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İş Modeli Yenileme Süreci ile Örgütsel Öğrenme Arasındaki İlişkinin Araştırılmasına Yönelik Kavramsal Bir İnceleme

Year 2020, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 13 - 27, 30.04.2020


Teknolojik gelişmelere bağlı olarak sınırların kalkması, belirsizliklerin artması, pazarın genişlemesi ve rekabetin artmasıyla birlikte bilgi ve yeniliğin önemi artmış, zihinsel emek firmalar için daha da değerli hale gelmiştir. İşletmelerin bilgiyi edinmelerini, bilginin üzerine yaptıkları eklemeler ve değişmeleri anlatan örgütsel öğrenme, işletmeler için kritik bir önem kazanmıştır. Öğrenilen her bilgi, bir firmanın tecrübe kazanması ve bu tecrübeyi yeniden bilgi oluşturmak için kullanması yoluyla kendini geliştirdiği, yenilikleri kendine uyarlayabildiği, kullandığı iş modelini yeniliklere ve gelişmelere göre değiştirebildiği bir süreci uygulayabilmesine katkı sağlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, iş modelinin bilgi ve teknolojik gelişmeler ışığında yenilenmesi sürecinde; örgütsel öğrenme ve iş modeli yenileme süreci arasındaki ilişki, yenilikçilik kavramı ile bağdaştırılarak, kuramsal bir inceleme ortaya konulmaktadır.

Supporting Institution


Project Number





  • Afuah, A., (2004), “ Business Models: A Strategic Management Approach”,McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York.
  • Argyris, C., Schön, D.A., (1996).,”Organizational Learning II: Theory, Method and Practic”, Reading, MA, ss. 1.
  • Al-Debei, M.M., El-Haddadeh, R.E., Avison, D., (2008), “Defining the Business Model in the New World of Digital Business”, Americas Conference on Information Systems, Proceedings Paper 300, Toronto.
  • Amit, R., Schoemaker, P. J. H., ( 1993), “Strategic Assetsand Organizational Rent”, Strategic Management Journal, Cilt:14, ss. 33-46.
  • Amit,R., Zott, C. (2012), “ Creating Value Through Business Model Innovation” , Management Review, Cilt: 53, ss. 40-49.
  • Ayden, C. ,Düşükcan, M. , (2002), “Örgütsel Öğrenme Kavramı ve Öğrenme Engellerinin Giderilmesinde Örgüt Kültürü ve Liderliğin Rolü”, SÜ İİBF Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, Cilt:2, Sayı:4,ss. 123.
  • Barney, D. , (2004), “ The Network Society”, Polity Press, Blackwood, UK.
  • Bekmezci, M. , (2013), “Taking Competitive Advantage By Business Model Innovation”, Celal Bayar Üniversitesi İİBF, Yönetim ve Ekonomi, Cilt: 20, Sayı: 1, ss. 294.
  • Bouwman, H., (2003), “State of the art on Business models”, B4U/D3.2, Telematica Instituut, TUDelft, TNO, KPN research. p. 42.
  • Brink, J., &Holme´n, M. ,(2009), “Capabilities and Radical Changes of The Business Models of New Bioscience Firms”, Creativity and Innovation Management, 18(2), ss. 109-120.
  • Casadesus-Masanell, R., &Ricart, J. E. (2010), “Competitiveness: Business Model Reconfiguration for Innovation and Internationalization, Management Research: The Journal of The Iberoamerican Academy of Management, 8(2), ss. 123-149.
  • Chesbrough, Henry, Rosenbloom, Richard S., (2002), “The Role Of The Business Model In Capturing Value From Innovation: Evidence From Xerox Corporation’s Technology Spin - off Companies”, Industrialand Corporate Change, Cilt 11, Sayı: 3, ss. 529- 555.
  • Chiva, R., Alegre, J. andLapiedra, R. (2007), “Measuring Organisational Learning Capability Among The Workforce”, International Journal of Manpower, Cilt:28, Sayı: 3/4, ss. 224-242.
  • Crossan, M.; Lane, H.; Whıte, R. (1999), “An Organizational Learning Framework: FromIntuition To Institution”, Academy of Management Review, Cilt: 24, Sayı: 3, ss. 522-537.
  • Currie, W., (2004),” Value creation from e-business models”, Butter worth Heinemann, Oxford.
  • Daft, Richard L., Weıck, Karl E., (1984), “Toward a Model of Organizations as Interpretation Systems”, The Academy of Management Review, Cilt: 9, Sayı: 2, ss. 284-295.
  • Demil, B., Lecocq, X., (2010), “ Business Model Evolution: InSearch of Dynamic Consistency” , LongRange Planning 43, ss. 227-246.
  • Desyllas P and Sako M (2013), “ Profiting from Business Model İnnovation: Evidence from Pay-as-you-drive Auto Insurance”,Research Policy, 42(1), ss. 101-116.
  • Di Bella, A.J., Nevis, E.C.(1996); “Understanding Organizationa , Learning Capability”, Journal of Management Studies, Cilt:33, Sayı: 3, ss. 361-379.
  • Dixon, N. M.(1999), “Organizational Learning Cycle: How We Can Learn Collectively”,Abingdon, Oxon, GBR, ss.6.
  • Guoand, Y., Zhao, X., (2009), “ Business Model Innovationand Competitive Advantage From The Perspective Of Resource Based View”, Guizhou Social Sciences, Cilt: 234, ss.78-82.
  • Güven, B. , Kaygın, E. , (2015), “ Girişimcilik, Bilgi Yönetimi ve Örgütsel Öğrenme İlişkisi”, Temel Kavramlar, Girişimcilik Türleri, Girişimcilikte Güncel Konular, Bölüm: 15.,ss. 306.
  • Hamel, G., (2000), “Leading the Revolution”, Harvard Business School Press, Boston.
  • Hedman, J., Kalling, T., (2002), “ ITand Business Models: Concepts and Theories”, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen.
  • Huber, George P., (1991); “Organizational Learning: The Contributing Processes and The Literatures”, Organization Science, 2, ss. 88- 115.
  • Joan Magretta, (2002), “Why Business Models Matter? “, Harvard Business Review, Reprint r0205f, May 2002,ss. 4.
  • Johnson, M. W. ,Christensen, C. M. ,Kagermann, H. , (2008), “ReinventingYour Business Model”, Harvard Business Review, 86 (12), ss.50-59.
  • Johnson, M.W., (2010) ,“Seizing The White Space” , Harvard Business Review Press, Boston, MA.
  • Kapu, H. ,Aybas, m. , ( 2008 ), “ Bilgi ve Öğrenme Üzerinde Tartışmalar ve Kapsayıcı Bir Kavram Olarak Örgütsel Öğrenme Yönetimi”, KMU İİBF Dergisi, Yıl: 10, Sayı: 15, ss. 82.
  • Long, Y., Li, Z., Zhang, Z., Bi, Y., (2005), “ An Empirical Study on The Cooperative Effect of Skill Based Strategic Alliance and Knowledge Acquisition and Learning Capability”, System Engineering Theory and Practice, ss. 1-7.
  • Mahadevan, B., (2004), “A framework for business model innovation”, In IMRC Conference, Bangalore, ss.16-18.
  • Marta Peris - Ortiz, Carlos Alberto Devece - Carañana, Antonio Navarro - Garcia, (2017), “Organizational Learning Capability and Open Innovation”,, Erişim Tarihi: 10.12.2019.
  • McGill, M.E., Slocumun, W.J. , (1993), “Unlearning The Organization”, Organizational Dynamics, Cilt: 22, Sayı: 2, ss. 67-74.
  • Mete, E. S., ( 2018 ), “ İş Modeli, İş Modeli İnovasyonu ve Strateji “ , Journal of Business Research – Turk, Cilt: 10, Sayı: 4, ss. 1066 - 1099.
  • Nevis, E. C., Dibella, A. J., Gould, J. M., (1995), “Understanding Organizations as Learning Systems”, Sloan Management Review, Cilt: 36, ss. 73-85.
  • Nonaka, Ikujiro (1994); “A Dynamic Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation”, Organization Science, Cilt: 5, Sayı: 1.
  • Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Tucci, C.L., (2005),“Clarifying Business Models: Origins, Present, and Future of The Concept”, Communications of The Association for Information Systems, 16 (1), ss. 25.
  • Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., (2010), “ Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers” ,Wiley, New Jersey.
  • Petrovic, O., Kittl, C., Teksten, R.D., (2001). “Developing business models for ebusiness”, Available at SSRN 1658505.
  • Sağsan, M. (2006),“Bilgi paylaşımı için örgüt içi iletişim kanallarının tasarımına yönelik ipuçları ve öneriler”, 1st International Symposium on Information Services, 25-26 Mayıs 2006: 21-34. İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi Bölümü. s.24.
  • Shafer, S., Smith, H., Linder, J.,(2005), “The Power of Business Models”, Business Horizons, 48(3), ss. 199.
  • Selvi, Ö. , ( 2011 ), “ Bilgi Toplumu, Bilgi Yönetimi ve Halkla İlişkiler”, GÜ İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, Sayı: 3, ss. 193.
  • Senge, P. M. , (1993), “ Beşinci Disiplin” , Çev. İldeniz Ayşegül, Doğukan Ahmet ve Pala Barış, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 19. Baskı, İstanbul, ss.13-33.
  • Teece, D. J., (2010), “ Business Model, Business Strategy and Innovation” , Long Range Planning, Cilt:43, ss. 172-194.
  • Lindgardt, Z., Reeves, M., Stalk, G., Deimler, M.S., (2009),“Business model innovation”, When the Game Gets Tough, Change the Game, The Boston Consulting Group, Boston, MA.
  • Tikkanen, H., Lamberg, J.-A., Parvinen, P., Kallunki, J.-H., (2005),“Managerial Cognition, Action and The Business Model of The Firm” ,Management Decision, 43(6), ss. 789-809.
  • Voelpel, S.C., Leibold, M., Tekie, E.B., (2004), “The wheel of business model reinvention: how to reshape your business model to leap frog competitors”, Journal of Change Management 4 (3), ss. 259-276.
  • Wirtz,B.W., Pistoia, A., Ullrich, S., Göttel, V., (2016), “Business Models: Origin, Development and Future Research Perspectives”, LongRange Planning, cilt: 49, ss. 36 - 54.
  • Wu, X., Zhang, W., (2009), “Business Model Innovations in China: From a Value Network Perspective”.
  • Wu, X., Zhao, Z., (2017), “ The Antecedents of Business Model Innovation: Research Over View and Prospect”, Foreign Economics and Management, Cilt: 39, ss. 114-127.
  • Yılmaz, H. , Görmüş, A. Ş. , ( 2012), “ Stratejik Girişimciliğin, Algılanan Örgütsel Destek ve Örgütsel Öğrenme Üzerine Etkilerinin Araştırılması: Tekstil Sektöründe Ampirik Bir Çalışma”, Journal of Yasar University, 26(7), ss. 4491.
  • Yip, G.S., (2004),” Using Strategy to Change Your Business Model”, Business Strategy Review, 15 (2), ss. 17-24.
  • YuZhao, XiaowenJie, (2018), “A Study on theRelationshipBetweenOrganizational Learning and Business Model Innovation “, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Economicand Business Management (FEBM 2018).
  • Zhao, Y., Li, S. H., Lee, L. Chen, (2011), “ Enterpreneurial Orientation Organizational Learning and Performance: Evidence from China”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Cilt: 35, ss.93-317.
  • Zott, C and Amit, R., (2007),” Business Model Design and The Performance of Entrepreneurial Firms”, OrganizationScience,18(2), ss. 181-199.
  • Zott, C., Amit, R., Massa, L., (2010), “The Business Model: Theoretical Roots, Recent Developments, and Future Research” , Navarra: IESE Business School – University of Navarra.
  • Zott,C., Amit, R. and Massa, L., (2011), “ The Business Model: Recent Developments and Future Research” , Journal of Management, Cilt: 37(4), ss. 1019-1042.

A Conceptual Investigation on the Relationship Between Business Model Renewal Process and Organizational Learning

Year 2020, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 13 - 27, 30.04.2020


of borders due to technological developments, with the increase in
uncertainties, the expansion of the market and the increase in competition, the
importance of knowledge and innovation has increased and mental labor has
become more valuable for firms. Organizational learning, which describes the
additions and changes that businesses make on acquiring information, has gained
critical importance for businesses. Each learned knowledge contributes to the
application of a process in which a company develops itself, can adapt the
innovations and change the business model it uses according to innovations and
developments by gaining experience and using this experience to re-create
information. In this study, in the process of renewing the business model in
the light of information and technological developments; The relationship
between organizational learning and business model renewal process is linked to
the concept of innovation and a theoretical examination is presented.

Project Number



  • Afuah, A., (2004), “ Business Models: A Strategic Management Approach”,McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York.
  • Argyris, C., Schön, D.A., (1996).,”Organizational Learning II: Theory, Method and Practic”, Reading, MA, ss. 1.
  • Al-Debei, M.M., El-Haddadeh, R.E., Avison, D., (2008), “Defining the Business Model in the New World of Digital Business”, Americas Conference on Information Systems, Proceedings Paper 300, Toronto.
  • Amit, R., Schoemaker, P. J. H., ( 1993), “Strategic Assetsand Organizational Rent”, Strategic Management Journal, Cilt:14, ss. 33-46.
  • Amit,R., Zott, C. (2012), “ Creating Value Through Business Model Innovation” , Management Review, Cilt: 53, ss. 40-49.
  • Ayden, C. ,Düşükcan, M. , (2002), “Örgütsel Öğrenme Kavramı ve Öğrenme Engellerinin Giderilmesinde Örgüt Kültürü ve Liderliğin Rolü”, SÜ İİBF Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, Cilt:2, Sayı:4,ss. 123.
  • Barney, D. , (2004), “ The Network Society”, Polity Press, Blackwood, UK.
  • Bekmezci, M. , (2013), “Taking Competitive Advantage By Business Model Innovation”, Celal Bayar Üniversitesi İİBF, Yönetim ve Ekonomi, Cilt: 20, Sayı: 1, ss. 294.
  • Bouwman, H., (2003), “State of the art on Business models”, B4U/D3.2, Telematica Instituut, TUDelft, TNO, KPN research. p. 42.
  • Brink, J., &Holme´n, M. ,(2009), “Capabilities and Radical Changes of The Business Models of New Bioscience Firms”, Creativity and Innovation Management, 18(2), ss. 109-120.
  • Casadesus-Masanell, R., &Ricart, J. E. (2010), “Competitiveness: Business Model Reconfiguration for Innovation and Internationalization, Management Research: The Journal of The Iberoamerican Academy of Management, 8(2), ss. 123-149.
  • Chesbrough, Henry, Rosenbloom, Richard S., (2002), “The Role Of The Business Model In Capturing Value From Innovation: Evidence From Xerox Corporation’s Technology Spin - off Companies”, Industrialand Corporate Change, Cilt 11, Sayı: 3, ss. 529- 555.
  • Chiva, R., Alegre, J. andLapiedra, R. (2007), “Measuring Organisational Learning Capability Among The Workforce”, International Journal of Manpower, Cilt:28, Sayı: 3/4, ss. 224-242.
  • Crossan, M.; Lane, H.; Whıte, R. (1999), “An Organizational Learning Framework: FromIntuition To Institution”, Academy of Management Review, Cilt: 24, Sayı: 3, ss. 522-537.
  • Currie, W., (2004),” Value creation from e-business models”, Butter worth Heinemann, Oxford.
  • Daft, Richard L., Weıck, Karl E., (1984), “Toward a Model of Organizations as Interpretation Systems”, The Academy of Management Review, Cilt: 9, Sayı: 2, ss. 284-295.
  • Demil, B., Lecocq, X., (2010), “ Business Model Evolution: InSearch of Dynamic Consistency” , LongRange Planning 43, ss. 227-246.
  • Desyllas P and Sako M (2013), “ Profiting from Business Model İnnovation: Evidence from Pay-as-you-drive Auto Insurance”,Research Policy, 42(1), ss. 101-116.
  • Di Bella, A.J., Nevis, E.C.(1996); “Understanding Organizationa , Learning Capability”, Journal of Management Studies, Cilt:33, Sayı: 3, ss. 361-379.
  • Dixon, N. M.(1999), “Organizational Learning Cycle: How We Can Learn Collectively”,Abingdon, Oxon, GBR, ss.6.
  • Guoand, Y., Zhao, X., (2009), “ Business Model Innovationand Competitive Advantage From The Perspective Of Resource Based View”, Guizhou Social Sciences, Cilt: 234, ss.78-82.
  • Güven, B. , Kaygın, E. , (2015), “ Girişimcilik, Bilgi Yönetimi ve Örgütsel Öğrenme İlişkisi”, Temel Kavramlar, Girişimcilik Türleri, Girişimcilikte Güncel Konular, Bölüm: 15.,ss. 306.
  • Hamel, G., (2000), “Leading the Revolution”, Harvard Business School Press, Boston.
  • Hedman, J., Kalling, T., (2002), “ ITand Business Models: Concepts and Theories”, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen.
  • Huber, George P., (1991); “Organizational Learning: The Contributing Processes and The Literatures”, Organization Science, 2, ss. 88- 115.
  • Joan Magretta, (2002), “Why Business Models Matter? “, Harvard Business Review, Reprint r0205f, May 2002,ss. 4.
  • Johnson, M. W. ,Christensen, C. M. ,Kagermann, H. , (2008), “ReinventingYour Business Model”, Harvard Business Review, 86 (12), ss.50-59.
  • Johnson, M.W., (2010) ,“Seizing The White Space” , Harvard Business Review Press, Boston, MA.
  • Kapu, H. ,Aybas, m. , ( 2008 ), “ Bilgi ve Öğrenme Üzerinde Tartışmalar ve Kapsayıcı Bir Kavram Olarak Örgütsel Öğrenme Yönetimi”, KMU İİBF Dergisi, Yıl: 10, Sayı: 15, ss. 82.
  • Long, Y., Li, Z., Zhang, Z., Bi, Y., (2005), “ An Empirical Study on The Cooperative Effect of Skill Based Strategic Alliance and Knowledge Acquisition and Learning Capability”, System Engineering Theory and Practice, ss. 1-7.
  • Mahadevan, B., (2004), “A framework for business model innovation”, In IMRC Conference, Bangalore, ss.16-18.
  • Marta Peris - Ortiz, Carlos Alberto Devece - Carañana, Antonio Navarro - Garcia, (2017), “Organizational Learning Capability and Open Innovation”,, Erişim Tarihi: 10.12.2019.
  • McGill, M.E., Slocumun, W.J. , (1993), “Unlearning The Organization”, Organizational Dynamics, Cilt: 22, Sayı: 2, ss. 67-74.
  • Mete, E. S., ( 2018 ), “ İş Modeli, İş Modeli İnovasyonu ve Strateji “ , Journal of Business Research – Turk, Cilt: 10, Sayı: 4, ss. 1066 - 1099.
  • Nevis, E. C., Dibella, A. J., Gould, J. M., (1995), “Understanding Organizations as Learning Systems”, Sloan Management Review, Cilt: 36, ss. 73-85.
  • Nonaka, Ikujiro (1994); “A Dynamic Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation”, Organization Science, Cilt: 5, Sayı: 1.
  • Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Tucci, C.L., (2005),“Clarifying Business Models: Origins, Present, and Future of The Concept”, Communications of The Association for Information Systems, 16 (1), ss. 25.
  • Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., (2010), “ Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers” ,Wiley, New Jersey.
  • Petrovic, O., Kittl, C., Teksten, R.D., (2001). “Developing business models for ebusiness”, Available at SSRN 1658505.
  • Sağsan, M. (2006),“Bilgi paylaşımı için örgüt içi iletişim kanallarının tasarımına yönelik ipuçları ve öneriler”, 1st International Symposium on Information Services, 25-26 Mayıs 2006: 21-34. İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi Bölümü. s.24.
  • Shafer, S., Smith, H., Linder, J.,(2005), “The Power of Business Models”, Business Horizons, 48(3), ss. 199.
  • Selvi, Ö. , ( 2011 ), “ Bilgi Toplumu, Bilgi Yönetimi ve Halkla İlişkiler”, GÜ İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, Sayı: 3, ss. 193.
  • Senge, P. M. , (1993), “ Beşinci Disiplin” , Çev. İldeniz Ayşegül, Doğukan Ahmet ve Pala Barış, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 19. Baskı, İstanbul, ss.13-33.
  • Teece, D. J., (2010), “ Business Model, Business Strategy and Innovation” , Long Range Planning, Cilt:43, ss. 172-194.
  • Lindgardt, Z., Reeves, M., Stalk, G., Deimler, M.S., (2009),“Business model innovation”, When the Game Gets Tough, Change the Game, The Boston Consulting Group, Boston, MA.
  • Tikkanen, H., Lamberg, J.-A., Parvinen, P., Kallunki, J.-H., (2005),“Managerial Cognition, Action and The Business Model of The Firm” ,Management Decision, 43(6), ss. 789-809.
  • Voelpel, S.C., Leibold, M., Tekie, E.B., (2004), “The wheel of business model reinvention: how to reshape your business model to leap frog competitors”, Journal of Change Management 4 (3), ss. 259-276.
  • Wirtz,B.W., Pistoia, A., Ullrich, S., Göttel, V., (2016), “Business Models: Origin, Development and Future Research Perspectives”, LongRange Planning, cilt: 49, ss. 36 - 54.
  • Wu, X., Zhang, W., (2009), “Business Model Innovations in China: From a Value Network Perspective”.
  • Wu, X., Zhao, Z., (2017), “ The Antecedents of Business Model Innovation: Research Over View and Prospect”, Foreign Economics and Management, Cilt: 39, ss. 114-127.
  • Yılmaz, H. , Görmüş, A. Ş. , ( 2012), “ Stratejik Girişimciliğin, Algılanan Örgütsel Destek ve Örgütsel Öğrenme Üzerine Etkilerinin Araştırılması: Tekstil Sektöründe Ampirik Bir Çalışma”, Journal of Yasar University, 26(7), ss. 4491.
  • Yip, G.S., (2004),” Using Strategy to Change Your Business Model”, Business Strategy Review, 15 (2), ss. 17-24.
  • YuZhao, XiaowenJie, (2018), “A Study on theRelationshipBetweenOrganizational Learning and Business Model Innovation “, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Economicand Business Management (FEBM 2018).
  • Zhao, Y., Li, S. H., Lee, L. Chen, (2011), “ Enterpreneurial Orientation Organizational Learning and Performance: Evidence from China”, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Cilt: 35, ss.93-317.
  • Zott, C and Amit, R., (2007),” Business Model Design and The Performance of Entrepreneurial Firms”, OrganizationScience,18(2), ss. 181-199.
  • Zott, C., Amit, R., Massa, L., (2010), “The Business Model: Theoretical Roots, Recent Developments, and Future Research” , Navarra: IESE Business School – University of Navarra.
  • Zott,C., Amit, R. and Massa, L., (2011), “ The Business Model: Recent Developments and Future Research” , Journal of Management, Cilt: 37(4), ss. 1019-1042.
There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Ümmü Demir 0000-0003-0209-0778

Mustafa Bekmezci 0000-0002-1206-690X

Project Number -
Publication Date April 30, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Demir, Ü., & Bekmezci, M. (2020). İş Modeli Yenileme Süreci ile Örgütsel Öğrenme Arasındaki İlişkinin Araştırılmasına Yönelik Kavramsal Bir İnceleme. İşletme, 1(1), 13-27.