Research Article
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Year 2020, , 359 - 366, 31.10.2020


Fukuşima kazası, hidrojen birikimini önlemek için reaktörlerdeki pasif güvenlik sistemlerinin gerekli olduğunu kanıtladı. Bu sistemlerden biri olan PAR (pasif otokatalitik rekombiner), bir kaza durumunda koruma kabında oluşabilecek hidrojen gazlarının uzaklaştırılmasında kullanılır. Bu makalenin amacı, test düzeneğinde PAR cihazının performansını ve sıcaklık dağılımını belirlemek, hidrojen tüketimini hesaplamak için katalizör levhalı bir PAR cihazını araştırmaktır. Testler atmosferik basınç ve doğal akış şartları altında REKO-4 test düzeneğinde gerçekleştirildi. Test için, hacimce 2-6 % arasında hidrojen 1,9 m3/h hacimsel debi ile kaba enjekte edildi. PAR girişinin sıcaklığındaki ilk artış, ilk hidrojen enjeksiyonundan 100 saniye sonra gerçekleşti, bu sonuç hidrojen tüketiminin başladığını göstermektedir. Testlerden elde edilen sonuçlar, PAR cihazının hidrojeni tüketebildiğini ve PAR performansının test sonuçlarından belirlenebileceğini göstermektedir.


  • Bachellerie, E., Arnould F., Auglaire M. , Boeck B., Braillard O. ,Eckardt B. , Ferroni f F. , Moffett R. "Generic approach for designing and implementing a passive autocatalytic recombiner PAR-system in nuclear power plant containments." Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2003: 151-165.
  • Gupta, S. "experimental investigations relevant for hydrogen and fission product issues raised by the fukushima accident." Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2015: 11-25.
  • Häfele, Cand. oec. Ing. Benjamin. "Realisierung und Vermessung einer abwärts gerichteten, wandnahen Gasströmung innerhalb des Versuchsstandes REKO-4." Thesis, 2012.
  • Reinecke, E., Kelm S., Jahn W., Jakel C., Allelein H. "Simulation of the efficiency of hydrogen recombiners as safety devices." International journal of hydrogen energy, 2013: 8117-8124.
  • Simon, B., Reinecke, E., Klauck,M., Heidelberg D., Allelein H.-J. "Investigation of PAR Behavior in the REKO-4 Test Facility." Proceedings of the 2012 20th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. California, USA: ICONE20-POWER2012-54234, 2012.
  • Simon, B., Reinecke, E., Kubelt C., Allelein H. "Start-up behaviour of a passive auto-catalytic recombiner undercounter flow conditions: Results of a first orienting experimentalstudy." Nuclear Engineering and Design, no. 278 (2014): 317-322.


Year 2020, , 359 - 366, 31.10.2020


The Fukushima accident has proved that passive safety systems in reactors are necessary to avoid hydrogen accumulation. One of these systems are PAR (passive autocatalytic recombiner) to remove the hydrogen gases inside the containment in case of an accident. This paper aims to investigate a PAR device with catalyst sheets to calculate the hydrogen consumption, determine the temperature distribution, and PAR performance in the test facility. Test series were carried out in the test facility REKO-4 under atmospheric pressure and natural flow conditions. For the test purposes, hydrogen between 2.0 and 6.0 vol.% was injected into the vessel with the volumetric flow, 1.9 m3/h. The first rise in the temperature of the PAR inlet was found after 100 seconds of first hydrogen injection, this result demonstrated that hydrogen consumption started. The results from the test series show that the PAR device can remove hydrogen and the PAR performance can be determined from the test results.


  • Bachellerie, E., Arnould F., Auglaire M. , Boeck B., Braillard O. ,Eckardt B. , Ferroni f F. , Moffett R. "Generic approach for designing and implementing a passive autocatalytic recombiner PAR-system in nuclear power plant containments." Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2003: 151-165.
  • Gupta, S. "experimental investigations relevant for hydrogen and fission product issues raised by the fukushima accident." Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2015: 11-25.
  • Häfele, Cand. oec. Ing. Benjamin. "Realisierung und Vermessung einer abwärts gerichteten, wandnahen Gasströmung innerhalb des Versuchsstandes REKO-4." Thesis, 2012.
  • Reinecke, E., Kelm S., Jahn W., Jakel C., Allelein H. "Simulation of the efficiency of hydrogen recombiners as safety devices." International journal of hydrogen energy, 2013: 8117-8124.
  • Simon, B., Reinecke, E., Klauck,M., Heidelberg D., Allelein H.-J. "Investigation of PAR Behavior in the REKO-4 Test Facility." Proceedings of the 2012 20th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. California, USA: ICONE20-POWER2012-54234, 2012.
  • Simon, B., Reinecke, E., Kubelt C., Allelein H. "Start-up behaviour of a passive auto-catalytic recombiner undercounter flow conditions: Results of a first orienting experimentalstudy." Nuclear Engineering and Design, no. 278 (2014): 317-322.
There are 6 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Mechanical Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Mahmut Kahraman This is me 0000-0002-1535-3832

Paul Steffen This is me 0000-0001-7583-1800

Publication Date October 31, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Kahraman, M., & Steffen, P. (2020). EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF PAR DEVICE FOR HYDROGEN RECOMBINATION IN REKO-4 FACILITY. Isı Bilimi Ve Tekniği Dergisi, 40(2), 359-366.