Research Article
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Geographical Imaginations of the Mediterranean Along Dichotomies of East-West/North-South

Year 2018, Akdeniz Özel Sayısı, 0 - 0, 02.08.2018


This article endeavours to analyse the European and Turkish discourses regarding the concept of the

“Mediterranean” and its variations both in temporal and spatial terms. The theoretical inspiration

of this article comes from the “geographical imagination as a way of thinking about world politics

and considering the relative importance of places and the relationships between contested narratives

of a specific region or territory”. Hence this study will examine different geographical imaginations

of the Mediterranean region that are projected onto both Turkish and European political discourse.

The perspective which is engaged here involves the historical geography, or geosophy put forward by

J. K. Wright (1946) who assumed that geographical knowledge is not only a knowledge of physical

characteristics and natural resources, but is also something being defined and redefined by the

political imagination of the perceiver. So in this article a “geosophical” perspective will be applied to the

Mediterranean region that plays both a historical and strategic role in Euro-Turkish relations.


  • Agnew J. (1994a). The Territorial Trap: The Geographical Assumptions of International Relations Theory. Review of International Political Economy Taylor & Francis. 1(1) 53-80. Agnew, J. (1998b) Geopolitics: Re-visioning World Politics, London: Routledge. Barcelona Declaration (1995). Adopted at the Euro-Mediterranean Conference, 27-28 November 1995. Available from on 22.11.2017. Bilgin P. (2004). A Return to ‘Civilisational Geopolitics’ in the Mediterranean? Changing Geopolitical Images of the European Union and Turkey in the Post-Cold War Era. Geopolitics 9 (2), 269-291. Bilgin, P. (2012). Turkey’s ‘Geopolitics Dogma’. In S. Guzzini (Ed.), The Return of Geopolitics in Europe? Social Mechanisms and Foreign Policy Identity Crises (Cambridge Studies in International Relations, pp. 151-173). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Bilgin P., Durgun S. & Yeşiltaş M. (2015) Türkiye Dünyanın Neresinde? İstanbul: Koç University Publication. Braudel F. (1972). The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II, (Trans by Sian Reynolds) Vol.2. New York: Harper Collins. Campbell D. (1998). Writing Security. United States Foreign Policy and the Politics of Identity, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press . Cebeci M. & Schumacher T. (2016). “Deconstructing the EU’s Discourse on the Mediterranean”, in MEDRESET Methodology and Concept Papers, No. 2. Available from http://www.medreset. eu/?p=13238 on 12, 12.2017 Cebeci M. & Schumacher T. (2017). “The EU’s Constructions of the Mediterranean (2003–2017)”, in MEDRESET Working Papers, No. 3. Available from: on 13.12.2017 Encyclopedia of Islam (1960) Bearman P.J et al (Eds.) Leiden Brill publications, ( 2) 231. Fontenay, M. (1993). ‘The Mediterranean, 1500–1800: Social and Economic Perspectives’, in Victor Mallia- Milanes (Ed.), Hospitaller Malta, 1530–1798: Studies on Early Modern Malta and the Order of St. John of Jerusalem , Mireva Publications. Güvenç S. & Barlas D. (2010) Turkey in the Mediterranean during the Interwar Era:Tthe Paradox of Middle Power Diplomacy and Minor Power Naval Policy, Bloomington Indiana: Indiana University Press. Fotiadis P. (2008). “The Strange Power of Maps”, School of Sociology, Politics, and International Studies University of Bristol, Working Paper No. 06-09. Fromherz A. (2010). Ibn Khaldun: Life and Times. Edinburg: Edinburg University Press. Gozzi G. (2012). “Prospects of Cooperation and Processes of Democratization in the Mediterranean”, in Gustavo Gozzi (Ed.). The Future of the Euro-Mediterranean Relationships. Bologna: il Mulino. Görgülü A. & Dark G. (2017). Turkey, The EU and The Mediterranean, in MEDRESET Working Paper No:7. Gregory D. (1994) Geographical Imaginations. USA: Wiley. Harley J. B. (1988) “Maps, Knowledge, and Power,” in Cosgrove D. and Daniels, S. (Eds.) The Iconography of Landscape (pp. 277-312) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Hess, A. C. (1969). The Evolution of the Ottoman Seaborne Empire in the Age of Oceanic Discoveries, 1453-1525. The American Historical Review, 75 (7) 1892-1919. Hentch T. (1992). Imagining the Middle East. Canada: Black Rose Books. Holm, U. (2004). The EU’s Security Policy towards the Mediterranean: An (Im) Possible Combination of Export of European Political Values and Anti-Terror Measures? DIIS Working Paper No. 2004/13, Danish Institute for International Affairs, Copenhagen. Jawad H. (1992). Euro-Arab Dialogue. Reading: Ithaca. Kadıoğlu M. (2016). Türk Denizcilik Tarihi. İstanbul: Derleme Yayınevi. Kant I. (1801). Physische Geographie. Mainz: G. Vollmer. Kolluoğlu B. & Toksöz M. (2010). (Eds.) Cities of the Mediterranean: From the Ottomans to the Present Day. New York: I. B. Tauris. Richards P. (1974). Kant’s Geography and Mental Maps, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, No. 61( 1-16). Kumrular Ö. (2009). “The creation of the Image of the Turk in 16th Century Mediterranean”, Jezernik B. (Ed.) Imagining The Turk. (pp. 27-46) Cambridge: Cambridge Scholar Publishing. Laurence Publicover (2017). Dramatic Geography, Oxford University Press. Lefebvre H. (1974, 1984). The Production of Space (Trans. Smith D. N). Oxford: Blackwell. Lesser I.O. (2016). “The Eastern Meditereanean Vortex”. Turkish Policy Quarterly, 15(1). 25-31. Longworth M. D. (1921), “The Portuguese and Turks in the Indian Ocean in the 16th century”, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, (1) 1-28. Makdisi U. (2002). Ottoman Orientalism, The American Historical Review, 107(3), 768–96 Malmvig H, (2004). Cooperation or Democratisation? The EU’S conflicting Mediterranean security discourses. DIIS Working Paper, No. 2004. Massey D. (2006). ‘The geographical mind’ in Balderston, D. (ed) Secondary Geography Handbook. (pp. 46- 51)Sheffield: Geographical Association. Neumann I. (1996). Russia and the Idea of the Europe: A Study in Identity and International Relations. London: Routledge. Neumann I. (1999). The Uses of the Other. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press Nielsen N. (2013) “EU border agency keen to expand Mediterranean Sea surveillance” Brussels, 19. Mar 2013 , Available from on 30.11.2017 Öner S.G.I. (2013). Turkey’s Refugee Regime Stretched to the Limit? Perceptions 18 (3) 191-228. Publicover L., (2017) Dramatic Geography, Oxford : Oxford University Press. Ricci G. (2002) Ossessione turca. In una retrovia cristiana dell’Europa moderna., Il Mulino: Biblioteca storica. Ross E. D. (1921). The Portuguese in India and Arabia between 1507 and 1517”, The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, ( 4) 545-562. E. D. Ross, (1922). The Portuguese in India and Arabia, 1517-38, The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, (1), 1-18. Said E. (1979). “Imaginative Geography and Its Representations: Orientalizing the Oriental.” Orientalism.( pp. 49-72) New York: Vintage. Salem P. E. (1997). Arab Political Currents” in Guazzone L. (ed.) The Middle East in the Global Change. (pp.23-42) London: Macmillan. Spencer C. (2002). “The EU as a Security Actor in the Mediterranean: Problems and Prospects.” The Quarterly Journal 2(2). 135-142. Tayfur M.F. (2001). EUROMESCO Available from on 29.11.2017 Tuathail, G. (1996) Critical Geopolitics: The Politics of Writing Global Space, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press Vaughan V. M. (1994). Othello: A Contextual History. Cambridge: Cambridge UP Vitkus D. (2003). Turning Turk. English Theater and the Multicultural Mediterranean, USA: Palgrave Macmillan. Wright J. K. (1947). “Terra Incognita: The Place of Imagination in Geography”, published in Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 37. Yanık L.K. (2009). Metamorphosis of Metaphors of Vision: ‘Bridging’ Turkey’s Location, Role and Identity. Geopolitics, 14 (3) 531-549. Zaimeche S. (2002). “Piri Reis: A Genius 16th-Century Ottoman Cartographer and Navigator” Available from on 20 October 2017.
Year 2018, Akdeniz Özel Sayısı, 0 - 0, 02.08.2018



  • Agnew J. (1994a). The Territorial Trap: The Geographical Assumptions of International Relations Theory. Review of International Political Economy Taylor & Francis. 1(1) 53-80. Agnew, J. (1998b) Geopolitics: Re-visioning World Politics, London: Routledge. Barcelona Declaration (1995). Adopted at the Euro-Mediterranean Conference, 27-28 November 1995. Available from on 22.11.2017. Bilgin P. (2004). A Return to ‘Civilisational Geopolitics’ in the Mediterranean? Changing Geopolitical Images of the European Union and Turkey in the Post-Cold War Era. Geopolitics 9 (2), 269-291. Bilgin, P. (2012). Turkey’s ‘Geopolitics Dogma’. In S. Guzzini (Ed.), The Return of Geopolitics in Europe? Social Mechanisms and Foreign Policy Identity Crises (Cambridge Studies in International Relations, pp. 151-173). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Bilgin P., Durgun S. & Yeşiltaş M. (2015) Türkiye Dünyanın Neresinde? İstanbul: Koç University Publication. Braudel F. (1972). The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II, (Trans by Sian Reynolds) Vol.2. New York: Harper Collins. Campbell D. (1998). Writing Security. United States Foreign Policy and the Politics of Identity, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press . Cebeci M. & Schumacher T. (2016). “Deconstructing the EU’s Discourse on the Mediterranean”, in MEDRESET Methodology and Concept Papers, No. 2. Available from http://www.medreset. eu/?p=13238 on 12, 12.2017 Cebeci M. & Schumacher T. (2017). “The EU’s Constructions of the Mediterranean (2003–2017)”, in MEDRESET Working Papers, No. 3. Available from: on 13.12.2017 Encyclopedia of Islam (1960) Bearman P.J et al (Eds.) Leiden Brill publications, ( 2) 231. Fontenay, M. (1993). ‘The Mediterranean, 1500–1800: Social and Economic Perspectives’, in Victor Mallia- Milanes (Ed.), Hospitaller Malta, 1530–1798: Studies on Early Modern Malta and the Order of St. John of Jerusalem , Mireva Publications. Güvenç S. & Barlas D. (2010) Turkey in the Mediterranean during the Interwar Era:Tthe Paradox of Middle Power Diplomacy and Minor Power Naval Policy, Bloomington Indiana: Indiana University Press. Fotiadis P. (2008). “The Strange Power of Maps”, School of Sociology, Politics, and International Studies University of Bristol, Working Paper No. 06-09. Fromherz A. (2010). Ibn Khaldun: Life and Times. Edinburg: Edinburg University Press. Gozzi G. (2012). “Prospects of Cooperation and Processes of Democratization in the Mediterranean”, in Gustavo Gozzi (Ed.). The Future of the Euro-Mediterranean Relationships. Bologna: il Mulino. Görgülü A. & Dark G. (2017). Turkey, The EU and The Mediterranean, in MEDRESET Working Paper No:7. Gregory D. (1994) Geographical Imaginations. USA: Wiley. Harley J. B. (1988) “Maps, Knowledge, and Power,” in Cosgrove D. and Daniels, S. (Eds.) The Iconography of Landscape (pp. 277-312) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Hess, A. C. (1969). The Evolution of the Ottoman Seaborne Empire in the Age of Oceanic Discoveries, 1453-1525. The American Historical Review, 75 (7) 1892-1919. Hentch T. (1992). Imagining the Middle East. Canada: Black Rose Books. Holm, U. (2004). The EU’s Security Policy towards the Mediterranean: An (Im) Possible Combination of Export of European Political Values and Anti-Terror Measures? DIIS Working Paper No. 2004/13, Danish Institute for International Affairs, Copenhagen. Jawad H. (1992). Euro-Arab Dialogue. Reading: Ithaca. Kadıoğlu M. (2016). Türk Denizcilik Tarihi. İstanbul: Derleme Yayınevi. Kant I. (1801). Physische Geographie. Mainz: G. Vollmer. Kolluoğlu B. & Toksöz M. (2010). (Eds.) Cities of the Mediterranean: From the Ottomans to the Present Day. New York: I. B. Tauris. Richards P. (1974). Kant’s Geography and Mental Maps, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, No. 61( 1-16). Kumrular Ö. (2009). “The creation of the Image of the Turk in 16th Century Mediterranean”, Jezernik B. (Ed.) Imagining The Turk. (pp. 27-46) Cambridge: Cambridge Scholar Publishing. Laurence Publicover (2017). Dramatic Geography, Oxford University Press. Lefebvre H. (1974, 1984). The Production of Space (Trans. Smith D. N). Oxford: Blackwell. Lesser I.O. (2016). “The Eastern Meditereanean Vortex”. Turkish Policy Quarterly, 15(1). 25-31. Longworth M. D. (1921), “The Portuguese and Turks in the Indian Ocean in the 16th century”, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, (1) 1-28. Makdisi U. (2002). Ottoman Orientalism, The American Historical Review, 107(3), 768–96 Malmvig H, (2004). Cooperation or Democratisation? The EU’S conflicting Mediterranean security discourses. DIIS Working Paper, No. 2004. Massey D. (2006). ‘The geographical mind’ in Balderston, D. (ed) Secondary Geography Handbook. (pp. 46- 51)Sheffield: Geographical Association. Neumann I. (1996). Russia and the Idea of the Europe: A Study in Identity and International Relations. London: Routledge. Neumann I. (1999). The Uses of the Other. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press Nielsen N. (2013) “EU border agency keen to expand Mediterranean Sea surveillance” Brussels, 19. Mar 2013 , Available from on 30.11.2017 Öner S.G.I. (2013). Turkey’s Refugee Regime Stretched to the Limit? Perceptions 18 (3) 191-228. Publicover L., (2017) Dramatic Geography, Oxford : Oxford University Press. Ricci G. (2002) Ossessione turca. In una retrovia cristiana dell’Europa moderna., Il Mulino: Biblioteca storica. Ross E. D. (1921). The Portuguese in India and Arabia between 1507 and 1517”, The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, ( 4) 545-562. E. D. Ross, (1922). The Portuguese in India and Arabia, 1517-38, The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, (1), 1-18. Said E. (1979). “Imaginative Geography and Its Representations: Orientalizing the Oriental.” Orientalism.( pp. 49-72) New York: Vintage. Salem P. E. (1997). Arab Political Currents” in Guazzone L. (ed.) The Middle East in the Global Change. (pp.23-42) London: Macmillan. Spencer C. (2002). “The EU as a Security Actor in the Mediterranean: Problems and Prospects.” The Quarterly Journal 2(2). 135-142. Tayfur M.F. (2001). EUROMESCO Available from on 29.11.2017 Tuathail, G. (1996) Critical Geopolitics: The Politics of Writing Global Space, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press Vaughan V. M. (1994). Othello: A Contextual History. Cambridge: Cambridge UP Vitkus D. (2003). Turning Turk. English Theater and the Multicultural Mediterranean, USA: Palgrave Macmillan. Wright J. K. (1947). “Terra Incognita: The Place of Imagination in Geography”, published in Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 37. Yanık L.K. (2009). Metamorphosis of Metaphors of Vision: ‘Bridging’ Turkey’s Location, Role and Identity. Geopolitics, 14 (3) 531-549. Zaimeche S. (2002). “Piri Reis: A Genius 16th-Century Ottoman Cartographer and Navigator” Available from on 20 October 2017.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section International Journal of Political Science & Urban Studies

Sezgi Durgun Özkan This is me

Publication Date August 2, 2018
Submission Date October 27, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018 Akdeniz Özel Sayısı


APA Durgun Özkan, S. (2018). Geographical Imaginations of the Mediterranean Along Dichotomies of East-West/North-South. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies, 6.
AMA Durgun Özkan S. Geographical Imaginations of the Mediterranean Along Dichotomies of East-West/North-South. IPSUS. August 2018;6.
Chicago Durgun Özkan, Sezgi. “Geographical Imaginations of the Mediterranean Along Dichotomies of East-West/North-South”. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies 6, August (August 2018).
EndNote Durgun Özkan S (August 1, 2018) Geographical Imaginations of the Mediterranean Along Dichotomies of East-West/North-South. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies 6
IEEE S. Durgun Özkan, “Geographical Imaginations of the Mediterranean Along Dichotomies of East-West/North-South”, IPSUS, vol. 6, 2018.
ISNAD Durgun Özkan, Sezgi. “Geographical Imaginations of the Mediterranean Along Dichotomies of East-West/North-South”. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies 6 (August 2018).
JAMA Durgun Özkan S. Geographical Imaginations of the Mediterranean Along Dichotomies of East-West/North-South. IPSUS. 2018;6.
MLA Durgun Özkan, Sezgi. “Geographical Imaginations of the Mediterranean Along Dichotomies of East-West/North-South”. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies, vol. 6, 2018.
Vancouver Durgun Özkan S. Geographical Imaginations of the Mediterranean Along Dichotomies of East-West/North-South. IPSUS. 2018;6.