Research Article
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Implications for Future Educational Policies Based on Current Trends

Year 2021, Volume: 8 Issue: 27, 27 - 49, 08.01.2021


The purpose of this study was to reveal the current trends in educational policies and to draw a picture of potential future. Accordingly, a document analysis was conducted on comprehensive research and up-to-date reports mainly depending on North America and Europe settings in order to address the cliché of “major changes in the 21st century” in the context of educational implications. As a result, it was concluded that learning in the present age should have an embodied, individual, contextual and lifelong quality and the research findings were discussed according to the basic principles of educational policy. It could be foreseen that such a paradigm shift for learning may have significant effects on innovative educational processes, learner characteristics, teacher qualifications, the educational uses and forms of technology, and measurement and evaluation. The present study was fortified with potential scenarios and implications for the transformation of educational systems.


  • Archer, Margaret S. Social Origins of Educational Systems. London: Sage, 1979.
  • Ball, Stephen J. “Big Policies/Small World: An Introduction to International Perspectives in Education Policy”. Comparative Education. 34/2 (1998): 119-130.
  • Benjamin, Steve. “An Ideascape for Education: What Futurists Recommend”. Educational Leadership, 47/1 (1989): 8-14.
  • Bozkuş, Kıvanç ve Mehmet Fatih Karacabey. “FATİH Projesi ile Eğitimde Bilişim Teknolojilerinin Kullanımı: Ne Kadar Yol Alındı?”. Yaşadıkça Eğitim, 33/1(2019), 17-32.
  • Buchanan, John, Stephanie Allais, Michael Anderson, Rafael A. Calvo, Sandra Peter ve Tamson Pietsch. “The Futures of Work: What Education can and can’t Do”. Erişim 13 Ekim, 2020.
  • Burbules, Nicholas C. “Ubiquitous Learning and the Future of Teaching”. Teacher Education in a Transnational World. Der., Rosa Bruno-Jofre ve James Scott Johnston. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014: 177–187.
  • Burbules, Nicholas C. Guorui Fan ve Philip Repp. “Five Trends of Education and Technology in a Sustainable Future”. Geography and Sustainability. 1 (2020): 93–97.
  • Care, Esther. “Global Initiative around Assessment of 21st Century Skills”. Erişim 14 Eylül, 2020.
  • Christensen, Clayton M., Michael B. Horn ve Heather Staker. Is K-12 Blended Learning Disruptive? An Introduction to the Theory of Hybrids. Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation, 2013.
  • Chronaki, Anna. “Computers in Classrooms: Learners and Teachers in New Roles”. Routledge International Companion to Education. Der., B. Moon, S. Brown ve M. Ben-Peretz. New York: Routledge, 2000: 558-572.
  • Coombs, Philip H. The World Crisis in Education – The View for the Eighties. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985.
  • Daggett, Bill. “Addressing Current and Future Challenges in Education”. Erişim 15 Eylül, 2020.
  • De Pauw, Jelle Boeve, Niklas Gericke, Daniel Olsson ve Teresa Berglund. “The Effectiveness of Education for Sustainable Development”. Sustainability, 7 (2015): 15693–15717.
  • De Vries, Marc J. “Technology Education: Towards a New School Subject”. Routledge International Companion to Education. Der., B. Moon, S. Brown ve M. Ben-Peretz. New York: Routledge, 2000: 910-920.
  • Educase Online Kütüphanesi. “Horizon Reports between the Years of 2010-2019”. Erişim 21 Eylül, 2020.
  • Educause. 2020 Educause Horizon Report Teaching and Learning Edition. Louisville, Colocado: Educause, 2020. Erişim 15 Eylül, 2020.
  • Edwards, Richard, Katherine Nicoll, K. ve Alan Tait. “Migrating Metaphors: The Globalization of Flexibility in Policy”. Journal of Education Policy, 14/6 (1999): 619-630.
  • Elmore, Richard F. “The Future of Learning and the Future of Assessment”. ECNU Review of Education, 2/3 (2019): 328-341.
  • Galanek, Joseph ve Ben Shulman. “Not Sure If They’re Invading My Privacy or Just Really Interested in Me”. Erişim 26 Kasım, 2020.
  • Google. “Future of the Classroom: Emerging Trends in K-12 Education Global Edition”. Erişim 16 Eylül, 2020.
  • Green, Andy. “Education and Globalization in Europe and East Asia: Convergent and Divergent Trends”. Journal of Education Policy, 14/1 (1999): 55-71.
  • Green, Andy. “The Many Faces of Lifelong Learning: Recent Education Policy Trends in Europe”. Journal of Education Policy, 17/6 (2002): 611-626.
  • Hattie, John. Visible Learning: A Synthesis of over 800 Meta-analyses Relating to Achievement. New York: Routledge, 2009.
  • Illich, Ivan. Okulsuz Toplum, çev., Celal Öner, İstanbul: Oda, 2006.
  • Istance, David ve Alejandro Paniagua. “Learning to Leapfrog: Innovative Pedagogies to Transform Education”. Erişim 18 Eylül, 2020.
  • Kioupi, Vasiliki ve Nikolaos Voulvoulis. “Education for Sustainable Development: A Systemic Framework for Connecting the SDGs to Educational Outcomes”. Sustainability, 11/6104 (2019): 1-18.
  • Kraft, Michael E. ve Scott R. Furlong. Public Policy: Politics, Analysis and Alternatives. Los Angeles: Sage, 2015.
  • Lauglo, Jon. “Forms of Decentralisation and Their Implications for Education”. Comparative Education, 31/1 (1995): 5-29.
  • Leicht, Alexander Julia Heiss ve Won Jung Byun. Issues and Trends in Education for Sustainable Development (Cilt 5). Paris: UNESCO Publishing, 2018.
  • Leithwood, Kenneth, Karen Seashore Louis, Stephen Anderson ve Kyla Wahlstrom. How Leadership Influences Student Learning. Review of Research. Wallace Foundation, 2004.
  • Levin, Benjamin. “An Epidemic of Educational Policy: What can We Learn from Each Other?” Comparative Education, 34/2 (1998): 131-142.
  • Lewin, Keith M. “The Sustainable Development Goals for Education: Commonwealth Perspectives and Opportunities”. The Round Table, 108/4 (2019): 367–382.
  • Marzano, Robert J., Debra J. Pickering, Jane E. Pollock Çev., Sibel Sakacı. Öğrenci Başarısını Artıran Öğretim Stratejileri. İstanbul: Sev Matbaacılık ve Yayıncılık, 2008.
  • Means, Barbara, Yukie Toyama, Robert Murphy, Marianne Bakia ve Karla Jones. Evaluation of Evidence-based Practice in Online Learning. Washington DC: U.S. Department of Education, 2009.
  • National Education Association. Preparing 21st Century Students for a Global Society: An Educator’s Guide to the Four Cs. Washington, DC, 2012.
  • OECD Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI). Education Policy Analysis 2001. Paris: OECD Publishing, 2001.
  • OECD. “Teachers as Designers of Learning Environments”. Erişim 18 Eylül, 2020.
  • OECD. “Trends Shaping Education 2019”. Erişim 14 Eylül, 2020.
  • OECD. Back to the Future of Education Four OECD Scenarios for Schooling. Paris: OECD Publishing, 2020.
  • Pamuk, Sönmez, Recep Çakır, Mustafa Ergun, H. Bayram Yılmaz ve Cemalettin Ayas. “Öğretmen ve Öğrenci Bakış Açısıyla Tablet PC ve Etkileşimli Tahta Kullanımı: FATİH Projesi değerlendirmesi”. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri, 13/3(2013): 1799-1822.
  • Power, Colin N. “Global Trends in Education”. International Education Journal, 1/3 (2000): 152-163.
  • R&D project. “Developing Mental Health and Wellbeing Technologies and Analytics”. Erişim 26 Kasım, 2020.
  • Renton, Sophie ve Kirstin Stobbe. “The Future of Education 2020”. Erişim 19 Eylül, 2020.
  • Sternberg, Jason. “It's the End of the University as We Know It (and I Feel Fine): The Generation Y Student in Higher Education Discourse”. Higher Education Research & Development, 31/4 (2012): 571-583.
  • U.S. Department of Education. Reimagining the Role of Technology in Education: 2017 National Education Technology Plan Update. Erişim 21 Eylül, 2020.
  • UN General Assembly. Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. New York: United Nations, 2015. Erişim 14 Eylül, 2020.
  • Watson, John. Keeping Pace with K–12 Online Learning: A Review of State-level Policy and Practice. Naperville: Learning Point Associates, 2005.
  • Wils, Annababette, Ania Chaluda, Benjamin Sylla, Hye Jin Kim, Joe Goodfriend ve Sarah Oliver. “Global Educational Trends 1975-2025: A Brief Review of Data on Ten Key Issues”. Erişim 16 Eylül, 2020.
  • World Economic Forum. Executive Opinion Survey. Cenevre: World Economic Forum, 2019.
  • World Economic Forum. Schools of the Future, Defining New Models of Education for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Cenevre: World Economic Forum, 2020.
  • Zosh M., Jennifer, Emily J. Hopkins, Hanne Jensen, Claire Liu, Dave Neale, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, S. Lynneth Solis ve David Whitebrea. “Learning Through Play: A Review of the Evidence”. Erişim 18 Eylül, 2020. https://

Güncel Eğilimlerden Hareketle Gelecek Eğitim Politikalarına Yönelik Çıkarımlar

Year 2021, Volume: 8 Issue: 27, 27 - 49, 08.01.2021


Bu çalışmanın amacı eğitim politikalarındaki güncel eğilimleri ortaya koymak ve olası bir geleceğin resmini çizmektir. Bu kapsamda “21. yüzyıldaki büyük değişimler” klişesini eğitimsel doğurguları bağlamında ele almak üzere, büyük ölçüde Kuzey Amerika ve Avrupa temelli kapsamlı araştırma ve güncel raporlar üzerine bir doküman incelemesi gerçekleştirilmiştir. İncelemede günümüzde öğrenmenin somutlaştırılmış, bireysel, bağlamsal ve hayat boyu bir niteliğe sahip olması gerektiği sonucuna ulaşılmış olup, elde edilen bulgular eğitim politikasının temel ilkeleri açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Öğrenmeye yönelik bu tür bir paradigma değişikliğinin yenilikçi eğitim süreçleri, öğrenen özellikleri, eğitimci nitelikleri, teknolojinin eğitimsel kullanım alanları ve biçimleri ile ölçme ve değerlendirme üzerinde önemli etkileri olabileceği öngörülmektedir. Çalışma, eğitim sistemlerinin dönüşümlerine yönelik potansiyel senaryolar ve çıkarımlarla ilgili değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır.


  • Archer, Margaret S. Social Origins of Educational Systems. London: Sage, 1979.
  • Ball, Stephen J. “Big Policies/Small World: An Introduction to International Perspectives in Education Policy”. Comparative Education. 34/2 (1998): 119-130.
  • Benjamin, Steve. “An Ideascape for Education: What Futurists Recommend”. Educational Leadership, 47/1 (1989): 8-14.
  • Bozkuş, Kıvanç ve Mehmet Fatih Karacabey. “FATİH Projesi ile Eğitimde Bilişim Teknolojilerinin Kullanımı: Ne Kadar Yol Alındı?”. Yaşadıkça Eğitim, 33/1(2019), 17-32.
  • Buchanan, John, Stephanie Allais, Michael Anderson, Rafael A. Calvo, Sandra Peter ve Tamson Pietsch. “The Futures of Work: What Education can and can’t Do”. Erişim 13 Ekim, 2020.
  • Burbules, Nicholas C. “Ubiquitous Learning and the Future of Teaching”. Teacher Education in a Transnational World. Der., Rosa Bruno-Jofre ve James Scott Johnston. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014: 177–187.
  • Burbules, Nicholas C. Guorui Fan ve Philip Repp. “Five Trends of Education and Technology in a Sustainable Future”. Geography and Sustainability. 1 (2020): 93–97.
  • Care, Esther. “Global Initiative around Assessment of 21st Century Skills”. Erişim 14 Eylül, 2020.
  • Christensen, Clayton M., Michael B. Horn ve Heather Staker. Is K-12 Blended Learning Disruptive? An Introduction to the Theory of Hybrids. Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation, 2013.
  • Chronaki, Anna. “Computers in Classrooms: Learners and Teachers in New Roles”. Routledge International Companion to Education. Der., B. Moon, S. Brown ve M. Ben-Peretz. New York: Routledge, 2000: 558-572.
  • Coombs, Philip H. The World Crisis in Education – The View for the Eighties. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985.
  • Daggett, Bill. “Addressing Current and Future Challenges in Education”. Erişim 15 Eylül, 2020.
  • De Pauw, Jelle Boeve, Niklas Gericke, Daniel Olsson ve Teresa Berglund. “The Effectiveness of Education for Sustainable Development”. Sustainability, 7 (2015): 15693–15717.
  • De Vries, Marc J. “Technology Education: Towards a New School Subject”. Routledge International Companion to Education. Der., B. Moon, S. Brown ve M. Ben-Peretz. New York: Routledge, 2000: 910-920.
  • Educase Online Kütüphanesi. “Horizon Reports between the Years of 2010-2019”. Erişim 21 Eylül, 2020.
  • Educause. 2020 Educause Horizon Report Teaching and Learning Edition. Louisville, Colocado: Educause, 2020. Erişim 15 Eylül, 2020.
  • Edwards, Richard, Katherine Nicoll, K. ve Alan Tait. “Migrating Metaphors: The Globalization of Flexibility in Policy”. Journal of Education Policy, 14/6 (1999): 619-630.
  • Elmore, Richard F. “The Future of Learning and the Future of Assessment”. ECNU Review of Education, 2/3 (2019): 328-341.
  • Galanek, Joseph ve Ben Shulman. “Not Sure If They’re Invading My Privacy or Just Really Interested in Me”. Erişim 26 Kasım, 2020.
  • Google. “Future of the Classroom: Emerging Trends in K-12 Education Global Edition”. Erişim 16 Eylül, 2020.
  • Green, Andy. “Education and Globalization in Europe and East Asia: Convergent and Divergent Trends”. Journal of Education Policy, 14/1 (1999): 55-71.
  • Green, Andy. “The Many Faces of Lifelong Learning: Recent Education Policy Trends in Europe”. Journal of Education Policy, 17/6 (2002): 611-626.
  • Hattie, John. Visible Learning: A Synthesis of over 800 Meta-analyses Relating to Achievement. New York: Routledge, 2009.
  • Illich, Ivan. Okulsuz Toplum, çev., Celal Öner, İstanbul: Oda, 2006.
  • Istance, David ve Alejandro Paniagua. “Learning to Leapfrog: Innovative Pedagogies to Transform Education”. Erişim 18 Eylül, 2020.
  • Kioupi, Vasiliki ve Nikolaos Voulvoulis. “Education for Sustainable Development: A Systemic Framework for Connecting the SDGs to Educational Outcomes”. Sustainability, 11/6104 (2019): 1-18.
  • Kraft, Michael E. ve Scott R. Furlong. Public Policy: Politics, Analysis and Alternatives. Los Angeles: Sage, 2015.
  • Lauglo, Jon. “Forms of Decentralisation and Their Implications for Education”. Comparative Education, 31/1 (1995): 5-29.
  • Leicht, Alexander Julia Heiss ve Won Jung Byun. Issues and Trends in Education for Sustainable Development (Cilt 5). Paris: UNESCO Publishing, 2018.
  • Leithwood, Kenneth, Karen Seashore Louis, Stephen Anderson ve Kyla Wahlstrom. How Leadership Influences Student Learning. Review of Research. Wallace Foundation, 2004.
  • Levin, Benjamin. “An Epidemic of Educational Policy: What can We Learn from Each Other?” Comparative Education, 34/2 (1998): 131-142.
  • Lewin, Keith M. “The Sustainable Development Goals for Education: Commonwealth Perspectives and Opportunities”. The Round Table, 108/4 (2019): 367–382.
  • Marzano, Robert J., Debra J. Pickering, Jane E. Pollock Çev., Sibel Sakacı. Öğrenci Başarısını Artıran Öğretim Stratejileri. İstanbul: Sev Matbaacılık ve Yayıncılık, 2008.
  • Means, Barbara, Yukie Toyama, Robert Murphy, Marianne Bakia ve Karla Jones. Evaluation of Evidence-based Practice in Online Learning. Washington DC: U.S. Department of Education, 2009.
  • National Education Association. Preparing 21st Century Students for a Global Society: An Educator’s Guide to the Four Cs. Washington, DC, 2012.
  • OECD Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI). Education Policy Analysis 2001. Paris: OECD Publishing, 2001.
  • OECD. “Teachers as Designers of Learning Environments”. Erişim 18 Eylül, 2020.
  • OECD. “Trends Shaping Education 2019”. Erişim 14 Eylül, 2020.
  • OECD. Back to the Future of Education Four OECD Scenarios for Schooling. Paris: OECD Publishing, 2020.
  • Pamuk, Sönmez, Recep Çakır, Mustafa Ergun, H. Bayram Yılmaz ve Cemalettin Ayas. “Öğretmen ve Öğrenci Bakış Açısıyla Tablet PC ve Etkileşimli Tahta Kullanımı: FATİH Projesi değerlendirmesi”. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri, 13/3(2013): 1799-1822.
  • Power, Colin N. “Global Trends in Education”. International Education Journal, 1/3 (2000): 152-163.
  • R&D project. “Developing Mental Health and Wellbeing Technologies and Analytics”. Erişim 26 Kasım, 2020.
  • Renton, Sophie ve Kirstin Stobbe. “The Future of Education 2020”. Erişim 19 Eylül, 2020.
  • Sternberg, Jason. “It's the End of the University as We Know It (and I Feel Fine): The Generation Y Student in Higher Education Discourse”. Higher Education Research & Development, 31/4 (2012): 571-583.
  • U.S. Department of Education. Reimagining the Role of Technology in Education: 2017 National Education Technology Plan Update. Erişim 21 Eylül, 2020.
  • UN General Assembly. Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. New York: United Nations, 2015. Erişim 14 Eylül, 2020.
  • Watson, John. Keeping Pace with K–12 Online Learning: A Review of State-level Policy and Practice. Naperville: Learning Point Associates, 2005.
  • Wils, Annababette, Ania Chaluda, Benjamin Sylla, Hye Jin Kim, Joe Goodfriend ve Sarah Oliver. “Global Educational Trends 1975-2025: A Brief Review of Data on Ten Key Issues”. Erişim 16 Eylül, 2020.
  • World Economic Forum. Executive Opinion Survey. Cenevre: World Economic Forum, 2019.
  • World Economic Forum. Schools of the Future, Defining New Models of Education for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Cenevre: World Economic Forum, 2020.
  • Zosh M., Jennifer, Emily J. Hopkins, Hanne Jensen, Claire Liu, Dave Neale, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, S. Lynneth Solis ve David Whitebrea. “Learning Through Play: A Review of the Evidence”. Erişim 18 Eylül, 2020. https://
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ahmet Aypay 0000-0003-0568-8409

Murat Özdemir 0000-0003-2041-211X

Publication Date January 8, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 8 Issue: 27


APA Aypay, A., & Özdemir, M. (2021). Güncel Eğilimlerden Hareketle Gelecek Eğitim Politikalarına Yönelik Çıkarımlar. İnsan Ve İnsan, 8(27), 27-49.
AMA Aypay A, Özdemir M. Güncel Eğilimlerden Hareketle Gelecek Eğitim Politikalarına Yönelik Çıkarımlar. Journal of İnsan ve İnsan. January 2021;8(27):27-49. doi:10.29224/insanveinsan.816609
Chicago Aypay, Ahmet, and Murat Özdemir. “Güncel Eğilimlerden Hareketle Gelecek Eğitim Politikalarına Yönelik Çıkarımlar”. İnsan Ve İnsan 8, no. 27 (January 2021): 27-49.
EndNote Aypay A, Özdemir M (January 1, 2021) Güncel Eğilimlerden Hareketle Gelecek Eğitim Politikalarına Yönelik Çıkarımlar. İnsan ve İnsan 8 27 27–49.
IEEE A. Aypay and M. Özdemir, “Güncel Eğilimlerden Hareketle Gelecek Eğitim Politikalarına Yönelik Çıkarımlar”, Journal of İnsan ve İnsan, vol. 8, no. 27, pp. 27–49, 2021, doi: 10.29224/insanveinsan.816609.
ISNAD Aypay, Ahmet - Özdemir, Murat. “Güncel Eğilimlerden Hareketle Gelecek Eğitim Politikalarına Yönelik Çıkarımlar”. İnsan ve İnsan 8/27 (January 2021), 27-49.
JAMA Aypay A, Özdemir M. Güncel Eğilimlerden Hareketle Gelecek Eğitim Politikalarına Yönelik Çıkarımlar. Journal of İnsan ve İnsan. 2021;8:27–49.
MLA Aypay, Ahmet and Murat Özdemir. “Güncel Eğilimlerden Hareketle Gelecek Eğitim Politikalarına Yönelik Çıkarımlar”. İnsan Ve İnsan, vol. 8, no. 27, 2021, pp. 27-49, doi:10.29224/insanveinsan.816609.
Vancouver Aypay A, Özdemir M. Güncel Eğilimlerden Hareketle Gelecek Eğitim Politikalarına Yönelik Çıkarımlar. Journal of İnsan ve İnsan. 2021;8(27):27-49.