Research Article
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The Hero's Journey In Kyrgyz Cinema: Analysis of the Feature Film "Song of the Tree"

Year 2024, , 20 - 34, 29.05.2024


Myths are narratives of the people they belong to that transmit the worldviews, beliefs and culture from generation to generation. Although the word myth is often used in daily life to mean unreal, currently it is possible to see traces of myths everywhere. Myths have found their way into cinematography, as in other forms of art. Moreover, cinematography has used myths in the structure of the narratives as well as in the content. Joseph Campbell's “The Hero's Journey” - “Monomyth” theory took the first steps towards using the structural patterns of myths as narrative tools in cinematography. Christopher Vogler, inspired by Campbell's Monomyth concept, developed the 12-stage Hero's Journey scheme, making it easier to use mythical structures in screenwriting. This study analyzes the feature film "Song of the Tree", produced in independent post-soviet Kyrgyzstan, with Vogler's Hero's Journey approach. Esen, the protagonist of the film, was analyzed according to Vogler's Hero's Journey scheme and as a result of this analysis, it was seen that all 12 stages suggested by Vogler were included in the film. Additionally, it has been found that the film's Hero's Journey scheme is presented differently than sequence offered by Vogler. This study points out that Kyrgyz cinematography, in an effort to reflect the traditional lifestyle, contains mythical structures commonly used in world cinematography and that Kyrgyz filmmakers are familiar with global narrative structures.


  • «Darak yry» tasmasy, (2018). rezhisser: Aybek Dayyrbekov
  • Abikeeva, G. (2001). Kino central'noy Azii, 1990-2001. Kompleks. brId=1167881&simple=true#
  • Arslantepe, M. (2008). Popüler Sinema Filmlerinde Hikâye Anlatımı. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10(1), 237-256.
  • Asanov, Ü. (Ed.). (2004). Kyrgyz Adabiyaty ensiklopediyalyk Okuu Kuraly. Mamlekettik Til cana Enciklopediya Borboru.
  • Bishkekte "Ak ilbirs" sjyljgj tapshjrjldj. Laureattar tizmesi. (2019, April 26). Sputnik Kyrgyzstan. Retrieved May 20, 2023, from
  • Bond, S. E., & Christensen, J. (2021, August 12). The Man Behind the Myth: Should We Question the Hero's Journey? Los Angeles Review of Books. Retrieved May 9, 2023, from the-myth-should-we-question-the-heros-journey/#comments
  • Campbell, J. (2004). The hero with a thousand faces. Princeton University Press.
  • Deyneka, L. (2012). “May the Myth Be with You, Always: Archetypes, Mythic Elements and Aspects of Joseph Campbell’s Heroic Monomyth in the Original Star Wars Trilogy”. In D. Brode & L. Deyneka (Eds.), Myth, Media, and Culture in Star Wars: An Anthology. Scarecrow Press.
  • Fild, S. (2016). Kinoscenariy: osnovj napisaniq. E.
  • (n.d.). Aibek Daiyrbekov-Kyrgyz. Kyrgyz Cinema. Retrieved May 2, 2023, from
  • (2018, 2 27). Müzikl «Pesn' dreva» osnovan na dvux real'nyx istoriiax, kotorie proizoshli v Naryne (interviu). from
  • Production Company Cinetrain. (2019, May 7). "The Song of Tree" 2018. Retrieved May 23, 2023, from
  • Tokoeva, C. (2021). Darak ırı - pervıy nacional'nıy müzikl. Vestnik Kırgızskogo Gosudarstvennogo universiteta Imeni I. Arabaeva, (4), 150-154. 10.33514/1694-7851-2021-4-150-154.
  • Tölömüşova, G. (2018). Kirgizskoe kino vchera i segodnq: razvitie i perspektivj. In Istoriq nacional'njx kinematografiy v SSSR i perspektivj razvitiq kino gosudarstv-uchastnikov SNG, stran Baltii i Gruzii (pp. 307-364). Akademicheskiy prospekt.
  • Vogler, C. (2017). Joseph Campbell Goes to the Movies: The Influence of the Hero’s Journey in Film Narrative. Journal Of Genius And Eminence/ Joseph Campbell Special Issue, 2(2), 9-23.
  • Vogler, K. (2021). Puteshestvie pisatelq. Mifologicheskie strukturj v literature i kino. Per.s ang. Al'pina non-fikshn.

Кыргыз киносунда каармандын саякаты: “Дарак ыры” фильминин анализи

Year 2024, , 20 - 34, 29.05.2024


Мифтер – алар таандык болгон элдин дүйнө таанымын, ишенимин, маданиятын муундан-муунга өткөрүп берүүчү баяндар. Бүгүнкү күндө миф сөзү, көп учурда күнүмдүк жашоодо “чындыкка жатпаган” деген мааниде колдонулса да, кадимки мифтердин издерин адамдын жашоосунун бүт катмарларында көрүүгө болот. Искусствонун башка багыттарындагыдай эле, кинематографияга да миф өз жолун тапкан. Анын үстүнө, кинематогафияда, мифтердин сюжеттерин, символдорунан сырткары, анын структурасы да ишке жарап келет. Джозеф Кэмпбеллдин “Каармандын саякаты” - Мономиф теориясы, мифтердин структуралык калыптарын кинематографта баяндоо каражаты катары колдонуу үчүн алгачкы кадамдарды шарттаган. Ал эми Кристофер Воглер болсо Кэмпбеллдин Мономиф концептин колдонуу менен 12 баскычтуу каармандын саякатын иштеп чыгып, мифологиялык структураларды сценарий жазууда колдонууну дагы да жөнөкөйлөштүргөн. Бул изилдөөнүн максаты, Кыргыз Республикасында эгемендүүлүк жылдарында тартылган “Дарак ыры” көркөм тасмасы Воглердин “Каармандын саякаты” схемасына ылайык анализдөө болуп саналат. Фильмдин баш каарманы Эсендин басып өткөн жолу, Воглердин “Каармандын саякаты” схемасына салынып талданды жана анын жыйынтыгында, Воглер сунуштаган 12 баскычтын бардыгы фильмде орун алгандыгы аныкталды. Белгилей кете турган жагдай, тасмада Каармандын саякатынын баскычтары Воглер сунуштаган схеманын ыраатуулугунан башкача болуп түзүлгөн. Бул изилдөө кыргыз киносунда салттуу жашоо образын чагылдыруу аракети менен биргеликте дүйнөлүк кинематографияда кеңири колдонулган мифтик структуралар камтылгандыгы жана кыргыз кино режиссерлору глобалдык баяндоо структуралары менен жакшы тааныш экенин далилдейт.


  • «Darak yry» tasmasy, (2018). rezhisser: Aybek Dayyrbekov
  • Abikeeva, G. (2001). Kino central'noy Azii, 1990-2001. Kompleks. brId=1167881&simple=true#
  • Arslantepe, M. (2008). Popüler Sinema Filmlerinde Hikâye Anlatımı. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10(1), 237-256.
  • Asanov, Ü. (Ed.). (2004). Kyrgyz Adabiyaty ensiklopediyalyk Okuu Kuraly. Mamlekettik Til cana Enciklopediya Borboru.
  • Bishkekte "Ak ilbirs" sjyljgj tapshjrjldj. Laureattar tizmesi. (2019, April 26). Sputnik Kyrgyzstan. Retrieved May 20, 2023, from
  • Bond, S. E., & Christensen, J. (2021, August 12). The Man Behind the Myth: Should We Question the Hero's Journey? Los Angeles Review of Books. Retrieved May 9, 2023, from the-myth-should-we-question-the-heros-journey/#comments
  • Campbell, J. (2004). The hero with a thousand faces. Princeton University Press.
  • Deyneka, L. (2012). “May the Myth Be with You, Always: Archetypes, Mythic Elements and Aspects of Joseph Campbell’s Heroic Monomyth in the Original Star Wars Trilogy”. In D. Brode & L. Deyneka (Eds.), Myth, Media, and Culture in Star Wars: An Anthology. Scarecrow Press.
  • Fild, S. (2016). Kinoscenariy: osnovj napisaniq. E.
  • (n.d.). Aibek Daiyrbekov-Kyrgyz. Kyrgyz Cinema. Retrieved May 2, 2023, from
  • (2018, 2 27). Müzikl «Pesn' dreva» osnovan na dvux real'nyx istoriiax, kotorie proizoshli v Naryne (interviu). from
  • Production Company Cinetrain. (2019, May 7). "The Song of Tree" 2018. Retrieved May 23, 2023, from
  • Tokoeva, C. (2021). Darak ırı - pervıy nacional'nıy müzikl. Vestnik Kırgızskogo Gosudarstvennogo universiteta Imeni I. Arabaeva, (4), 150-154. 10.33514/1694-7851-2021-4-150-154.
  • Tölömüşova, G. (2018). Kirgizskoe kino vchera i segodnq: razvitie i perspektivj. In Istoriq nacional'njx kinematografiy v SSSR i perspektivj razvitiq kino gosudarstv-uchastnikov SNG, stran Baltii i Gruzii (pp. 307-364). Akademicheskiy prospekt.
  • Vogler, C. (2017). Joseph Campbell Goes to the Movies: The Influence of the Hero’s Journey in Film Narrative. Journal Of Genius And Eminence/ Joseph Campbell Special Issue, 2(2), 9-23.
  • Vogler, K. (2021). Puteshestvie pisatelq. Mifologicheskie strukturj v literature i kino. Per.s ang. Al'pina non-fikshn.
Year 2024, , 20 - 34, 29.05.2024


Ethical Statement

Etik Beyan “Кыргыз киносунда каармандын саякаты: “Дарак ыры” фильминин анализи” başlıklı çalışmanın yazım sürecinde bilimsel kurallara, etik ve alıntı kurallarına uyulmuş; toplanan veriler üzerinde herhangi bir tahrifat yapılmamış ve bu çalışma herhangi başka bir akademik yayın ortamına değerlendirme için gönderilmemiştir.


  • «Darak yry» tasmasy, (2018). rezhisser: Aybek Dayyrbekov
  • Abikeeva, G. (2001). Kino central'noy Azii, 1990-2001. Kompleks. brId=1167881&simple=true#
  • Arslantepe, M. (2008). Popüler Sinema Filmlerinde Hikâye Anlatımı. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10(1), 237-256.
  • Asanov, Ü. (Ed.). (2004). Kyrgyz Adabiyaty ensiklopediyalyk Okuu Kuraly. Mamlekettik Til cana Enciklopediya Borboru.
  • Bishkekte "Ak ilbirs" sjyljgj tapshjrjldj. Laureattar tizmesi. (2019, April 26). Sputnik Kyrgyzstan. Retrieved May 20, 2023, from
  • Bond, S. E., & Christensen, J. (2021, August 12). The Man Behind the Myth: Should We Question the Hero's Journey? Los Angeles Review of Books. Retrieved May 9, 2023, from the-myth-should-we-question-the-heros-journey/#comments
  • Campbell, J. (2004). The hero with a thousand faces. Princeton University Press.
  • Deyneka, L. (2012). “May the Myth Be with You, Always: Archetypes, Mythic Elements and Aspects of Joseph Campbell’s Heroic Monomyth in the Original Star Wars Trilogy”. In D. Brode & L. Deyneka (Eds.), Myth, Media, and Culture in Star Wars: An Anthology. Scarecrow Press.
  • Fild, S. (2016). Kinoscenariy: osnovj napisaniq. E.
  • (n.d.). Aibek Daiyrbekov-Kyrgyz. Kyrgyz Cinema. Retrieved May 2, 2023, from
  • (2018, 2 27). Müzikl «Pesn' dreva» osnovan na dvux real'nyx istoriiax, kotorie proizoshli v Naryne (interviu). from
  • Production Company Cinetrain. (2019, May 7). "The Song of Tree" 2018. Retrieved May 23, 2023, from
  • Tokoeva, C. (2021). Darak ırı - pervıy nacional'nıy müzikl. Vestnik Kırgızskogo Gosudarstvennogo universiteta Imeni I. Arabaeva, (4), 150-154. 10.33514/1694-7851-2021-4-150-154.
  • Tölömüşova, G. (2018). Kirgizskoe kino vchera i segodnq: razvitie i perspektivj. In Istoriq nacional'njx kinematografiy v SSSR i perspektivj razvitiq kino gosudarstv-uchastnikov SNG, stran Baltii i Gruzii (pp. 307-364). Akademicheskiy prospekt.
  • Vogler, C. (2017). Joseph Campbell Goes to the Movies: The Influence of the Hero’s Journey in Film Narrative. Journal Of Genius And Eminence/ Joseph Campbell Special Issue, 2(2), 9-23.
  • Vogler, K. (2021). Puteshestvie pisatelq. Mifologicheskie strukturj v literature i kino. Per.s ang. Al'pina non-fikshn.
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language Russian
Subjects Screen and Media Culture
Journal Section Research Articles

Zhamila Abdymalikova 0000-0003-1499-3659

Mehmet Sezai Türk 0000-0001-6042-0486

Publication Date May 29, 2024
Submission Date November 15, 2023
Acceptance Date May 28, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Abdymalikova, Z., & Türk, M. S. (2024). Кыргыз киносунда каармандын саякаты: “Дарак ыры” фильминин анализи. Uluslararası Medeniyet Çalışmaları Dergisi, 9(1), 20-34.