Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 25 - 30, 15.07.2018



  • [1] Ronow AB. Obshichie tendentsii v evolyutsii sostava zemnoj kory, okeana i atmosfery [String trends in the evolution of the composition of the earth's crust, the ocean and the atmosphere]. Geokhimiya (1964) 8:715–743.
  • [2] Konta J, Kühnel RA. Integrated exploration of clay deposits: Some changes of strategy. Applied Clay Science (1997) 11(5-6):273–283. doi:10.1016/S0169-1317(96)00027-0.
  • [3] Shi B, Jiang H, Liu Z, Fang HY. Engineering geological charac-teristics of expansive soils in China. Engineering Geology (2002) 67:63–71.
  • [4] Mitchell JK. Fundamentals of soil behavior. New York, N.Y.: J. Wiley and Sons (1993). xiii, 437.
  • [5] Liao SW. Expansive Soil and Railway Engineering. Beijing: Chinese Railway Publishing Press (1984). 374 p.
  • [6] Chen FH. Foundations on expansive soils. Amsterdam: Else-vier (1988). XXII, 463.
  • [7] Li SL, Qin SJ, Bo ZZ, Shi B. Studies on the Engineering Geol-ogy of Expansive Soils in Chana. Nanjing: Jiangsu Science and Technology Publishing House (1992). 212 p.
  • [8] Abduljauwad SN. Study on the performance of calcareous expansive clay. Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Ge-ologists (1993) 30(4):481–498.
  • [9] Abduljauwad SN, Al-Sulaimani GJ. Determination of swell potential of Al-Qalif clay. Geotechnical Testing Journal of ASTM (1993) 16(4):469–484.
  • [10] Li S, Du Y. On the swelling-shrinkage properties and mecha-nisms of compacted expansive soil. In: Proceeding of 30th In-ternational Geological Congress. China. p. 253–259.
  • [11] Bonner C, Shakoor A. Prediction of the swelling potential of a bentonitic clay from initial water content and dry density val-ues. In: Proceedings of 8th International IAEG Congress. Van-couver, Canada. p. 925–935.
  • [12] Al-Rawas AA. The factors controlling the expansive nature of the soil and rock of northern Oman. Engineering Geology (1999) 53:327–350.
  • [13] Kalkan E. Oltu (Erzurum) killerinin bariyer olarak kullanımın-da geoteknik özelliklerinin iyileştirilmesi [Improvement of ge-otechnical properties of Oltu (Erzurum) clay used as barrier]. PhD Thesis. Ataturk University. Erzurum.
  • [14] Erguler ZA, Ulusay R. A simple test and predictive models for assessing swell potential of Ankara (Turkey) Clay. Engineer-ing Geology (2002) 67:331–352.
  • [15] Kalkan E, Akbulut S. The positive effects of silica fume on the permeability, swelling pressure and compressive strength of natural clay liners. Engineering Geology (2004) 73(1-2):145–156. doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2004.01.001.
  • [16] Kalkan E, Bayraktutan MS. Geotechnical evaluation of Turkish clay deposits: a case study in Northern Turkey. Environmental Geology (2008) 55(5):937–950.
  • [17] Robertson RH, Ward RM. Assay of pharmaceutical clays. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology (1951) 3:27–31.
  • [18] Winkler HGF. Bedeuting der Korngrössenverteilung und des Mineral-bestandes von Tonen für die Hertellung grobkera-mischer Erxeugnisse [Importance of grain size distribution and mineral content of clays for the production of heavy clay products]. Berichte der Deutschen Keramischen Gesellschaft (1954):31–33.
  • [19] Keith KS, Murray HH. Clay liners and barriers. In: Carr DD, editor. Industrial Minerals and Rocks. Littleton, CO: Soc. Min-ing, Metallurgy, Explor. (1994). p. 249–255.
  • [20] Goodman R. Surface Modifications of Mineral Fillers. Indus-trial Minerals (1995):49–55.
  • [21] Franzini M, Leoni L, Saitta M. Revisione di una metodologia analitica per fluorescenza-X basata sula correzione completa delgi effeti di matrice [Review of an X-fluorescence analytical methodology based on the complete correction of matrix ef-fects]. Rendiconti della Societa Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia (1975) 31:365–378.
  • [22] Leoni L, Siatta M. X-ray fluorescence analysis of 29 trace elements in rock and mineral standards. Rendiconti della So-cieta Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia (1975) 32:479–510.
  • [23] Bianchini G, Laviano R, Lovo S, Vaccaro C. Chemical-mineralogical characterization of clay sediment around Ferrara (Italy): a tool for an environmental analysis. Applied Clay Sci-ence (2002) 21:165–176.
  • [24] Skempton AW. The colloidal activity of clays. In: Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Founda-tion Engineering. Switzerland.
  • [25] Van der Merve, D. H. The prediction of heaven from the plas-ticity index and the percentage clay fraction. The Civil Engineer (South African Institution of Civil Engineers) (1964) 6:103–107.
  • [26] Bain JA, Highly DE. Regional appraisal of clay resources chal-lenge to the clay mineralogist. In: Mortland MM, Faxmer VC, editors. Proceedings International Clay Conference. Amster-dam: Elsevier. p. 437–446.
  • [27] Konta J'i. Clay and man: clay raw materials in the service of man. Applied Clay Science (1995) 10(4):275–335. doi:10.1016/0169-1317(95)00029-4.
  • [28] Daniel DE. Case histories of compacted clay liners and covers for waste disposal facilities. In: Prakash S, editor. Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Case Histories in Ge-otechnical Engineering. St. Louis, Missouri, US. p. 1407–1425.
  • [29] Sharma HD, Lewis SP. Waste containment systems, waste stabi-lization, and landfills: Design and evaluation. New York: J. Wiley (1994). xv, 585.
  • [30] Harvey CC, Murray HH. Industrial clays in the 21st century: A perspective of exploration, technology and utilization. Applied Clay Science (1997) 11(5-6):285–310. doi:10.1016/S0169-1317(96)00028-2.
  • [31] Taylor DR, Jenkins DB. Acid activated clay. Preprint No: 86-365, for presentation at the SME Fall Meet., St. Louis, MO. Society of Mining Engineering (1986).
  • [32] Clarke GM. Special clays. Industrial Minerals (1985) 215:25–51.
  • [33] Russel A. Special clays. Industrial Minerals (1991) 185:49–59.
  • [34] Kreimeyer R. Some notes on the firing color of clay bricks. Applied Clay Science (1987) 2:175–183.
  • [35] Dunham AC. Developments in industrial mineralogy: I. The mineralogy of brick-making. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geo-logical Society (1992) 49(2):95–104. doi:10.1144/pygs.49.2.95.
  • [36] Munoz de La Nava, P., Navarro Gascon JV, Perez Cuadra P, Garcia Romaro E. Arcillas industriales en Aragon [Industrial clays in Aragon]. Boletín Geológico y Minero 101:135–152.
  • [37] Dell’ Anna L, Laviano R. Mineralogical and chemical classifi-cation of Pleistocene clays from the Lucanian basin (southern Italy) for the use in the Italian tile industry. Applied Clay Sci-ence (1991) 6:233–243.

Oltu Clay Deposits (Erzurum, NE Turkey) and Their Possible Usage Areas

Year 2018, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 25 - 30, 15.07.2018


Oltu clay deposits known Oligocene-Miocene Formations in the Oltu-Narman Basin (NE Erzurum, Turkey) are concentrated in two different stratigraphic horizons namely the Late Oligocene and the Early Miocene sequences. Clay minerals originated by the alteration of Eocene calcalkaline island-arc volcanic, preferably from pyroclastic (trachyte and andesite flow) which form the basement. In this study, these clay deposits have been studied for chemical, mineralogy, and physical properties to decide the most proper industrial use. The industrial significance of the clay deposits depends on the type and the chemical properties of minerals (montmorillonite) in different layers. Physical, mineralogical, and chemical properties of this clay deposits are convenient to use in constructing barriers, filtering layers, and liners in landfills. Some industrial areas are suitable for use of kaolinite and serpentine clay group such as the ceramics and related refractory. Paligorskite and sepiolite group clay mineral are utilized drilling applications. Mica group clay materials are suitable for manufacture of kiln wares and in red or firing pottery products.


  • [1] Ronow AB. Obshichie tendentsii v evolyutsii sostava zemnoj kory, okeana i atmosfery [String trends in the evolution of the composition of the earth's crust, the ocean and the atmosphere]. Geokhimiya (1964) 8:715–743.
  • [2] Konta J, Kühnel RA. Integrated exploration of clay deposits: Some changes of strategy. Applied Clay Science (1997) 11(5-6):273–283. doi:10.1016/S0169-1317(96)00027-0.
  • [3] Shi B, Jiang H, Liu Z, Fang HY. Engineering geological charac-teristics of expansive soils in China. Engineering Geology (2002) 67:63–71.
  • [4] Mitchell JK. Fundamentals of soil behavior. New York, N.Y.: J. Wiley and Sons (1993). xiii, 437.
  • [5] Liao SW. Expansive Soil and Railway Engineering. Beijing: Chinese Railway Publishing Press (1984). 374 p.
  • [6] Chen FH. Foundations on expansive soils. Amsterdam: Else-vier (1988). XXII, 463.
  • [7] Li SL, Qin SJ, Bo ZZ, Shi B. Studies on the Engineering Geol-ogy of Expansive Soils in Chana. Nanjing: Jiangsu Science and Technology Publishing House (1992). 212 p.
  • [8] Abduljauwad SN. Study on the performance of calcareous expansive clay. Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Ge-ologists (1993) 30(4):481–498.
  • [9] Abduljauwad SN, Al-Sulaimani GJ. Determination of swell potential of Al-Qalif clay. Geotechnical Testing Journal of ASTM (1993) 16(4):469–484.
  • [10] Li S, Du Y. On the swelling-shrinkage properties and mecha-nisms of compacted expansive soil. In: Proceeding of 30th In-ternational Geological Congress. China. p. 253–259.
  • [11] Bonner C, Shakoor A. Prediction of the swelling potential of a bentonitic clay from initial water content and dry density val-ues. In: Proceedings of 8th International IAEG Congress. Van-couver, Canada. p. 925–935.
  • [12] Al-Rawas AA. The factors controlling the expansive nature of the soil and rock of northern Oman. Engineering Geology (1999) 53:327–350.
  • [13] Kalkan E. Oltu (Erzurum) killerinin bariyer olarak kullanımın-da geoteknik özelliklerinin iyileştirilmesi [Improvement of ge-otechnical properties of Oltu (Erzurum) clay used as barrier]. PhD Thesis. Ataturk University. Erzurum.
  • [14] Erguler ZA, Ulusay R. A simple test and predictive models for assessing swell potential of Ankara (Turkey) Clay. Engineer-ing Geology (2002) 67:331–352.
  • [15] Kalkan E, Akbulut S. The positive effects of silica fume on the permeability, swelling pressure and compressive strength of natural clay liners. Engineering Geology (2004) 73(1-2):145–156. doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2004.01.001.
  • [16] Kalkan E, Bayraktutan MS. Geotechnical evaluation of Turkish clay deposits: a case study in Northern Turkey. Environmental Geology (2008) 55(5):937–950.
  • [17] Robertson RH, Ward RM. Assay of pharmaceutical clays. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology (1951) 3:27–31.
  • [18] Winkler HGF. Bedeuting der Korngrössenverteilung und des Mineral-bestandes von Tonen für die Hertellung grobkera-mischer Erxeugnisse [Importance of grain size distribution and mineral content of clays for the production of heavy clay products]. Berichte der Deutschen Keramischen Gesellschaft (1954):31–33.
  • [19] Keith KS, Murray HH. Clay liners and barriers. In: Carr DD, editor. Industrial Minerals and Rocks. Littleton, CO: Soc. Min-ing, Metallurgy, Explor. (1994). p. 249–255.
  • [20] Goodman R. Surface Modifications of Mineral Fillers. Indus-trial Minerals (1995):49–55.
  • [21] Franzini M, Leoni L, Saitta M. Revisione di una metodologia analitica per fluorescenza-X basata sula correzione completa delgi effeti di matrice [Review of an X-fluorescence analytical methodology based on the complete correction of matrix ef-fects]. Rendiconti della Societa Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia (1975) 31:365–378.
  • [22] Leoni L, Siatta M. X-ray fluorescence analysis of 29 trace elements in rock and mineral standards. Rendiconti della So-cieta Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia (1975) 32:479–510.
  • [23] Bianchini G, Laviano R, Lovo S, Vaccaro C. Chemical-mineralogical characterization of clay sediment around Ferrara (Italy): a tool for an environmental analysis. Applied Clay Sci-ence (2002) 21:165–176.
  • [24] Skempton AW. The colloidal activity of clays. In: Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Founda-tion Engineering. Switzerland.
  • [25] Van der Merve, D. H. The prediction of heaven from the plas-ticity index and the percentage clay fraction. The Civil Engineer (South African Institution of Civil Engineers) (1964) 6:103–107.
  • [26] Bain JA, Highly DE. Regional appraisal of clay resources chal-lenge to the clay mineralogist. In: Mortland MM, Faxmer VC, editors. Proceedings International Clay Conference. Amster-dam: Elsevier. p. 437–446.
  • [27] Konta J'i. Clay and man: clay raw materials in the service of man. Applied Clay Science (1995) 10(4):275–335. doi:10.1016/0169-1317(95)00029-4.
  • [28] Daniel DE. Case histories of compacted clay liners and covers for waste disposal facilities. In: Prakash S, editor. Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Case Histories in Ge-otechnical Engineering. St. Louis, Missouri, US. p. 1407–1425.
  • [29] Sharma HD, Lewis SP. Waste containment systems, waste stabi-lization, and landfills: Design and evaluation. New York: J. Wiley (1994). xv, 585.
  • [30] Harvey CC, Murray HH. Industrial clays in the 21st century: A perspective of exploration, technology and utilization. Applied Clay Science (1997) 11(5-6):285–310. doi:10.1016/S0169-1317(96)00028-2.
  • [31] Taylor DR, Jenkins DB. Acid activated clay. Preprint No: 86-365, for presentation at the SME Fall Meet., St. Louis, MO. Society of Mining Engineering (1986).
  • [32] Clarke GM. Special clays. Industrial Minerals (1985) 215:25–51.
  • [33] Russel A. Special clays. Industrial Minerals (1991) 185:49–59.
  • [34] Kreimeyer R. Some notes on the firing color of clay bricks. Applied Clay Science (1987) 2:175–183.
  • [35] Dunham AC. Developments in industrial mineralogy: I. The mineralogy of brick-making. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geo-logical Society (1992) 49(2):95–104. doi:10.1144/pygs.49.2.95.
  • [36] Munoz de La Nava, P., Navarro Gascon JV, Perez Cuadra P, Garcia Romaro E. Arcillas industriales en Aragon [Industrial clays in Aragon]. Boletín Geológico y Minero 101:135–152.
  • [37] Dell’ Anna L, Laviano R. Mineralogical and chemical classifi-cation of Pleistocene clays from the Lucanian basin (southern Italy) for the use in the Italian tile industry. Applied Clay Sci-ence (1991) 6:233–243.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Ekrem Kalkan

Publication Date July 15, 2018
Submission Date June 14, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Kalkan, E. (2018). Oltu Clay Deposits (Erzurum, NE Turkey) and Their Possible Usage Areas. International Journal of Innovative Research and Reviews, 2(1), 25-30.