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Yarının Öğretmenleri Acil Durumda Hayat Kurtarmaya Hazır mı?

Year 2018, , 0 - 0, 31.07.2019


Acil durumlarda ivedi ve doğru ilk yardım desteğinin hayat
kurtarmadaki önemi tartışmasızdır. Okullarda ani gelişen yaralanma ve
hastalıklara şahit olan öğretmenlerden öğrencilerin sağlığını korumaları ve
bunu yaparken de etkin ve kendinden emin olarak harekete geçmeleri
beklenmektedir. Bu nedenle öğretmenlerin kendilerine bu konuda ne kadar
güvendikleri uygun ilk yardım tekniklerini uygulayabilmeleri açısından oldukça
önemlidir. Yeni bir ölçme aracını kullanarak (İlk Yardım Öz-Yeterlik Ölçeği) bu
çalışmanın amacı (1) yarının öğretmenlerinin ilk yardım öz-yeterliklerini
ölçmek, (2) alınan ilk yardım eğitim türlerinin arasında öz-yeterlik açısından
fark olup olmadığını görmek, (1: eğitimsiz, 2: ilköğretim programındaki ilk
yardım dersleri, 3: direksiyon dersleri, 4: gönüllü olarak alınan profesyonel
eğitim), ve (3) cinsiyetin öğretmen adaylarının ilk yardım öz-yeterlik
algılarındaki etkisini belirlemektir. Bu araştırma sorularına yanıt bulmak için
bir ilişkili ölçümler t-testi ve iki Tek Yönlü Varyans Analizi kullanılmış ve
betimsel istatistikler sunulmuştur. Sonuçlar öğretmen adaylarının özellikle
karmaşık ilk yardım gerektiren durumlarda bilgi ve becerilerine
güvenmediklerini ortaya koymuştur. Öte yandan gönüllü olarak ilk yardım eğitimi
alan öğretmen adaylarının diğer eğitimlerden geçen katılımcılara göre anlamlı
olarak daha yüksek ilk yardım öz-yeterlik inançlarına sahip oldukları
görülmüştür. Buna ek olarak erkek katılımcıların ani gelişen yaralanma ve
hastalık durumlarındaki ilk yardım öz-yeterliklerinin kadınlara kıyasla daha
yüksek olduğu bulunmuştur. Bulgularla desteklenen bu çalışma, acil durumlarda
harekete geçmedeki çekimserliğin üstesinden gelmenin yolunun öğretmen
adaylarına özellikle öğretmen yetiştirme programlarında planlı ve kapsamlı ilk
yardım eğitimi verilmesinin gerekliliği gözler önüne koyulmuştur.


  • Abbas, A., Bukhari, S. I., & Ahmad, F. (2011). Knowledge of first aid and basic life support amongst medical students: A comparison between trained and un-trained students. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association, 61(6), 613-616. Anderson, G., & Gaetz, M. (2008). CPR and first aid skill retention. Retrieved from Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: Freeman. Bandura, A. (2000). Exercise of human agency through collective efficacy. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 9(3), 75-78. Başer, M., Çoban, S., Taşçı, S., Sungur, G., & Bayat, M. (2007). Evaluating first-aid knowledge and attitudes of a sample of Turkish primary school teachers. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 33, 428-432. Berkebile, P., Benson, D., Ersoz, C., Barnhill, B., & Safar, P. (1975). Public education in heart-lung resuscitation. Evaluation of three self-training methods in teenagers. In Proceedings of the National Conference on Standards for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiac Care. Dallas: American Heart Association. Bircher, N., & Safar, P. (1983). Life supporting first aid (LSFA) and Infant CPR (ICPR) self-training in children [Abstract]. Critical Care Medicine, 11(3), 251. Bollig, G., Wahl, H. A., & Svendsen, M. V. (2009). Primary school children are able to perform basic life-saving first aid measures. Resuscitation, 80, 689-692. Breivik, E., & Olsson, U. H. (2001) Adding variables to improve fit: the effect of model size on fit assessment in LISREL. In R. Cudeck, K. G. Jöreskog, S. H. C. du Toit, & D. Sörbom (Eds.), Structural equation modeling: present and future: A festschrift in honor of Karl Jöreskog. Chicago, IL: Scientific Software. Pp. 169-194. Browne, M. W., & Cudeck, R. (1993). Alternative ways of assessing model fit. In: K. A. Bollen & J. S. Long (Eds.), Testing structural equation models (pp. 136-162). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. Byrne, B. M. (1994). Structural equation modeling with EQS and EQS/Windows: Basic concepts, applications, and programming. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Carmines, E. G., & McIver, J. P. (1981). Analyzing models with unobserved variables. In Bohrnstedt, G.W. & Borgatta, E.F. (Eds.) Social measurement: Current issues. Beverly Hills: Sage. Costello, A. B., & Osborne, J. W. (2005). Best practices in exploratory factor analysis: four recommendations for getting the most from your analysis. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 10(7), 1-9. Cracker, L., & Algina, J. (1986). Introduction to classical and modern test theory (pp. 217-242). New York: CBS College. Das, M., & Elzubeir, M. (2001). First aid and basic life support skills training early in the medical curriculum: Curriculum issues, outcomes, and confidence of students. Teaching and Learning in Medicine: An International Journal, 13(4), 240-246. Eisenburger, P., & Safar, P. (1999). Life supporting first aid training of the public: Review and recommendations. Resuscitation, 41, 3-18. Erkan, M., & Göz, F. (2006). Öğretmenlerin ilk yardım konusundaki bilgi düzeylerinin belirlenmesi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 9(4), 63-68. Fabrigar, L. R., Wegener, D. T., MacCallum, R. C., & Strahan, E. J. (1999). Evaluating the use of exploratory factor analysis in psychological research. Psychological Methods, 4(3), 272-299. Field, A. (2009). Discovering statistics using SPSS: And sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll (3rd ed.). London: Sage. Fleischhackl, R., Nuernberger, A., Sterz, F., Schoenberg, C., Urso, T., Habart, T., Mittlboeck, M., & Chandra-Strobos, N. (2009). School children sufficiently apply life supporting first aid: A prospective investigation. Critical Care, 13(4), 127. Galal, S. (1999). Working with families to reduce the risk of home accidents in children. East Mediterranean Health Journal, 5, 572-582. Hair, J. F., Anderson, R. E., Babin, B. J., & Black, W. C. (2010). Multivariate data analysis (7th ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Hu, L., & Bentler, P. M. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling, 6(1), 1-55. doi: 10.1080/10705519909540118 Kenny, D. A., Kaniskan, B., & McCoach, D. B. (2015). The performance of RMSEA in models with small degrees of freedom. Sociological Methods & Research, 44(3), 486-507. Larsson, E. M., Mártensson, N. L., & Alexanderson, K. A. (2002). First-aid training and bystander actions at traffic crashes: A population study. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 17(3), 134-41. Lee, C. S., & Chen, C. Y. (2009). A study of the junior high school students’ knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy, and behavioural intention toward first aid in Keelung City, Taiwan [Abstract]. Chinese Journal of School Health, 54, 69-89. Li, F., Jiang, F., Jin, X., Qiu, Y., & Shen, X. (2012). Pediatric first aid knowledge and attitudes among staff in the preschools of Shanghai, China. BMC Pediatrics, 12, 121. Lind, B. (1961). Teaching mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in primary schools. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 9, 63-69. Little, T. D., Cunningham, W. A., Shahar, G., & Widaman, K. F. (2002). To parcel or not to parcel: Exploring the question, weighing the merits. Structural Equation Modeling, 9(2), 151–173. Maibach, E. W., Schieber R. A., & Caroll, M. F. (1996). Self-efficacy in pediatric resuscitation: Implications for education and performance. Pediatrics, 97(1), 94-99. Nunnally, J. C. (1978). Psychometric theory. New York: McGraw Hill. Ransone, J., & Dunn-Bennett, M. A. (1999). Assessment of first-aid knowledge and decision making of high school athletic coaches. Journal of Athletic Training, 34(3), 267-271. Romer, C. J., & Manciaux, M. (1991). Accidents in childhood and adolescence: A priority problem worldwide. In M. Manciaux, & C. J. Romer (Eds.). Accidents in childhood and adolescence: The role of research (pp. 1-7). Geneva: Switzerland: World Health Organization (WHO) and Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM). Safar, P. (1958). Ventilatory efficacy of mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration. Airway obstruction during manual and mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration. Journal of the American Medical Association, 167, 335-341. Segen, J. (2012). The concise dictionary of modern medicine. New York: McGraw-Hill. Slabe, D., & Fink, R. (2013). Kindergarten teachers’ and their assistants’ knowledge of first aid in Slovenian kindergartens. Health Education Journal, 72(4), 398-407. Stevens, J. P. (2009). Applied multivariate statistics for the social sciences (5th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge. Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2013). Using multivariate statistics (6th ed.). New York: Allyn and Bacon. Tschannen-Moran, M., & Woolfolk Hoy, A. (2001). Teacher efficacy: Capturing and elusive construct. Teaching and Teacher Education, 17, 783-805. Van de Velde, Broos, P., Bouwelen, M. V., de Win, R., Sermon, A., Verduyckt, J., … Aertgeerts, B. (2007). European first aid guidelines. Resuscitation, 72, 240-251. Wei, Y. L., Chen, L. L., Li, T. C., Ma, W. F., Peng, N. H., & Huang, L. C. (2013). Self-efficacy of first aid for home accidents among parents with 0- to 4-year-old children at a metropolitan community health center in Taiwan. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 52, 182-187. Winchell, S. W., Safar, P. (1966). Teaching and testing lay and paramedical personnel in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 45, 441-449. Wiśniewski J., & Majewski W. D. (2007). Assessment of knowledge about first aid among the teachers of chosen high schools in the Western Pomerania region [Abstract]. Annales Academiae Medicae Steninentis, 53(3), 114-123.

Are Tomorrow’s Teachers Ready to Save Lives in Cases of Emergency?

Year 2018, , 0 - 0, 31.07.2019


It is beyond dispute that immediate and proper first-aid in cases of
emergency plays a vital role in saving lives. At schools, teachers happen to be
the first witnesses to sudden injuries and illnesses and are expected to
confidently and efficiently respond to such cases of emergency to preserve
students’ health. Therefore, whether teachers believe in themselves that they
can implement correct first aid measures is quite critical. Therefore, through
utilizing a new measure (The First Aid Self- Efficacy Scale), the present study
intends to (1) assess tomorrow’s teachers’ first aid self-efficacy levels, (2)
to identify whether significant differences exists among participants who
received different types of first-aid trainings (1: no training, 2: course in the
elementary school curriculum, 3: driving course, 4: voluntary professional
training) in terms of their efficacy beliefs, and (3) to investigate the effect
of gender on teacher candidates’ first aid self-efficacy levels. To address the
research questions, a paired t-test and two one-way MANOVAs were conducted, and
descriptive statistics have been provided. The results reveal that tomorrow’s
teachers failed to believe in themselves especially when complex first aid
measures are needed. Moreover, those who voluntarily attended first aid
training programs were found to be significantly more self-efficacious. Male
participants were discovered to feel more competent to initiate first aid
interventions in case of sudden injuries and illnesses. To overcome the evident
hesitancy to step into action in cases of emergency, more systematic and
meticulous first aid training needs to be embedded in educational programs,
particularly teacher education programs.


  • Abbas, A., Bukhari, S. I., & Ahmad, F. (2011). Knowledge of first aid and basic life support amongst medical students: A comparison between trained and un-trained students. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association, 61(6), 613-616. Anderson, G., & Gaetz, M. (2008). CPR and first aid skill retention. Retrieved from Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: Freeman. Bandura, A. (2000). Exercise of human agency through collective efficacy. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 9(3), 75-78. Başer, M., Çoban, S., Taşçı, S., Sungur, G., & Bayat, M. (2007). Evaluating first-aid knowledge and attitudes of a sample of Turkish primary school teachers. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 33, 428-432. Berkebile, P., Benson, D., Ersoz, C., Barnhill, B., & Safar, P. (1975). Public education in heart-lung resuscitation. Evaluation of three self-training methods in teenagers. In Proceedings of the National Conference on Standards for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiac Care. Dallas: American Heart Association. Bircher, N., & Safar, P. (1983). Life supporting first aid (LSFA) and Infant CPR (ICPR) self-training in children [Abstract]. Critical Care Medicine, 11(3), 251. Bollig, G., Wahl, H. A., & Svendsen, M. V. (2009). Primary school children are able to perform basic life-saving first aid measures. Resuscitation, 80, 689-692. Breivik, E., & Olsson, U. H. (2001) Adding variables to improve fit: the effect of model size on fit assessment in LISREL. In R. Cudeck, K. G. Jöreskog, S. H. C. du Toit, & D. Sörbom (Eds.), Structural equation modeling: present and future: A festschrift in honor of Karl Jöreskog. Chicago, IL: Scientific Software. Pp. 169-194. Browne, M. W., & Cudeck, R. (1993). Alternative ways of assessing model fit. In: K. A. Bollen & J. S. Long (Eds.), Testing structural equation models (pp. 136-162). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. Byrne, B. M. (1994). Structural equation modeling with EQS and EQS/Windows: Basic concepts, applications, and programming. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Carmines, E. G., & McIver, J. P. (1981). Analyzing models with unobserved variables. In Bohrnstedt, G.W. & Borgatta, E.F. (Eds.) Social measurement: Current issues. Beverly Hills: Sage. Costello, A. B., & Osborne, J. W. (2005). Best practices in exploratory factor analysis: four recommendations for getting the most from your analysis. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 10(7), 1-9. Cracker, L., & Algina, J. (1986). Introduction to classical and modern test theory (pp. 217-242). New York: CBS College. Das, M., & Elzubeir, M. (2001). First aid and basic life support skills training early in the medical curriculum: Curriculum issues, outcomes, and confidence of students. Teaching and Learning in Medicine: An International Journal, 13(4), 240-246. Eisenburger, P., & Safar, P. (1999). Life supporting first aid training of the public: Review and recommendations. Resuscitation, 41, 3-18. Erkan, M., & Göz, F. (2006). Öğretmenlerin ilk yardım konusundaki bilgi düzeylerinin belirlenmesi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 9(4), 63-68. Fabrigar, L. R., Wegener, D. T., MacCallum, R. C., & Strahan, E. J. (1999). Evaluating the use of exploratory factor analysis in psychological research. Psychological Methods, 4(3), 272-299. Field, A. (2009). Discovering statistics using SPSS: And sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll (3rd ed.). London: Sage. Fleischhackl, R., Nuernberger, A., Sterz, F., Schoenberg, C., Urso, T., Habart, T., Mittlboeck, M., & Chandra-Strobos, N. (2009). School children sufficiently apply life supporting first aid: A prospective investigation. Critical Care, 13(4), 127. Galal, S. (1999). Working with families to reduce the risk of home accidents in children. East Mediterranean Health Journal, 5, 572-582. Hair, J. F., Anderson, R. E., Babin, B. J., & Black, W. C. (2010). Multivariate data analysis (7th ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Hu, L., & Bentler, P. M. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling, 6(1), 1-55. doi: 10.1080/10705519909540118 Kenny, D. A., Kaniskan, B., & McCoach, D. B. (2015). The performance of RMSEA in models with small degrees of freedom. Sociological Methods & Research, 44(3), 486-507. Larsson, E. M., Mártensson, N. L., & Alexanderson, K. A. (2002). First-aid training and bystander actions at traffic crashes: A population study. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 17(3), 134-41. Lee, C. S., & Chen, C. Y. (2009). A study of the junior high school students’ knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy, and behavioural intention toward first aid in Keelung City, Taiwan [Abstract]. Chinese Journal of School Health, 54, 69-89. Li, F., Jiang, F., Jin, X., Qiu, Y., & Shen, X. (2012). Pediatric first aid knowledge and attitudes among staff in the preschools of Shanghai, China. BMC Pediatrics, 12, 121. Lind, B. (1961). Teaching mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in primary schools. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 9, 63-69. Little, T. D., Cunningham, W. A., Shahar, G., & Widaman, K. F. (2002). To parcel or not to parcel: Exploring the question, weighing the merits. Structural Equation Modeling, 9(2), 151–173. Maibach, E. W., Schieber R. A., & Caroll, M. F. (1996). Self-efficacy in pediatric resuscitation: Implications for education and performance. Pediatrics, 97(1), 94-99. Nunnally, J. C. (1978). Psychometric theory. New York: McGraw Hill. Ransone, J., & Dunn-Bennett, M. A. (1999). Assessment of first-aid knowledge and decision making of high school athletic coaches. Journal of Athletic Training, 34(3), 267-271. Romer, C. J., & Manciaux, M. (1991). Accidents in childhood and adolescence: A priority problem worldwide. In M. Manciaux, & C. J. Romer (Eds.). Accidents in childhood and adolescence: The role of research (pp. 1-7). Geneva: Switzerland: World Health Organization (WHO) and Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM). Safar, P. (1958). Ventilatory efficacy of mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration. Airway obstruction during manual and mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration. Journal of the American Medical Association, 167, 335-341. Segen, J. (2012). The concise dictionary of modern medicine. New York: McGraw-Hill. Slabe, D., & Fink, R. (2013). Kindergarten teachers’ and their assistants’ knowledge of first aid in Slovenian kindergartens. Health Education Journal, 72(4), 398-407. Stevens, J. P. (2009). Applied multivariate statistics for the social sciences (5th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge. Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2013). Using multivariate statistics (6th ed.). New York: Allyn and Bacon. Tschannen-Moran, M., & Woolfolk Hoy, A. (2001). Teacher efficacy: Capturing and elusive construct. Teaching and Teacher Education, 17, 783-805. Van de Velde, Broos, P., Bouwelen, M. V., de Win, R., Sermon, A., Verduyckt, J., … Aertgeerts, B. (2007). European first aid guidelines. Resuscitation, 72, 240-251. Wei, Y. L., Chen, L. L., Li, T. C., Ma, W. F., Peng, N. H., & Huang, L. C. (2013). Self-efficacy of first aid for home accidents among parents with 0- to 4-year-old children at a metropolitan community health center in Taiwan. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 52, 182-187. Winchell, S. W., Safar, P. (1966). Teaching and testing lay and paramedical personnel in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 45, 441-449. Wiśniewski J., & Majewski W. D. (2007). Assessment of knowledge about first aid among the teachers of chosen high schools in the Western Pomerania region [Abstract]. Annales Academiae Medicae Steninentis, 53(3), 114-123.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Araştırma Articlesi

Gülçin Gülmez Dağ This is me

Publication Date July 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Gülmez Dağ, G. (2019). Are Tomorrow’s Teachers Ready to Save Lives in Cases of Emergency?. İlköğretim Online, 17(3).
AMA Gülmez Dağ G. Are Tomorrow’s Teachers Ready to Save Lives in Cases of Emergency?. İOO. July 2019;17(3). doi:10.17051/ilkonline.2018.466413
Chicago Gülmez Dağ, Gülçin. “Are Tomorrow’s Teachers Ready to Save Lives in Cases of Emergency?”. İlköğretim Online 17, no. 3 (July 2019).
EndNote Gülmez Dağ G (July 1, 2019) Are Tomorrow’s Teachers Ready to Save Lives in Cases of Emergency?. İlköğretim Online 17 3
IEEE G. Gülmez Dağ, “Are Tomorrow’s Teachers Ready to Save Lives in Cases of Emergency?”, İOO, vol. 17, no. 3, 2019, doi: 10.17051/ilkonline.2018.466413.
ISNAD Gülmez Dağ, Gülçin. “Are Tomorrow’s Teachers Ready to Save Lives in Cases of Emergency?”. İlköğretim Online 17/3 (July 2019).
JAMA Gülmez Dağ G. Are Tomorrow’s Teachers Ready to Save Lives in Cases of Emergency?. İOO. 2019;17. doi:10.17051/ilkonline.2018.466413.
MLA Gülmez Dağ, Gülçin. “Are Tomorrow’s Teachers Ready to Save Lives in Cases of Emergency?”. İlköğretim Online, vol. 17, no. 3, 2019, doi:10.17051/ilkonline.2018.466413.
Vancouver Gülmez Dağ G. Are Tomorrow’s Teachers Ready to Save Lives in Cases of Emergency?. İOO. 2019;17(3).