Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 12/31/23

Year: 2023
Dr. Deniz BEDİR Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi 0000-0002-5926-3433
Spor ve Egzersiz Psikolojisi, Egzersiz ve Spor Bilimleri, Egzersiz ve Spor Psikolojisi

The aim of the International Journal of Exercise Psychology is to publish experimental and theoretical contributions to the world of science in the scope of sport psychology.

Articles such as exercise and sports psychology, the effect of psychology on sport performance, sport education, psychological skills are suitable for the scope of our journal. The aim of the UEPD is to spread the results of rigorous and relevant studies, to develop findings and interpretations of the approvals or contradictions of previous findings. The UEPD offers a variety of methodologies, including consistency between epistemology, research questions, tools, statistical or clinical analysis, and discussion or potential applications. Qualitative and quantitative analysis and case studies are interesting when used appropriately. The UEPD consists of the following sections on sports and psychology:
• Sport Psychology
• Exercise Psychology
• Psychology of Performance
• Physical Education and Sports
• Education
• Motivation
• Communication
• Self Confidence
• Anxiety
• Stress
• Aggression
• Imagery
• Goal Setting, etc.


Times New Roman, 11 font size and 1.0 line spacing should be used in the article text. The title should be written in 14 font size and the first letter of the words should be upper case and centered. Articles written in Turkish should include English under the Turkish title, and articles written in English should include the Turkish title under the English title.

The name and surname of the author of the study should be written in 11 font size, and the surname should be upper case and centered. The university, faculty/college, city and country information of the author (s) should be indicated under the English title with names (1,2,3) paired with the author's name or names.
If the article was presented as a paper in any scientific event, the title of the article should be marked with an asterisk (*), and the name, location and date of the activity should be indicated at the bottom of the first page of the article. If the article is supported by any research institution or fund, the title of the article should be marked with an asterisk (*), and the name of the organization providing the support, the project number and the date of completion should be indicated at the bottom of the first page. If the article was produced from postgraduate theses, the title of the article should be marked with an asterisk (*), and the name of the theses, the name of the consultant and the date of completion should be indicated at the bottom of the first page. All information in footnotes should be 9 font size.


Studies can be submitted in Turkish and English languages. Turkish and English abstracts should be included at the beginning of each article. The abstract should be written in a single font with a font size of 10 and not exceeding 260 words, and justified. The citation should not be given in the text of the "abstract". Below each abstract, there should be 3-5 keywords that describe working from that language.


In the article, main titles should be numbered, upper case and written in 12 font size, bold and upper case letters. Subtitle titles (Second level titles) should be written left justified, upper case letters first, 11 pt, bold and italic. Third level titles should be left-justified, 11 point, bold and italic. The first letter of the title should be written in upper case letters.
The paragraphs in the text should consist of at least three sentences and a line space should be left between the paragraphs. Articles should not exceed 9000 words.
The main parts of the article consist of
- Population and sample / Working Group / Participants / Subjects (only one of them)
- Data collection method (s) / techniques / tools
- Analysis of the data
sections, respectively.;
The main text should be written by entering the subtitle “INTRODUCTION” after abstract. METHOD, RESULTS, and DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS sections should not be started from the new page, after one section is finished, the other page should follow.
In Turkish articles, dictionaries and spelling guides of Turkish Language Institution should be taken into consideration and Turkish words should be used as much as possible. When using the Turkish equivalent of the concept / term in the field-specific foreign language, the equivalent of the concept / term should be given in parentheses in the first place.


At the end of the article, before the appendix (s), the sources should be stated in the order of the author. References should be written one after the other with 9 font size.
All references used in the article should be in accordance with the APA 7 style (https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples). 

4.1. Citiations

All the citations in the article should be in italic in the expressions in parentheses.

4.1.1. Single author

“Ellis (1997), .........”; “According to Ellis (1997).........”; “(Ellis, 1997)”.

4.1.2. Two authors

“Abrams and Ellis (1994), .......”; “According to Abrams and Ellis (1994) ...”; “(Abrams and Ellis, 1994)”.

4.1.3. Three and more authors

After the first author, "et al." is written, then a comma is placed and the date is written: “(Demerouti et al., 2000)”.

4.1.4. Institution writing

In the first submission, the name of the institution is given with the abbreviation and date: “(Massachusetts Institute of Technology [MIT], 1999)”.

4.1.5. In studies with more than one author with the same surname

The initials of their names are also used to distinguish authors of the same surname from each other: “G. Underwood (1998) and J. D. Underwood (1999) ………..”.

4.1.6. When the same author has more than one work of the same date

If the same author has more than one work with the same date, a letter is added to the date of publication to distinguish: “(Berke, 2002a)”; “(Berke, 2002b)”.

4.1.7. Citing multiple articles simultaneously

Alphabetical order is followed by author surname: “……………………. (Işık 1997; Kara 1996; Keskin 1996) ……………....”.

4.1.8. Citation from the secondary reference

The secondary reference is shown in the main reference list. In the text, only the names of those who did the original work are named. After mentioning the primary source, the secondary source is indicated as “Retrieved from”: “………… (Retrieved from Coltheart, 2001).”; “(Grayson and Meilman; Retrieved from Perine and Lisle, 1995).”.

4.2. Writing the Reference Section

4.2.1. Books

Only the first letter is upper case. Single author

Corey, G. (1991). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotheraphy. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.
Ong, W. J. (2002). Orality and literacy: The technologizing of the word (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge. Single author

Corsini, R. J., & Wedding, D. (1989). Current psychotherapies. Illionis: F.E. Peacock Publishers Inc.
Fidan, N. and Erden, M. (1986). Eğitim bilimine giriş. Ankara: Kadıoğlu Matbaası. Editorial books

Ellis, A. (1973). Rational-emotive psychotheraphy, In H. C. Patterson (Ed.), Theories of counseling and psychotherapy (pp. 49-57). New York, Harper and Row Publishers.
Sanalan, V. A. (2011). M-öğrenme uygulamalarına geçiş. B. B. Demirci, G. T. Yamamoto ve U. Demiray (Ed.) içinde, Türkiye’de e-öğrenme: Gelişmeler ve uygulamalar II (ss. 379-388). Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir. Translation books

Ong, W. J. (2012). Sözlü ve yazılı kültür: Sözün teknolojileşmesi (6. Basım) (Çev. Sema Postacıoğlu Banon). İstanbul: Metis Yayıncılık.

4.3. Studies Published in Journals

Tosun, A. (2006). Depresif belirti düzeyi yüksek kişilerde otobiyografik anıların bilince istemsiz gelişleri ve depresif içerikleri. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 21(58), 21-37.
Toma, J. D. (1997). Alternative inquiry paradigms, faculty cultures, and the definition of academic lives. The Journal of Higher Education, 68, 679-705.

4.4. Papers

Gündüz, B. (1999). Hemşirelerde stresle başa çıkma biçimleriyle tükenmişlik arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi. VIII. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kongresi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Trabzon.

4.5. Theses

Ergen, H. (1999). Türkiye'de eğitim harcamalarının analizi ve yükseköğretimde maliyetler. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.

4.6. Electronic References

4.6.1. Citing a specific page (a resource) on a website Announcement

British Council (29 Ekim 2012). 6th Annual GCC nationalisation summit. Dubai, UAE: Author. [Available online at: http://www.britishcouncil.org/learning-skills-for-employability-project-policy-dialogue-sixth-annual-gcc-nationalisation-summit.htm], Retrieved on 29 July 2012. A specific page on a website

Soygüt, G., Çakır, Z. ve Karaosmanoğlu, A. (2008). Ebeveynlik biçimlerinin değerlendirilmesi: Young ebeveynlik ölçeği’nin psikometrik özelliklerine ilişkin bir inceleme. Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, Aralık 2008, 11(22), 17-30. [Çevrim-içi: http://www.turkpsikolojiyazilari.com/PDF/TPY/22/17-30.pdf], Retrieved on 29 June 2012.
Ong, W. J. (2002). Orality and literacy: The technologizing of the word (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge. [Çevrim-içi: http://monoskop.org/images/f/ff/Ong,_Walter_J_-_Orality_and_Literacy,_2nd_ed.pdf], Retrieved on 29 October 2012.

4.6.2. Electronic journals Articles from Electronic Journals Published in the Journal and Published on the Internet

Hakverdi, M., Dana, T. M., & Swain, C. (2011). Factors influencing exemplary science teachers’ levels of computer use. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 41, 219-230. [Available online at: http://www.efdergi.hacettepe.edu.tr/201141MERAL HAKVERDİ.pdf], Retrieved on October 29, 2012. Articles From Electronic Journals Only Published Online

Kocdar, S., & Aydın, C. H. (2012). Accreditation of open and distance learning: A framework for Turkey. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE, 13(3), Article 6. [Available online at: http://tojde.anadolu.edu.tr/tojde48/articles/article_6.htm], Retrieved on October 29, 2012. Articles from electronic databases

For electronic databases, date (not specified for CD-ROMs), source (eg SCCI, ERIC) and name of the database and other additional information (such as item number) should be specified. For web resources, the address (URL) of the home page should be given to that database:
Saracho, O. N. (1999). A factor analysis of preschool children’s play strategies and cognitive style. Educational Psychology, 19(2), pp. 165-180. [Available online, EBSCO database (Academic Search Elite) at: http://www.ebscho.com], Retrieved on January 8, 2000.


Figures and graphics should be printed on a white paper, not more than 130x180 mm, micrographs, radiographs and photographs should be printed on black and white glossy paper. Large figures should be numbered, captioned, if the source is used, source information should be added under the figure in parentheses. The title of the figure should be left-justified, bold and italic, 11 font size and only the first letter of the title should be capitalized. Writings in the figure should be 11 points. The space between the figure title and the table should be in the 1.15 line spacing. The title of the figure should be under the figure.


Tables should be left-justified and in the "Times New Roman" character, the table title should be bold, 11 font size, only the first letter of the title should be upper case and the title should be given next to the number of tables. In-table values/articles should be 10 font size. There should be a 6nk line spacing after the table header. Tables should be specified by giving the number of tables in the text. Tables should be placed in the text or on the following page. Relevant notes and sources should be stated below the table, after the words "Note:" or "Source:". Tables should automatically fit in the window.


All details about an article work may not be mentioned here. More detailed information about formatting is available in the template file, which should be used for work to be sent to the journal. If the information given here conflicts with the information in the template file, the template file should be based on.
In order to prepare the studies in accordance with the writing rules of the journal, the template file should be used (File: Turkish Article Template). (File-English: English Article Template). If the writing is done in another file, the content of the relevant file should be transferred to the template file and the styles included in this file should be applied to the relevant places (such as headings-texts).


The author (s), who received correction suggestions for the article, should state the procedure on the “Referee Correction Directive” sent with the referee reports, stating the page number based on the correction / change proposals requested by each referee.

Ethical Principles

The publishing processes applied in International Journal of Exercise Psychology provide the basis for the development and dissemination of information in an impartial and respectable manner. The processes applied in this direction are directly reflected in the quality of the work of the authors and the institutions supporting the authors. Refereed studies are the studies that embody and support the scientific method. At this point, it is important that all stakeholders of the process (authors, readers and researchers, publishers, referees and editors) comply with standards for ethical principles. All stake holders within the scope of International Journal of Exercise Psychology publication ethics are expected to bear the following ethical responsibilities.

The following ethical duties and responsibilities have been prepared as open access, taking into account guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Authors' Ethical Responsibilities

The author (s) who submitted a study to the International Journal of Exercise Psychology is expected to comply with the following ethical responsibilities:

• The works submitted by the author (s) are expected to be original. If the author (s) benefit from other studies or use other studies, they must cite and / or cite completely and accurately.
• Persons who do not contribute to the content intellectually in the creation of the study should not be specified as a writer.
• The situations and relationships that may constitute a conflict of interest, if any, should be explained.
• The raw data regarding the articles can be requested from the author (s) within the framework of the evaluation processes, in such a case the author (s) must be ready to present the expected data and information to the editorial board and the scientific board.
• The author (s) must have the document showing that they have the right to use the data used, the necessary permissions related to research / analysis, or that the experimental subjects have consented.
• In the event that the author (s) notices an error or error related to his published, early-view or evaluation phase, there is an obligation to inform the editor of the journal or the publisher, to cooperate with the editor in correction or withdrawal.
• Authors cannot keep their works in the process of application of more than one journal at the same time. Each application can be started following the completion of the previous application.
• The study published in another journal cannot be sent to the International Journal of Exercise Psychology.
• Changing author responsibilities (such as adding authors, changing author order, removing authors) cannot be offered for a study whose evaluation process has started.Editors' Ethical Duties and Responsibilities.

Editors' Ethical Responsibilities

The editor and field editors of the International Journal of Exercise Psychology should have the following ethical duties and responsibilities based on the "COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" guidelines published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as open access:

General responsibilities

Editors are responsible for every publication published in the International Journal of Exercise Psychology. In the context of this responsibility, editors have the following roles and obligations:

• Making efforts to meet the information needs of readers and writers,
• Continuous development of the journal,
• To carry out the processes to improve the quality of the works published in the journal,
• Supporting freedom of thought,
• Ensuring academic integrity,
• Continuing work processes without compromising intellectual property rights and ethical standards,
• Show clarity and transparency in terms of publication on issues requiring correction and explanation.

Relationships with Readers

Editors must make decisions taking into consideration the knowledge, skills and expectations of all readers, researchers and practitioners need. They must also ensure that the published studies contribute to literature and be original. Moreover, they must take notice of the feedback received from researchers and practitioners and provide explanatory and informative feedback.

Relationships with Authors

Editors have the following duties and responsibilities in their relations with authors:

• Editors must make positive or negative decisions about the studies' importance, originality, validity, clarity in wording and suitability with the journal's aims and objectives.
• Editors must accept the studies that are within the scope of publication into pre review process unless there are serious problems with the study.
• Editors must not ignore positive suggestions made by reviewers unless there are serious problems with the study.
• New editors, unless there are serious issues, must not change the previous editor's decisions about the studies.
• “Blind Review and Review Process” must be published and editors must prevent possible diversions in the defined processes.
• Editors must publish an “Authors Guide” that is comprehensive enough in answering queries by authors. This guide must be updated regularly.
• Authors should be provided with explanatory and informative feedback.

Relationships with Reviewers

Editors have the following duties and responsibilities in their relations with reviewers:
• choose reviewers according to the subject of the study.
• provide the information and guidance reviewers may need during the review process.
• observe whether there are conflicting interests between reviewers and authors.
• keep the identities of reviewers confidential in blind review.
• encourage the reviewers to review the manuscript in an unbiased, scientific and objective tone.
• evaluate reviewers regularly based on criteria like performance and timing.
• develop practices and policies that increase the performance of reviewers.
• take necessary steps to update the reviewer pool dynamically.
• prevent unkind and unscientific reviews.
• make effort to ensure the reviewer pool has a wide range.

Relationships with the Editorial Board

Editors must make sure that the members of the editorial board follow the procedures in accordance with the publication policies and guidelines, and must inform the members about the publication policies and developments. The editors must also train new members of the editorial board and provide the information they need. Moreover, editors must

• ensure that the members of the editorial board review the manuscripts in an unbiased and independent manner.
• select the new members of the editorial board from those who can contribute to the journal and are qualified enough.
• send manuscripts for review based on the subject of expertise of the editorial board members.
• regularly communicate with the editorial board.
• arrange regular meetings with the editorial board for the development of publication policies and the journal.

Relationships with the Journal's Owner and Publisher

The relationship between the editors and publisher is based on the principle of the independency of editors. All the decisions made by the editors are independent of the publisher and the owner of the journal as required by the agreement made between editors and publisher.

Editorial and Blind Review Processes

Editors are obliged to comply with the policies of “Blind Review and Process” stated in the journal's publication policies. Therefore, the editors ensure that each manuscript is reviewed in an unbiased, fair and timely manner.

Quality Assurance

Editors must make sure that articles in the journal are published in accordance with the publication policies of the journal and international standards.

Protection of Personal Information

Editors are supposed to protect the personal information related with the subjects or visuals in the studies being reviewed, and to reject the study if there is no documentation of the subjects' consent. Furthermore, editors are supposed to protect the personal information of the authors, reviewers and readers.

Encouraging Ethical Rules and Protection of Human and Animal Rights

The following should be observed under the code of ethics.

• An ethics committee approval must be obtained for research conducted in all disciplines including social sciences and for clinical and experimental studies on humans and animals,
• requiring ethical committee decision, and this approval should be stated and documented in the article.
• It should be indicated in the journal and/or web page under a separate heading referring to national and international standards.
• Information on the ethical rules under separate headings should be provided under this heading, for the peer-reviewers, authors and editors.
• It should be stated that the articles comply with Research and Publication Ethics.
• Reference to international standards and institutions should be made. For example, scientific articles sent to journals should take into account the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the International Standards for Editors and Authors of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).
• In studies requiring ethical committee permission, information about the permission (board name, date and issue number) should be included in the method section and on the first/last page of the article.
• For the scales used in data collection, the permission of the scale owner should be obtained and declared in the article.
• Copyright regulations must be observed for the ideas and works of art used.

Precautions against possible Abuse and Malpractice

Editors are supposed to take precautions against possible abuse and malpractice. They must conduct investigations meticulously and objectively in determining and evaluating complaints about such situations. They must also share the results of the investigation.

Ensuring Academic Integrity

Editors must make sure that the mistakes, inconsistencies or misdirections in studies are corrected quickly.

Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

Editors are responsible for protecting the intellectual property rights of all the articles published in the journal and the rights of the journal and author(s) in cases where these rights are violated. Also, editors must take the necessary precautions in order to prevent the content of all published articles from violating the intellectual property rights of other publications.

Constructiveness and Openness to Discussion

Editors must
• pay attention to the convincing criticism about studies published in the journal and must have a constructive attitude towards such criticism.
• grant the right of reply to the author(s) of the criticized study.
• not ignore or exclude the study that include negative results.


Editors must examine the complaints from authors, reviewers or readers and respond to them in an explanatory and enlightening manner.

Political and Economic Apprehensions

Neither the owner of the journal, publisher or any other political or economical factor can influence the independent decision taking of the editors.

Conflicting Interests

Editors, acknowledging that there may be conflicting interests between reviewers and other editors, guarantee that the publication process of the manuscripts will be completed in an independent and unbiased manner.

Reviewers' Ethical Responsibilities

Evaluation of all studies with "Blind Referee" directly affects the quality of publication. This process provides confidence with the objective and independent evaluation of the publication. International Journal of Exercise Psychology evaluation process is carried out with the principle of double blind refereeing. The referees cannot directly contact the authors, the reviews and comments are conveyed through the journal management system. In this process, the review forms and the referee comments on the full texts are sent to the author (s) through the editor. In this context, the referees evaluating the study for the International Journal of Exercise Psychology are expected to have the following ethical responsibilities:

Reviewers must

• agree to review only in their subject of expertise.
• review in an unbiased and confidential manner.
• inform the editor of the journal if they think that they encounter conflict of interests and decline to review the manuscript during the review process.
• dispose the manuscripts they have reviewed in accordance with the principle of confidentiality after the review process. Reviewers can use the final versions of the manuscripts they have reviewed only after publication.
• review the manuscript objectively and only in terms of its content and ensure that nationality, gender, religious and political beliefs, and economic apprehension do not influence the review.
• review the manuscript in a constructive and kind tone, avoid making personal comments including hostility, slander and insult.
• review the manuscript they have agreed to review on time and in accordance with the ethical rules stated above.

Unethical Behaviour

If you encounter any of the above ethical responsibilities and unethical behavior or content in the International Journal of Exercise Psychology, please report to egzersizpsikolojisi@gmail.com via email.


Blind Referee and Evaluation Process

Blind review is a method used to make sure scientific publications are produced with the highest quality. This method is fundamental to the objective review of scientific studies and is preferred by many scientific journals. Reviewer views are determinant in the publication quality of International Journal of Exercise Psychology. The journal employs double blind reviewing. For publication of articles, two positive reports are required. All manuscripts submitted to International Journal of Exercise Psychology are blind reviewed according to the steps below:

Blind Review Method

International Journal of Exercise Psychology uses the double blind review method in the review process of all studies. In this method the identities of the authors and reviewers are confidential.

Initial Review Process

The studies submitted to International Journal of Exercise Psychology are reviewed by editors first. At this stage, the studies which are not related with the journal's aim and scope, weak in terms of language and wording, lack originality, contain critical scientific mistakes and do not meet the publishing criteria are rejected. The authors of such studies are informed in a month following the submission date. The studies deemed acceptable, on the other hand, are submitted to a member of editorial board related with the subject of study that the work focuses on.

Pre-review Process

In the pre-review process, expert member of editorial board evaluate the introduction and literature, method, findings, results, discussion parts of the studies in detail with respect to the publishing policies and scope of the journal as well as originality. As a result of this process, those studies that are found unacceptable are returned within four weeks. And the studies which are deemed appropriate are assigned to reviewers.

Assigning Reviewers

Reviewers are assigned according to the content of the studies and their subject of expertise. The expert member of editorial board who reviews the study recommends two reviewers, based on their subject of expertise, from the reviewer pool of International Journal of Exercise Psychology or a new reviewer related with the subject of study addressed in the article. The recommendations are then evaluated by the editors and the studies are passed on to the reviewers who are obligated to guarantee that they will not share any document or detail about the study they review.

Reviewer Reports

In general, the reviewer reports are based on the originality of the studies, methods, ethical considerations, consistent presentation of the findings and results and analysis of the studies with respect to literature. This evaluation is done according to the following:

Introduction and literature: the reviewer report includes views about the presentation and aims of the problem addressed in the study, the importance of the topic, the scope of the related literature, the originality and topicality of the study.

Method: the reviewer report includes views about the appropriateness of the research method, sample choice and properties, validity and reliability issues, as well as data collection and data analysis.

Findings: the reviewer report includes views about the presentation of the findings obtained through the method, the accuracy of the analysis methods, the consistency of the aims and findings of the study, the presentation of tables, diagrams and visuals that are needed, and the conceptual evaluation of the scales.

Evaluation and Discussion: the reviewer report includes views about discussions based on findings, suitability with the research question(s) and hypothesis(ses), generalizability and applicability.

Results and Suggestions: the reviewer report includes views about contribution to literature, recommendations for future studies and suggestions about applications in the field.

Style and Wording: the reviewer report includes views about whether the title comprises the content of the study, whether the Turkish language is used accurately and whether journal writing rules (see Footnotes and Bibliography section) rules are observed in giving references and in-text references in parallel with the language of the full text.

Overall Evaluation: the reviewer report includes views about the originality of the study as a whole and the contribution it makes to the literature and applications.

In the review process, reviewers are not expected to redact the study according to its galley features.

Reviewing Process

Reviewers are given 6 weeks for review. It is compulsory for the authors to complete the editing of their work within 1 month according to the rules stated in "editing manual". Reviewers may ask multiple editing of a study if they deem necessary.

Review Result

The editors evaluate the review by reviewers within 2 weeks at the latest and as a result of this evaluation the editors reach the final decision regarding the study.

Editorial Board Decision

Based on the review done by the reviewers, editors report the views of the editorial board to the author(s) in a week at the latest along with the suggestions made by the reviewers. In this process the studies that are not accepted for publication are returned without request for plagiarism detection. The final decision about the accepted studies is made based on the results of the plagiarism detection report.

How long does the Publication Review Process last?

It is anticipated that the publication review process of the studies submitted to International Journal of Exercise Psychology be completed in 3 months. However, the period during which editors or reviewers ask the author(s) to do editing and the author(s) complete the editing is not included in this time frame.

Article Withdrawal

International Journal of Exercise Psychology values holistic and exhaustive publishing for researchers and libraries and acknowledges that this can be realized by publishing reliable and original research articles. In the case that a study or article will be withdrawn, the author(s) and the editorial board will share some responsibilies as required by the publishing policies of International Journal of Exercise Psychology. These responsibilities are listed below:


If the author(s) finds a mistake in their study which is unpublished or in early release or review process, they are obliged to cooperate with the editor of the journal during the withdrawal process.
The author(s) who wants to withdraw their study which is in review process is obliged to fill in the "Article Withdrawal Form", scan it with signature(s) on it and send the form via e-mail to the editorial board at egzersizpsikolojisi@gmail.com. The editorial board will return to the author(s) within a week, evaluating the request for withdrawal. Authors cannot submit their manuscript to another journal for review unless the withdrawal request is approved by the editorial board.


The editorial board of International Journal of Exercise Psychology holds the responsibility of starting an investigation about a study if a suspicion arises that the study includes plagiarism and/or it has copyright issues.
If the editorial board detects breach of copyright or plagiarism for the manuscripts in review process, they retract the study from review and cancel its review process by sending a detailed document to the author(s) showing what was detected and where in the study.
If the editorial board detects breach of copyright or plagiarism for the articles published in an issue or in early release, the retraction and reporting procedures are applied according to statements indicated below in 1 week at the latest:
1. The study which is detected to have plagiarism is labelled as "Retraction:" in the electronic environment.
2. Instead of the Abstract and Full Text, the reasons why the study has been retracted, detailed evidence and the statements (if any) of the affiliated institution about the issue are published electronically.
3. The study is announced as "Retraction" on the main page of the journal's web page.
4. The study is included in the contents of the first issue of the journal to be published after the date of retraction as "Retraction: Article Title", and from its first page onwards the reasons why it has been retracted and the original citations are shared with the public and researchers.
5. The institutions that the author(s) is affiliated with are informed about the retraction.
6. The retraction reports indicated above are sent to the institutions where the journal is indexed so that they are recorded in index directories and catalogues.

In addition, the editorial board may suggest that the work author (s) who have been subjected to ethical violations, to the publishing houses or editorial boards, to ensure or withdraw the validity and reliability of the published works.

Appealing the Evaluation Result

The author(s) retains the right to appeal against the reports produced by the editorial and scientific boards upon the completion of the review process at International Journal of Exercise Psychology. The author(s) should send their reasons for appeal in a scientific manner and by showing references to egzersizpsikolojisi@gmail.com The appeal will be examined by the editorial board within one month the latest (the field editor and reviewers of the manuscript may be asked to share their opinions about the appeal) and the author(s) will be informed of any positive or negative result. If the result is positive, the editorial board assigns new reviewers that have expertise in the subject of the manuscript and re-starts the review process.

There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges for this journal.