Research Article
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Türk Gençliğinin Instagram Influencerlarına Tepkisinin İncelenmesi: Bir Duygu Analizi

Year 2024, , 59 - 73, 20.07.2024


Bu çalışma, Türk gençlerinin Instagram fenomenlerine yönelik tutumlarını araştırmak için karma yöntemli bir araştırma metodolojisi kullanmaktadır. Bir yıl boyunca (Aralık 2022'den Aralık 2023'e kadar) Instagram fenomenleri ile aktif olarak etkileşimde bulunan Türk gençlerine ait 18.619 Instagram yorumu toplanmıştır. Duygu analizi, yorumlarda ifade edilen duygu durumlarını olumlu, olumsuz veya nötr olarak sınıflandırmak için Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) ve Python kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Nitel içerik analizi, geniş bir duygu ve tutum yelpazesini ortaya çıkarmakta ve Instagram fenomenlerinin Türk gençlerinin düşüncelerini, görüşlerini ve dünya görüşlerini şekillendirmede oynadığı önemli rolü vurgulamaktadır. Çalışma, fenomenler tarafından tetiklenen en yaygın duygular arasında hayranlık, kıskançlık, ilham ve kaygı olduğunu tespit etmiştir. Bu duyguların yaygınlığını ve yoğunluğunu anlamak için kategorize edilip analiz edildi. Ayrıca, bu duyguların altında yatan nedenler, içeriğin bağlanabilirliği, fenomenlerin algılanan özgünlüğü ve yaşam tarzları ile mesajlarının gençlerin öz algısı ve sosyal davranışları üzerindeki etkisi de incelenmiştir. Hem nitel hem de nicel verileri bir araya getirerek, bu çalışma Instagram fenomenlerinin Türk gençleri üzerindeki etkisine dair kapsamlı ve ayrıntılı bir anlayış sunmaktadır. Bulgular, sosyal medyanın gençler üzerindeki karmaşık ve çok yönlü etkisini vurgulayarak dijital kültür çalışmaları alanına değerli içgörüler katmaktadır. Bu araştırma, sosyal medya fenomenlerinin gençler üzerindeki etkisini incelerken çeşitli duygusal ve psikolojik boyutların dikkate alınmasının önemini ortaya koymaktadır.


  • Akram, Z., Mahmud, M., & Mahmood, A. (2015). Impact of social networking sites (SNSs) on youth. Applied Science Reports, 11(1), 6-10.
  • Caliandro, A., & Graham, J. (2020). Studying Instagram beyond selfies. Social media+ society, 6(2), 2056305120924779.
  • Celuch, K. (2021). Hashtag usage and user engagement on Instagram: The case of # foodfestivals. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 21, 966-973.
  • Chattaraj, D., & Vijayaraghavan, A. P. (2021). The mobility paradigm in higher education: a phenomenological study on the shift in learning space. Smart Learning Environments, 8(1), 15.
  • Couture-Wilhelmy, L., Chaubet, P., & Gadais, T. (2021). Winning conditions for the adoption and maintenance of long-term healthy lifestyles according to physical activity students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(21), 11057.
  • Dobrian, F., Sekar, V., Awan, A., Stoica, I., Joseph, D., Ganjam, A., Zhan, J., & Zhang, H. (2011). Understanding the impact of video quality on user engagement. ACM SIGCOMM computer communication review, 41(4), 362-373.
  • Fidan, M., Debbağ, M., & Fidan, B. (2021). Adolescents like Instagram! From secret dangers to an educational model by its use motives and features: An analysis of their mind maps. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 49(4), 501-531.
  • Fire, M., Goldschmidt, R., & Elovici, Y. (2014). Online social networks: threats and solutions. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 16(4), 2019-2036.
  • Gangadharbatla, H. (2008). Facebook me: Collective self-esteem, need to belong, and internet self-efficacyas predictors of the iGeneration’s attitudes toward social networking sites. Journalof interactive advertising, 8(2), 5-15.
  • Graneheim, U. H., & Lundman, B. (2004). Qualitative content analysis in nursing research: concepts, procedures and measures to achieve trustworthiness. Nurse education today, 24(2), 105-112.
  • Jansen, B. J., Zhang, M., Sobel, K., & Chowdury, A. (2009). Twitter power: Tweets as electronic word of mouth. Journal of the American society for information science and technology, 60(11), 2169-2188.
  • Jin, S. V., & Ryu, E. (2020). “I’ll buy what she’s #wearing”: The roles of envy toward and parasocial interaction with influencers in Instagram celebrity-based brand endorsement and social commerce. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 55.
  • Karamustafic, S., Stockmaster, T., Palladina, S., Harris, A., & Perloff, R. M. (2020). Social media influencers: Who they are and how they influence.
  • Kawachi, I., & Berkman, L. F. (2001). Social ties and mental health. Journal of Urban Health, 78, 458-467.
  • Khalid, N. L., Jayasainan, S. Y., & Hassim, N. (2018). Social media influencers-shaping consumption culture among Malaysian youth. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 53, p. 02008). EDP Sciences.
  • Krämer, B., Fernholz, T., Husung, T., Meusel, J., & Voll, M. (2021). Right-wing populism as a worldview and online practice: Social media communication by ordinary citizens between ideology and lifestyles. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, 8(3), 235-264.
  • Malik, R. S. (2018). Educational challenges in 21st century and sustainable development. Journal ofSustainable Development Education and Research, 2(1), 9-20.
  • Pilař, L., Stanislavská, L. K., Kvasnička, R., Hartman, R., & Tichá, I. (2021). Healthy food on Instagram social network: Vegan, homemade and clean eating. Nutrients, 13(6), 1991.
  • Prichard, J., Watters, P., Krone, T., Spiranovic, C., & Cockburn, H. (2015). Social media sentiment analysis: A new empirical tool for assessing public opinion on crime? Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 27(2), 217-236.
  • Rogers, D. L. (2016). The digital transformation playbook: Rethink your business for the digital age. Columbia University Press.
  • Shariff, S. (2008). Cyber-bullying: Issues and solutions for the school, the classroom and the home. Routledge.
  • Siddiq, S. (2023). Exploring Tiktok Influencers Impact on Pakistani Youth: A Sentiment Analysis. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 62(2), 47-60.
  • Ternov, N. M. (2021). Turkish Policy in Kazakhstans Instagram Content: Political Analysis. Вестник Евразийского Национального Университета Им. Лн Гумилева. Серия: Политические Науки. Регионоведение. Востоковедение. Тюркология Учредители: Евразийский Национальный Университет Им. Лн Гумилева, (3), 63-71.
  • Trentin, G. (2010). Networked Collaborative Learning: Social interaction and active learning. Elsevier.
  • Tricomi, P. P., Chilese, M., Conti, M., & Sadeghi, A. R. (2023, April). Follow us and become famous! İnsights and guidelines from instagram engagement mechanisms. In Proceedings of the 15th ACM Web Science Conference 2023 (pp. 346-356).
  • Ünalmış, E. (2021). Behavioral consequences of exposure to infodemic by influencers. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi. İstanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Vogel, E. A., Rose, J. P., Roberts, L. R., & Eckles, K. (2014). Social comparison, social media, and self-esteem. Psychology of popular media culture, 3(4), 206.
  • Vrontis, D., Makrides, A., Christofi, M., & Thrassou, A. (2021). Social media influencer marketing: A systematic review, integrative framework and future research agenda. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 45(4), 617-644.
  • Wankhade, M., Rao, A. C. S., & Kulkarni, C. (2022). A survey on sentiment analysis methods, applications, and challenges. Artificial Intelligence Review, 55(7), 5731-5780.
  • Weismayer, C., Gunter, U., & Önder, I. (2021). Temporal variability of emotions in social media posts. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 167, 120699.
  • Wu, J. (2021). Study of a video-sharing platform: The global rise of TikTok. Doctoral Dissertation. Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • Younis, D. (2024). Social Inclusion portrayal on TikTok and Instagram: The role of social media influencers in promoting mental health literacy, body image and self-esteem. Journal of Media and Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(7), 121-140.

Examining Turkish Youth's Reaction to Instagram Influencers: A Sentiment Analysis

Year 2024, , 59 - 73, 20.07.2024


This study employs a mixed-methods research methodology to investigate the attitudes of Turkish teenagers towards Instagram influencers. Over the course of one year (December 2022 to December 2023), we collected 18,619 Instagram comments, specifically focusing on Turkish adolescents who were actively interacting with influencers. The sentiment analysis was conducted using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and Python to classify the polarity of sentiments expressed in the comments as positive, negative, or neutral. The qualitative content analysis revealed a wide range of feelings and attitudes, highlighting the significant role Instagram influencers play in shaping the ideas, opinions, and worldviews of Turkish youth. The study found that admiration, jealousy, inspiration, and anxiety were among the most common emotions elicited by influencers. These emotions were categorized and analyzed to understand their prevalence and intensity. Additionally, the underlying reasons behind these emotions were explored, including the relatability of the content, perceived authenticity of the influencers, and the impact of their lifestyles and messages on the youth's self-perception and social behavior. By integrating both qualitative and quantitative data, this study provides a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of how Instagram influencers affect Turkish adolescents. The findings contribute valuable insights to the field of digital culture studies, emphasizing the complex and multifaceted influence of social media on youth.


  • Akram, Z., Mahmud, M., & Mahmood, A. (2015). Impact of social networking sites (SNSs) on youth. Applied Science Reports, 11(1), 6-10.
  • Caliandro, A., & Graham, J. (2020). Studying Instagram beyond selfies. Social media+ society, 6(2), 2056305120924779.
  • Celuch, K. (2021). Hashtag usage and user engagement on Instagram: The case of # foodfestivals. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 21, 966-973.
  • Chattaraj, D., & Vijayaraghavan, A. P. (2021). The mobility paradigm in higher education: a phenomenological study on the shift in learning space. Smart Learning Environments, 8(1), 15.
  • Couture-Wilhelmy, L., Chaubet, P., & Gadais, T. (2021). Winning conditions for the adoption and maintenance of long-term healthy lifestyles according to physical activity students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(21), 11057.
  • Dobrian, F., Sekar, V., Awan, A., Stoica, I., Joseph, D., Ganjam, A., Zhan, J., & Zhang, H. (2011). Understanding the impact of video quality on user engagement. ACM SIGCOMM computer communication review, 41(4), 362-373.
  • Fidan, M., Debbağ, M., & Fidan, B. (2021). Adolescents like Instagram! From secret dangers to an educational model by its use motives and features: An analysis of their mind maps. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 49(4), 501-531.
  • Fire, M., Goldschmidt, R., & Elovici, Y. (2014). Online social networks: threats and solutions. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 16(4), 2019-2036.
  • Gangadharbatla, H. (2008). Facebook me: Collective self-esteem, need to belong, and internet self-efficacyas predictors of the iGeneration’s attitudes toward social networking sites. Journalof interactive advertising, 8(2), 5-15.
  • Graneheim, U. H., & Lundman, B. (2004). Qualitative content analysis in nursing research: concepts, procedures and measures to achieve trustworthiness. Nurse education today, 24(2), 105-112.
  • Jansen, B. J., Zhang, M., Sobel, K., & Chowdury, A. (2009). Twitter power: Tweets as electronic word of mouth. Journal of the American society for information science and technology, 60(11), 2169-2188.
  • Jin, S. V., & Ryu, E. (2020). “I’ll buy what she’s #wearing”: The roles of envy toward and parasocial interaction with influencers in Instagram celebrity-based brand endorsement and social commerce. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 55.
  • Karamustafic, S., Stockmaster, T., Palladina, S., Harris, A., & Perloff, R. M. (2020). Social media influencers: Who they are and how they influence.
  • Kawachi, I., & Berkman, L. F. (2001). Social ties and mental health. Journal of Urban Health, 78, 458-467.
  • Khalid, N. L., Jayasainan, S. Y., & Hassim, N. (2018). Social media influencers-shaping consumption culture among Malaysian youth. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 53, p. 02008). EDP Sciences.
  • Krämer, B., Fernholz, T., Husung, T., Meusel, J., & Voll, M. (2021). Right-wing populism as a worldview and online practice: Social media communication by ordinary citizens between ideology and lifestyles. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, 8(3), 235-264.
  • Malik, R. S. (2018). Educational challenges in 21st century and sustainable development. Journal ofSustainable Development Education and Research, 2(1), 9-20.
  • Pilař, L., Stanislavská, L. K., Kvasnička, R., Hartman, R., & Tichá, I. (2021). Healthy food on Instagram social network: Vegan, homemade and clean eating. Nutrients, 13(6), 1991.
  • Prichard, J., Watters, P., Krone, T., Spiranovic, C., & Cockburn, H. (2015). Social media sentiment analysis: A new empirical tool for assessing public opinion on crime? Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 27(2), 217-236.
  • Rogers, D. L. (2016). The digital transformation playbook: Rethink your business for the digital age. Columbia University Press.
  • Shariff, S. (2008). Cyber-bullying: Issues and solutions for the school, the classroom and the home. Routledge.
  • Siddiq, S. (2023). Exploring Tiktok Influencers Impact on Pakistani Youth: A Sentiment Analysis. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 62(2), 47-60.
  • Ternov, N. M. (2021). Turkish Policy in Kazakhstans Instagram Content: Political Analysis. Вестник Евразийского Национального Университета Им. Лн Гумилева. Серия: Политические Науки. Регионоведение. Востоковедение. Тюркология Учредители: Евразийский Национальный Университет Им. Лн Гумилева, (3), 63-71.
  • Trentin, G. (2010). Networked Collaborative Learning: Social interaction and active learning. Elsevier.
  • Tricomi, P. P., Chilese, M., Conti, M., & Sadeghi, A. R. (2023, April). Follow us and become famous! İnsights and guidelines from instagram engagement mechanisms. In Proceedings of the 15th ACM Web Science Conference 2023 (pp. 346-356).
  • Ünalmış, E. (2021). Behavioral consequences of exposure to infodemic by influencers. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi. İstanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Vogel, E. A., Rose, J. P., Roberts, L. R., & Eckles, K. (2014). Social comparison, social media, and self-esteem. Psychology of popular media culture, 3(4), 206.
  • Vrontis, D., Makrides, A., Christofi, M., & Thrassou, A. (2021). Social media influencer marketing: A systematic review, integrative framework and future research agenda. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 45(4), 617-644.
  • Wankhade, M., Rao, A. C. S., & Kulkarni, C. (2022). A survey on sentiment analysis methods, applications, and challenges. Artificial Intelligence Review, 55(7), 5731-5780.
  • Weismayer, C., Gunter, U., & Önder, I. (2021). Temporal variability of emotions in social media posts. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 167, 120699.
  • Wu, J. (2021). Study of a video-sharing platform: The global rise of TikTok. Doctoral Dissertation. Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • Younis, D. (2024). Social Inclusion portrayal on TikTok and Instagram: The role of social media influencers in promoting mental health literacy, body image and self-esteem. Journal of Media and Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(7), 121-140.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Social Movement
Journal Section Research Articles

Yavuz Selim Balcıoğlu 0000-0001-7138-2972

Publication Date July 20, 2024
Submission Date May 23, 2024
Acceptance Date July 12, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Balcıoğlu, Y. S. (2024). Examining Turkish Youth’s Reaction to Instagram Influencers: A Sentiment Analysis. İletişim Ve Diplomasi(12), 59-73.