. Серия Журналистики [Journalism Series], 40(2).
  • Nurpeis, Z. (February 26, 2016). Қазақша блогтардың тарихы [history of Kazakh blogs]. Retrieved from
  • Orazov, Y. (2020). The blogosphere in the regional information field. In Kozybayev Readings - 2020: Priorities, Achievements and Innovations ın the Development Of Modern Kazakhstani Science (pp. 300-306). Kazakhstan: I. S.P. Conference.
  • Orihuela, J. L. (2003). eCommunication: the 10 paradigms of media in the digital age. In R. Salaverrría, & C. Sádaba (Eds.), Towards New Media Paradigms. Content, producers, organizations and Audience (pp. 150-153). Pamplona: Eunate.
  • Oshanova, O. (2021). Қазақстандағы интернет кеңістікті заңдық тұрғыдан реттеу: мәселелер мен шешу жолдары [Legal regulation on internet domain in Kazakhstan: problems and solutions]. “Вестник Серия «Филологические науки», 1(71), 676–683.
  • Sajithra, K., & Patil, D. (2013). Social media - history and components. Journal of Business and Management, 7(1), 69-74.
  • StatCounter. (2021). Social media stats Kazakhstan. Retrieved from media-stats/all/kazakhstan/#monthly-202005-202105.
  • Sukhacheva, A. (2011). “MediaKurultay-2011”: where the journalism of Kazakhstan is moving. 01/2011Internet- media.
  • Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter transparency: Kazakhstan. Retrieved from countries/kz.html.


Yıl 2021, , 79 - 92, 09.12.2021


This study aims to examine the place of new media technologies and blogging activities in journalism practice in Kazakhstan. New media tools have had a place in our lives for more than twenty years, contrary to what the adjective new implies. In this relatively long period, new media tools continued to develop by going through various stages. In this context, classical websites have developed to allow blogging activities all over the world since the late 90s. This study aims to provide a general framework for the emergence and development of blogging activities in Kazakhstan. Then, the close relationship between the blogosphere and Kazakh journalists’ professional life will be evaluated. A general evaluation of Kazakh blogosphere reveals that blogs are social spaces that allow user participation in many areas, from hobbies to professional life in Kazakhstan. Kazakh journalists also integrate blogs and microblogs into their professional lives in parallel to global trends. They regularly read blogs, and almost half of them take part in sociopolitical discussions on several blogs. Blogs created new channels of communication, new journalism styles, and new areas of expression for Kazakh journalists. On the other hand, regulations on mass media and the internet in Kazakhstan raise some concerns about the freedom of expression. However, there are also promising developments to broaden the freedom of expression for Kazakh bloggers.


  • Agyltayeva, A. (2012, October). TV interview. (KazakhstanTV, Interviewer). Almaty.
  • Bulatova, M., & Beisenkulov, A. (2017). The role of social media in Kazakhstani journalism: New traditions and challenges. Global Media Journal, 15, 1.
  • Castells, M. (2009). Comunicación y poder. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
  • Conniff, M. (September 29, 2009). Just what is a blog, anyway? Retrieved from p050929/?__cf_chl_ jschl_tk__=pmd_d.47OedPV.sBWudx284.0tSX4nl7Q7E51B90cfdGy- Sc-1629582635-0-gqNtZGzNAdCjcnBszQal.
  • DataReportal. (2021). Digital 2021: Kazakhstan. Retrieved from /reports/digital- 2021-kazakhstan.
  • Emrich, F., Plakhina, Y., & Tsyrenzhapova, D. (2013). Mapping digital media: Kazakhstan. Retrieved from https://www. mapping-digital-media-kazakhstan-eng-20131024.pdf.
  • Facebook. (n.d.). Facebook transparency: Kazakhstan. Retrieved from data/content-restrictions/country/KZ /.
  • FirstSiteGuide. (2021). The state of the blogging industry in 2020. Retrieved from https://firstsiteguide. com/blogging-industry-survey/.
  • Freedom House. (2021). Freedom on the net 2020: Kazakhstan. Retrieved from https://freedomhouse. org/country/kazakhstan/freedom-world/2020.
  • Gitelman, L. (2006). Always already new: Media, history, and the data of culture. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
  • Harmanci, R. (February 20, 2005). Time to get a life — pioneer blogger Justin Hall bows out at 31. Retrieved from Justin-Hall-2697359.php.
  • Hedman, U., & Djerf-Pierre, M. (2013). The social journalist: Embracing the social media life or creating a new digital divide? Digital Journalism, 1, 1-18.
  • Ho, S. (2007). Blogging as popular history making, blogs as public history: A Singapore case study. Public History Review, 64-79.
  • Internet World Stats. (2021). Asia internet use, population statistics data and Facebook data - mid-year 2021. Retrieved from
  • Mysayeva, K. (2016). Kazakhstan’s new media development: Role of social media on society. Серия Журналистики [Journalism Series], 40(2).
  • Nurpeis, Z. (February 26, 2016). Қазақша блогтардың тарихы [history of Kazakh blogs]. Retrieved from
  • Orazov, Y. (2020). The blogosphere in the regional information field. In Kozybayev Readings - 2020: Priorities, Achievements and Innovations ın the Development Of Modern Kazakhstani Science (pp. 300-306). Kazakhstan: I. S.P. Conference.
  • Orihuela, J. L. (2003). eCommunication: the 10 paradigms of media in the digital age. In R. Salaverrría, & C. Sádaba (Eds.), Towards New Media Paradigms. Content, producers, organizations and Audience (pp. 150-153). Pamplona: Eunate.
  • Oshanova, O. (2021). Қазақстандағы интернет кеңістікті заңдық тұрғыдан реттеу: мәселелер мен шешу жолдары [Legal regulation on internet domain in Kazakhstan: problems and solutions]. “Вестник Серия «Филологические науки», 1(71), 676–683.
  • Sajithra, K., & Patil, D. (2013). Social media - history and components. Journal of Business and Management, 7(1), 69-74.
  • StatCounter. (2021). Social media stats Kazakhstan. Retrieved from media-stats/all/kazakhstan/#monthly-202005-202105.
  • Sukhacheva, A. (2011). “MediaKurultay-2011”: where the journalism of Kazakhstan is moving. 01/2011Internet- media.
  • Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter transparency: Kazakhstan. Retrieved from countries/kz.html.
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İletişim ve Medya Çalışmaları
Bölüm Derlemeler

Zakir Avşar 0000-0002-1427-127X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 9 Aralık 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Eylül 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Avşar, Z. (2021). NEW MEDIA, BLOGS, AND JOURNALISM IN KAZAKHSTAN. İletişim Ve Diplomasi(6), 79-92.