Okul kapsamIndaki ö rencilerin tamamInIn e itim ihtiyaçlarInI karKIlayabilmek, onlarda arzu edilen pozitif davranIKlarI geliKtirebilmek için kapsamlI ve iKlevsel bir sisteme gereksinim vardIr. Bu gereksinimi giderecek sistem ise “Pozitif DavranIK Deste i (PDD)”dir. PDD uygulamalarI, okullarda görülen problemli davranIKlarIn azalmasI, ö rencilerin sosyal beceri düzeylerinin yükselmesi, okuldaki ö rencilerin akademik baKarIlarInIn artIrIlmasIna ve okul disiplin suçlarInIn azalmasIna yol açmIKtIr (Colvin & Fernandez, 2000; Muscott et al., 2004; Nelson, Martella, & Marchand-Martella, 2002; Warren et al., 2006). lgili literatürden görülmektedir ki Amerika ve bazI batI ülkelerinde web-yardImlI pozitif davranIK geliKtirme çalIKmalarI baKarIyla uygulanmaktadIr. Fakat ülkemizde bu alanda kapsamlI bir çalIKma veya yayIn olmadI I görülmektedir
There is a need for an inclusive and functional system that is necessary for developing the expected
positive behaviors in students and meeting all of their educational needs. “Positive Behavior Support” (PBS) is the
system that will meet this necessity. PBS applications play a significant role in decreasing the behavioral disorders
and discipline referrals that occur in schools and increasing the levels of student social skills and of student academic
achievement (Colvin & Fernandez, 2000; Muscott et al., 2004; Nelson, Martella, & Marchand-Martella, 2002;
Warren et al., 2006). The related literature shows that web-assisted positive behavior support systems have been
successfully implemented in the U.S. and some of the other western countries. However, there is not any
comprehensive study or publication in this area in Turkey.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | June 26, 2009 |
Published in Issue | Year 2009 Volume: 8 Issue: 1 |