Research Article
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Interactional Effect of Perceived Emphatic Classroom Atmosphere and Self-Esteem on Bullying

Year 2009, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 322 - 333, 26.06.2009


In this research, the relationship between interactional effect of perceived empathic classroom
atmosphere and self-esteem on peer bullying was examined. The research was conducted on 420 students, 218
boys and 208 girls, from 6. 7. and 8. grades in public schools at the center of Ankara. In the result of research, it
was found that there is no relation between bullying and interactional effect of intraclassroom emphatic
atmosphere perceived by students and self-esteem on bullying. Moreover, it was found that there is a linear
relation between perceived emphatic atmosphere and self-esteem; a negative relationship between perceived
emphatic atmosphere and bullying; a negative relationship between self-esteem and bullying. Empathic
atmosphere and self-esteem interaction on bullying appears to be only found for empathic understanding.


  • Andreou, E. (2000). Bully/victim problems and their association whit psychological construct in 8- to 12- year-old Greek school children. Agressive Behavior, 26, 49-56
  • Baldry, A.C. (2003). Bullying in schools and exposure to domestic violence. Child Abuse and Neglect, 27, 713-714.
  • Baldry, A.C., & Farrington, D.P. (2000). Bullies and delinquents: personal characteristics and parental styles. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 1. 17-18
  • Banks, R. (1997). Bullying in schools. Champaign, IL: ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED407154)
  • Bridge, B. (2003). Zorbal/k: Bilinmeyen çe2itleri ve çözümleri. stanbul: Beyaz YayLnlarL
  • Bru, E., Stephens, P., & Torsheim, T. (2002). Student’s perceptions of class management and reports of their own misbehavior. Journal of School Psychology, 4. 287-307.
  • Coopersmith, S. (1967).The antecedents of self-esteem, San Francisco: Freeman.
  • Dake, J.A., James, H.P., & Susan, K.T. (2003). The nature and extent of bullying at school. Journal of School Health, 73(5), 173-180.
  • Dautenhahn, K. ve Woods, S. (2003). Possible connections between bullying behavior, empathy and imitation. AISB 2003 Convention: Cognition in Machines and Animals, University of Wales, Aberystwyth.
  • Dölek, N. (2001). =lk ve orta ö>retim okullar/ndaki ö>renciler aras/nda zorbaca davran/2lar/n incelenmesi ve “zorbal/>/ önleme tutumu geli2tirmesi program/”n/n etkisinin ara2t/r/lmas/. stanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi (YayLmlanmamL. Doktora Tezi). 332
  • Eisenberg, N. (1983). The socialization and development of empathy and prosocial behavior (Special report). East Haddam, CT: The National Association for Humane and Environmental Education..
  • Elliot, M. (1992). Bullying. a practicical guide to coping for schools. Wiltshire: Longman.
  • Farrington, D.P. (1993). Understanding and preventing bullying. Crime and Justice, Vol. 12, 381, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
  • Gurthrie, K.I., Eisenberg, N., Fabes, R.A., Murphy, B.C., Holmgren, R., Mazsk, P., & Suh, K. (1997). The relations of regulation and emotioanality to children’s situational empathy-related responding. Motivation and Emotion, 21 (1), 87-108.
  • Gülolu, B. ve AydLn, G. (2001). Coopersmith özsaygL envanteri’nin faktör yapLsL. E>itim ve Bilim, 26 (122), 66-71.
  • Kandemir, M., PalancL, M., Kurt, T., & ÇakLr, O. (2008). Relation of the interaction between the self-esteem of elementary students and their prosocial behaviors with peer bullying. International Conference on Educational Science, 23-25 June, Cyprus.
  • KapçL, G.E. (2004). lköretim örencilerinin zorbalLa maruz kalma türünün ve sLklLLnLn depresyon, kaygL ve benlik saygLsLyla ili.kisi. Ankara Üniversitesi E>itim Bilimleri Dergisi. 37, 2004, 1-12.
  • Karaman-Kepenekçi, Y. & ÇLnkLr, O. (2003). Örenciler arasL zorbalLk. Kuram ve Uygulamada E>itim Yönetimi Dergisi, 1, 244.
  • Levy, K.C. (1997). The Contribution of self-consept on the etiology of adoloscent delinquency. Adolescence, 32 (127), 385-392.
  • Okul ortamL ve ailenin özsaygL geli.imine etkisi, 01.1.2005 tarihinde adresinden alLnmL.tLr.
  • Olweus, D. (2002). Bullying at school: Basic fact and effects of a school basit intervention program. Journal of child Psychology and Psychiatry, 35 (7) 1171-119.
  • Olweus, D. (2003). A Profile of bullying at school, Educational Leaderships, 6. 6.
  • Özbay, M. H. & Canpolat, B. I. (2003). Psikoterapide empati ve nesnellik ikilemi. Klinik Psikiyatri. 6, 39-45.
  • Oahin, M., Özbay, Y. (1999). Üniversite örencilerinin empatik sLnLf atmosferine ili.kin algLlamalarLnLn farklL dei.kenler açLsLndan incelenmesi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi E>itim Fakültesi Dergisi, 15, 74-83.
  • Özbay, Y. & Oahin, M. (2000). Empatik sLnLf atmosferi tutum ölçei (ESATÖ): Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalL.masL, Hacettepe Üniversitesi E>itim Fakültesi Dergisi, 19, 104-113.
  • Pi.kin, M. (1996). Türk ve ngiliz lise örencilerinin benlik saygLsL yönünden kar.Lla.tLrLlmasL. III. Ulusal Psikolojik Dan/2ma ve Rehberlik Kongresi, 15-16 Nisan 1996: Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana. 21-35.
  • Pi.kin, M. (2001). Özsayg/y/ geli2tirme e>itimi. Y. Kuzgun (Ed.). =lkö>retimde rehberlik. Ankara: Nobel YayLn DaLtLm
  • Pitrik, M.R., & Mallich, K. (2004). Effect of person-centered attitudes on profesional and social competence in a blended learning paradigm. Educational Technology and Society, 7(4), 176192.
  • Preece, J., & Ghozati, K. (2001) Observations and Explorations of Empathy Online. In. R. R. Rice and J. E. Katz (Eds.). The Internet and Health Communication: Experience and Expectations. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
  • Preston, D. S., & Weal, B. M. F. (2002). Empathy: Its ultimate and proximate bases. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 25, 1-72.
  • Rigby, K. (2003). Consequences of bullying in schools. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 48 (9), 584590.
  • Rogers, R.C. (1961). On Becoming a Person. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Strayer, J., & Robert, W. (2004). Children’s anger, emotional expressiveness, and empathy: relations with parents’ empathy, emotional expressiveness, and parenting practices. Social Development, 13(2), 229-254.
  • Wiseman, T. (1996). A concept analysis of empathy. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 23, 1162-1167.

Sınıf İçinde Algılanan Empatik Atmosfer İle Benlik Saygısı Arasındaki Etkileşimin Zorbalıkla İlişkisi

Year 2009, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 322 - 333, 26.06.2009


Araştırmada, sınıf içi algılanan empatik atmosfer ile benlik saygısı aralığında gerçekleşimin akran zorbalığı ile ilişki incelenmiştir. Araştırma, Ankara merkezindeki dört resmî okulun 6, 7 ve 8. sınıflarında 218'i erkek ve 208'i kız olmak üzere toplam 426 öğrenci bulunuyor. Araştırma empatik atmosfer ile benlik saygısı içeren arayüzimin akran zorbalığı ile ilişki kalitesi çıktı çıkmıştır. , Benlik saygısı ve empati onlerine göre zorbalık testinden alınan ortalama puanların hangi düzeylerde farklılaşdığı bulunmuştur. Araştırmada elde edilen bulgulara göre, deneyim sınıfının içersinde algıladığı empatik atmosfer ile zorbalık davranışları arasında ters ve doğrusal yönde anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmuştur


  • Andreou, E. (2000). Bully/victim problems and their association whit psychological construct in 8- to 12- year-old Greek school children. Agressive Behavior, 26, 49-56
  • Baldry, A.C. (2003). Bullying in schools and exposure to domestic violence. Child Abuse and Neglect, 27, 713-714.
  • Baldry, A.C., & Farrington, D.P. (2000). Bullies and delinquents: personal characteristics and parental styles. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 1. 17-18
  • Banks, R. (1997). Bullying in schools. Champaign, IL: ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED407154)
  • Bridge, B. (2003). Zorbal/k: Bilinmeyen çe2itleri ve çözümleri. stanbul: Beyaz YayLnlarL
  • Bru, E., Stephens, P., & Torsheim, T. (2002). Student’s perceptions of class management and reports of their own misbehavior. Journal of School Psychology, 4. 287-307.
  • Coopersmith, S. (1967).The antecedents of self-esteem, San Francisco: Freeman.
  • Dake, J.A., James, H.P., & Susan, K.T. (2003). The nature and extent of bullying at school. Journal of School Health, 73(5), 173-180.
  • Dautenhahn, K. ve Woods, S. (2003). Possible connections between bullying behavior, empathy and imitation. AISB 2003 Convention: Cognition in Machines and Animals, University of Wales, Aberystwyth.
  • Dölek, N. (2001). =lk ve orta ö>retim okullar/ndaki ö>renciler aras/nda zorbaca davran/2lar/n incelenmesi ve “zorbal/>/ önleme tutumu geli2tirmesi program/”n/n etkisinin ara2t/r/lmas/. stanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi (YayLmlanmamL. Doktora Tezi). 332
  • Eisenberg, N. (1983). The socialization and development of empathy and prosocial behavior (Special report). East Haddam, CT: The National Association for Humane and Environmental Education..
  • Elliot, M. (1992). Bullying. a practicical guide to coping for schools. Wiltshire: Longman.
  • Farrington, D.P. (1993). Understanding and preventing bullying. Crime and Justice, Vol. 12, 381, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
  • Gurthrie, K.I., Eisenberg, N., Fabes, R.A., Murphy, B.C., Holmgren, R., Mazsk, P., & Suh, K. (1997). The relations of regulation and emotioanality to children’s situational empathy-related responding. Motivation and Emotion, 21 (1), 87-108.
  • Gülolu, B. ve AydLn, G. (2001). Coopersmith özsaygL envanteri’nin faktör yapLsL. E>itim ve Bilim, 26 (122), 66-71.
  • Kandemir, M., PalancL, M., Kurt, T., & ÇakLr, O. (2008). Relation of the interaction between the self-esteem of elementary students and their prosocial behaviors with peer bullying. International Conference on Educational Science, 23-25 June, Cyprus.
  • KapçL, G.E. (2004). lköretim örencilerinin zorbalLa maruz kalma türünün ve sLklLLnLn depresyon, kaygL ve benlik saygLsLyla ili.kisi. Ankara Üniversitesi E>itim Bilimleri Dergisi. 37, 2004, 1-12.
  • Karaman-Kepenekçi, Y. & ÇLnkLr, O. (2003). Örenciler arasL zorbalLk. Kuram ve Uygulamada E>itim Yönetimi Dergisi, 1, 244.
  • Levy, K.C. (1997). The Contribution of self-consept on the etiology of adoloscent delinquency. Adolescence, 32 (127), 385-392.
  • Okul ortamL ve ailenin özsaygL geli.imine etkisi, 01.1.2005 tarihinde adresinden alLnmL.tLr.
  • Olweus, D. (2002). Bullying at school: Basic fact and effects of a school basit intervention program. Journal of child Psychology and Psychiatry, 35 (7) 1171-119.
  • Olweus, D. (2003). A Profile of bullying at school, Educational Leaderships, 6. 6.
  • Özbay, M. H. & Canpolat, B. I. (2003). Psikoterapide empati ve nesnellik ikilemi. Klinik Psikiyatri. 6, 39-45.
  • Oahin, M., Özbay, Y. (1999). Üniversite örencilerinin empatik sLnLf atmosferine ili.kin algLlamalarLnLn farklL dei.kenler açLsLndan incelenmesi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi E>itim Fakültesi Dergisi, 15, 74-83.
  • Özbay, Y. & Oahin, M. (2000). Empatik sLnLf atmosferi tutum ölçei (ESATÖ): Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalL.masL, Hacettepe Üniversitesi E>itim Fakültesi Dergisi, 19, 104-113.
  • Pi.kin, M. (1996). Türk ve ngiliz lise örencilerinin benlik saygLsL yönünden kar.Lla.tLrLlmasL. III. Ulusal Psikolojik Dan/2ma ve Rehberlik Kongresi, 15-16 Nisan 1996: Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana. 21-35.
  • Pi.kin, M. (2001). Özsayg/y/ geli2tirme e>itimi. Y. Kuzgun (Ed.). =lkö>retimde rehberlik. Ankara: Nobel YayLn DaLtLm
  • Pitrik, M.R., & Mallich, K. (2004). Effect of person-centered attitudes on profesional and social competence in a blended learning paradigm. Educational Technology and Society, 7(4), 176192.
  • Preece, J., & Ghozati, K. (2001) Observations and Explorations of Empathy Online. In. R. R. Rice and J. E. Katz (Eds.). The Internet and Health Communication: Experience and Expectations. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
  • Preston, D. S., & Weal, B. M. F. (2002). Empathy: Its ultimate and proximate bases. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 25, 1-72.
  • Rigby, K. (2003). Consequences of bullying in schools. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 48 (9), 584590.
  • Rogers, R.C. (1961). On Becoming a Person. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Strayer, J., & Robert, W. (2004). Children’s anger, emotional expressiveness, and empathy: relations with parents’ empathy, emotional expressiveness, and parenting practices. Social Development, 13(2), 229-254.
  • Wiseman, T. (1996). A concept analysis of empathy. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 23, 1162-1167.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Mehmet Kandemir

Yaşar Özbay

Publication Date June 26, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Kandemir, M., & Özbay, Y. (2009). Sınıf İçinde Algılanan Empatik Atmosfer İle Benlik Saygısı Arasındaki Etkileşimin Zorbalıkla İlişkisi. İlköğretim Online, 8(2), 322-333.
AMA Kandemir M, Özbay Y. Sınıf İçinde Algılanan Empatik Atmosfer İle Benlik Saygısı Arasındaki Etkileşimin Zorbalıkla İlişkisi. İOO. June 2009;8(2):322-333.
Chicago Kandemir, Mehmet, and Yaşar Özbay. “Sınıf İçinde Algılanan Empatik Atmosfer İle Benlik Saygısı Arasındaki Etkileşimin Zorbalıkla İlişkisi”. İlköğretim Online 8, no. 2 (June 2009): 322-33.
EndNote Kandemir M, Özbay Y (June 1, 2009) Sınıf İçinde Algılanan Empatik Atmosfer İle Benlik Saygısı Arasındaki Etkileşimin Zorbalıkla İlişkisi. İlköğretim Online 8 2 322–333.
IEEE M. Kandemir and Y. Özbay, “Sınıf İçinde Algılanan Empatik Atmosfer İle Benlik Saygısı Arasındaki Etkileşimin Zorbalıkla İlişkisi”, İOO, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 322–333, 2009.
ISNAD Kandemir, Mehmet - Özbay, Yaşar. “Sınıf İçinde Algılanan Empatik Atmosfer İle Benlik Saygısı Arasındaki Etkileşimin Zorbalıkla İlişkisi”. İlköğretim Online 8/2 (June 2009), 322-333.
JAMA Kandemir M, Özbay Y. Sınıf İçinde Algılanan Empatik Atmosfer İle Benlik Saygısı Arasındaki Etkileşimin Zorbalıkla İlişkisi. İOO. 2009;8:322–333.
MLA Kandemir, Mehmet and Yaşar Özbay. “Sınıf İçinde Algılanan Empatik Atmosfer İle Benlik Saygısı Arasındaki Etkileşimin Zorbalıkla İlişkisi”. İlköğretim Online, vol. 8, no. 2, 2009, pp. 322-33.
Vancouver Kandemir M, Özbay Y. Sınıf İçinde Algılanan Empatik Atmosfer İle Benlik Saygısı Arasındaki Etkileşimin Zorbalıkla İlişkisi. İOO. 2009;8(2):322-33.