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Amerika ve Türkiye'de Evrim Karşıtlığının Eğitim Politikaları ve Uygulamalarına Yansıması

Year 2009, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 254 - 267, 26.06.2009




  • American Association for the Advancement of Science (1989). Science for all Americans. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Aguillard, D. (1999). Evolution education in Louisiana public schools: A decade following Edwards v Aguillard. The American Biology Teacher, 61, 182-88.
  • Alles, D.L. & Stevenson, J.C. (2003). Teaching human evolution. The American Biology Teacher, 65, 333-339.
  • Alters, B.J & Nelson, C.E. (2002). Perspective: Teaching evolution in higher education. Evolution, 56, 1891-1901.
  • Antolin, M.F. & Herbers, J.M. (2001). Perspective: Evolution's struggle for existence in America'a public schools. Evolution, 12, 2379-2388.
  • ApaydPn, Z. & Sürmeli, H. (2006). Üniversite ö"rencilerinin do"al seçilim, adaptasyon, ve mutasyon ile ilgili görü]leri. Ondokuz May+s Üniversitesi E-itim Fakültesi Dergisi, 22, 31-46.
  • Ayala, F. J. (2000). Arguing for evolution. Science Teacher, 67, 30-32.
  • Bishop, B. & Anderson, C.W. (1990). Student conceptions of natural selection and its role in evolution. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 27, 415-427.
  • BAV. (2008). 17. Hizmet y+l+nda bilim ara6t+rma vakf. adresinden 12 AralPk 2008 tarihinde indirilmi]tir.
  • Bransford, J.D., Brown, A.L., & Cocking, R.R. (Eds). (2000). How people learn: Brain, mind, experience and school. Washington, DC., National Academy Press.
  • Brickhouse, N.W., Dagher, Z.R., Letts IV, W.J., & Shipman, H.L. (2000). Diversity of students' views about evidence, theory, and the interface between science and religion in an astronomy course. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 37, 340-362.
  • Brumby, M.N. (1984). Misconceptions about the concept of natural selection by medical biology students. Science Education, 68, 493-503. 266
  • Cherif, A., Adams, G. & Loehr, J. (2001). What on "Earth" is evolution? The geological perspective of teaching evolutionary biology effectively. The American Biology Teacher, 63(8), 569-574.
  • Clough, M. (1994). Diminish students' resistance to biological evolution. The American Biology Teacher, 56, 409-415.
  • Demastes, S.S., Settlage, J. & Good, R. (1995). Students' conceptions of natural selection and its role in evolution: Cases of replication and comparison. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 32, 535-550.
  • Deniz, H., Donnelly, L.A., & YPlmaz, I. (2008). Exploring the factors to acceptance of evolutionary theory among Turkish preservice biology teachers: Toward a more informative conceptual ecology for biological evolution. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 45, 420-443.
  • Dobzhansky, T. (1973). Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. The American Biology Teacher, 35, 125-129. Retrieved on 12/4/2008 at URL: ght_of_Evolution.pdf
  • Edis, T. (1999). Cloning creationism in Turkey. Reports of the National Center for Science Education, 19:6, 30. Retrieved on 12/4/2008 from
  • Greene, E. (1990). The logic of university students' misunderstanding of natural selection. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 27, 875-885.
  • Lederman, N.G. (1992). Students’ and teachers’ conceptions of the nature of science: A review of the research. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 29, 331–359.
  • Lerner, L. S. (2001). Good Science, Bad Science: Teaching Evolution in the States. California Journal of Science Education, 1, 117-33.
  • Lord, T. & S. Marino (1993). How university students view the theory of evolution? Journal of College Science Teaching, 22, 353-357.
  • MEB. (1997). Lise biyoloji (1-2-3) dersi ö-retim program+. Ankara: Devlet KitaplarP Müdürlü"ü.
  • MEB. (2005). Dlkö-retim fen ve teknoloji dersi 6. 7. ve 8. s+n+flar ö-retim program+ ve k+lavuzu. Ankara: Devlet KitaplarP Müdürlü"ü.
  • MEB. (2006). Dlkö-retim fen ve teknoloji dersi 6. 7. ve 8. s+n+flar ö-retim program+ ve k+lavuzu. Ankara: Devlet KitaplarP Müdürlü"ü.
  • MEB. (2008). Lise biyoloji (9-10-11-12) dersi ö-retim program+. Ankara: Devlet KitaplarP Müdürlü"ü.
  • Miller, J.D., Scott, E.C., & Okamoto, S, (2006) Public acceptance of evolution. Science, 313, 765–766
  • Milliyet (2005). Ö"retmenler 'evrim teorisi' sürgünü. adresinden 12 AralPk 2008 tarihinde indirilmi]tir.
  • National Academy of Science. (1998). Teaching about evolution and the nature of science. Washington, DC.: National Academy Press.
  • National Center for Science Education (2008). Background to evolution/creation controversies. Retrieved on 09/11/2008 from
  • National Research Council (1996). National Science Education Standards. Washington, DC.: National Academy Press.
  • Osif, B.A. (1997). Evolution and religious beliefs: A survey of Pennsylvania high school teachers. The American Biology Teacher, 59, 552-556.
  • Rutledge, M.L. & Mitchell, M.A. (2002). High school biology teachers' knowledge structure, acceptance and teaching of evolution. The American Biology Teacher, 64, 21-28.
  • Rutledge, M.L. & Warden, M.A. (2000). Evolutionary theory, the nature of science and high school biology teachers: Critical relationships. The American Biology Teacher, 62, 23-31.
  • SayPn, U. & Kence, A. (1999). Islamic scientific creationism: A new challenge in Turkey. Reports of the National Center for Science Education, 19(6). Retrieved on 12/4/2008 at URL:
  • Sinatra, G.M., Southerland, S.A., McConaughy, F. & Demastes, J.W. (2003). Intentions and beliefs in students' understanding and acceptance of biological evolution. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 40, 510-528.
  • Türkmen, L., Göz, N.L., & Demir, M. (2008, August). SPnPf ö"retmeni adaylarPnPn biyolojik evrim teorisiyle ilgili görü]leri. Paper presented at the IIIV. Science and Mathematics Education Conference, Bolu, Turkey.
  • Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi. (1999). TUBA's declaration on the theory of evolution. Retrived on 12/5/2008 at URL:
  • Zimmerman, M. (1987). The Evolution-Creation controversy: Opinions of Ohio high school biology teachers. Ohio Journal of Science, 87, 115-125.

Impacts of Anti-Evolutionist Movements on Educational Policies and Practices in USA and Turkey

Year 2009, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 254 - 267, 26.06.2009


This paper discusses the place of evolutionary theory in science curriculum and teaching practices in USA and in Turkey. Anti-evolution works of similar institutions both in USA and Turkey are also compared. The controversy regarding the teaching of evolution has been an issue in both countries. However, legal actions and educational research about the factors affecting the teaching of evolutionary theory in classrooms took place mostly in USA. In the article five main topics were addressed: (a) importance of evolutionary theory in science, (b) controversy on teaching of evolution (c) place of theory of evolution in elementary and secondary science curriculum in USA and in Turkey, (d) teachers’ attitudes toward theory of evolution, and (e) students’ understanding about the theory of evolution and related topics. Factors and policies affecting the teaching of evolution in classroom in Turkey are also discussed. In conclusion, anti-evolution movements in Turkey which shows similarities with the antievolution propaganda in USA was found effective in terms of influencing educational policies and practices about the teaching of evolutionary theory in classrooms as well as public opinion on evolution


  • American Association for the Advancement of Science (1989). Science for all Americans. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Aguillard, D. (1999). Evolution education in Louisiana public schools: A decade following Edwards v Aguillard. The American Biology Teacher, 61, 182-88.
  • Alles, D.L. & Stevenson, J.C. (2003). Teaching human evolution. The American Biology Teacher, 65, 333-339.
  • Alters, B.J & Nelson, C.E. (2002). Perspective: Teaching evolution in higher education. Evolution, 56, 1891-1901.
  • Antolin, M.F. & Herbers, J.M. (2001). Perspective: Evolution's struggle for existence in America'a public schools. Evolution, 12, 2379-2388.
  • ApaydPn, Z. & Sürmeli, H. (2006). Üniversite ö"rencilerinin do"al seçilim, adaptasyon, ve mutasyon ile ilgili görü]leri. Ondokuz May+s Üniversitesi E-itim Fakültesi Dergisi, 22, 31-46.
  • Ayala, F. J. (2000). Arguing for evolution. Science Teacher, 67, 30-32.
  • Bishop, B. & Anderson, C.W. (1990). Student conceptions of natural selection and its role in evolution. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 27, 415-427.
  • BAV. (2008). 17. Hizmet y+l+nda bilim ara6t+rma vakf. adresinden 12 AralPk 2008 tarihinde indirilmi]tir.
  • Bransford, J.D., Brown, A.L., & Cocking, R.R. (Eds). (2000). How people learn: Brain, mind, experience and school. Washington, DC., National Academy Press.
  • Brickhouse, N.W., Dagher, Z.R., Letts IV, W.J., & Shipman, H.L. (2000). Diversity of students' views about evidence, theory, and the interface between science and religion in an astronomy course. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 37, 340-362.
  • Brumby, M.N. (1984). Misconceptions about the concept of natural selection by medical biology students. Science Education, 68, 493-503. 266
  • Cherif, A., Adams, G. & Loehr, J. (2001). What on "Earth" is evolution? The geological perspective of teaching evolutionary biology effectively. The American Biology Teacher, 63(8), 569-574.
  • Clough, M. (1994). Diminish students' resistance to biological evolution. The American Biology Teacher, 56, 409-415.
  • Demastes, S.S., Settlage, J. & Good, R. (1995). Students' conceptions of natural selection and its role in evolution: Cases of replication and comparison. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 32, 535-550.
  • Deniz, H., Donnelly, L.A., & YPlmaz, I. (2008). Exploring the factors to acceptance of evolutionary theory among Turkish preservice biology teachers: Toward a more informative conceptual ecology for biological evolution. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 45, 420-443.
  • Dobzhansky, T. (1973). Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. The American Biology Teacher, 35, 125-129. Retrieved on 12/4/2008 at URL: ght_of_Evolution.pdf
  • Edis, T. (1999). Cloning creationism in Turkey. Reports of the National Center for Science Education, 19:6, 30. Retrieved on 12/4/2008 from
  • Greene, E. (1990). The logic of university students' misunderstanding of natural selection. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 27, 875-885.
  • Lederman, N.G. (1992). Students’ and teachers’ conceptions of the nature of science: A review of the research. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 29, 331–359.
  • Lerner, L. S. (2001). Good Science, Bad Science: Teaching Evolution in the States. California Journal of Science Education, 1, 117-33.
  • Lord, T. & S. Marino (1993). How university students view the theory of evolution? Journal of College Science Teaching, 22, 353-357.
  • MEB. (1997). Lise biyoloji (1-2-3) dersi ö-retim program+. Ankara: Devlet KitaplarP Müdürlü"ü.
  • MEB. (2005). Dlkö-retim fen ve teknoloji dersi 6. 7. ve 8. s+n+flar ö-retim program+ ve k+lavuzu. Ankara: Devlet KitaplarP Müdürlü"ü.
  • MEB. (2006). Dlkö-retim fen ve teknoloji dersi 6. 7. ve 8. s+n+flar ö-retim program+ ve k+lavuzu. Ankara: Devlet KitaplarP Müdürlü"ü.
  • MEB. (2008). Lise biyoloji (9-10-11-12) dersi ö-retim program+. Ankara: Devlet KitaplarP Müdürlü"ü.
  • Miller, J.D., Scott, E.C., & Okamoto, S, (2006) Public acceptance of evolution. Science, 313, 765–766
  • Milliyet (2005). Ö"retmenler 'evrim teorisi' sürgünü. adresinden 12 AralPk 2008 tarihinde indirilmi]tir.
  • National Academy of Science. (1998). Teaching about evolution and the nature of science. Washington, DC.: National Academy Press.
  • National Center for Science Education (2008). Background to evolution/creation controversies. Retrieved on 09/11/2008 from
  • National Research Council (1996). National Science Education Standards. Washington, DC.: National Academy Press.
  • Osif, B.A. (1997). Evolution and religious beliefs: A survey of Pennsylvania high school teachers. The American Biology Teacher, 59, 552-556.
  • Rutledge, M.L. & Mitchell, M.A. (2002). High school biology teachers' knowledge structure, acceptance and teaching of evolution. The American Biology Teacher, 64, 21-28.
  • Rutledge, M.L. & Warden, M.A. (2000). Evolutionary theory, the nature of science and high school biology teachers: Critical relationships. The American Biology Teacher, 62, 23-31.
  • SayPn, U. & Kence, A. (1999). Islamic scientific creationism: A new challenge in Turkey. Reports of the National Center for Science Education, 19(6). Retrieved on 12/4/2008 at URL:
  • Sinatra, G.M., Southerland, S.A., McConaughy, F. & Demastes, J.W. (2003). Intentions and beliefs in students' understanding and acceptance of biological evolution. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 40, 510-528.
  • Türkmen, L., Göz, N.L., & Demir, M. (2008, August). SPnPf ö"retmeni adaylarPnPn biyolojik evrim teorisiyle ilgili görü]leri. Paper presented at the IIIV. Science and Mathematics Education Conference, Bolu, Turkey.
  • Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi. (1999). TUBA's declaration on the theory of evolution. Retrived on 12/5/2008 at URL:
  • Zimmerman, M. (1987). The Evolution-Creation controversy: Opinions of Ohio high school biology teachers. Ohio Journal of Science, 87, 115-125.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Pelin Yalçınoğlu

Publication Date June 26, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Yalçınoğlu, P. (2009). Impacts of Anti-Evolutionist Movements on Educational Policies and Practices in USA and Turkey. İlköğretim Online, 8(1), 254-267.
AMA Yalçınoğlu P. Impacts of Anti-Evolutionist Movements on Educational Policies and Practices in USA and Turkey. İOO. March 2009;8(1):254-267.
Chicago Yalçınoğlu, Pelin. “Impacts of Anti-Evolutionist Movements on Educational Policies and Practices in USA and Turkey”. İlköğretim Online 8, no. 1 (March 2009): 254-67.
EndNote Yalçınoğlu P (March 1, 2009) Impacts of Anti-Evolutionist Movements on Educational Policies and Practices in USA and Turkey. İlköğretim Online 8 1 254–267.
IEEE P. Yalçınoğlu, “Impacts of Anti-Evolutionist Movements on Educational Policies and Practices in USA and Turkey”, İOO, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 254–267, 2009.
ISNAD Yalçınoğlu, Pelin. “Impacts of Anti-Evolutionist Movements on Educational Policies and Practices in USA and Turkey”. İlköğretim Online 8/1 (March 2009), 254-267.
JAMA Yalçınoğlu P. Impacts of Anti-Evolutionist Movements on Educational Policies and Practices in USA and Turkey. İOO. 2009;8:254–267.
MLA Yalçınoğlu, Pelin. “Impacts of Anti-Evolutionist Movements on Educational Policies and Practices in USA and Turkey”. İlköğretim Online, vol. 8, no. 1, 2009, pp. 254-67.
Vancouver Yalçınoğlu P. Impacts of Anti-Evolutionist Movements on Educational Policies and Practices in USA and Turkey. İOO. 2009;8(1):254-67.