Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 40 Issue: 1, 131 - 139, 30.04.2020


Bu çalışmada, değişen Reynolds sayılarında ve hücüm açılarında plazma aktüatörlerin akış kontrolüne etkisi incelenmiştir. Plazma aktüatör NACA2415 airfoil üzerinde x/C=0.1 konumuna yerleştirilmiştir. Aktüatörün aktif akış kontrolüne etkisi Reynolds sayısının 8x103 ile 9x104 aralığında rüzgar tünelinde incelenmiştir. NACA2015 tipi uçak kanat profiline etki eden kaldırma kuvveti, kuvvet balans sistemi kullanılarak ölçülmüştür. Hız ölçümleri, iz bölgesine konumlandırılan kızgın tel probu ile ölçülmüş ve model etrafindaki akış duman tel yöntemi ile görselleştirilmiştir. Plazmanın aktif olduğu durumda, kaldırma katsayısında artış ve iz bölgesinde daralma gözlemlenmiştir. Düşük Reynolds sayılarında etkili aktif akış kontrolü ile akış ayrılması daha yüksek hücüm açılarına kaydırılmıştır. Akış ayrılması önlenmesi 18° hücum açısına kadar artırılmıştır ve 14° de gerçekleşen en yüksek kaldırma kuvveti plazma aktüatörün çalıştırılması ile iki katına çıkmıştır.


  • Abdollahzadeh, M., J. C. Pascoa, and P. J. Oliveira, 2018, Comparison of DBD plasma actuators flow control authority in different modes of actuation, Aerospace Science and Technology, 78, 183-96.
  • Akansu, Y.E., F. Karakaya, and A. Şanlısoy, 2013, Active Control of Flow around NACA 0015 Airfoil by Using DBD Plasma Actuator, EPJ Web of Conferences, 45, 01008.
  • Akansu, Yahya Erkan, and Fuat Karakaya, 2013, Elektrohidrodinamik Yöntemler ile Aerodinamik Yapılı Cisimler Etrafındaki Akış Kontrolü, In.: TUBITAK.
  • Akbıyık, Hürrem, Yahya Erkan Akansu, and Hakan Yavuz, 2017, Active control of flow around a circular cylinder by using intermittent DBD plasma actuators, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 53, 215-20.
  • Barlow, Jewel B., Alan Pope, and William H. Rae. 1999. Low-speed wind tunnel testing (Wiley, New York).
  • Benard, N., and E. Moreau, 2010, Capabilities of the dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator for multi-frequency excitations, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 43, 145201.
  • Coleman, Hugh W. , and W. Glenn Steele. 2009. Experimentation, Validaiton, and Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers (John Wiley&Sons, New Jersey).
  • Debien, A., N. Benard, L. David, and E. Moreau, 2012, Unsteady aspect of the electrohydrodynamic force produced by surface dielectric barrier discharge actuators, Applied Physics Letters, 100, 013901.
  • Erfani, Rasool, Hossein Zare-Behtash, Craig Hale, and Konstantinos Kontis, 2015, Development of DBD plasma actuators: The double encapsulated electrode, Acta Astronautica, 109, 132-43.
  • Feng, Li-Hao, Timothy N. Jukes, Kwing-So Choi, and Jin-Jun Wang, 2012, Flow control over a NACA 0012 airfoil using dielectric-barrier-discharge plasma actuator with a Gurney flap, Experiments in Fluids, 52, 1533-46.
  • Fırat, E., Y.E. Akansu, and M. Hacıalioğulları, 2013, Active control of flow around a square prism by slot jet injection, EPJ Web of Conferences, 45, 01029.
  • Guler, A. A., M. Seyhan, and Y. E. Akansu, 2018, Effect of signal modulation of DBD plasma actuator on flow control around NACA 0015, Isi Bilimi Ve Teknigi Dergisi-Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, 38, 95-105.
  • Jolibois, Jérôme, Maxime Forte, and Éric Moreau, 2008, Application of an AC barrier discharge actuator to control airflow separation above a NACA 0015 airfoil: Optimization of the actuation location along the chord, Journal of Electrostatics, 66, 496-503.
  • Little, Jesse, and Mo Samimy, 2010, High-Lift Airfoil Separation with Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuation, AIAA Journal, 48, 2884-98.
  • Meng, Xuanshi, Haiyang Hu, Xu Yan, Feng Liu, and Shijun Luo, 2018, Lift improvements using duty-cycled plasma actuation at low Reynolds numbers, Aerospace Science and Technology, 72, 123-33.
  • Micheal, S. Seling, A. L. Christopher, G. Philippe, P. N. Cameron, and J. G James. 1996. Summary of Low-SpeedAirfoil Data (SoarTech Publications, USA).
  • Roth, J. Reece, Raja Chandra Mohan Madhan, Manish Yadav, Jozef Rahel, and Stephen Wilkinson. 2004. Flow Field Measurements of Paraelectric, Peristaltic, and Combined Plasma Actuators Based on the One Atmosphere Uniform Glow Discharge Plasma (OAUGDP). in, 42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics).
  • Ryan, Durscher, and Roy Subrata, 2012, Aerogel and ferroelectric dielectric materials for plasma actuators, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 45, 012001.
  • Sanlisoy, Aytac, 2013, Investigating the Effects of Plasma Actuator on the Flow Control Around NACA2415 Airfoil, Master thesis, Nigde University.
  • Song, Huimin, Qiaogen Zhang, Yinghong Li, Min Jia, Yun Wu, and Hua Liang, 2012, Plasma Sheet Actuator Driven by Repetitive Nanosecond Pulses with a Negative DC Component, Plasma Science and Technology, 14, 327.
  • Sosa, Roberto, and Guillermo Artana, 2006, Steady control of laminar separation over airfoils with plasma sheet actuators, Journal of Electrostatics, 64, 604-10.
  • Taleghani, A. Shams, A. Shadaram, and M. Mirzaei, 2012, Effects of Duty Cycles of the Plasma Actuators on Improvement of Pressure Distribution Above a NLF0414 Airfoil, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 40, 1434-40.
  • Thomas, Flint O., Thomas C. Corke, Muhammad Iqbal, Alexey Kozlov, and David Schatzman, 2009, Optimization of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuators for Active Aerodynamic Flow Control, AIAA Journal, 47, 2169-78.
  • Zito, Justin C., Ryan J. Durscher, Jignesh Soni, Subrata Roy, and David P. Arnold, 2012, Flow and force inducement using micron size dielectric barrier discharge


Year 2020, Volume: 40 Issue: 1, 131 - 139, 30.04.2020


In this study, the effects of the plasma actuator on flow control at varied Reynolds numbers and attack angles are examined. Plasma actuator is placed on the NACA2415 airfoil at x/C = 0.1. The effect of the actuator to active flow control is examined at Reynolds number between 8x103 and 9x104 in the wind tunnel. The lift force which acted on the airfoil was measured by using a force balance system. The velocity measurements were done by the hot-wire probe, located at the wake region, and the flow around model was visualized by the smoke wire method. When the plasma was active, an increased lift force and a narrowed wake region are observed. The stall angle shifted to the higher attack angle by the effective active flow control at low Reynolds numbers. Prevent of the flow separation was enhanced up to 18° angle of attack and the maximum lift force occurred at the 14° angle of attack which is doubled when the plasma actuator is on.


  • Abdollahzadeh, M., J. C. Pascoa, and P. J. Oliveira, 2018, Comparison of DBD plasma actuators flow control authority in different modes of actuation, Aerospace Science and Technology, 78, 183-96.
  • Akansu, Y.E., F. Karakaya, and A. Şanlısoy, 2013, Active Control of Flow around NACA 0015 Airfoil by Using DBD Plasma Actuator, EPJ Web of Conferences, 45, 01008.
  • Akansu, Yahya Erkan, and Fuat Karakaya, 2013, Elektrohidrodinamik Yöntemler ile Aerodinamik Yapılı Cisimler Etrafındaki Akış Kontrolü, In.: TUBITAK.
  • Akbıyık, Hürrem, Yahya Erkan Akansu, and Hakan Yavuz, 2017, Active control of flow around a circular cylinder by using intermittent DBD plasma actuators, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 53, 215-20.
  • Barlow, Jewel B., Alan Pope, and William H. Rae. 1999. Low-speed wind tunnel testing (Wiley, New York).
  • Benard, N., and E. Moreau, 2010, Capabilities of the dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator for multi-frequency excitations, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 43, 145201.
  • Coleman, Hugh W. , and W. Glenn Steele. 2009. Experimentation, Validaiton, and Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers (John Wiley&Sons, New Jersey).
  • Debien, A., N. Benard, L. David, and E. Moreau, 2012, Unsteady aspect of the electrohydrodynamic force produced by surface dielectric barrier discharge actuators, Applied Physics Letters, 100, 013901.
  • Erfani, Rasool, Hossein Zare-Behtash, Craig Hale, and Konstantinos Kontis, 2015, Development of DBD plasma actuators: The double encapsulated electrode, Acta Astronautica, 109, 132-43.
  • Feng, Li-Hao, Timothy N. Jukes, Kwing-So Choi, and Jin-Jun Wang, 2012, Flow control over a NACA 0012 airfoil using dielectric-barrier-discharge plasma actuator with a Gurney flap, Experiments in Fluids, 52, 1533-46.
  • Fırat, E., Y.E. Akansu, and M. Hacıalioğulları, 2013, Active control of flow around a square prism by slot jet injection, EPJ Web of Conferences, 45, 01029.
  • Guler, A. A., M. Seyhan, and Y. E. Akansu, 2018, Effect of signal modulation of DBD plasma actuator on flow control around NACA 0015, Isi Bilimi Ve Teknigi Dergisi-Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, 38, 95-105.
  • Jolibois, Jérôme, Maxime Forte, and Éric Moreau, 2008, Application of an AC barrier discharge actuator to control airflow separation above a NACA 0015 airfoil: Optimization of the actuation location along the chord, Journal of Electrostatics, 66, 496-503.
  • Little, Jesse, and Mo Samimy, 2010, High-Lift Airfoil Separation with Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuation, AIAA Journal, 48, 2884-98.
  • Meng, Xuanshi, Haiyang Hu, Xu Yan, Feng Liu, and Shijun Luo, 2018, Lift improvements using duty-cycled plasma actuation at low Reynolds numbers, Aerospace Science and Technology, 72, 123-33.
  • Micheal, S. Seling, A. L. Christopher, G. Philippe, P. N. Cameron, and J. G James. 1996. Summary of Low-SpeedAirfoil Data (SoarTech Publications, USA).
  • Roth, J. Reece, Raja Chandra Mohan Madhan, Manish Yadav, Jozef Rahel, and Stephen Wilkinson. 2004. Flow Field Measurements of Paraelectric, Peristaltic, and Combined Plasma Actuators Based on the One Atmosphere Uniform Glow Discharge Plasma (OAUGDP). in, 42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics).
  • Ryan, Durscher, and Roy Subrata, 2012, Aerogel and ferroelectric dielectric materials for plasma actuators, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 45, 012001.
  • Sanlisoy, Aytac, 2013, Investigating the Effects of Plasma Actuator on the Flow Control Around NACA2415 Airfoil, Master thesis, Nigde University.
  • Song, Huimin, Qiaogen Zhang, Yinghong Li, Min Jia, Yun Wu, and Hua Liang, 2012, Plasma Sheet Actuator Driven by Repetitive Nanosecond Pulses with a Negative DC Component, Plasma Science and Technology, 14, 327.
  • Sosa, Roberto, and Guillermo Artana, 2006, Steady control of laminar separation over airfoils with plasma sheet actuators, Journal of Electrostatics, 64, 604-10.
  • Taleghani, A. Shams, A. Shadaram, and M. Mirzaei, 2012, Effects of Duty Cycles of the Plasma Actuators on Improvement of Pressure Distribution Above a NLF0414 Airfoil, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 40, 1434-40.
  • Thomas, Flint O., Thomas C. Corke, Muhammad Iqbal, Alexey Kozlov, and David Schatzman, 2009, Optimization of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuators for Active Aerodynamic Flow Control, AIAA Journal, 47, 2169-78.
  • Zito, Justin C., Ryan J. Durscher, Jignesh Soni, Subrata Roy, and David P. Arnold, 2012, Flow and force inducement using micron size dielectric barrier discharge
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Mechanical Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Aytaç Şanlısoy This is me

Yahya Akansu This is me

Publication Date April 30, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 40 Issue: 1


APA Şanlısoy, A., & Akansu, Y. (2020). INVESTIGATING THE EFFECTS OF PLASMA ACTUATOR ON THE FLOW CONTROL AROUND NACA2415 AIRFOIL. Isı Bilimi Ve Tekniği Dergisi, 40(1), 131-139.