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Türkiye’de Yaşlı Bireylerin Bakım Gereksinimlerine Yönelik Yaşadığı Ortamda Sunulacak Bakım Modelleri

Year 2011, Volume: 13 Issue: 4, 115 - 130, 01.12.2011


Günümüzde yaşlı nüfus artışı yalnızca gelişmiş ülkelerin değil gelişmekte ve az gelişmiş ülkelerin de önemli sosyo-ekonomik ve politik gündeminde yer almaktadır. Yaşlanan nüfusla beraber, sağlık harcamaları ve bakım ihtiyacı da hızla artmaktadır. Nüfusun yaşlanması ve daha uzun yaşama; yalnızca sosyal güvenlik sisteminde değil aynı zamanda uzun süreli bakım gereksinimi ve yaşam kalitesi ile ilgili sorunları da beraberinde getirmektedir. Bu bağlamda, ortaya çıkacak sorunlara yönelik olarak, maliyeti düşük ve tüm toplumu kapsayacak yeni bakım çözümlerinin bulunmasına ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bakım yükünün artması ve yaşam kalitesi beklentisinin yükselmesiyle birçok ülkenin yaşlı bakım politikalarını, kurumsal bakım hizmetlerinden yaşadığı çevrede veya evde bakım hizmetlerine doğru değiştirmelerine ve bütünleşik farklı bakım modellerine yöneldikleri görülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, yaşlanma sorunu ile daha önce karşılaşmış ülkelerin maliyetleri azaltan, yaşam kalitesini yükselten ve bakım yükünü azaltan topluma dayalı bakım modeli uygulamalarının ülkemizde de yaygınlaştırılmasına yönelik farkındalık yaratmaktır. Türkiye’nin, gelecekte bireyi toplumundan ayırmayan, memnuniyeti yüksek ve maliyeti düşük bakım modellerine daha fazla ihtiyacı olacaktır.


  • Australian Government Department of He- alth and Ageing (2006). The Commu- nity-Based Aged Care Workforce. net/main/publishing.nsf
  • Baumgarten M, Lebel P, Laprise H, Leclerc C, Quinn C (2002). “Adult Day Care for the Frail Elderly: Outcomes, Satisfac- tion, and Cost”. Journal of Aging and Health, Vol. 14 No. 2, May, 237-259
  • Bilotta CB, Spreafico LS, Vergani C (2010). “Day care centre attendance and quality of life in depressed older adults living in the community”, Eur J Ageing, 7:29- 35
  • Bölükbaş N, Arslan H (2003). “Huzurevinde Kalan Yaşlıların Psikososyal Yönlerinin incelenmesi”. Düşünen Adam, 16(4): 235-239
  • Bremner J, Frost A, Haub C, Mather M, Ringheim K, Zuehlke E (2010). “World Population Highlights:Key Findings From Population Reference Bureau’s 2010 World Population Data Sheet”. Po- pulation Bulletin. Vol. 65, No. 2. July.
  • Centre for Policy on Ageing (2011). “How can local authorities with less money support better outcomes for older pe- ople?”. January. Joseph Rowntree Fo- undation
  • Chappell NL (2000). “Maintaining the Integ- rity of Home Care”, Healthcare Papers, Volume 1, No:4, Fall 2000, Erişim; 18.09.2003, m/ hp/fall00/9.html.
  • Danış ZM (2001). “Yoksulluk ve Yalnızlık”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Geriatrik Bilim- ler Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi (GEBAM). http://www.gebam.hacet- suluk_yanlizlik.pdf
  • Darzi L (2008). High Quality Care For All, NHS Next Stage Review Final Report – Summary. Department of Health (DH)
  • Department of Health (DH) (2009). Nutrition Action Plan Delivery Board End of Year Progress Report, August. sum_dh/groups/dh_digitalassets/@d h/@en/@ps/documents/digitalas- set/dh_113150.pdf
  • Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı (2007). Türkiye’de Yaşlıların Durumu ve Yaşlanma Ulusal Eylem Planı, Sosyal Sektörler ve Koor- dinasyon Genel Müdürlüğü, Yayın No DPT: 2741
  • Elia M, Smith RM (2009). Improving Nutri- tional Care And Treatment-Perspecti- ves and Recommendations from Population Groups, Patients and Carers . BAPEN Publishing, UK
  • European Commission Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (2009). The 2009 Ageing Report: Econo- mic and Budgetary Projections for the EU-27 Member States (2008-2060) Euro- pean Commission (DG ECFIN) and the Economic Policy Committee (AWG). European Economy 2/2009. ISBN 978- 92-79-11363-9.
  • Gitlin LN, Reever K, Dennis MP, Mathieu E, Hauck WW (2006). “Enhancing Quality of Life of Families Who Use Adult Day Services: Short- and Long-Term Effects of the Adult Day Services Plus Prog- ram”, The Gerontologist, Vol. 46, No. 5, 630–63
  • Graham R, Rhonda S, Derek J (2010). Later Life Conference 2010; Shaping the Fu- ture of Care Together. 28 January. Ape- tito. http://www.publicserviceevents.
  • Güngör G, Güler N, Kocataş S, Akgül N (2009). “Yaşlıların Sağlık Bakım Gerek- sinimleri”. Cumhuriyet Tıp Dergisi; 31: 367-373
  • Halamandaris V (1985). “Twenty Reasons for Home Care”, Caring Magazine, Vol.IV. No:10
  • Hilman L(2002). “Maximum Impact-Loo- king to the Future”, Canadian Home Care Association 12. Annual Confe- rence, November 22-23-Vancouver-B.C, pp.2-3
  • Independent Age Supporting older people at Home (2010). “Older people, techno- logy and community: the potential of technology to help older people renew or develop social contacts and to acti- vely engage in their communities”. In- dependent Age Supporting older people at Home and Calouste Gulben- kian Foundation UK
  • Koch S (2005). “ICT-based Home Healthcare - Research State of the Art”. VINNOVA Report VR 2005:11. VINNOVA - Swe- dish Agency for Innovation Systems. ISBN: 91-85084-40-9
  • Kuneva M, Dózsa C, Mann E, Miles I, Parent AS, Vasconcelos D (2010). Unlocking in- novation in ageing well. Independent Panel Report Interim Evaluation of the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Prog- ramme, December
  • Lucas JA, Rosato NS, Lee JA, Howell-White S (2002). “Adult Day Health Services: A Review of the Literature”, The Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging Research, Rutgers Center for State Health Policy, August
  • Mann WC, Ottenbacher KJ, Fraas L, Tomita M, Granger CV (1999). “Effectiveness of Assistive Technology and Environmen- tal Interventions in Maintaining Inde- pendence and Reducing Home Care Costs for the Frail Elderly. A Randomi- zed Controlled Trial”, Archives Family Medicine. 8:210-217
  • Mavrovouniotis HF, Argiriadou AE, Papa- ioannou SC (2010). “Greek traditional dances and quality of old people’s Life”, Journal of Bodywork & Move- ment Therapies Vol:14, 3. pp.209-218, doi:10.1016/j.jbmt.2008.11.005
  • Molzahn EA, Gallagher E, McNulty V (2009). “Quality of Life Associated with Adult Day Centers”, Journal of Geron- tological Nursing, Vol. 35, No. 8
  • Mutual Information System on Social Pro- tection in the EU Member States, The EAA and Switzerland (MISSOC) Secre- tariat (2009). Long-Term Care. Missoc Analysis, European Commission DG Employment, Social Affairs & Equal Opportunities. Contract No: VC/2008/0967
  • NADSA (2009). “Adult Day Services: Over- view and Facts”, Erişim 14.12.2009,
  • NHS Tayside (2002). “Nutrition Guidelines for Older People. Good practice guide- lines for carers of older people in Tay- side”. NHS Board, Directorate of Public Health.
  • Office of Health and Information Highway Canada (1998). “Tele-Homecare: An Overview Background Paper for Dis- cussion. Office of Health and the Infor- mation Highway Policy and Consultation Branch Health Canada”, May. s s s / p u b s / e h e a l t h - e s a n t e / 1 9 9 8 - tele/index-eng.php
  • Oğlak S (2010). Gündüz Bakım Merkezle- rinde İstidam Edilecek Sosyal Bakım Aktivite Elemanı Yetiştirme Projesi’nin Faaliyet ve Sonuçları, İzmir Valiliği İl Sosyal Yardımlaşma ve Dayanışma Vakfı Yayınları, Okullar Yayınevi, İzmir. Mayıs.
  • Oğlak S (2008). Evde Bakım Hizmetleri ve Bakım Sigortası (Ülke Örnekleri), İs- kenderun Belediyesi Kültür Yayınları, No:6, ISBN: 978-9944-5417-1-8, 359 sayfa, 2. Basım. Nisan
  • Population Reference Bureau (2010). World Population Data
  • Ringheim K (2010). “Gender, Employment, and Dependency. (2010) World Popula- tion Highlights:Key Findings From Po- pulation Reference Bureau’s 2010 World” . Population Data Sheet. Popu- lation Bulletin. Vol. 65, No. 2. p.8. July.
  • Shannon JE, Zarit SH, Berg S, Johansson L (1998). “Adult day care for dementia: A comparison of programs in Sweden and the United States”, Journal of Cross- Cultural Gerontology 13: 99–108.
  • SHCEK (2008). “Yaşlı Hizmet Merkezlerinde Sunulacak Gündüzlü Bakım ile Evde Bakım Hizmetleri Hakkında Yönetme- lik”, 07.08.2008. Sayı: 26960.
  • Sorophire Council (2010). Report of the Meals on Wheels and Promoting Inde- pendence (Preventative Services) Task and Finish Group. Sorophire Council Community Services Scrutiny Commit- tee.August. p.12. http://www.shrops-
  • T.C.Sağlık Bakanlığı (2005). “Evde Bakım Hizmetleri Sunumu Hakkında Yönet- melik”
  • Stern AL, Caro FG (2004). “Consumer Pers- pectives on Quality in Adult Day Care”, Gerontology Institute McCormack Gra- duate School of Policy Studies Univer- sity of Massachusetts, Boston, MA, February
  • Tate L, Brennan MC (1998). “Adult Day Care: A Pratical Guidebook and Ma- nual”, The Haworth Pres, Inc. ISBN 0- 86656-711-9
  • The Association for the Planning and Deve- lopment of Services for the Aged in Is- rael (JDC-ESHEL) (2010). Adult Day Care, gory/Day_Care_Centers, Erişim: 10.December 2010
  • The Community-Based Aged Care Work- force (2006). “Characteristics of Com- munity-Based Aged Care Workforce (Including Volunteers) In Selected Co- untries; Technology and The Commu- nity-Based Aged Care Workforce: Possible Workforce Impacts” – Draft, March.
  • Timonen V, O’Dwyer C (2010). “It is nice to see someone coming in: exploring the social objectives of Meals-on-Wheels”. Canadian Journal on Aging,29(3):399- 410.
  • TÜİK (2006). “Aile Yapısı Araştırması”. T.C Başbakanlık Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, T.C Başbakanlık Aile ve Sosyal Araştır- malar Genel Müdürlüğü (ASAGEM). Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Matbaası. Ankara.
  • TÜİK (2009) Türkiye Nüfus Bilgisi,
  • van Bilsen PMA, Hamers JPH, Groot W, Spreeuwenberg C (2008). “The use of community-based social services by el- derly people at risk of institutionaliza- tion: An evaluation”, Health Policy 87; 285–295
  • Walker MG (2006). How to Start an Elderly Adult Day Care Center. Step Out on Faith Publishing ISBN: 0-9672052-5-5
  • World Health Organization (2002). Lessons for Long-Term Care Policy, WHO/NMH/CCL/02.1.

The Communıty-Based Care Models For The Need Of Care Of Elderly People In Turkey

Year 2011, Volume: 13 Issue: 4, 115 - 130, 01.12.2011


Currently, the increase of elderly people has been on the important socio-economic and political agenda of not only the developed countries; but of the developing countries, as well. Along with aging population the need of care and health and social care expenditure has rapidly been increasing. Aging of the population and longevity brings along the challenges not only in the social security system, at the same time it brings the problems concerning long-term care and quality of life. In this context, aiming at the problems to arise, both cost-effective and universal new care solutions are needed. With the increase of care burden and the expectation of the quality of life, it is noticed that a lot of countries, in the surrounding where they community or at home, are changing their elderly care policy from the institutional care system services to the community care services, and aiming at the holistic care models. The aim of this study is to raise awareness in our country intending at generalazing the implementation of care models based on the community that increase quality of life, reduce costs and care expenditures of the countries confronted aging problems before. The reason for this is that Turkey will need more care models that will social inclusion an idividual, and that will higher level of satisfaction.


  • Australian Government Department of He- alth and Ageing (2006). The Commu- nity-Based Aged Care Workforce. net/main/publishing.nsf
  • Baumgarten M, Lebel P, Laprise H, Leclerc C, Quinn C (2002). “Adult Day Care for the Frail Elderly: Outcomes, Satisfac- tion, and Cost”. Journal of Aging and Health, Vol. 14 No. 2, May, 237-259
  • Bilotta CB, Spreafico LS, Vergani C (2010). “Day care centre attendance and quality of life in depressed older adults living in the community”, Eur J Ageing, 7:29- 35
  • Bölükbaş N, Arslan H (2003). “Huzurevinde Kalan Yaşlıların Psikososyal Yönlerinin incelenmesi”. Düşünen Adam, 16(4): 235-239
  • Bremner J, Frost A, Haub C, Mather M, Ringheim K, Zuehlke E (2010). “World Population Highlights:Key Findings From Population Reference Bureau’s 2010 World Population Data Sheet”. Po- pulation Bulletin. Vol. 65, No. 2. July.
  • Centre for Policy on Ageing (2011). “How can local authorities with less money support better outcomes for older pe- ople?”. January. Joseph Rowntree Fo- undation
  • Chappell NL (2000). “Maintaining the Integ- rity of Home Care”, Healthcare Papers, Volume 1, No:4, Fall 2000, Erişim; 18.09.2003, m/ hp/fall00/9.html.
  • Danış ZM (2001). “Yoksulluk ve Yalnızlık”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Geriatrik Bilim- ler Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi (GEBAM). http://www.gebam.hacet- suluk_yanlizlik.pdf
  • Darzi L (2008). High Quality Care For All, NHS Next Stage Review Final Report – Summary. Department of Health (DH)
  • Department of Health (DH) (2009). Nutrition Action Plan Delivery Board End of Year Progress Report, August. sum_dh/groups/dh_digitalassets/@d h/@en/@ps/documents/digitalas- set/dh_113150.pdf
  • Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı (2007). Türkiye’de Yaşlıların Durumu ve Yaşlanma Ulusal Eylem Planı, Sosyal Sektörler ve Koor- dinasyon Genel Müdürlüğü, Yayın No DPT: 2741
  • Elia M, Smith RM (2009). Improving Nutri- tional Care And Treatment-Perspecti- ves and Recommendations from Population Groups, Patients and Carers . BAPEN Publishing, UK
  • European Commission Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (2009). The 2009 Ageing Report: Econo- mic and Budgetary Projections for the EU-27 Member States (2008-2060) Euro- pean Commission (DG ECFIN) and the Economic Policy Committee (AWG). European Economy 2/2009. ISBN 978- 92-79-11363-9.
  • Gitlin LN, Reever K, Dennis MP, Mathieu E, Hauck WW (2006). “Enhancing Quality of Life of Families Who Use Adult Day Services: Short- and Long-Term Effects of the Adult Day Services Plus Prog- ram”, The Gerontologist, Vol. 46, No. 5, 630–63
  • Graham R, Rhonda S, Derek J (2010). Later Life Conference 2010; Shaping the Fu- ture of Care Together. 28 January. Ape- tito. http://www.publicserviceevents.
  • Güngör G, Güler N, Kocataş S, Akgül N (2009). “Yaşlıların Sağlık Bakım Gerek- sinimleri”. Cumhuriyet Tıp Dergisi; 31: 367-373
  • Halamandaris V (1985). “Twenty Reasons for Home Care”, Caring Magazine, Vol.IV. No:10
  • Hilman L(2002). “Maximum Impact-Loo- king to the Future”, Canadian Home Care Association 12. Annual Confe- rence, November 22-23-Vancouver-B.C, pp.2-3
  • Independent Age Supporting older people at Home (2010). “Older people, techno- logy and community: the potential of technology to help older people renew or develop social contacts and to acti- vely engage in their communities”. In- dependent Age Supporting older people at Home and Calouste Gulben- kian Foundation UK
  • Koch S (2005). “ICT-based Home Healthcare - Research State of the Art”. VINNOVA Report VR 2005:11. VINNOVA - Swe- dish Agency for Innovation Systems. ISBN: 91-85084-40-9
  • Kuneva M, Dózsa C, Mann E, Miles I, Parent AS, Vasconcelos D (2010). Unlocking in- novation in ageing well. Independent Panel Report Interim Evaluation of the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Prog- ramme, December
  • Lucas JA, Rosato NS, Lee JA, Howell-White S (2002). “Adult Day Health Services: A Review of the Literature”, The Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging Research, Rutgers Center for State Health Policy, August
  • Mann WC, Ottenbacher KJ, Fraas L, Tomita M, Granger CV (1999). “Effectiveness of Assistive Technology and Environmen- tal Interventions in Maintaining Inde- pendence and Reducing Home Care Costs for the Frail Elderly. A Randomi- zed Controlled Trial”, Archives Family Medicine. 8:210-217
  • Mavrovouniotis HF, Argiriadou AE, Papa- ioannou SC (2010). “Greek traditional dances and quality of old people’s Life”, Journal of Bodywork & Move- ment Therapies Vol:14, 3. pp.209-218, doi:10.1016/j.jbmt.2008.11.005
  • Molzahn EA, Gallagher E, McNulty V (2009). “Quality of Life Associated with Adult Day Centers”, Journal of Geron- tological Nursing, Vol. 35, No. 8
  • Mutual Information System on Social Pro- tection in the EU Member States, The EAA and Switzerland (MISSOC) Secre- tariat (2009). Long-Term Care. Missoc Analysis, European Commission DG Employment, Social Affairs & Equal Opportunities. Contract No: VC/2008/0967
  • NADSA (2009). “Adult Day Services: Over- view and Facts”, Erişim 14.12.2009,
  • NHS Tayside (2002). “Nutrition Guidelines for Older People. Good practice guide- lines for carers of older people in Tay- side”. NHS Board, Directorate of Public Health.
  • Office of Health and Information Highway Canada (1998). “Tele-Homecare: An Overview Background Paper for Dis- cussion. Office of Health and the Infor- mation Highway Policy and Consultation Branch Health Canada”, May. s s s / p u b s / e h e a l t h - e s a n t e / 1 9 9 8 - tele/index-eng.php
  • Oğlak S (2010). Gündüz Bakım Merkezle- rinde İstidam Edilecek Sosyal Bakım Aktivite Elemanı Yetiştirme Projesi’nin Faaliyet ve Sonuçları, İzmir Valiliği İl Sosyal Yardımlaşma ve Dayanışma Vakfı Yayınları, Okullar Yayınevi, İzmir. Mayıs.
  • Oğlak S (2008). Evde Bakım Hizmetleri ve Bakım Sigortası (Ülke Örnekleri), İs- kenderun Belediyesi Kültür Yayınları, No:6, ISBN: 978-9944-5417-1-8, 359 sayfa, 2. Basım. Nisan
  • Population Reference Bureau (2010). World Population Data
  • Ringheim K (2010). “Gender, Employment, and Dependency. (2010) World Popula- tion Highlights:Key Findings From Po- pulation Reference Bureau’s 2010 World” . Population Data Sheet. Popu- lation Bulletin. Vol. 65, No. 2. p.8. July.
  • Shannon JE, Zarit SH, Berg S, Johansson L (1998). “Adult day care for dementia: A comparison of programs in Sweden and the United States”, Journal of Cross- Cultural Gerontology 13: 99–108.
  • SHCEK (2008). “Yaşlı Hizmet Merkezlerinde Sunulacak Gündüzlü Bakım ile Evde Bakım Hizmetleri Hakkında Yönetme- lik”, 07.08.2008. Sayı: 26960.
  • Sorophire Council (2010). Report of the Meals on Wheels and Promoting Inde- pendence (Preventative Services) Task and Finish Group. Sorophire Council Community Services Scrutiny Commit- tee.August. p.12. http://www.shrops-
  • T.C.Sağlık Bakanlığı (2005). “Evde Bakım Hizmetleri Sunumu Hakkında Yönet- melik”
  • Stern AL, Caro FG (2004). “Consumer Pers- pectives on Quality in Adult Day Care”, Gerontology Institute McCormack Gra- duate School of Policy Studies Univer- sity of Massachusetts, Boston, MA, February
  • Tate L, Brennan MC (1998). “Adult Day Care: A Pratical Guidebook and Ma- nual”, The Haworth Pres, Inc. ISBN 0- 86656-711-9
  • The Association for the Planning and Deve- lopment of Services for the Aged in Is- rael (JDC-ESHEL) (2010). Adult Day Care, gory/Day_Care_Centers, Erişim: 10.December 2010
  • The Community-Based Aged Care Work- force (2006). “Characteristics of Com- munity-Based Aged Care Workforce (Including Volunteers) In Selected Co- untries; Technology and The Commu- nity-Based Aged Care Workforce: Possible Workforce Impacts” – Draft, March.
  • Timonen V, O’Dwyer C (2010). “It is nice to see someone coming in: exploring the social objectives of Meals-on-Wheels”. Canadian Journal on Aging,29(3):399- 410.
  • TÜİK (2006). “Aile Yapısı Araştırması”. T.C Başbakanlık Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, T.C Başbakanlık Aile ve Sosyal Araştır- malar Genel Müdürlüğü (ASAGEM). Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Matbaası. Ankara.
  • TÜİK (2009) Türkiye Nüfus Bilgisi,
  • van Bilsen PMA, Hamers JPH, Groot W, Spreeuwenberg C (2008). “The use of community-based social services by el- derly people at risk of institutionaliza- tion: An evaluation”, Health Policy 87; 285–295
  • Walker MG (2006). How to Start an Elderly Adult Day Care Center. Step Out on Faith Publishing ISBN: 0-9672052-5-5
  • World Health Organization (2002). Lessons for Long-Term Care Policy, WHO/NMH/CCL/02.1.
There are 47 citations in total.


Other ID JA23GJ84YV
Journal Section Articles

Yrd.doç.dr.sema Oğlak This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 13 Issue: 4


APA Oğlak, Y. (2011). Türkiye’de Yaşlı Bireylerin Bakım Gereksinimlerine Yönelik Yaşadığı Ortamda Sunulacak Bakım Modelleri. ISGUC The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, 13(4), 115-130.
AMA Oğlak Y. Türkiye’de Yaşlı Bireylerin Bakım Gereksinimlerine Yönelik Yaşadığı Ortamda Sunulacak Bakım Modelleri. isguc. December 2011;13(4):115-130.
Chicago Oğlak, Yrd.doç.dr.sema. “Türkiye’de Yaşlı Bireylerin Bakım Gereksinimlerine Yönelik Yaşadığı Ortamda Sunulacak Bakım Modelleri”. ISGUC The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources 13, no. 4 (December 2011): 115-30.
EndNote Oğlak Y (December 1, 2011) Türkiye’de Yaşlı Bireylerin Bakım Gereksinimlerine Yönelik Yaşadığı Ortamda Sunulacak Bakım Modelleri. ISGUC The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources 13 4 115–130.
IEEE Y. Oğlak, “Türkiye’de Yaşlı Bireylerin Bakım Gereksinimlerine Yönelik Yaşadığı Ortamda Sunulacak Bakım Modelleri”, isguc, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 115–130, 2011.
ISNAD Oğlak, Yrd.doç.dr.sema. “Türkiye’de Yaşlı Bireylerin Bakım Gereksinimlerine Yönelik Yaşadığı Ortamda Sunulacak Bakım Modelleri”. ISGUC The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources 13/4 (December 2011), 115-130.
JAMA Oğlak Y. Türkiye’de Yaşlı Bireylerin Bakım Gereksinimlerine Yönelik Yaşadığı Ortamda Sunulacak Bakım Modelleri. isguc. 2011;13:115–130.
MLA Oğlak, Yrd.doç.dr.sema. “Türkiye’de Yaşlı Bireylerin Bakım Gereksinimlerine Yönelik Yaşadığı Ortamda Sunulacak Bakım Modelleri”. ISGUC The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, vol. 13, no. 4, 2011, pp. 115-30.
Vancouver Oğlak Y. Türkiye’de Yaşlı Bireylerin Bakım Gereksinimlerine Yönelik Yaşadığı Ortamda Sunulacak Bakım Modelleri. isguc. 2011;13(4):115-30.