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India’s Humanitarian Diplomacy Efforts in the Middle East

Year 2023, Issue: 10, 3 - 22, 18.07.2023


India is among the first responders to Türkiye’s call for international help following the devastating earthquakes which occurred on February 6, 2023. India’s immediate and large-scale relief effort operation has been deliberately named as Operation Dost, which is a common word between Turkish and Hindi, meaning ‘friend.’ This relief operation is the latest example of India’s rising humanitarian aid to the Middle East region. India’s relief efforts in the Middle East include providing scholarships, healthcare services, and shelter for those affected by civil wars, conflicts, and disasters. Although one cannot rule out the moral side of this humanitarian effort, India’s increasing attention in responding humanitarian crises in the region also has strategic dimension. There is an undeniable connection between a state’s foreign interests and its engagement in humanitarian action. Humanitarian aid promotes diplomatic relations with recipient countries, enhancing donor country’s reputation. The Middle East region is a critical energy and remittances source for India. India aims to protect its interests in the Middle East especially after its regional rival the People’s Republic of China (PRC) also increases its presence. Humanitarian aid is an appropriate tool for India to boost its visibility among the countries and the peoples of the Middle East. In long-term, successful humanitarian aid builds up diplomatic capital, strengthening India’s position in the region.


  • Abraham, B. (2021). India is gifting 2,000 metric tonnes of rice to war-ravaged Syria as humanitarian aid. India Times. Retrieved from:
  • ACAPS. (2022). Syria. Retrieved from:
  • Ahmed, N. (2019). Yemeni civil war: Causes, consequences and prospects. Jurnal Dinamika Pemerintahan, 2(2), 82–91.
  • Al-Deen, M. S. (2022). In Yemen, all sides are using hunger as a weapon. Foreign Policy. Retrieved from:
  • Alam, M. (2007). Evolving pragmatism in Indo-Turkish relations: From Cold War to Post-Cold period. The Turkish Yearbook, 38, 130–145.
  • Alterman, J. B., & Mohan, C. R. (2022). India’s Middle East strategy. Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS). Retrieved from:
  • Altunısık, M. B. (2019). Turkey’s humanitarian diplomacy: The AKP model. Bergen: CMI Brief Number 2019: 08.
  • ANI. (2022). China’s Belt and Road Initiative in stark contrast with India, Central Asia’s vision for Chabahar Port. Retrieved from:
  • Autesserre, S. (2002). United States “humanitarian diplomacy” in South Sudan. Journal of Humanitarian Assistance, 1-21.
  • Blarel, N. (2020). China and India in the Middle East The rivalry moves west? Bajpai, K., Ho, S. & Miller, M. C. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of China–India Relations. (pp. 449–466). London and New York: Routledge.
  • Business Standard. (2019). India first responder in case of disaster in sub-continent, leading initiatives in disaster management: Amit Shah. Retrieved from:
  • Business Standard. (2022). India addresses food security in Yemen by prioritising wheat exports. Retrieved from:
  • Calabrese, J. (2020). India-Gulf öigration: A testing time. Mei. Retrieved from:
  • Chandok, S. (2023). Syria Earthquake: India Shows Sanctions Cannot Stop Humanitarian Assistance. Quint. Retrieved from:
  • Collier, D. (2011). Understanding process tracing. PS:Political Science and Politics, 44(4), 823-830.
  • Çolakoğlu, S. (2020). Turkey and India: "Natural allies"? Mei. Retrieved from:
  • Gong, L. (2021). Humanitarian diplomacy as an instrument for China’s image-building. Asian Journal of Comparative Politics, 6(3), 238–252.
  • Gulliot, J., Penan, J., & Grandclement, L. (2022). India through Western eyes: a different way of managing humanitarian aid? Alternatives Humanitaires. Retrieved from:
  • Kaura, V. The Erdoğan effect: Turkey's relations with Pakistan and India. ISAS. Retrieved from:
  • Khalid, I. (2022). India’s challenge to Belt and Road in Asia. Geopolitical Monitor. Retrieved from:
  • Khushnam, P. N. (2020). India-Middle East relations: Past, present and future. Diplomatist. Retrieved from:
  • Kumaraswamy, P. R. (2019). India’s New Israel policy. SWP Comment. Retrieved from:
  • Kumaraswamy, P. R., Quamar, M. M., & Singh, M. (2018). Persian Gulf India’s relations with the region. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Lamont, C. (2015). Research methods in politics and international relations. Singapore: Sage.
  • Lauri, A. De. (2018). Humanitarian diplomacy: A new research agenda. CMI Brief. Retrieved from:
  • Leight, N. (n.d.). The two sides of aid diplomacy. US Center on Public Diplomacy. Retrieved from:
  • Maizland, L. (2022). India’s Muslims: An Increasingly Marginalized Population. Council on Foreign Relations. Retrieved from:
  • Mattoo, S. (2023). How India's 'disaster diplomacy' became a potent a tool of statecraft. Mint. Retrieved from:
  • Minear, L. (2007). The craft of humanitarian diplomacy. Minear, L. & Smith, H. (Eds.), Humanitarian diplomacy: Practitioners and their craft (pp. 7–26). Tokyo, New York, and Paris: United Nations University Press.
  • Ministry of External Affairs Government of India. (n.d.). Overview of India’s development partnership. Retrieved from:
  • Ministry of External Affairs Government of India. (2017). India-Turkey relations. Retrived from:
  • Ministry of External Affairs Government of India. (2021). Statement by Foreign Secretary at the UN Security Council Briefing on Protection of civilians in armed conflict: Preserving humanitarian Space. Retrieved from: dtl/34024/Statement+by+Foreign+Secretary+at+the+UN+Security+Council+Briefing+on+Protection+of+civilians+in+armed+conflict+Preserving+humanitarian+Space Ministry of External Affairs Government of India. (2022). Annual Report 2021-22. Retrievedfrom:
  • Mohapatra, A.K. (2008). Bridge to Anatolia: An overview of Indo-Turkish relations. The Turkish Yearbook, (XXXIX), 159-181.
  • Pant, H. V, & Mehta, K. (2018). India in Chabahar A Regional Imperative. Asian Survey, 58(4), 660–678.
  • Parry, S. A., & Bhat, A. A. (2023). India’s humanitarian diplomacy in South Asia: Navigating determinants, prospects, and challenges. Res Milites, 13(2), 6105–6116.
  • PL News. (2022). Yemen asks India for food aid in view of humanitarian crisis. Retrieved from:
  • Prakash, C. (2023). Turkey declares “level 4 alarm” after hundreds of people killed in 7.8 magnitude earthquake. Firstpost. Retrieved from:
  • Rajagopalan, R. P. (2022). India faces a diplomatic storm in the Middle East. The Diplomat. Retrieved from:
  • Rao, S. (2019). Yemen’s govt-in-exile calls for assistance from India. The Indian Express. Retrieved from:
  • Regnier, P. (2011). The emerging concept of humanitarian diplomacy: identification of a community of practice and prospects for international recognition. International Review of the Red Cross, 93(884), 1211–1237.
  • Representative Office of India Ramallah. (2022). India-Palestine relations. Retrieved from:
  • Saha, S. (2023). India’s ‘Operation Dost’ winning hearts And minds. RisingKashmir. Retrieved from:
  • Sevilla, H. A. (2020). Middle East Geopolitics and China-India Strategic Interaction in the New Era. Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, 1–16.
  • Sida. (2022). Humanitarian crisis analysis 2022 Palestine. (2022). Retrieved from:
  • Şeyşane, V., & Şeyşane, G. T. (2022). States as ‘Humanitarians’: The Turkish brand of humanitarian diplomacy. Marmara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilimler Dergisi, 10(1), 153–178.
  • Shanbog, R., & Kehlivan, R. (2022). India’s humanitarian assistance abroad: a domestic and foreign policy issue. Alternatives Humanitaires. Retrieved from:
  • Sharaf, O. (2015). Views of India from the Conflicting Parties in Syria. Sullivan, K. (Ed.), Competing Visions of India in World Politics India’s Rise Beyond the West (pp. 160–175). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Straus, O. S., Wheeler, E. P., Ion, T. P., Lange, C. L., Marburg, T., & Wheless, J. (1912). Humanitarian Diplomacy of the United States. Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at its annual meeting(1907-1917), 45–59.
  • Reliefweb. (2023). Syria/Turkey earthquakes situation report #8, April 3, 2023. Retrieved from:
  • Taneja, K. (2015). India and the Syrian civil war. The Diplomat. Retrieved from:
  • Taneja, K. (2023). India’s HADR diplomacy: Earthquake relief in Türkiye and Syria. ORF. Retrieved from:
  • The Economic Times. (2023). Turkey rakes up “Kashmir” at UNHRC; India slams Turkish govt for making unsolicited remarks. Retrieved from:
  • The Hindu. (2022). India donates $2.5 million to support education, healthcare of Palestinian refugees. Retrieved from:
  • The Hindu. (2023). India’s seventh C-17 reaches earthquake-hit Syria with over 23 tons of relief material. Retrieved from:
  • The Hindustan Times. (2023). Jaishankar responds to Turkey “backstabbing” India over Kashmir after earthquake help. Retrieved from:
  • The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). (n.d.). Humanitarian diplomacy policy. Retrieved from:
  • The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA). (2005). The Disaster Management Act 2005. Retrieved from:
  • The Print. (2022). India assures to continue humanitarian assistance to Syria. Retrieved from:
  • The Times of India. (2023). Human welfare India’s top priority:PM Modi while interacting with “Operation Dost” officers. (2023). Retrieved from:
  • Veuthey, M. (2012). Humanitarian diplomacy : saving it when it is most needed. In Humanitarian Space. Webster University Geneva 16th Humanitarian Conference (pp. 195–208). Missouri: Webster University.
  • Whittall, J. (2009). ’It’s like talking to a brick wall’ : humanitarian diplomacy in the occupied Palestinian territory. Progress in Development Studies, 9(37), 37–53.

Humanitarian Diplomacy as a Tool for India's Middle East Strategy

Year 2023, Issue: 10, 3 - 22, 18.07.2023


6 Şubat 2023 tarihinde meydana gelen yıkıcı depremden sonra, Hindistan Türkiye’nin uluslararası yardım çağrılarına ilk cevap verenler arasındaydı. Hindu ve Türkçe dillerinde ortak kelime olup arkadaş anlamına gelen Dost Operasyonu ismi Hindistan’un ivedi ve büyük çaplı yardım operasyonu bilerek verilmiştir. Bu yardım operasyonu Hindistan’ın Orta Doğu’da artan insani yardımlarının son örneğidir. Hindistan’ın Orta Doğu’daki yardım operasyonları iç savaşlar, çatışmalar ve felaketlerden etkilenenler için burs sağlama, sağlık hizmetleri ve barınmayı içermektedir. Bu insani yardımların ahlaki boyutu reddedilemezse de Hindistan’ın bölgedeki insani krizlere yaklaşımının stratejik boyutu vardır. Bir devletin dış ilişkileri ve insani yardım çalışmaları arasında inkar edilemez bir bağ vardır. İnsani diplomasi sağlayıcı ülkenin diplomatik saygınlığın artırıp alıcı ülkelerle olan diplomatik ilişkilerini geliştirmektedir. Hindistan Orta Doğu’daki çıkarlarını özellikle Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti’nin bölgedeki ağırlığını arttırmasından sonra korumak istemektedir. İnsani yardımlar Hindistan için bölge ülkeleri ve Orta Doğu halkları arasındaki görünürlüğünü arttırmak için uygun bir araçtır. Uzun vadede başarılı insani yardımlar diplomatik sermayeyi güçlendirip Hindistan’ın bölgedeki pozisyonunu güçlendirecektir.


  • Abraham, B. (2021). India is gifting 2,000 metric tonnes of rice to war-ravaged Syria as humanitarian aid. India Times. Retrieved from:
  • ACAPS. (2022). Syria. Retrieved from:
  • Ahmed, N. (2019). Yemeni civil war: Causes, consequences and prospects. Jurnal Dinamika Pemerintahan, 2(2), 82–91.
  • Al-Deen, M. S. (2022). In Yemen, all sides are using hunger as a weapon. Foreign Policy. Retrieved from:
  • Alam, M. (2007). Evolving pragmatism in Indo-Turkish relations: From Cold War to Post-Cold period. The Turkish Yearbook, 38, 130–145.
  • Alterman, J. B., & Mohan, C. R. (2022). India’s Middle East strategy. Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS). Retrieved from:
  • Altunısık, M. B. (2019). Turkey’s humanitarian diplomacy: The AKP model. Bergen: CMI Brief Number 2019: 08.
  • ANI. (2022). China’s Belt and Road Initiative in stark contrast with India, Central Asia’s vision for Chabahar Port. Retrieved from:
  • Autesserre, S. (2002). United States “humanitarian diplomacy” in South Sudan. Journal of Humanitarian Assistance, 1-21.
  • Blarel, N. (2020). China and India in the Middle East The rivalry moves west? Bajpai, K., Ho, S. & Miller, M. C. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of China–India Relations. (pp. 449–466). London and New York: Routledge.
  • Business Standard. (2019). India first responder in case of disaster in sub-continent, leading initiatives in disaster management: Amit Shah. Retrieved from:
  • Business Standard. (2022). India addresses food security in Yemen by prioritising wheat exports. Retrieved from:
  • Calabrese, J. (2020). India-Gulf öigration: A testing time. Mei. Retrieved from:
  • Chandok, S. (2023). Syria Earthquake: India Shows Sanctions Cannot Stop Humanitarian Assistance. Quint. Retrieved from:
  • Collier, D. (2011). Understanding process tracing. PS:Political Science and Politics, 44(4), 823-830.
  • Çolakoğlu, S. (2020). Turkey and India: "Natural allies"? Mei. Retrieved from:
  • Gong, L. (2021). Humanitarian diplomacy as an instrument for China’s image-building. Asian Journal of Comparative Politics, 6(3), 238–252.
  • Gulliot, J., Penan, J., & Grandclement, L. (2022). India through Western eyes: a different way of managing humanitarian aid? Alternatives Humanitaires. Retrieved from:
  • Kaura, V. The Erdoğan effect: Turkey's relations with Pakistan and India. ISAS. Retrieved from:
  • Khalid, I. (2022). India’s challenge to Belt and Road in Asia. Geopolitical Monitor. Retrieved from:
  • Khushnam, P. N. (2020). India-Middle East relations: Past, present and future. Diplomatist. Retrieved from:
  • Kumaraswamy, P. R. (2019). India’s New Israel policy. SWP Comment. Retrieved from:
  • Kumaraswamy, P. R., Quamar, M. M., & Singh, M. (2018). Persian Gulf India’s relations with the region. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Lamont, C. (2015). Research methods in politics and international relations. Singapore: Sage.
  • Lauri, A. De. (2018). Humanitarian diplomacy: A new research agenda. CMI Brief. Retrieved from:
  • Leight, N. (n.d.). The two sides of aid diplomacy. US Center on Public Diplomacy. Retrieved from:
  • Maizland, L. (2022). India’s Muslims: An Increasingly Marginalized Population. Council on Foreign Relations. Retrieved from:
  • Mattoo, S. (2023). How India's 'disaster diplomacy' became a potent a tool of statecraft. Mint. Retrieved from:
  • Minear, L. (2007). The craft of humanitarian diplomacy. Minear, L. & Smith, H. (Eds.), Humanitarian diplomacy: Practitioners and their craft (pp. 7–26). Tokyo, New York, and Paris: United Nations University Press.
  • Ministry of External Affairs Government of India. (n.d.). Overview of India’s development partnership. Retrieved from:
  • Ministry of External Affairs Government of India. (2017). India-Turkey relations. Retrived from:
  • Ministry of External Affairs Government of India. (2021). Statement by Foreign Secretary at the UN Security Council Briefing on Protection of civilians in armed conflict: Preserving humanitarian Space. Retrieved from: dtl/34024/Statement+by+Foreign+Secretary+at+the+UN+Security+Council+Briefing+on+Protection+of+civilians+in+armed+conflict+Preserving+humanitarian+Space Ministry of External Affairs Government of India. (2022). Annual Report 2021-22. Retrievedfrom:
  • Mohapatra, A.K. (2008). Bridge to Anatolia: An overview of Indo-Turkish relations. The Turkish Yearbook, (XXXIX), 159-181.
  • Pant, H. V, & Mehta, K. (2018). India in Chabahar A Regional Imperative. Asian Survey, 58(4), 660–678.
  • Parry, S. A., & Bhat, A. A. (2023). India’s humanitarian diplomacy in South Asia: Navigating determinants, prospects, and challenges. Res Milites, 13(2), 6105–6116.
  • PL News. (2022). Yemen asks India for food aid in view of humanitarian crisis. Retrieved from:
  • Prakash, C. (2023). Turkey declares “level 4 alarm” after hundreds of people killed in 7.8 magnitude earthquake. Firstpost. Retrieved from:
  • Rajagopalan, R. P. (2022). India faces a diplomatic storm in the Middle East. The Diplomat. Retrieved from:
  • Rao, S. (2019). Yemen’s govt-in-exile calls for assistance from India. The Indian Express. Retrieved from:
  • Regnier, P. (2011). The emerging concept of humanitarian diplomacy: identification of a community of practice and prospects for international recognition. International Review of the Red Cross, 93(884), 1211–1237.
  • Representative Office of India Ramallah. (2022). India-Palestine relations. Retrieved from:
  • Saha, S. (2023). India’s ‘Operation Dost’ winning hearts And minds. RisingKashmir. Retrieved from:
  • Sevilla, H. A. (2020). Middle East Geopolitics and China-India Strategic Interaction in the New Era. Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, 1–16.
  • Sida. (2022). Humanitarian crisis analysis 2022 Palestine. (2022). Retrieved from:
  • Şeyşane, V., & Şeyşane, G. T. (2022). States as ‘Humanitarians’: The Turkish brand of humanitarian diplomacy. Marmara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilimler Dergisi, 10(1), 153–178.
  • Shanbog, R., & Kehlivan, R. (2022). India’s humanitarian assistance abroad: a domestic and foreign policy issue. Alternatives Humanitaires. Retrieved from:
  • Sharaf, O. (2015). Views of India from the Conflicting Parties in Syria. Sullivan, K. (Ed.), Competing Visions of India in World Politics India’s Rise Beyond the West (pp. 160–175). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Straus, O. S., Wheeler, E. P., Ion, T. P., Lange, C. L., Marburg, T., & Wheless, J. (1912). Humanitarian Diplomacy of the United States. Proceedings of the American Society of International Law at its annual meeting(1907-1917), 45–59.
  • Reliefweb. (2023). Syria/Turkey earthquakes situation report #8, April 3, 2023. Retrieved from:
  • Taneja, K. (2015). India and the Syrian civil war. The Diplomat. Retrieved from:
  • Taneja, K. (2023). India’s HADR diplomacy: Earthquake relief in Türkiye and Syria. ORF. Retrieved from:
  • The Economic Times. (2023). Turkey rakes up “Kashmir” at UNHRC; India slams Turkish govt for making unsolicited remarks. Retrieved from:
  • The Hindu. (2022). India donates $2.5 million to support education, healthcare of Palestinian refugees. Retrieved from:
  • The Hindu. (2023). India’s seventh C-17 reaches earthquake-hit Syria with over 23 tons of relief material. Retrieved from:
  • The Hindustan Times. (2023). Jaishankar responds to Turkey “backstabbing” India over Kashmir after earthquake help. Retrieved from:
  • The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). (n.d.). Humanitarian diplomacy policy. Retrieved from:
  • The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA). (2005). The Disaster Management Act 2005. Retrieved from:
  • The Print. (2022). India assures to continue humanitarian assistance to Syria. Retrieved from:
  • The Times of India. (2023). Human welfare India’s top priority:PM Modi while interacting with “Operation Dost” officers. (2023). Retrieved from:
  • Veuthey, M. (2012). Humanitarian diplomacy : saving it when it is most needed. In Humanitarian Space. Webster University Geneva 16th Humanitarian Conference (pp. 195–208). Missouri: Webster University.
  • Whittall, J. (2009). ’It’s like talking to a brick wall’ : humanitarian diplomacy in the occupied Palestinian territory. Progress in Development Studies, 9(37), 37–53.
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects International Relations
Journal Section Research Articles

Gökhan Tekir 0000-0003-3985-7442

Publication Date July 18, 2023
Submission Date May 18, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: 10


APA Tekir, G. (2023). India’s Humanitarian Diplomacy Efforts in the Middle East. İletişim Ve Diplomasi(10), 3-22.