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A Qualitative Research On 2ND Grade Teachers’ Opinions About 2ND Grade English Language Teaching Curriculum

Year 2015, , 682 - 696, 05.01.2015


This study provides an account of 2nd grade EFL teachers’ opinions about 2nd Grade English Language Teaching Curriculum. Data was collected through interviews with 14  teachers working at ten different state primary schools in five different cities of Turkey. Interviewed teachers had an experience in teaching ranging from one to twelve years. Data was analyzed by qualitative techniques according to pre-determined twenty categories standing for each of the interview questions. The results of the study indicated that teachers appreciated the 2nd Grade English Language Curriculum in terms of the need analysis, evaluation and assessment, age and level relevance, teaching techniques and vocabulary teaching while they criticized it mostly in terms of lack of extra materials, unsuitability to be applied in crowded classrooms, uncertainty of cultural focus, lack  of necessary learning techniques, motivation for students and parents. 


  • Brown, J. D. (1995). The elements of language curriculum. a systematic approach to program development. Boston, MA: Heinle and Heinle Publishers.
  • Buttler, Y. G. (2004). What Level of English Proficiency Do Elementary School Teachers Need to
  • Attain to Teach EFL? Case Studies from Korea, Taiwan, and Japan. Tesol Quarterly, 38 (2), 245-279. Büyükduman, F. I. (2001). The opinions of primary school teachers of English on the syllabus of
  • English as a second language in primary school fourth and fifth grades. Unpublished MA thesis, Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul. Büyükduman, F. I. (2005). The opinions of elementary school English teachers on the English curriculum for elementary schools Hacettepe Üniversitesi Egitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 28, 55-64.
  • Cihan,T. & Gurlen, E. (2009). Teachers’ Opinions on the English Language Curriculum of the 5th
  • Grade of Primary Education. Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences, 13 (1), 131- Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. Boston, MA: Pearson Publication
  • Council of Europe (CoE). (2001). Common European framework of reference for languages:
  • Learning, teaching, assessment. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press Dwyer, B. (1995). Preparing for the 21st century: A paradigm for our times. Innovations in
  • Education and Training International Journal, 32 (3), 269-277. İğrek, E. (2001). Öğretmenlerin ilköğretim İngilizce programına ilişkin görüşleri. Unpublished MA thesis, Hacettepe University, Ankara.
  • Hale, S. L., & Cunningham, S. A. (2011). Evidence based practice using a thematic based unit for language development. Paper presented at the Texas Hearing Speech Language
  • Association (TSHA) Annual Convention, Houston, TX. Halliwell, S. (1992). Teaching English in the Primary Classroom, Longman: London.
  • Kirkgoz, Y. (2007). English language teaching in Turkey: Policy changes and their implementations. RELC Journal, 38 (2), 216-228.
  • Krashen, S., Long, M., & Scarcella, R. (1979). Age, rate, and eventual attainment in second language acquisition. TESOL Quarterly, 13, 573-582.
  • Lenneberg, E. H. (1967). The biological foundations of language. New York: Wiley.
  • Lowe, A. (2002). Towards integrating music and other art forms into the language curriculum.
  • Research Studies In Music Education, 18, 13-25. Merter,F., Kartal, S & Caglar, I. ( 2012). The evaluation of new high school English curriculum in terms of teachers’ opinions. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Educational Faculty Journal, 23, 43-58.
  • Mathison, S. (2005). Encyclopedia of evaluation. Newbury Park, CA: Sage
  • McKay, S. L. (2003). Eil curriculum development. RELC Journal, 34 (31), 31-47.
  • MNE. (2000). İlkögretim genel müdürlüğü ilköğretim okulları ders programları. Ankara: MEB Basımevi.
  • MNE. (2013). English Language Curriculum for Primary Education (Grades 2,3,4, 5, 6, 7 and 8).
  • Ankara: Devlet Kitapları Müdürlüğü. Mersinligil, G. (2004). İlköğretim dört ve beşinci uygulanan İngilizce dersi öğretim programının değerlendirilmesi (Adana ili örneği). Unpublished MA thesis, Fırat University, Elazığ.
  • Mirici, İ. H. (2000). A research on foreign language (English) curriculum of primary school 4th & 5th graders in our country. Gazi Üniversitesi Dergisi. 20 (1), 107-118.
  • Official Gazzette.(1997) 2481/1997. National Ministry of Education, Turkey.
  • Official Gazzette.(2006) 2481/1997. National Ministry of Education, Turkey.
  • Olivia, P.F. (2005). Developing The Curriculum. (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Publication.
  • Piaget, J. (1973). To Understand is to Invent, Grossman, New York, USA
  • Richards, Jack C. (2003). Curriculum development in language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Scriven, M. (1991). Evaluation thesaurus (4th ed.). Newbury Park, CA: Sage
  • Tok, H. (2003). İlköğretim birinci kademesinde yabancı dil öğretiminde karşılaşılan sorunların değerlendirilmesi. Unpublished master’s thesis, İnönü University, Sivas.
  • Topkaya, E. Z. & Kucuk, O. (2010). An evaluation of 4th and 5th grade English language teaching program. Elementary Education Online. 9 (1), 52-65.
  • Towell, R. & Tomlinson, P. (1999). The curriculum development research at university level. RELC Journal, 3 (1), 1-32.
  • Worthen, B., Sanders, J. & Fitzpatrick, J. (1997). Program evaluation: Alternative approaches and practical NewYork: Longman
  • Yüksel, A. (2001). Evaluation of English teaching programme and implementations in primary guidelines. schools (4th grade) (Elazığ sample). Unublished MA thesis, Fırat University, Elazığ.
  • Yanık, A. E. (2007). A study of English language curriculum implementation in 6th,7th and 8th grades of public primary schools through teachers’ and students’
  • Unpublished P.hD thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara. perceptions. Zincir, B. (2006). 5th grade English teachers’ evaluations of curriculum objectives. Unpublished
  • MA Thesis. Eskisehir: Anadolu University.

İkinci Sınıf İngilizce Dersi Programı İle İlgili İngilizce Öğretmenlerinin Görüşleri Üzerine Nitel Bir Çalışma

Year 2015, , 682 - 696, 05.01.2015


Bu çalışma 2. sınıf İngilizce öğretmenlerinin ilgili program ile ilgili görüş ve farkındalıklarını ortaya
koymaktadır. Veri Türkiye'nin 5 farklı ilinde 10 farklı devlet ilköğretim okulunda görev yapan 14 öğretmenle
yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme tekniği kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Öğretmenleri mesleki tecrübleri 1 ila 12 yıl
arasında değişmiştir. Toplanan veri görüşme formunda her bir soruya uygun olacak şekilde oluşturulmuş 20
temaya (kategori) göre nitel bir şekilde analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmanın sonuçları araştırmaya katılan
öğretmenlerin 2. Sınıf İngilizce Öğretim Programını ihtiyaç analizi, ölçme ve değerlendirme, yaş ve düzey
uygunluğu, öğretim teknikleri ve kelime öğretimi gibi açılardan olumlu bulurken ekstra materyal eksikliği,
kalabalık sınıflarda uygulanma zorluğu, kültürel odağının bulunmaması, gerekli öğrenme tekniklerinin
bulunmaması, öğrenci ve velileri motive edecek yanının bulunmaması gibi açılardan da eleştirdiklerini


  • Brown, J. D. (1995). The elements of language curriculum. a systematic approach to program development. Boston, MA: Heinle and Heinle Publishers.
  • Buttler, Y. G. (2004). What Level of English Proficiency Do Elementary School Teachers Need to
  • Attain to Teach EFL? Case Studies from Korea, Taiwan, and Japan. Tesol Quarterly, 38 (2), 245-279. Büyükduman, F. I. (2001). The opinions of primary school teachers of English on the syllabus of
  • English as a second language in primary school fourth and fifth grades. Unpublished MA thesis, Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul. Büyükduman, F. I. (2005). The opinions of elementary school English teachers on the English curriculum for elementary schools Hacettepe Üniversitesi Egitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 28, 55-64.
  • Cihan,T. & Gurlen, E. (2009). Teachers’ Opinions on the English Language Curriculum of the 5th
  • Grade of Primary Education. Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences, 13 (1), 131- Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. Boston, MA: Pearson Publication
  • Council of Europe (CoE). (2001). Common European framework of reference for languages:
  • Learning, teaching, assessment. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press Dwyer, B. (1995). Preparing for the 21st century: A paradigm for our times. Innovations in
  • Education and Training International Journal, 32 (3), 269-277. İğrek, E. (2001). Öğretmenlerin ilköğretim İngilizce programına ilişkin görüşleri. Unpublished MA thesis, Hacettepe University, Ankara.
  • Hale, S. L., & Cunningham, S. A. (2011). Evidence based practice using a thematic based unit for language development. Paper presented at the Texas Hearing Speech Language
  • Association (TSHA) Annual Convention, Houston, TX. Halliwell, S. (1992). Teaching English in the Primary Classroom, Longman: London.
  • Kirkgoz, Y. (2007). English language teaching in Turkey: Policy changes and their implementations. RELC Journal, 38 (2), 216-228.
  • Krashen, S., Long, M., & Scarcella, R. (1979). Age, rate, and eventual attainment in second language acquisition. TESOL Quarterly, 13, 573-582.
  • Lenneberg, E. H. (1967). The biological foundations of language. New York: Wiley.
  • Lowe, A. (2002). Towards integrating music and other art forms into the language curriculum.
  • Research Studies In Music Education, 18, 13-25. Merter,F., Kartal, S & Caglar, I. ( 2012). The evaluation of new high school English curriculum in terms of teachers’ opinions. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Educational Faculty Journal, 23, 43-58.
  • Mathison, S. (2005). Encyclopedia of evaluation. Newbury Park, CA: Sage
  • McKay, S. L. (2003). Eil curriculum development. RELC Journal, 34 (31), 31-47.
  • MNE. (2000). İlkögretim genel müdürlüğü ilköğretim okulları ders programları. Ankara: MEB Basımevi.
  • MNE. (2013). English Language Curriculum for Primary Education (Grades 2,3,4, 5, 6, 7 and 8).
  • Ankara: Devlet Kitapları Müdürlüğü. Mersinligil, G. (2004). İlköğretim dört ve beşinci uygulanan İngilizce dersi öğretim programının değerlendirilmesi (Adana ili örneği). Unpublished MA thesis, Fırat University, Elazığ.
  • Mirici, İ. H. (2000). A research on foreign language (English) curriculum of primary school 4th & 5th graders in our country. Gazi Üniversitesi Dergisi. 20 (1), 107-118.
  • Official Gazzette.(1997) 2481/1997. National Ministry of Education, Turkey.
  • Official Gazzette.(2006) 2481/1997. National Ministry of Education, Turkey.
  • Olivia, P.F. (2005). Developing The Curriculum. (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Publication.
  • Piaget, J. (1973). To Understand is to Invent, Grossman, New York, USA
  • Richards, Jack C. (2003). Curriculum development in language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Scriven, M. (1991). Evaluation thesaurus (4th ed.). Newbury Park, CA: Sage
  • Tok, H. (2003). İlköğretim birinci kademesinde yabancı dil öğretiminde karşılaşılan sorunların değerlendirilmesi. Unpublished master’s thesis, İnönü University, Sivas.
  • Topkaya, E. Z. & Kucuk, O. (2010). An evaluation of 4th and 5th grade English language teaching program. Elementary Education Online. 9 (1), 52-65.
  • Towell, R. & Tomlinson, P. (1999). The curriculum development research at university level. RELC Journal, 3 (1), 1-32.
  • Worthen, B., Sanders, J. & Fitzpatrick, J. (1997). Program evaluation: Alternative approaches and practical NewYork: Longman
  • Yüksel, A. (2001). Evaluation of English teaching programme and implementations in primary guidelines. schools (4th grade) (Elazığ sample). Unublished MA thesis, Fırat University, Elazığ.
  • Yanık, A. E. (2007). A study of English language curriculum implementation in 6th,7th and 8th grades of public primary schools through teachers’ and students’
  • Unpublished P.hD thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara. perceptions. Zincir, B. (2006). 5th grade English teachers’ evaluations of curriculum objectives. Unpublished
  • MA Thesis. Eskisehir: Anadolu University.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Orhan İyitoğlu

Bülent Alcı

Publication Date January 5, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


APA İyitoğlu, O., & Alcı, B. (2015). A Qualitative Research On 2ND Grade Teachers’ Opinions About 2ND Grade English Language Teaching Curriculum. İlköğretim Online, 14(2), 682-696.
AMA İyitoğlu O, Alcı B. A Qualitative Research On 2ND Grade Teachers’ Opinions About 2ND Grade English Language Teaching Curriculum. İOO. April 2015;14(2):682-696. doi:10.17051/io.2015.73998
Chicago İyitoğlu, Orhan, and Bülent Alcı. “A Qualitative Research On 2ND Grade Teachers’ Opinions About 2ND Grade English Language Teaching Curriculum”. İlköğretim Online 14, no. 2 (April 2015): 682-96.
EndNote İyitoğlu O, Alcı B (April 1, 2015) A Qualitative Research On 2ND Grade Teachers’ Opinions About 2ND Grade English Language Teaching Curriculum. İlköğretim Online 14 2 682–696.
IEEE O. İyitoğlu and B. Alcı, “A Qualitative Research On 2ND Grade Teachers’ Opinions About 2ND Grade English Language Teaching Curriculum”, İOO, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 682–696, 2015, doi: 10.17051/io.2015.73998.
ISNAD İyitoğlu, Orhan - Alcı, Bülent. “A Qualitative Research On 2ND Grade Teachers’ Opinions About 2ND Grade English Language Teaching Curriculum”. İlköğretim Online 14/2 (April 2015), 682-696.
JAMA İyitoğlu O, Alcı B. A Qualitative Research On 2ND Grade Teachers’ Opinions About 2ND Grade English Language Teaching Curriculum. İOO. 2015;14:682–696.
MLA İyitoğlu, Orhan and Bülent Alcı. “A Qualitative Research On 2ND Grade Teachers’ Opinions About 2ND Grade English Language Teaching Curriculum”. İlköğretim Online, vol. 14, no. 2, 2015, pp. 682-96, doi:10.17051/io.2015.73998.
Vancouver İyitoğlu O, Alcı B. A Qualitative Research On 2ND Grade Teachers’ Opinions About 2ND Grade English Language Teaching Curriculum. İOO. 2015;14(2):682-96.