Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 55 - 66, 27.03.2019



  • Vuksanović-Anić D. (2014) Stvaranje modern srpske vojske [The Creation of Modenr Serbian Army], Belgrade: SKZ, Vojnoizdavački i novinski centar. Rajić S. (2014) Aleksandar Obrenović-vladar na prelazu vekova: sukobljeni svetovi [Alexander Obrenović – Ruler between the Centures: Conflicting Worlds],Belgrade: SKZ. Schmidt, B, Schröder, I. (2003) Anthropology of violence and conflict, London, New York: Routledge. Šikoparija, V. (2014) Secanja srpskog oficira 1900-1918 [Memories of a Serbian Officer 1900–1918] edited by Nikolić K. Belgrade: Zavod za uzdbenike. Skoko, S, Opačić P. (1974) Vojvoda Stepa Stepanović u ratovima Srbije 1876–1918, [Field Marchal Stepa Stepanovic in Wars of 1876–1918], Belgrade: BIGZ. Ćorović, V. (1996) Istorija srpskog naroda [History of the Serbian People], III, Belgrade, Banja Luka: Glas srpski; Age d’Homme. Pavlović, M. (1991) Kralj AleksandarI Karadjordjević u ratu i miru [King Alexander I Karadjordjević, in war and peace], edited by Dimitrijević K, Belgrade: Narodna knjiga. Novaković, S. (2004), Vaskrs države srpske [The Resurrection of the Serbian state], Novi Sad: Pravoslavna reč. Stojančević, V. (2004) “Stojan Novaković i njegovo delo Vaskrs državne srpske 1804–1813”, Vaskrs države srpske [The Resurrection of the Serbian state], Novi Sad: Pravoslavna reč: 264-274. Sugar, F. P. “Eternal and Domestic Roots of Eastern European Nationalism” in Nationalism, edited by Hutchinson, J, Smith, D, A, Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press: 171-177. Šemjakin, L. A. (2013) “Leon Trocky’s Writings on Serbia and Serbs during the Balkan Wars (1912–1913), in Balkanski ratovi 1912–1913. Nova viđenja i tumačenja [The Balkan WARS 1912/1913: New Views and Interpretations] edited by Rudić, S, Milkić M, Belgrade: Strategic Research Institute, The Institute of History: 125-129. Pavlović, K. S. (2004) Istorija Balkana 1804–1945 [History of the Balkans 1804–1945], Belgrade: Clio. Pintar, M. O. (2014) Arheologija sećanja. Spomenici i identity u Srbiji 1918–1989 [Archeology of Memory. Monuments and Indetities in Serbia 1918–1989], Beograd: Udruženje za društvenu istoriju, Čigoja. MacKenzie, D. (1989) Apis the congenial conspirator : the life of colonel Dragutin T. Dimitrijević, New York : Columbia University Press. Šarenac, D. (2014) Top, vojnik i sećanje. Srbija i Prvi svetski rat 1914–2009 [Cannon, soldier and memory. Serbia and the First World War 1914–2009], Belgrade: ISI Milićević, M. (2002) Reforme vojske Srbije 1897–1900 [Reform of the Serbian Military], Belgrade: Vojnoizdavački zavod. Tasin dnevnik (1870–1906). Zapisi Tase Milenkovića “prvog srpskog policajca” [Tasa’s Journal (1870- 1906). Notes of Tasa Milenkovic “the first Serbian policeman”], edited by Živojin Aleksić, Vukolić: Belgrade 1991. Lilić, B. (1998) Memoari srpskih ratnika 1912–1918 [Memories of the Serbian Warriors 1912–1918], Belgrade: ISI. Dinić, M. D. (2014) Prvi put kroz Albaniju sa šumadijskim albanskim odredom 1912 [First time thru Albania with the Šumadija Detachment in 1912], Kraljevo: Društvo istoricara raškog okruga. Држани календар Краљевине Србије за 1905. годину [State calendar of the Kingdom of Serbia for 1905], Belgrade 1905: p. 203. Mihaljčić, R. (1989) The battle of Kosovo in history and popular tradition, Belgrade: Bigz. Popov, Č. (1994) “Od Berlinskog kongresa do Ujedinjenja 1878–1918” [Since the Congress of Berlin until the Unification 1878–1918], in Istorija srpskog naroda [History of the Serbian People], VI, Belgrade: SKZ: 7-50. Srbi 1903-1914 istorija ideja [The Serbs 1903–1914 History of Ideas], edited by Ković, M. (2015) Belgrade: Clio. Press articles: Stanoje Stanojevic, “ Autonomija Stare Srbije” [Autonomy of Old Serbia], Politika, 7. 9. 1912, 1. “Mačem za slobodu” [With Sword for Freedom], Politika, 25. 9. 1912, 1. P. “Iz zemlje nasilja. Kako zivi nas narod u Sandzaku” [From the Land of Violance. How does our People live in Sandžak], Politika, 4. 9. 1912, 1. K. “Ubistva na Kosovu” [Murders at Kosovo], Politika, 10.9. 1912. 1. “Nesib Olsun!”, Politika, 9.9. 1912, 1. “Mucni dani” [Difficult Days],Politika, 12.9. 1912, 1. “Adresa srpske javnosti” [The Letter of the Serbian Public], Politika, 24. 09.1912, 1. “Odgovor Turskoj” [Response to Turkey], Politika,18.9.1912, 1.

“The Final Push Against the Eternal Enemy” The Serbian Preparations for the First Balkan War

Year 2019, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 55 - 66, 27.03.2019


The Ottoman Empire played an important role in the formation of the Serbian nationalism. It was

perceived as an archenemy that had to be pushed away from the Balkans. The paper explores the

Serbian preparations for the potential conflict with the Ottoman Empire at the end of the XIX century.

From 1878 to1912 Serbian state invested huge resources in its military in order to be prepared for

exploiting any favorable opportunity for penetrating into the “Serbian historical lands” –Kosovo and

Macedonia. Apart from the army, the preparatory work encompassed all the aspects of social life

such as education, art or public discourse. Decades of meticulous work brought results in October

of 1912 when Serbia’s citizens responded in formidable numbers to the mobilization call. However,

Serbian war preparations were too focused on defeating the Ottoman troops which was linked with

troublesome history of the Serb-Turkish relations during the entire XIX century. Problems of postwar

organization of the new territories were hardly tackled in detail. Moreover, the Serbian national project

was too narrow for encompassing diverse ethnical and religious communities which lived in the former

Ottoman possessions in the Balkans.


  • Vuksanović-Anić D. (2014) Stvaranje modern srpske vojske [The Creation of Modenr Serbian Army], Belgrade: SKZ, Vojnoizdavački i novinski centar. Rajić S. (2014) Aleksandar Obrenović-vladar na prelazu vekova: sukobljeni svetovi [Alexander Obrenović – Ruler between the Centures: Conflicting Worlds],Belgrade: SKZ. Schmidt, B, Schröder, I. (2003) Anthropology of violence and conflict, London, New York: Routledge. Šikoparija, V. (2014) Secanja srpskog oficira 1900-1918 [Memories of a Serbian Officer 1900–1918] edited by Nikolić K. Belgrade: Zavod za uzdbenike. Skoko, S, Opačić P. (1974) Vojvoda Stepa Stepanović u ratovima Srbije 1876–1918, [Field Marchal Stepa Stepanovic in Wars of 1876–1918], Belgrade: BIGZ. Ćorović, V. (1996) Istorija srpskog naroda [History of the Serbian People], III, Belgrade, Banja Luka: Glas srpski; Age d’Homme. Pavlović, M. (1991) Kralj AleksandarI Karadjordjević u ratu i miru [King Alexander I Karadjordjević, in war and peace], edited by Dimitrijević K, Belgrade: Narodna knjiga. Novaković, S. (2004), Vaskrs države srpske [The Resurrection of the Serbian state], Novi Sad: Pravoslavna reč. Stojančević, V. (2004) “Stojan Novaković i njegovo delo Vaskrs državne srpske 1804–1813”, Vaskrs države srpske [The Resurrection of the Serbian state], Novi Sad: Pravoslavna reč: 264-274. Sugar, F. P. “Eternal and Domestic Roots of Eastern European Nationalism” in Nationalism, edited by Hutchinson, J, Smith, D, A, Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press: 171-177. Šemjakin, L. A. (2013) “Leon Trocky’s Writings on Serbia and Serbs during the Balkan Wars (1912–1913), in Balkanski ratovi 1912–1913. Nova viđenja i tumačenja [The Balkan WARS 1912/1913: New Views and Interpretations] edited by Rudić, S, Milkić M, Belgrade: Strategic Research Institute, The Institute of History: 125-129. Pavlović, K. S. (2004) Istorija Balkana 1804–1945 [History of the Balkans 1804–1945], Belgrade: Clio. Pintar, M. O. (2014) Arheologija sećanja. Spomenici i identity u Srbiji 1918–1989 [Archeology of Memory. Monuments and Indetities in Serbia 1918–1989], Beograd: Udruženje za društvenu istoriju, Čigoja. MacKenzie, D. (1989) Apis the congenial conspirator : the life of colonel Dragutin T. Dimitrijević, New York : Columbia University Press. Šarenac, D. (2014) Top, vojnik i sećanje. Srbija i Prvi svetski rat 1914–2009 [Cannon, soldier and memory. Serbia and the First World War 1914–2009], Belgrade: ISI Milićević, M. (2002) Reforme vojske Srbije 1897–1900 [Reform of the Serbian Military], Belgrade: Vojnoizdavački zavod. Tasin dnevnik (1870–1906). Zapisi Tase Milenkovića “prvog srpskog policajca” [Tasa’s Journal (1870- 1906). Notes of Tasa Milenkovic “the first Serbian policeman”], edited by Živojin Aleksić, Vukolić: Belgrade 1991. Lilić, B. (1998) Memoari srpskih ratnika 1912–1918 [Memories of the Serbian Warriors 1912–1918], Belgrade: ISI. Dinić, M. D. (2014) Prvi put kroz Albaniju sa šumadijskim albanskim odredom 1912 [First time thru Albania with the Šumadija Detachment in 1912], Kraljevo: Društvo istoricara raškog okruga. Држани календар Краљевине Србије за 1905. годину [State calendar of the Kingdom of Serbia for 1905], Belgrade 1905: p. 203. Mihaljčić, R. (1989) The battle of Kosovo in history and popular tradition, Belgrade: Bigz. Popov, Č. (1994) “Od Berlinskog kongresa do Ujedinjenja 1878–1918” [Since the Congress of Berlin until the Unification 1878–1918], in Istorija srpskog naroda [History of the Serbian People], VI, Belgrade: SKZ: 7-50. Srbi 1903-1914 istorija ideja [The Serbs 1903–1914 History of Ideas], edited by Ković, M. (2015) Belgrade: Clio. Press articles: Stanoje Stanojevic, “ Autonomija Stare Srbije” [Autonomy of Old Serbia], Politika, 7. 9. 1912, 1. “Mačem za slobodu” [With Sword for Freedom], Politika, 25. 9. 1912, 1. P. “Iz zemlje nasilja. Kako zivi nas narod u Sandzaku” [From the Land of Violance. How does our People live in Sandžak], Politika, 4. 9. 1912, 1. K. “Ubistva na Kosovu” [Murders at Kosovo], Politika, 10.9. 1912. 1. “Nesib Olsun!”, Politika, 9.9. 1912, 1. “Mucni dani” [Difficult Days],Politika, 12.9. 1912, 1. “Adresa srpske javnosti” [The Letter of the Serbian Public], Politika, 24. 09.1912, 1. “Odgovor Turskoj” [Response to Turkey], Politika,18.9.1912, 1.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section International Journal of Political Science & Urban Studies

Danilo Sarenac This is me

Publication Date March 27, 2019
Submission Date March 18, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Sarenac, D. (2019). “The Final Push Against the Eternal Enemy” The Serbian Preparations for the First Balkan War. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies, 7(1), 55-66.
AMA Sarenac D. “The Final Push Against the Eternal Enemy” The Serbian Preparations for the First Balkan War. IPSUS. March 2019;7(1):55-66. doi:10.14782/ipsus.539391
Chicago Sarenac, Danilo. “‘The Final Push Against the Eternal Enemy’ The Serbian Preparations for the First Balkan War”. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies 7, no. 1 (March 2019): 55-66.
EndNote Sarenac D (March 1, 2019) “The Final Push Against the Eternal Enemy” The Serbian Preparations for the First Balkan War. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies 7 1 55–66.
IEEE D. Sarenac, “‘The Final Push Against the Eternal Enemy’ The Serbian Preparations for the First Balkan War”, IPSUS, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 55–66, 2019, doi: 10.14782/ipsus.539391.
ISNAD Sarenac, Danilo. “‘The Final Push Against the Eternal Enemy’ The Serbian Preparations for the First Balkan War”. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies 7/1 (March 2019), 55-66.
JAMA Sarenac D. “The Final Push Against the Eternal Enemy” The Serbian Preparations for the First Balkan War. IPSUS. 2019;7:55–66.
MLA Sarenac, Danilo. “‘The Final Push Against the Eternal Enemy’ The Serbian Preparations for the First Balkan War”. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies, vol. 7, no. 1, 2019, pp. 55-66, doi:10.14782/ipsus.539391.
Vancouver Sarenac D. “The Final Push Against the Eternal Enemy” The Serbian Preparations for the First Balkan War. IPSUS. 2019;7(1):55-66.