Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

1. For studies requiring an ethics committee decision, the relevant committee document must be submitted with the publication submission.

2. For the use of scales, questionnaires, photographs belonging to others, permission must be obtained from the owners, and this must be stated in the article (with a reference).

3. All sources of support (grants, funds etc.) for the study must be mentioned in the acknowledgments section of the article.

4. A double-blind peer review is applied in the journal; the author names must not appear in the submitted paper.

5. Authors must ensure that their articles are original and that citation methods in accordance with ethical principles are used for quotations made in the article. A similarity report (with less than 20% for the total score excluding references and less than or equal to 1% from a single reference) for the manuscript could be submitted during the initial submission using a software such as iThenticate.

6. All author(s) must make significant contribution to the work, therefore they are responsible for all parts of the article.

7. Submitted articles must not have been submitted to any other journal. Submitting the same article to more than one journal at the same time involves unethical publishing behavior.

8. When authors encounter a significant error or inaccuracy in their published work, they are obliged to notify the journal editor or publisher immediately.

9. After the submission of the manuscript, addition and/or changing the order of the author’s name are not allowed.

In addition to these specific ethical rules, studies encompassing chemical procedure or equipment that have unusual hazards, the use of human or animal subjects, patient images or case details require relevant committee approvals such as statement of compliance or ethical committee report.

Last Update Time: 10/17/24, 3:32:56 PM