Research Article
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The Relationship between the State and Civil Society Organizations, and Participation in Civil Society Organizations in Turkey

Year 2019, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 405 - 427, 29.09.2019


Previous research demonstrated that there is a positive relationship between democracy and

membership in civil society organizations. Turkey is considered to be a country where membership

in civil society organizations is low. Relying on the literature on the factors effecting the participation

in civil society organizations and the history of the relationship between civil society organizations

and the Turkish state, this article aims to investigate the factors behind low civil society organization

membership in Turkey. To this end, this article benefited from a nation-wide survey conducted in 2015.

Analysis showed that people in Turkey do not consider strong civil society as an important dimension

of democracy. In addition, analysis revealed that a large number of people in Turkey think that: civil

society organizations in Turkey are not independent from the state; the state does not see civil society

as a partner in policy-making; and people are afraid of being a member of civil society organizations.

This article concluded that the problematic history between civil society organizations and the Turkish

state is a major reason why people in Turkey hold negative views about civil society organizations, and

therefore avoid membership in these organizations.


  • Atalay, Z. (2019). Partners in patriarchy: Faith-based organizations and neoliberalism in Turkey. Critical Sociology, 45(3), 431-445. Alexander, J. C. (2006). The civil sphere. New York: Oxford University Press. Altan-Olcay, O., & Icduygu, A. (2012). Mapping civil Society in the Middle East: The cases of Egypt, Lebanon and Turkey. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 39(2), 157-179. Andersen, R., Curtis, J., & Grabb, E. (2006). Trends in civic association activity in four democracies: The special case of women in the United States. American Sociological Review, 71(3), 376-400. Anheier, H. K. 2004. Civil society: Measurement, evaluation, policy. London: Earthscan. Bayramoğlu, A. (2001). 28 Şubat/ Bir müdahalenin güncesi. Istanbul: Birey Yayınları. Baynes, K. (2002). A critical theory perspective on civil society and the state. Nancy L. Rosenblum ve Robert C. Post (Ed.), Civil society and government (ss. 123-145). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Bekkers, R. (2005). Participation in voluntary associations: Relations with resources, personality, and political values. Political Psychology, 26(3), 439-454. Berman, S. (2001). Civil society and political Institutionalization. Bob Edwards, Michael W. Foley, ve Mario Diani (Ed.), Beyond Tocqueville: Civil society and the social capital debate in comparative perspective (ss.32-42). London: University Press of New England. Bernhard, M. (1993). Civil society and democratic transition in East Central Europe. Political Science Quarterly, 108(2), 307-326. Bernhard, M., & Karakoç, E. (2007). Civil society and the legacies of dictatorship. World Politics, 59(49), 539-567. Brehm, J., & Rahn, W. (1997). Individual-level evidence for the causes and consequences of social capital. American Journal of Political Science, 41(3), 999-1023. Ciftci, S., & Bernick, E. M. (2015). Utilitarian and modern: Clientelism, citizen empowerment, and civic engagement in the Arab world. Democratization, 22(7), 1161-1182. Cohen, J., & Arato, A. (1992). Civil society and political theory. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Cohen, J., & Rogers, J. (1992). Secondary associations and democratic governance. Politics and Society, 20, 393-472. Coleman, J. (1990). Foundations of social theory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Curtis, J. E., & Baer, D. E., & Grabb, E. G. (2001). Explaining voluntary association membership in democratic societies. American Sociological Review, 66(6), 783-805. Caha, O. (2000). Civil society in Western Europe and Ottoman Empire: a comparative perspective. http// adresinden edinilmiştir. Chandhoke, N. (2003). The ‘civil’ and the ‘political’ in civil society. C. M. Elliott (Ed.), Civil society and democracy: A reader (ss. 238 – 262). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Çarkoğlu, A., & Aytaç, S.E. (2016). Türkiye’de bireysel bağışçılık ve hayırseverlik. İstanbul: TÜSEV Yayınları. Danış, D., & Nazlı, D. (2019). A faithful alliance between the civil society and the state: Actors and mechanisms of accommodating Syrian refugees in Istanbul. International Migration, 57(2), 143-157. De Tocqueville, A. (1988). Democracy in America. New York: Harper and Row. Diamond, L. (1994). Rethinking civil society: Toward democratic consolidation. Journal of Democracy, 5(3), 4-17. Dodge, J. (2015). The deliberative potential of civil society organizations: Framing hydraulic fracturing in New York. Policy Studies, 36 (3), 249-266. Doyle, J. L. (2016). Civil society as ideology in the Middle East: A critical perspective. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 43(3), 403-422. Doyle, J.L. (2017). State control of civil society organizations: The case of Turkey. Democratization, 24(2), 244-264. Doyle, J.L. (2018). Government co-option of civil society: Exploring the AKP’s role within Turkish women’s CSOs. Democratization, 25(3), 445-463. Dünya Değerler Anketi. (2016). WVS 2016: Turkey. WVSDocumentationWV6.jsp?COUNTRY=875 adresinden edinilmiştir. Edwards, M. (2004). Civil society. Cambridge: Polity. Edwards, B. & Foley, M. W. (2001). Civil society and social capital. Bob Edwards, Michael W. Foley ve Mario Dini (Ed.), Beyond Tocqueville: civil society and the social capital debate in comparative perspective (s. 1-14). London: University Press of New England. Elias, N. (1994). The civilizing process. Oxford: Blackwell. Elliott, C. M. (2003). Civil society and democracy: a comparative review essay. Carolyn M. Elliott (Ed.), Civil society and democracy: a reader (s. 1-39). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Erdoğan, E. & Uyan-Semerci, P. (2017). Understanding young citizens’ political participation in Turkey: Does ‘being young’ matter?. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 17(1), 57-75. Foa, R.S. & Ekiert, G. (2017). The weakness of post-communist civil society re-assessed. European Journal of Political Research, 56(2), 419-439. Fine, R. (1997). Civil society theory, Enlightenment and critique. Robert Fine ve Shirin Rai (Ed.), Civil society: Democratic perspective (ss. 7-28). Londra: Frank Cass & Co. Ltd. Fishman, R. M. (2017). How civil society matters in democratization: Setting the boundaries of posttransition political inclusion. Comparative Politics, 49(3), 391-409. Freitag, M. (2006). Bowling the state back in: Political institutions and the creation of social capital. European Journal of Political Research, 45(1), 123–152. Gellner, E. (1994). Conditions of liberty: Civil society and its rivals. New York, NY: Penguin Books. Gole. N. (1996). “Authoritarian secularism and Islamist politics: the case of Turkey.” Augustus Richard Norton (Ed.), Civil society in the Middle East (s. 17-44). Leiden: E.J. Brill. Gole, N. (1994). “Toward an autonomization of politics and civil society in Turkey.” Metin Heper ve Ahmet Evin (Ed.), Politics in the third Turkish Republic (s. 213-222). Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Goodhart, M. (2005). Civil Society and the Problem of Global Democracy. Democratization, 12(1), 1-21. Gramsci, A. (1971). Selections of the prison. London: Lawrence and Wishart. Grillo, M.C., Teixeira, M. A., & Wilson, D. C. (2010). Residential satisfaction and civic engagement: Understanding the causes of community participation. Social Indicators Research, 97(3), 451-466. Habermas, J. (1991) The structural transformation of public sphere: An inquiry into the category of bourgeois society. Cambridge: MIT Press. Hawthorne, A. (2004). Middle Eastern democracy: Is civil society the answer. Carnegie Papers: Middle East Series, 44, 3–24. Heper, M. (1991). The state, religion and pluralism: The turkish case in comparative perspective. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 18(1), 38-51. Ibrahim, S. E. (1996). “Civil Society and Prospects of Democratization in the Arab World.” Augustus Richard Norton (Ed.), Civil Society in the Middle East (s. 27-54). Leiden: E.J.Brill Inglerhart, R. (1977). The silent revolution: Changing values and political styles among western publics. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Inglehart, R., & Baker, W.E. (2000). Modernization, cultural change, and the persistence of traditional values. American Sociological Review, 65(1), 19-51. Janoski, T. (1998). Citizenship and civil society: A framework of rights and obligations in liberal, traditional, and social democratic regimes. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. Jensen, J., & Miszlivetz, F. (2006). The second Renaissance of civil society in East Central Europe – and in the European Union. Peter Wagner (Ed.), The Languages of Civil Society (ss. 131-158). New York: Berghahn Books. Kalaycioglu, E. (2002). “State and civil society in Turkey: democracy, development, and protest.” Amyn B. Sajoo (Ed.), Civil society in the Muslim world: contemporary perspectives (s. 247-272). London: I. B. Tauris. Kaplangil, D. (2010). Küreselleşme sürecinde Türkiye’de sivil toplum ve demokratikleşme (Civil Society and Democratization in Turkey in the Process of Globalization). Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi: Marmara Üniversitesi. Keyman, F. (2006). Türkiye’de sivil toplumun serüveni: İmkansizliklar içinde bir vaha. Ankara: Sivil Toplum Gelistirme Merkezi. Keyman, F., & Onis, Z. (2007). Turkish politics in a changing world; global dynamics and domestic transformations. Istanbul: Istanbul Bilgi University Press. Kumar, K. (1993). Civil society: An inquiry inti the usefulness of a historical term. The British Journal of Sociology, 44(3), 375-395. Lam, P. (2006). Religion and civic culture: A cross-national study of voluntary association membership. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45(2), 177-193. Lancee, B., & Van de Werfhorst, H.G. (2012). Income inequality and participation: A comparison of 24 European countries. Social Science Research, 41, 1166-1178. Mardin, Ş. (1969). Power, civil society and culture in the Ottoman Empire. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 11(3), 258-281. Mardin, Ş. (2002). Türk toplumunu inceleme aracı olarak “sivil toplum”. M. Türköne ve T. Önder (Ed.), Türkiye’de toplum ve siyaset içinde (ss. 21-34). İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları. Muller, K. B. (2006). The civil society–state relationship in contemporary discourse: A complementary sccount from Giddens’ perspective. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 8, 311–330. Navaro-Yashin, Y. (1998). Uses and abuses of ‘state and society.’ in contemporary Turkey. New Perspectives on Turkey, 18, 1-22. Oxhorn, P. (2007). Civil society without a state? Transnational civil society and the challenge of democracy in a globalizing world. World Futures, 63, 324-339. Özler, Ş. İ., & Sarkissian, A. (2011). Stalemate and stagnation in Turkish democratization: The role of civil society and political parties. Journal of Civil Society, 7(4), 363-384. Paxton, P. (2002). Social capital and democracy: An interdependent relationship. American Sociological Review, 62(2), 254-277. Paxton, P., Kunovich, S., & Hughes, M. H. (2007). Gender in politics. Annual Review of Sociology 33, 263– 284. Perez-Diaz, V. (1993). The return of civil society: The emergence of democratic Spain. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Putnam, R., Leonardi, R., & Nanetti, R.Y. (1993). Making democracy work: Civic traditions in modern Italy. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Putnam, R. (1995). Bowling alone: America’s declining social capital. Journal of Democracy, 6, 65-78. Putnam, R. (2000). Bowling alone: The collapse and revival of American community. New York: Simon & Schuster. Rawls, J. (1972). Theory of justice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ruiter, S. (2008). Association in context and association as context: Causes and consequences of voluntary association involvement. Nijmegen: ICS. Sarkissian, A., & Özler, Ş. İ. (2013). 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Türkiye’de Devlet-Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları İlişkisi ve Sivil Toplum Kuruluşlarına Katılım

Year 2019, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 405 - 427, 29.09.2019


Yapılan araştırmalar, sivil toplum kuruluşlarına katılımın demokrasi üstünde olumlu bir etkisi

olduğunu göstermiştir. Ancak Türkiye’de sivil toplum kuruluşlarına üyelik düşüktür. Bu çalışma,

Türkiye’de devlet ile sivil toplum kuruluşları arasındaki ilişkinin tarihine ve sivil toplum kuruluşlarına

katılımı etkileyen faktörleri inceleyen literatüre dayanarak Türkiye’de sivil toplum kuruluşlarına

üyeliğin düşük olmasının nedenlerini araştırmayı hedeflemektedir. Bu doğrultuda bu çalışmada, 2015

senesinde Türkiye nüfusunu temsil eden bir örneklem ile gerçekleştirilmiş ulusal bir anket çalışması

kullanılmıştır. Yapılan analizler, Türkiye’de kişilerin sivil toplum kuruluşlarını demokrasinin önemli

öğesi olarak görmediğine işaret etmiştir. Ayrıca, devletin sivil toplum kuruluşlarını dikkate alması,

sivil toplum kuruluşlarının devletten bağımsız hareket etmesi ve vatandaşların çekinmeden sivil

kuruluşlarına üye olması gibi konularda katılımcıların büyük bir kısmının olumsuz düşüncelere sahip

olduğu bulunmuştur. Bu çalışma, Türkiye’de sivil toplum ve devlet ilişkilerinin problemli tarihinin

kişilerin sivil toplum kuruluşlarına karşı bu olumsuz yargılara sahip olmalarına ve dolayısıyla sivil

toplum kuruluşlarına üyelikten kaçınmalarına neden olduğu sonuca varmıştır.


  • Atalay, Z. (2019). Partners in patriarchy: Faith-based organizations and neoliberalism in Turkey. Critical Sociology, 45(3), 431-445. Alexander, J. C. (2006). The civil sphere. New York: Oxford University Press. Altan-Olcay, O., & Icduygu, A. (2012). Mapping civil Society in the Middle East: The cases of Egypt, Lebanon and Turkey. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 39(2), 157-179. Andersen, R., Curtis, J., & Grabb, E. (2006). Trends in civic association activity in four democracies: The special case of women in the United States. American Sociological Review, 71(3), 376-400. Anheier, H. K. 2004. Civil society: Measurement, evaluation, policy. London: Earthscan. Bayramoğlu, A. (2001). 28 Şubat/ Bir müdahalenin güncesi. Istanbul: Birey Yayınları. Baynes, K. (2002). A critical theory perspective on civil society and the state. Nancy L. Rosenblum ve Robert C. Post (Ed.), Civil society and government (ss. 123-145). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Bekkers, R. (2005). Participation in voluntary associations: Relations with resources, personality, and political values. Political Psychology, 26(3), 439-454. Berman, S. (2001). Civil society and political Institutionalization. Bob Edwards, Michael W. Foley, ve Mario Diani (Ed.), Beyond Tocqueville: Civil society and the social capital debate in comparative perspective (ss.32-42). London: University Press of New England. Bernhard, M. (1993). Civil society and democratic transition in East Central Europe. Political Science Quarterly, 108(2), 307-326. Bernhard, M., & Karakoç, E. (2007). Civil society and the legacies of dictatorship. World Politics, 59(49), 539-567. Brehm, J., & Rahn, W. (1997). Individual-level evidence for the causes and consequences of social capital. American Journal of Political Science, 41(3), 999-1023. Ciftci, S., & Bernick, E. M. (2015). Utilitarian and modern: Clientelism, citizen empowerment, and civic engagement in the Arab world. Democratization, 22(7), 1161-1182. Cohen, J., & Arato, A. (1992). Civil society and political theory. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Cohen, J., & Rogers, J. (1992). Secondary associations and democratic governance. Politics and Society, 20, 393-472. Coleman, J. (1990). Foundations of social theory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Curtis, J. E., & Baer, D. E., & Grabb, E. G. (2001). Explaining voluntary association membership in democratic societies. American Sociological Review, 66(6), 783-805. Caha, O. (2000). Civil society in Western Europe and Ottoman Empire: a comparative perspective. http// adresinden edinilmiştir. Chandhoke, N. (2003). The ‘civil’ and the ‘political’ in civil society. C. M. Elliott (Ed.), Civil society and democracy: A reader (ss. 238 – 262). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Çarkoğlu, A., & Aytaç, S.E. (2016). Türkiye’de bireysel bağışçılık ve hayırseverlik. İstanbul: TÜSEV Yayınları. Danış, D., & Nazlı, D. (2019). A faithful alliance between the civil society and the state: Actors and mechanisms of accommodating Syrian refugees in Istanbul. International Migration, 57(2), 143-157. De Tocqueville, A. (1988). Democracy in America. New York: Harper and Row. Diamond, L. (1994). Rethinking civil society: Toward democratic consolidation. Journal of Democracy, 5(3), 4-17. Dodge, J. (2015). The deliberative potential of civil society organizations: Framing hydraulic fracturing in New York. Policy Studies, 36 (3), 249-266. Doyle, J. L. (2016). Civil society as ideology in the Middle East: A critical perspective. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 43(3), 403-422. Doyle, J.L. (2017). State control of civil society organizations: The case of Turkey. Democratization, 24(2), 244-264. Doyle, J.L. (2018). Government co-option of civil society: Exploring the AKP’s role within Turkish women’s CSOs. Democratization, 25(3), 445-463. Dünya Değerler Anketi. (2016). WVS 2016: Turkey. WVSDocumentationWV6.jsp?COUNTRY=875 adresinden edinilmiştir. Edwards, M. (2004). Civil society. Cambridge: Polity. Edwards, B. & Foley, M. W. (2001). Civil society and social capital. Bob Edwards, Michael W. Foley ve Mario Dini (Ed.), Beyond Tocqueville: civil society and the social capital debate in comparative perspective (s. 1-14). London: University Press of New England. Elias, N. (1994). The civilizing process. Oxford: Blackwell. Elliott, C. M. (2003). Civil society and democracy: a comparative review essay. Carolyn M. Elliott (Ed.), Civil society and democracy: a reader (s. 1-39). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Erdoğan, E. & Uyan-Semerci, P. (2017). Understanding young citizens’ political participation in Turkey: Does ‘being young’ matter?. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 17(1), 57-75. Foa, R.S. & Ekiert, G. (2017). The weakness of post-communist civil society re-assessed. European Journal of Political Research, 56(2), 419-439. Fine, R. (1997). Civil society theory, Enlightenment and critique. Robert Fine ve Shirin Rai (Ed.), Civil society: Democratic perspective (ss. 7-28). Londra: Frank Cass & Co. Ltd. Fishman, R. M. (2017). How civil society matters in democratization: Setting the boundaries of posttransition political inclusion. Comparative Politics, 49(3), 391-409. Freitag, M. (2006). Bowling the state back in: Political institutions and the creation of social capital. European Journal of Political Research, 45(1), 123–152. Gellner, E. (1994). Conditions of liberty: Civil society and its rivals. New York, NY: Penguin Books. Gole. N. (1996). “Authoritarian secularism and Islamist politics: the case of Turkey.” Augustus Richard Norton (Ed.), Civil society in the Middle East (s. 17-44). Leiden: E.J. Brill. Gole, N. (1994). “Toward an autonomization of politics and civil society in Turkey.” Metin Heper ve Ahmet Evin (Ed.), Politics in the third Turkish Republic (s. 213-222). Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Goodhart, M. (2005). Civil Society and the Problem of Global Democracy. Democratization, 12(1), 1-21. Gramsci, A. (1971). Selections of the prison. London: Lawrence and Wishart. Grillo, M.C., Teixeira, M. A., & Wilson, D. C. (2010). Residential satisfaction and civic engagement: Understanding the causes of community participation. Social Indicators Research, 97(3), 451-466. Habermas, J. (1991) The structural transformation of public sphere: An inquiry into the category of bourgeois society. Cambridge: MIT Press. Hawthorne, A. (2004). Middle Eastern democracy: Is civil society the answer. Carnegie Papers: Middle East Series, 44, 3–24. Heper, M. (1991). The state, religion and pluralism: The turkish case in comparative perspective. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 18(1), 38-51. Ibrahim, S. E. (1996). “Civil Society and Prospects of Democratization in the Arab World.” Augustus Richard Norton (Ed.), Civil Society in the Middle East (s. 27-54). Leiden: E.J.Brill Inglerhart, R. (1977). The silent revolution: Changing values and political styles among western publics. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Inglehart, R., & Baker, W.E. (2000). Modernization, cultural change, and the persistence of traditional values. American Sociological Review, 65(1), 19-51. Janoski, T. (1998). Citizenship and civil society: A framework of rights and obligations in liberal, traditional, and social democratic regimes. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. Jensen, J., & Miszlivetz, F. (2006). The second Renaissance of civil society in East Central Europe – and in the European Union. Peter Wagner (Ed.), The Languages of Civil Society (ss. 131-158). New York: Berghahn Books. Kalaycioglu, E. (2002). “State and civil society in Turkey: democracy, development, and protest.” Amyn B. Sajoo (Ed.), Civil society in the Muslim world: contemporary perspectives (s. 247-272). London: I. B. Tauris. Kaplangil, D. (2010). Küreselleşme sürecinde Türkiye’de sivil toplum ve demokratikleşme (Civil Society and Democratization in Turkey in the Process of Globalization). Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi: Marmara Üniversitesi. Keyman, F. (2006). Türkiye’de sivil toplumun serüveni: İmkansizliklar içinde bir vaha. Ankara: Sivil Toplum Gelistirme Merkezi. Keyman, F., & Onis, Z. (2007). Turkish politics in a changing world; global dynamics and domestic transformations. Istanbul: Istanbul Bilgi University Press. Kumar, K. (1993). Civil society: An inquiry inti the usefulness of a historical term. The British Journal of Sociology, 44(3), 375-395. Lam, P. (2006). Religion and civic culture: A cross-national study of voluntary association membership. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45(2), 177-193. Lancee, B., & Van de Werfhorst, H.G. (2012). Income inequality and participation: A comparison of 24 European countries. Social Science Research, 41, 1166-1178. Mardin, Ş. (1969). 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There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section International Journal of Political Science & Urban Studies

Osman Şahin This is me

Sema Akboğa

Publication Date September 29, 2019
Submission Date January 9, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Şahin, O., & Akboğa, S. (2019). Türkiye’de Devlet-Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları İlişkisi ve Sivil Toplum Kuruluşlarına Katılım. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies, 7(2), 405-427.
AMA Şahin O, Akboğa S. Türkiye’de Devlet-Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları İlişkisi ve Sivil Toplum Kuruluşlarına Katılım. IPSUS. September 2019;7(2):405-427. doi:10.14782/ipsus.623237
Chicago Şahin, Osman, and Sema Akboğa. “Türkiye’de Devlet-Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları İlişkisi Ve Sivil Toplum Kuruluşlarına Katılım”. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies 7, no. 2 (September 2019): 405-27.
EndNote Şahin O, Akboğa S (September 1, 2019) Türkiye’de Devlet-Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları İlişkisi ve Sivil Toplum Kuruluşlarına Katılım. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies 7 2 405–427.
IEEE O. Şahin and S. Akboğa, “Türkiye’de Devlet-Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları İlişkisi ve Sivil Toplum Kuruluşlarına Katılım”, IPSUS, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 405–427, 2019, doi: 10.14782/ipsus.623237.
ISNAD Şahin, Osman - Akboğa, Sema. “Türkiye’de Devlet-Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları İlişkisi Ve Sivil Toplum Kuruluşlarına Katılım”. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies 7/2 (September 2019), 405-427.
JAMA Şahin O, Akboğa S. Türkiye’de Devlet-Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları İlişkisi ve Sivil Toplum Kuruluşlarına Katılım. IPSUS. 2019;7:405–427.
MLA Şahin, Osman and Sema Akboğa. “Türkiye’de Devlet-Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları İlişkisi Ve Sivil Toplum Kuruluşlarına Katılım”. International Journal of Political Science and Urban Studies, vol. 7, no. 2, 2019, pp. 405-27, doi:10.14782/ipsus.623237.
Vancouver Şahin O, Akboğa S. Türkiye’de Devlet-Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları İlişkisi ve Sivil Toplum Kuruluşlarına Katılım. IPSUS. 2019;7(2):405-27.