Research Article
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Power and Integration. An Historical Overview on Euro- Mediterranean Relations

Year 2018, Akdeniz Özel Sayısı, 0 - 0, 02.08.2018


This contribution aims to analyze the power relations underlying the international relations of the

Mediterranean space since the late XIX century in order to assess if and how the most recent initiatives

implemented by the European Union (EU) represent continuity or discontinuity with the modern past.

The main idea is that the European Union has tried to shape the Mediterranean space along its basic

preference for free access to the markets of the southern and eastern countries of the Mediterranean,

similar to what European powers did in late XIX and early XX century: the liberal order of the “Levantine”

period combined the patterns of cooperation and consent, which were needed to foster market and elite

integration, with those of conflict and coercion, which in turn were required to enforce the Europeanled

economic and political order against restive and opposition forces. Compared to the past, however,

the European Union has succeeded only partially in enforcing a “neo-liberal order” because it lacks

meaningful political and military capacity for coercion against partners and rivals. The current crisis

of liberal forces across Europe and the Mediterranean has enhanced those forces advocating a return

to “state sovereignty” and control over flows of people, goods and ideas. This might recall the early

postcolonial period of the 1950s and mid-1970s where the states struggled either to retain power and

wealth, or overcome related asymmetries, by standing firm and “tough” in negotiations and resisting

foreign interventions. However, if the centralized state was the main political and institutional driver of

that period, it is highly difficult that today current states might effectively claim a monopoly over the

economy and the public space on highly differentiated, secularized and interconnected societies like

the Mediterranean ones.


  • Abdel-Malek Anouar, eds. (1970). La pensée politique arabe contemporaine. Paris: Editions du Seuil. Adler E., & Crawford, B. (2004). Normative Power: The European Practice of Region Building and the Case of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EMP). Berkeley CA: University of California. Aliboni Roberto (2008). “Union for the Mediterranean: Building on the Barcelona Acquis”, European Union Institute for Security Studies, 1. Aita Samir (2011). Les travailleurs arabes hors-la-loi. Emploi et droit du travail dans les pays de la Méditerranée. Paris: L’Harmattan. Anima-InvestMed (2010) Atlas des investissements et partenariats en Mediterranée, n.15. Arrighi Giovanni, Iftikhar Ahmad, Miin-wen Shih (1999). “Western Hegemonies in World-Historical Perspectives”, in Giovanni Arrighi, Beverly J. Silver, Chaos and Governance in Modern World System (pp. 217-269). Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,. Ayadi, Rym Sessa, Emanuele (2017). Regional Integration in the Euro-Mediterranean. Key Dimensions, Status Quo and Prospects Towards Fundamental Rethinking, EMNES Working Paper, 1. Aydin Zulkuf (2005). The Political Economy of Turkey, London, Pluto Press. Ayubi Nazih, eds. (1995). Distant Neighbours. The Political Economy of Relations between Europe and the Middle East/north Africa. Reading: Ithaca Press. Bagnato Bruna (2006). L’Europa e il mondo. Origini, sviluppo e crisi dell’imperialismo occidentale. Firenze: Le Monnier. Ben Achour Yadh (2012). “Le dialogue avec l’Islam dans le cadre des relations euro-méditerranéenes” in Gustavo Gozzi eds. The Future of the Euro-Mediterranean Relationships (pp. 33-54). Bologna: il Mulino. Bourgey André, eds. (1982). Industrialisation et changements sociaux dans l’Orient arabe. Beirut: Cermoc. Braudel Fernand (1985). La Mediterranée. Paris: Flammarion. Carpentier Jean, François Lebrun (2001). Histoire de la Méditerranée. Paris: Editions du Seuil. Byrne Jeffrey J. (2012). “Algiers between Banding and Belgrade: Guerrilla Diplomacy and the Evolution of the Third World Movement, 1954-1962, in Massimiliano Trentin, Matteo Gerlini (eds.), The Cold War and the Middle East. Between Security and Development (pp. 11-28). Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Calandri Elena (2009). “L’eterna incompiuta: la politica mediterranea tra sviluppo e sicurezza”, in Elena Calandri (eds.), Il primato sfuggente. L’Europa e l’intervento per lo sviluppo (1957-2007) (pp. 89-117). Milano: Franco Angeli,. Cavatorta, F., & Vincent, D. (2010). The Foreign Policies of the European Union and the United States in North Africa: Diverging or Converging Dynamics. London: Routledge. Chalcraft John (2016) Popular Politics in the Making of Modern Middle East. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press. Corm George (2002). L’Europe et l’Orient. De la Balkanisation à la libanisation. Histoire d’une modernité inaccomplie. Paris: La Découverte. Di Nolfo Ennio (2012) Introduction, in Ennio Di Nolfo, Matteo Gerlini, Il Mediterraneao attuale tra storia e politica (pp. 9-18). Venezia: Marsilio, Ellwood David W. (2012). Una sfida per la modernità. Europa e America nel lungo Novecento. Milano: Carocci. Esteban Joan (2002). “Economic Polarization in the Mediterranean Basin, Els Opuscles del CREI, 10 Furia Annalisa (2012). “Between Securitization and Human Security: Security and Migration Issues i the Euro-Mediterranean Relations” in Gustavo Gozzi eds. The Future of the Euro-Mediterranean Relationships (pp. 83-98). Bologna: il Mulino. Gelvin James (2016). The Modern Middle East. A History. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Gozzi Gustavo (2015). Umano, non umano. Intervento umanitario, colonialismo, “primavere arabe”. Bologna: il Mulino. Gozzi Gustavo (2012). “Prospects of Cooperation and Processes of Democratization in the Mediterranean”, in Gustavo Gozzi eds. The Future of the Euro-Mediterranean Relationships (pp. 9-32). Bologna: il Mulino. Guazzone, Laura, Pioppi Daniela (2009). The Arab State and neo-liberal Globalization: the restructuring of the state in the Middle East. Reading UK: Ithaca Press. Harrigan, Jane, El-Said, Jane R. (2009). Aid and Power in the Arab World: World Bank and IMF Policy-Based Lending in the Middle East and North Africa. London: Basingstoke. Harvey, David (2005). A Brief History of Neoliberalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Heydemann Steven (2013). “Après le séisme. Gouvernement économique et politique de masse dans le monde arabe”, in Eberhard Kienle, Laurence Louër, eds. “Economie politique des soulèvements arabes” (pp. 69-84). Critique Internationales, 61. Hinnebusch Raymond (2003). The International Politics of the Middle East. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press. Hinnebusch Raymond (2012). “Europe and the Middle East. From Empire to Liberal Peace?” in Review of European Studies, 4(3), 18-31. Hilane Rizkallah (1969). Culture et Développement en Syrie et dans les Pays retardées. Paris: Anthropos. Hollis, Rosemary (2013). “Europe in the Middle East”, in Louise Fawcett eds., International Relations of the Middle East (pp. 344-362). Oxford: Oxford University Press, Kingston Paul W.T, (1996). Britain and the Politics of Modernization in the Middle East, 1945-1958. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Kullaa Rinna (2012). Non-Alignment and Its Origins in Cold War Europe: Yugoslavia, Finland, and the Soviet Challenge. London: I.B. Tauris. Labate Silvio (2016). Illusioni mediterranee. Il Dialogo Euro-arabo. Milano: Le Monnier. Laurens Henry (2007). Orientales. Paris: CNRS Editions. Laurens Henry (2010). Le rêve méditerranéen. Paris: CNRS Editions. Lynch Marc (2016). The New Arab Wars. Uprisings and Anarchy in the Middle East. New York:, PublicAffairs. Martinez Luis (2000). The Algerian Civil War, 1990-1998. New York: Columbia University Press. McMurray David, Amanda Ufheil-Somers, eds. (2013) The Arab Revolts. Dispatches on Militant Democracy in the Middle East. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. Owen Roger (1981). The Near East in the World Economy 1800-1914. London: I.B. Tauris. Owen Roger (1985). “The movement of labor in and out of the Middle East over the last two centuries: peasants, patterns and policies” in Georges Sabbagh, eds., The modern economic and social history of the Middle East in its world context (pp. 29-43). Cambridge, UK.: Cambridge University Press. Owen Roger, Pamuk Şevket (1998). A History of the Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century. London: I.B. Tauris. Owen Roger (2004). State, Power and Politics in the Masking of Modern Middle East. London: Routledge, III ed. Paoli Simone (2015). “The Schengen Agreements and their Impact on Euro-MediterraneanRelations. The case of Italy and the Maghreb” in Journal of European Integration History, 21, 125-146. Pamuk Şevket (1987). The Ottoman Empire and European Capitalism, 1820-1913: Trade, Investment and Production. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press. Pamuk Şevket (2008). “Economic Change in the Twentieth Century: is the Glass More than Half Full?” in Resat Kasaba eds. The Cambridge History of Turkey, 3, (pp. 266-300). Pamuk Şevket, Jeffrey J. Willliamson (2009). Ottoman De-Industrialization 1800-1913: Assessing the Shock, Its Impact and the Response, Draft, JEL No. F1, N7, O2. Pedaliu Effie G.H., (2012). “Fault Lines in the Post-War Mediterranean and the Birth of Southern Europe”, 1945-1979: an Overview” in Elena Calandri, Antonio Varsori, Daniele Caviglia eds. Détente in Cold War Europe: Politics and Diplomacy in the Mediterranean and the Middle East (pp. 15-32). London: I.B. Tauris. Petricioli Marta (2007). Oltre il mito. L’Egitto degli italiani (1917-1947). Milano:Bruno Mondadori. Puryear, V. J. (1969). International Economics and Diplomacy in the Near East. Stanford CA: Archon Books. Quataert Donald (1994). “The Age of Reforms, 1812-1914,” in Halil Inalcık, Donald Quataert (eds.) An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, 1300-1914 (pp. 759-946). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Quataert Donald, The Ottoman Empire, 1700-1922. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Rey Matthieu, Valérie Stiegler (2017). “Nords et Suds, vers une nouvelle régionalisation (1950-1970)” in Matthieu Rey, Hnery Laurens (eds.) Méditerranéens politiques. Paris: Presse Universitaire de France. Richards Alan, Waterbury John (1998). A Political Economy of the Middle East. Boulder CO: Westview Press. Scumann Christoph eds. (2010). Nationalism and Liberal Thought in the Arab East. Ideology and Practice. London: Routledge. Teti Andrea (2015) “Democracy Without Social Justice: Marginalization of Social and Economic Rights in EU Democracy Assistance Policy after the Arab Uprisings”. Middle East Critique, 24(1), 9-25. Teti Andrea (2016). The EU’s policy response to the Uprisings, Global Affairs, 1(4). Thobie Jacques (1985) Ali et les 40 voleurs. Impérialisme et Moyen-Orient de 1914 à nos jours. Paris: Editions Messidor. Tibi Bassam (1987). Arab Nationalism. Between Islam and the Nation-State. London, UK: MacMillan. Toninelli Pier Angelo (2002). “Il processo di industrializzazione: tipologie e modelli”, “Progresso, sviluppo e ciclo nel pensiero economico contemporaneo: un’introduzione”, in Pier Angelo Toninelli (eds.), Lo sviluppo economico moderno. Dalla rivoluzione industriale alla crisi energetica. Padova: Marsilio. Trentin, Massimiliano, Gerlini Matteo, (2012). (Eds.), The Cold War and the Middle East. Between Security and Development. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Trentin, Massimiliano (2012a), “Le Distanze del Mediterraneo. Europa e mondo arabo tra sviluppo e nazionalismo”, in Il Mediterraneo attuale tra storia e politica, in Ennio Di Nolfo, Matteo Gerlini eds. (pp. 283-304).Venezia: Marsilio,. Trentin, Massimiliano (2012b), “The Distant Neighbours and the Cooperation Agreements between the EEC and the Mashreq, 1977” in Elena Calandri, Antonio Varsori, Daniele Caviglia eds. Détente in Cold War Europe: Politics and Diplomacy in the Mediterranean and the Middle East (pp. 221-232). London: I.B. Tauris. Trentin Massimiliano (2014). “Boom e Crisi. Lo sviluppo economico dei Paesi MENA negli anni Duemila a confronto con i lunghi anni Settanta”, in Barbara Airò, Massimo Zaccaria eds. I confini della cittadinanza nel nuovo Medio Oriente (pp. 71-86). Roma: Viella. Vitalis Robert, Steven Heydemann (2000). “Explaining State-Market Relations in Post-War Middle East” in Steven Heydemann Steven, (eds.), War Institutions and Social Change. Berkley CA: University of California Press. Wallerstein Immanuel, Hale Decdeli, Reşat Kasaba (1987). “The incorporation of the Ottoman Empire into the world-economy”, Huri Islamoglu-Inan (eds.), The Ottoman Empire and the World-Economy (pp. 88-100). Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press, World Bank (2010). Economic Integration in the Maghreb; Economic Integration in the Mashreq, Economic Integration in the GCC, Washington DC.
Year 2018, Akdeniz Özel Sayısı, 0 - 0, 02.08.2018



  • Abdel-Malek Anouar, eds. (1970). La pensée politique arabe contemporaine. Paris: Editions du Seuil. Adler E., & Crawford, B. (2004). Normative Power: The European Practice of Region Building and the Case of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EMP). Berkeley CA: University of California. Aliboni Roberto (2008). “Union for the Mediterranean: Building on the Barcelona Acquis”, European Union Institute for Security Studies, 1. Aita Samir (2011). Les travailleurs arabes hors-la-loi. Emploi et droit du travail dans les pays de la Méditerranée. Paris: L’Harmattan. Anima-InvestMed (2010) Atlas des investissements et partenariats en Mediterranée, n.15. Arrighi Giovanni, Iftikhar Ahmad, Miin-wen Shih (1999). “Western Hegemonies in World-Historical Perspectives”, in Giovanni Arrighi, Beverly J. Silver, Chaos and Governance in Modern World System (pp. 217-269). Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,. Ayadi, Rym Sessa, Emanuele (2017). Regional Integration in the Euro-Mediterranean. Key Dimensions, Status Quo and Prospects Towards Fundamental Rethinking, EMNES Working Paper, 1. Aydin Zulkuf (2005). The Political Economy of Turkey, London, Pluto Press. Ayubi Nazih, eds. (1995). Distant Neighbours. The Political Economy of Relations between Europe and the Middle East/north Africa. Reading: Ithaca Press. Bagnato Bruna (2006). L’Europa e il mondo. Origini, sviluppo e crisi dell’imperialismo occidentale. Firenze: Le Monnier. Ben Achour Yadh (2012). “Le dialogue avec l’Islam dans le cadre des relations euro-méditerranéenes” in Gustavo Gozzi eds. The Future of the Euro-Mediterranean Relationships (pp. 33-54). Bologna: il Mulino. Bourgey André, eds. (1982). Industrialisation et changements sociaux dans l’Orient arabe. Beirut: Cermoc. Braudel Fernand (1985). La Mediterranée. Paris: Flammarion. Carpentier Jean, François Lebrun (2001). Histoire de la Méditerranée. Paris: Editions du Seuil. Byrne Jeffrey J. (2012). “Algiers between Banding and Belgrade: Guerrilla Diplomacy and the Evolution of the Third World Movement, 1954-1962, in Massimiliano Trentin, Matteo Gerlini (eds.), The Cold War and the Middle East. Between Security and Development (pp. 11-28). Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Calandri Elena (2009). “L’eterna incompiuta: la politica mediterranea tra sviluppo e sicurezza”, in Elena Calandri (eds.), Il primato sfuggente. L’Europa e l’intervento per lo sviluppo (1957-2007) (pp. 89-117). Milano: Franco Angeli,. Cavatorta, F., & Vincent, D. (2010). The Foreign Policies of the European Union and the United States in North Africa: Diverging or Converging Dynamics. London: Routledge. Chalcraft John (2016) Popular Politics in the Making of Modern Middle East. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press. Corm George (2002). L’Europe et l’Orient. De la Balkanisation à la libanisation. Histoire d’une modernité inaccomplie. Paris: La Découverte. Di Nolfo Ennio (2012) Introduction, in Ennio Di Nolfo, Matteo Gerlini, Il Mediterraneao attuale tra storia e politica (pp. 9-18). Venezia: Marsilio, Ellwood David W. (2012). Una sfida per la modernità. Europa e America nel lungo Novecento. Milano: Carocci. Esteban Joan (2002). “Economic Polarization in the Mediterranean Basin, Els Opuscles del CREI, 10 Furia Annalisa (2012). “Between Securitization and Human Security: Security and Migration Issues i the Euro-Mediterranean Relations” in Gustavo Gozzi eds. The Future of the Euro-Mediterranean Relationships (pp. 83-98). Bologna: il Mulino. Gelvin James (2016). The Modern Middle East. A History. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Gozzi Gustavo (2015). Umano, non umano. Intervento umanitario, colonialismo, “primavere arabe”. Bologna: il Mulino. Gozzi Gustavo (2012). “Prospects of Cooperation and Processes of Democratization in the Mediterranean”, in Gustavo Gozzi eds. The Future of the Euro-Mediterranean Relationships (pp. 9-32). Bologna: il Mulino. Guazzone, Laura, Pioppi Daniela (2009). The Arab State and neo-liberal Globalization: the restructuring of the state in the Middle East. Reading UK: Ithaca Press. Harrigan, Jane, El-Said, Jane R. (2009). Aid and Power in the Arab World: World Bank and IMF Policy-Based Lending in the Middle East and North Africa. London: Basingstoke. Harvey, David (2005). A Brief History of Neoliberalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Heydemann Steven (2013). “Après le séisme. Gouvernement économique et politique de masse dans le monde arabe”, in Eberhard Kienle, Laurence Louër, eds. “Economie politique des soulèvements arabes” (pp. 69-84). Critique Internationales, 61. Hinnebusch Raymond (2003). The International Politics of the Middle East. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press. Hinnebusch Raymond (2012). “Europe and the Middle East. From Empire to Liberal Peace?” in Review of European Studies, 4(3), 18-31. Hilane Rizkallah (1969). Culture et Développement en Syrie et dans les Pays retardées. Paris: Anthropos. Hollis, Rosemary (2013). “Europe in the Middle East”, in Louise Fawcett eds., International Relations of the Middle East (pp. 344-362). Oxford: Oxford University Press, Kingston Paul W.T, (1996). Britain and the Politics of Modernization in the Middle East, 1945-1958. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Kullaa Rinna (2012). Non-Alignment and Its Origins in Cold War Europe: Yugoslavia, Finland, and the Soviet Challenge. London: I.B. Tauris. Labate Silvio (2016). Illusioni mediterranee. Il Dialogo Euro-arabo. Milano: Le Monnier. Laurens Henry (2007). Orientales. Paris: CNRS Editions. Laurens Henry (2010). Le rêve méditerranéen. Paris: CNRS Editions. Lynch Marc (2016). The New Arab Wars. Uprisings and Anarchy in the Middle East. New York:, PublicAffairs. Martinez Luis (2000). The Algerian Civil War, 1990-1998. New York: Columbia University Press. McMurray David, Amanda Ufheil-Somers, eds. (2013) The Arab Revolts. Dispatches on Militant Democracy in the Middle East. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. Owen Roger (1981). The Near East in the World Economy 1800-1914. London: I.B. Tauris. Owen Roger (1985). “The movement of labor in and out of the Middle East over the last two centuries: peasants, patterns and policies” in Georges Sabbagh, eds., The modern economic and social history of the Middle East in its world context (pp. 29-43). Cambridge, UK.: Cambridge University Press. Owen Roger, Pamuk Şevket (1998). A History of the Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century. London: I.B. Tauris. Owen Roger (2004). State, Power and Politics in the Masking of Modern Middle East. London: Routledge, III ed. Paoli Simone (2015). “The Schengen Agreements and their Impact on Euro-MediterraneanRelations. The case of Italy and the Maghreb” in Journal of European Integration History, 21, 125-146. Pamuk Şevket (1987). The Ottoman Empire and European Capitalism, 1820-1913: Trade, Investment and Production. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press. Pamuk Şevket (2008). “Economic Change in the Twentieth Century: is the Glass More than Half Full?” in Resat Kasaba eds. The Cambridge History of Turkey, 3, (pp. 266-300). Pamuk Şevket, Jeffrey J. Willliamson (2009). Ottoman De-Industrialization 1800-1913: Assessing the Shock, Its Impact and the Response, Draft, JEL No. F1, N7, O2. Pedaliu Effie G.H., (2012). “Fault Lines in the Post-War Mediterranean and the Birth of Southern Europe”, 1945-1979: an Overview” in Elena Calandri, Antonio Varsori, Daniele Caviglia eds. Détente in Cold War Europe: Politics and Diplomacy in the Mediterranean and the Middle East (pp. 15-32). London: I.B. Tauris. Petricioli Marta (2007). Oltre il mito. L’Egitto degli italiani (1917-1947). Milano:Bruno Mondadori. Puryear, V. J. (1969). International Economics and Diplomacy in the Near East. Stanford CA: Archon Books. Quataert Donald (1994). “The Age of Reforms, 1812-1914,” in Halil Inalcık, Donald Quataert (eds.) An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, 1300-1914 (pp. 759-946). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Quataert Donald, The Ottoman Empire, 1700-1922. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Rey Matthieu, Valérie Stiegler (2017). “Nords et Suds, vers une nouvelle régionalisation (1950-1970)” in Matthieu Rey, Hnery Laurens (eds.) Méditerranéens politiques. Paris: Presse Universitaire de France. Richards Alan, Waterbury John (1998). A Political Economy of the Middle East. Boulder CO: Westview Press. Scumann Christoph eds. (2010). Nationalism and Liberal Thought in the Arab East. Ideology and Practice. London: Routledge. Teti Andrea (2015) “Democracy Without Social Justice: Marginalization of Social and Economic Rights in EU Democracy Assistance Policy after the Arab Uprisings”. Middle East Critique, 24(1), 9-25. Teti Andrea (2016). The EU’s policy response to the Uprisings, Global Affairs, 1(4). Thobie Jacques (1985) Ali et les 40 voleurs. Impérialisme et Moyen-Orient de 1914 à nos jours. Paris: Editions Messidor. Tibi Bassam (1987). Arab Nationalism. Between Islam and the Nation-State. London, UK: MacMillan. Toninelli Pier Angelo (2002). “Il processo di industrializzazione: tipologie e modelli”, “Progresso, sviluppo e ciclo nel pensiero economico contemporaneo: un’introduzione”, in Pier Angelo Toninelli (eds.), Lo sviluppo economico moderno. Dalla rivoluzione industriale alla crisi energetica. Padova: Marsilio. Trentin, Massimiliano, Gerlini Matteo, (2012). (Eds.), The Cold War and the Middle East. Between Security and Development. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Trentin, Massimiliano (2012a), “Le Distanze del Mediterraneo. Europa e mondo arabo tra sviluppo e nazionalismo”, in Il Mediterraneo attuale tra storia e politica, in Ennio Di Nolfo, Matteo Gerlini eds. (pp. 283-304).Venezia: Marsilio,. Trentin, Massimiliano (2012b), “The Distant Neighbours and the Cooperation Agreements between the EEC and the Mashreq, 1977” in Elena Calandri, Antonio Varsori, Daniele Caviglia eds. Détente in Cold War Europe: Politics and Diplomacy in the Mediterranean and the Middle East (pp. 221-232). London: I.B. Tauris. Trentin Massimiliano (2014). “Boom e Crisi. Lo sviluppo economico dei Paesi MENA negli anni Duemila a confronto con i lunghi anni Settanta”, in Barbara Airò, Massimo Zaccaria eds. I confini della cittadinanza nel nuovo Medio Oriente (pp. 71-86). Roma: Viella. Vitalis Robert, Steven Heydemann (2000). “Explaining State-Market Relations in Post-War Middle East” in Steven Heydemann Steven, (eds.), War Institutions and Social Change. Berkley CA: University of California Press. Wallerstein Immanuel, Hale Decdeli, Reşat Kasaba (1987). “The incorporation of the Ottoman Empire into the world-economy”, Huri Islamoglu-Inan (eds.), The Ottoman Empire and the World-Economy (pp. 88-100). Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press, World Bank (2010). Economic Integration in the Maghreb; Economic Integration in the Mashreq, Economic Integration in the GCC, Washington DC.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section International Journal of Political Science & Urban Studies

Massimiliano Trentin This is me

Publication Date August 2, 2018
Submission Date September 5, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018 Akdeniz Özel Sayısı


APA Trentin, M. (2018). Power and Integration. An Historical Overview on Euro- Mediterranean Relations. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies, 6.
AMA Trentin M. Power and Integration. An Historical Overview on Euro- Mediterranean Relations. IPSUS. August 2018;6.
Chicago Trentin, Massimiliano. “Power and Integration. An Historical Overview on Euro- Mediterranean Relations”. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies 6, August (August 2018).
EndNote Trentin M (August 1, 2018) Power and Integration. An Historical Overview on Euro- Mediterranean Relations. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies 6
IEEE M. Trentin, “Power and Integration. An Historical Overview on Euro- Mediterranean Relations”, IPSUS, vol. 6, 2018.
ISNAD Trentin, Massimiliano. “Power and Integration. An Historical Overview on Euro- Mediterranean Relations”. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies 6 (August 2018).
JAMA Trentin M. Power and Integration. An Historical Overview on Euro- Mediterranean Relations. IPSUS. 2018;6.
MLA Trentin, Massimiliano. “Power and Integration. An Historical Overview on Euro- Mediterranean Relations”. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies, vol. 6, 2018.
Vancouver Trentin M. Power and Integration. An Historical Overview on Euro- Mediterranean Relations. IPSUS. 2018;6.