Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 1 - 5, 15.07.2024



  • [1]Biswas A, Ahmed M, Bharti VK, Singh SB. Effect of antioxidants onphysic-chemical and haematological parameters in broiler chicken at high altitude. Asian–Australasian Journal of Animal Science(2011) 24(2):246–249. doi:10.5713/ajas.2011.10060.
  • [2]F.A.O. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Addressing climate change and food security together Pp(2009). 1–12.
  • [3]Alders R, Costa R, Gallardo RA, Sparks N, Zhou H. Smallholder Poultry: Leveraging for Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security. Encyclopedia of Food Security and Sustainability(2019)33(3):340–346. doi:10.1016/B978-0-08-100596-5.21544-8.
  • [4]Abbas TE. The use of Moringa oleifera in poultry diets. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science(2013) 37(5):492–496. doi:10.3906/vet-1211-40.
  • [5]Thakare M. Pharmacological Screening of Some Medicinal Plants as Antimicrobial and Feed Additives. MS Thesis. Department Animal and Poultry Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Blacksburg, VA (2004).
  • [6]Ayed MH, Laamari Z, Rekik B. Effects of incorporating an antibioticvilamycin and a probiotic Activis in broiler diets. Raimi et al./ Performance of broiler chicken fed diets supplemented with Azanza garckeana (snot apple)5Champaign, IL: Wester Section Asas, American Society of Animal Science (2004). 237–240.
  • [7]Humphrey BD, Huang N, Klasing KC. Rice expressing lactoferrin and lysozyme has antibiotic–like properties when fed to chicks. Journal of Nutrition(2002) 132(6):1214–1218. doi:10.1093/jn/132.6.1214.
  • [8]Daferera DJ, Ziagos BN, G PM. The effectiveness of plant essential oils on the growth of Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium sp. and Clavibacter michiganensis spp. Michiganensis. Journal of Crop Protection(2003) 22:39–44. doi:10.1016/S0261-2194(02)00095-9.
  • [9]Gopi M, Karthik K, Manjunathachar HV, Tamilmahan P, Kesavan M, Dashprakash M, et al. Essential oils as a feed additive in poultry nutrition. Advance Animal Veterinary Science(2014) 2(1):1–7. doi:10.14737/journal.aavs/2014.
  • [10]Phillips I, Casewell M, Cox T, Groot B de, Friis C, Jones R, et al. Does the use of antibiotics in food animals pose a risk to human health? A critical review of published data. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy(2004) 53(1):28–52. doi:10.1093/jac/dkg483.
  • [11]Applegate T, Klose V, Steiner T, Ganner A, Schatzmayr G. Probiotics and phytogenics for poultry: Myth or reality? Journal of Applied Poultry Research(2010) 19(2):194–210. doi:10.3382/japr.2010-00168.
  • [12]Ahmed RH, El Hassan MS, El Hadi H. Potential capability of Azanza garckeana fruits aqueous extract on enhancement of iron absorption in Wistar albino rats. International Journal of Advance Research Biology Science(2016) 3(3):245–250.
  • [13]Akinnifesi FK, Kwesiga FR, Mhango J, Mkonda A, Chilanga T, Swai R. Domesticating Priority Miombo Indigenous Fruit Trees as a Promising Livelihood Option for Small-holder Farmers in Southern Africa. Acta Horticulturae(2004)(632):15–30. doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2004.632.1.
  • [14]Ochokwu IJ, Oniya LU, Ajijola KO. Effect of Azanza Garckeana (Goron tula) Pulp Meal Inclusion on Growth performance of Clarias gariepinus Broodstock Burchel. Nigeria Journal Agriculture(2014) 14:134–146.
  • [15]Saka J, Msousthi JD. Nutritional value of edible fruits of indigenous wild trees in Malawi. Forest Ecology and Management(1994) 64(2/3):245–248. doi:10.1016/0378-1127(94)90298-4.
  • [16]Ajayi AF. Haematological and Serum biochemical indices of pre-pubertal male rabbitsfed with graded level of blood –wild sunflower forage meal mixture. African Journal of biotechnology(2014) 11(35):8730–8734. doi:10.5897/AJB10.2169.
  • [17]Williams BA, Grant LJ, Gidley MJ, Mikkelsen D. Gut Fermentation of Dietary Fibres: Physico-Chemistry of Plant Cell Walls and Implications for Health. International Journal of Molecular Science(2017) 18(10):2203. doi:10.3390/ijms18102203.
  • [18]Deehan EC, Duar RM, Armet AM, Perez-Muñoz ME, Jin M, Walter J. Modulation of the Gastrointestinal Microbiome with Nondigestible Fermentable Carbohydrates to Improve Human Health. Microbiology Spectrum(2017) 5(5). doi:10.1128/microbiolspec.BAD-0019-2017.
  • [19]Itodo AU, Abdulrahman FW, Hassan LG, Maigandi SA, O HU. Thermodynamic equilibrium, kinetics and adsorption mechanism of industrial dye removal by chemically modified poultry droppings activated carbon. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Science(2022) 17(1):38–43.
  • [20]Maroyi A. Azanza garckeana fruit tree: Phytochemistry, pharmacology, nutritional and primary healthcare applications as herbal medicine: A review. Research Journal of Medicine Plants(2017) 11(4):115–123. doi:10.3923/rjmp.2017.115.123.
  • [21]Britwum AO, Oduro GY, Prah M. Institutionalising gender and women’s studies at the University of Cape Coast in Ghana. Rwandan Journal of Education(2018) 2(1):4–19.
  • [22]Tekeli A, Kutlu HR, Celik L. Effects of Z. officinale and Propolis Extracts on the Performance, Carcass and Some Blood Parameters of Broiler Chicks. Current Research in Poultry Science(2010) 1(1):12–23. doi:10.3923/crpsaj.2011.12.23.
  • [23]Botsoglou NA, Christaki E, Florou-Paneri P, Giannenas I, Papageorgiou G, Spais AB. The effect of a mixture of herbal essential oils or á-tocopheryl acetate on performance parameters and oxidation of body lipid in broilers. South African Journal of Animal Science(2004) 34(1). doi:10.4314/sajas.v34i1.4039.
  • [24]van der Aar PJ, Molist F, van der Klis JD. The central role of intestinal health on the effect of feed additives on feed intake in swine and poultry. Animal Feed Science and Technology(2017) 233:64–75. doi:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2016.07.019.
  • [25]Folorunso, O.R and Onibi, G.E. Effect of diets of different protein levels fed on dry or wet forms on the performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chicken finishers. International Journal of Agricultural Science(2012) 2(6):538–545.

Performance of Broiler Chicken Fed Diets Supplemented with Azanza garckeana (Snot Apple)

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 1 - 5, 15.07.2024


In this study, we evaluated the growth performance of broiler chicken fed diets supplemented with Azanza garckeana (snot apple). A total number of two hundred (200) broiler chickens were randomly allotted to 4 dietary treatments and replicated 10 times with 5 birds per replicates using a completely randomized design. Four dietary basal diets were formulated; Treatment 1 was with no Snot apple inclusion, Treatment with 2kg of Snot apple inclusion, Treatment 3 with 4kg of Snot apple inclusion and Treatment 4 with 6kg of Snot apple inclusion. The birds in each pen were weighed on weekly basis and feeding trials was recorded on daily basis. The results obtained showed that there were no significantly (P>0.05) difference in the initial weight and feed intake of birds on T1, T2, T3 and T4. Final live weight of broiler fed T1, T2 and T4 were significantly (P<0.05) high compared to T3.
Likewise, Body weight gain of birds fed T1, T2 and T4 were significantly (P<0.05) high compared to T3. While Feed conversion ratio of birds fed T3 were significantly (P<0.05)
high compared to T1, T2 and T4. It was concluded that the test ingredient (Snot Apple) did not have deleterious effect on the performance of the experimental birds. Higher inclusion
level of Snot apple is recommended to check further the effect of snot apple on performance and it potential as growth promoting additive in broiler feed.


  • [1]Biswas A, Ahmed M, Bharti VK, Singh SB. Effect of antioxidants onphysic-chemical and haematological parameters in broiler chicken at high altitude. Asian–Australasian Journal of Animal Science(2011) 24(2):246–249. doi:10.5713/ajas.2011.10060.
  • [2]F.A.O. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Addressing climate change and food security together Pp(2009). 1–12.
  • [3]Alders R, Costa R, Gallardo RA, Sparks N, Zhou H. Smallholder Poultry: Leveraging for Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security. Encyclopedia of Food Security and Sustainability(2019)33(3):340–346. doi:10.1016/B978-0-08-100596-5.21544-8.
  • [4]Abbas TE. The use of Moringa oleifera in poultry diets. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science(2013) 37(5):492–496. doi:10.3906/vet-1211-40.
  • [5]Thakare M. Pharmacological Screening of Some Medicinal Plants as Antimicrobial and Feed Additives. MS Thesis. Department Animal and Poultry Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Blacksburg, VA (2004).
  • [6]Ayed MH, Laamari Z, Rekik B. Effects of incorporating an antibioticvilamycin and a probiotic Activis in broiler diets. Raimi et al./ Performance of broiler chicken fed diets supplemented with Azanza garckeana (snot apple)5Champaign, IL: Wester Section Asas, American Society of Animal Science (2004). 237–240.
  • [7]Humphrey BD, Huang N, Klasing KC. Rice expressing lactoferrin and lysozyme has antibiotic–like properties when fed to chicks. Journal of Nutrition(2002) 132(6):1214–1218. doi:10.1093/jn/132.6.1214.
  • [8]Daferera DJ, Ziagos BN, G PM. The effectiveness of plant essential oils on the growth of Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium sp. and Clavibacter michiganensis spp. Michiganensis. Journal of Crop Protection(2003) 22:39–44. doi:10.1016/S0261-2194(02)00095-9.
  • [9]Gopi M, Karthik K, Manjunathachar HV, Tamilmahan P, Kesavan M, Dashprakash M, et al. Essential oils as a feed additive in poultry nutrition. Advance Animal Veterinary Science(2014) 2(1):1–7. doi:10.14737/journal.aavs/2014.
  • [10]Phillips I, Casewell M, Cox T, Groot B de, Friis C, Jones R, et al. Does the use of antibiotics in food animals pose a risk to human health? A critical review of published data. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy(2004) 53(1):28–52. doi:10.1093/jac/dkg483.
  • [11]Applegate T, Klose V, Steiner T, Ganner A, Schatzmayr G. Probiotics and phytogenics for poultry: Myth or reality? Journal of Applied Poultry Research(2010) 19(2):194–210. doi:10.3382/japr.2010-00168.
  • [12]Ahmed RH, El Hassan MS, El Hadi H. Potential capability of Azanza garckeana fruits aqueous extract on enhancement of iron absorption in Wistar albino rats. International Journal of Advance Research Biology Science(2016) 3(3):245–250.
  • [13]Akinnifesi FK, Kwesiga FR, Mhango J, Mkonda A, Chilanga T, Swai R. Domesticating Priority Miombo Indigenous Fruit Trees as a Promising Livelihood Option for Small-holder Farmers in Southern Africa. Acta Horticulturae(2004)(632):15–30. doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2004.632.1.
  • [14]Ochokwu IJ, Oniya LU, Ajijola KO. Effect of Azanza Garckeana (Goron tula) Pulp Meal Inclusion on Growth performance of Clarias gariepinus Broodstock Burchel. Nigeria Journal Agriculture(2014) 14:134–146.
  • [15]Saka J, Msousthi JD. Nutritional value of edible fruits of indigenous wild trees in Malawi. Forest Ecology and Management(1994) 64(2/3):245–248. doi:10.1016/0378-1127(94)90298-4.
  • [16]Ajayi AF. Haematological and Serum biochemical indices of pre-pubertal male rabbitsfed with graded level of blood –wild sunflower forage meal mixture. African Journal of biotechnology(2014) 11(35):8730–8734. doi:10.5897/AJB10.2169.
  • [17]Williams BA, Grant LJ, Gidley MJ, Mikkelsen D. Gut Fermentation of Dietary Fibres: Physico-Chemistry of Plant Cell Walls and Implications for Health. International Journal of Molecular Science(2017) 18(10):2203. doi:10.3390/ijms18102203.
  • [18]Deehan EC, Duar RM, Armet AM, Perez-Muñoz ME, Jin M, Walter J. Modulation of the Gastrointestinal Microbiome with Nondigestible Fermentable Carbohydrates to Improve Human Health. Microbiology Spectrum(2017) 5(5). doi:10.1128/microbiolspec.BAD-0019-2017.
  • [19]Itodo AU, Abdulrahman FW, Hassan LG, Maigandi SA, O HU. Thermodynamic equilibrium, kinetics and adsorption mechanism of industrial dye removal by chemically modified poultry droppings activated carbon. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Science(2022) 17(1):38–43.
  • [20]Maroyi A. Azanza garckeana fruit tree: Phytochemistry, pharmacology, nutritional and primary healthcare applications as herbal medicine: A review. Research Journal of Medicine Plants(2017) 11(4):115–123. doi:10.3923/rjmp.2017.115.123.
  • [21]Britwum AO, Oduro GY, Prah M. Institutionalising gender and women’s studies at the University of Cape Coast in Ghana. Rwandan Journal of Education(2018) 2(1):4–19.
  • [22]Tekeli A, Kutlu HR, Celik L. Effects of Z. officinale and Propolis Extracts on the Performance, Carcass and Some Blood Parameters of Broiler Chicks. Current Research in Poultry Science(2010) 1(1):12–23. doi:10.3923/crpsaj.2011.12.23.
  • [23]Botsoglou NA, Christaki E, Florou-Paneri P, Giannenas I, Papageorgiou G, Spais AB. The effect of a mixture of herbal essential oils or á-tocopheryl acetate on performance parameters and oxidation of body lipid in broilers. South African Journal of Animal Science(2004) 34(1). doi:10.4314/sajas.v34i1.4039.
  • [24]van der Aar PJ, Molist F, van der Klis JD. The central role of intestinal health on the effect of feed additives on feed intake in swine and poultry. Animal Feed Science and Technology(2017) 233:64–75. doi:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2016.07.019.
  • [25]Folorunso, O.R and Onibi, G.E. Effect of diets of different protein levels fed on dry or wet forms on the performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chicken finishers. International Journal of Agricultural Science(2012) 2(6):538–545.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Nanomedicine
Journal Section Research Articles

Christie Oluwatosin Raimi This is me

Abubakar Jimoh 0000-0003-4428-3033

Adenike Mary Oyeyemi This is me

Publication Date July 15, 2024
Submission Date November 29, 2023
Acceptance Date March 11, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Raimi, C. O., Jimoh, A., & Oyeyemi, A. M. (2024). Performance of Broiler Chicken Fed Diets Supplemented with Azanza garckeana (Snot Apple). International Journal of Innovative Research and Reviews, 8(1), 1-5.