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Çin’in Orta Doğu Politikasında Bölgesel ve Küresel Rekabet Unsurları

Year 2018, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 31 - 41, 28.10.2018


Bu makale Çin’in Orta Doğu’da artan nüfuzunu üç yapısal faktör etrafında incelemektedir. Çin’in ekonomik yükselişi, Orta Doğu’daki çatışmalar ve ABD ile küresel rekabet Çin’in Orta Doğu’ya yönelik dış politikasını 1990’lı yıllardaki nispeten nötr/tarafsız dış politika anlayışından 2000’li yıllarda “aktif pragmatist” dış politika anlayışına doğru değiştirmiştir. Bu çerçevede makalenin araştırma sorusu şu şekilde belirlenmiştir: Çin’in Orta Doğu’daki enerji zengini ülkelere karşı enerji bağımlılığı olmasına rağmen enerji güvenliğini sağlamak için neden bölge ile daha yakın askeri ve güvenlik ilişkileri kurmamaktadır? Bu çalışma araştırma sorusuna yukarıda bahsedilen üç yapısal faktör arasından bölge dinamikleri ve küresel rekabetin ekonomik karşılıklı bağımlılığa göre Çin dış politikasında (ÇDP) daha belirleyici olduğu iddiasını destekleyerek cevap aramaktadır.


  • Alterman, J. B. (2018). China, the United States, and the Middle East. J. R. Anderson, The Red Star and the Crescent China and the Middle East (s. 37-59.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Atlı, A. (2015). Çin ve Ortadoğu: Bir Ekonomi Politik Değerlendirmesi. In K. Akkemik, & S. Ünay, Doğu Asya’nın Politik Ekonomisi: Japonya, Çin ve Güney Kore’de Kalkınma, Siyaset ve Jeostrateji (pp. 342-362). İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınevi.
  • Bo, W. (2012). Zhongdong yu Daguo Guanxi [The relations between Middle East and the big powers]. Beijing: Shishi Chubanshe.
  • Burton, G. (2018, Şubat 20). China, Jerusalem and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Retrieved from Middle East Institute: and-israeli- palestinian-conflict
  • CSY. (2017). China Statistical Yearbook. Retrieved from China Statistical Yearbook:
  • EIA. (2015, Mayıs 14). China. Retrieved from Energy Information Agency:
  • Gootman, E. (2006, Aralık 24). Security Council Approves Sanctions Against Iran Over Nuclear Program. Retrieved from New York Times:
  • IEA. (n.d.). International Energy Agency. International Energy Agency.
  • Mao, Z. (1963). There Are Two Intermediate Zones. In Z. Mao, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, Translation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China and the Party Literature Research Center (p. 387). Pekin: Foreign Languages Press.
  • Olimat, M. S. (2013). China and the Middle East: From Silk Road to Arab Spring. Routledge.
  • Patil, S. S. (2008). Understanding the Phalcon Controversy. Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, 91-98.
  • Reuters. (2011). Libya evacuations by country. Retrieved from Reuters :
  • Shichor, Y. (2016). Sino‐American Crosscurrents in the Middle East: Perceptions and Realities. In N. Horesh, Toward Well‐Oiled Relations? China’s Presence in the Middle East Following the Arab (pp. 5-19). Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • SIPRI. (2012). SIPRI Yearbook 2012: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security,” accessed December 14, 2016,. Retrieved from Stockholm International Peace Research Institute:
  • Sun, D. (2011). Six Decades of Chinese Middle East Studies: A Review. Bustan: The Middle East Book Review, 15-32.
  • Talley, I. (2019, Eylül 25). U.S. Sanctions Chinese Firms for Allegedly Shipping Iranian Oil. Retrieved from The Wall Street Journal:
  • Temiz, K. (2015). Rusya Müdahalesinden Sonra Çin’in Suriye Politikası. Ortadoğu Analiz Dergisi, 7(71), 42-46.
  • Temiz, K. (2019). Arap Baharı Sonrasında Çin’in Ortadoğu Politikaları. In M. C. Özşahin, & O. Battır, Arap Baharı Sonrası Ortadoğu: Kuram ve Siyaset (pp. 243-269). İstanbul: Nobel Yayınları.
  • Temiz, K. (2019). Çin Dış Politikasının Kaynakları ve Hedefleri. In M. Yağcı, & C. Bakır, Çin Bilmecesi: Çin’in Ekonomik Yükselişi, Uluslararası İlişkilerde Dönüşüm ve Türkiye (pp. 189-213). İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Temiz, K., & Öztuna, M. (2018, Temmuz 24). Trump etkisi AB ile Çin’i yakınlaştırıyor. Retrieved from Anadolu Ajansı:
  • UNSC. (2002). Resolution 1441 The situation between Iraq and Kuwait. Retrieved from United Nations Security Council Resolutions:
  • UNSC. (2011). UNSC Resolution 1973. Retrieved from United Nations Security Council Resolutions:
  • UNSC. (2015, Temmuz 20). Security Council, Adopting Resolution 2231 (2015), Endorses Joint Comprehensive Agreement on Iran’s Nuclear Programme. Retrieved from UN MEETINGS COVERAGE:
  • Xin, L. (2019). China’s Cultural Diplomacy: A Great Leap Outward with Chinese Characteristics? Multiple Comparative Case Studies of the Confucius Institutes. Journal of Contemporary China, 646-661.
  • Yağcı, M. (2016). A Beijing Consensus in the Making: The Rise of Chinese Initiatives in the International Political Economy and Implications for Developing Countries. PERCEPTIONS, XXI (2), 29-56.
  • Zhu, Z. (2009). China’s New Diplomacy in the Middle East and Its Implication for the United States. Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia), 41-52.

Regional and Global Competition Factors Influencing China’s Middle East Policy

Year 2018, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 31 - 41, 28.10.2018


The article examines China’s growing influence in the Middle East within the framework of three structural factors namely China’s economic rise, conflicts and instability in the Middle East, and global competition with the United States. All these factors have transformed China’s foreign policy towards the Middle East from its relatively neutral foreign policy understanding in the 1990s to an “active pragmatist” foreign policy understanding in the 2000s. In this context, the research question of the article was determined as follows: Why does China not establish closer military and security relations with the region in order to ensure energy security even though it has energy dependence on energy-rich countries in the Middle East? This study seeks an answer to the research question by supporting the claim that, among the three structural factors mentioned above, regional dynamics and global competition are more determinant in Chinese foreign policy (CFP) than economic interdependence.


  • Alterman, J. B. (2018). China, the United States, and the Middle East. J. R. Anderson, The Red Star and the Crescent China and the Middle East (s. 37-59.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Atlı, A. (2015). Çin ve Ortadoğu: Bir Ekonomi Politik Değerlendirmesi. In K. Akkemik, & S. Ünay, Doğu Asya’nın Politik Ekonomisi: Japonya, Çin ve Güney Kore’de Kalkınma, Siyaset ve Jeostrateji (pp. 342-362). İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınevi.
  • Bo, W. (2012). Zhongdong yu Daguo Guanxi [The relations between Middle East and the big powers]. Beijing: Shishi Chubanshe.
  • Burton, G. (2018, Şubat 20). China, Jerusalem and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Retrieved from Middle East Institute: and-israeli- palestinian-conflict
  • CSY. (2017). China Statistical Yearbook. Retrieved from China Statistical Yearbook:
  • EIA. (2015, Mayıs 14). China. Retrieved from Energy Information Agency:
  • Gootman, E. (2006, Aralık 24). Security Council Approves Sanctions Against Iran Over Nuclear Program. Retrieved from New York Times:
  • IEA. (n.d.). International Energy Agency. International Energy Agency.
  • Mao, Z. (1963). There Are Two Intermediate Zones. In Z. Mao, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, Translation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China and the Party Literature Research Center (p. 387). Pekin: Foreign Languages Press.
  • Olimat, M. S. (2013). China and the Middle East: From Silk Road to Arab Spring. Routledge.
  • Patil, S. S. (2008). Understanding the Phalcon Controversy. Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, 91-98.
  • Reuters. (2011). Libya evacuations by country. Retrieved from Reuters :
  • Shichor, Y. (2016). Sino‐American Crosscurrents in the Middle East: Perceptions and Realities. In N. Horesh, Toward Well‐Oiled Relations? China’s Presence in the Middle East Following the Arab (pp. 5-19). Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • SIPRI. (2012). SIPRI Yearbook 2012: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security,” accessed December 14, 2016,. Retrieved from Stockholm International Peace Research Institute:
  • Sun, D. (2011). Six Decades of Chinese Middle East Studies: A Review. Bustan: The Middle East Book Review, 15-32.
  • Talley, I. (2019, Eylül 25). U.S. Sanctions Chinese Firms for Allegedly Shipping Iranian Oil. Retrieved from The Wall Street Journal:
  • Temiz, K. (2015). Rusya Müdahalesinden Sonra Çin’in Suriye Politikası. Ortadoğu Analiz Dergisi, 7(71), 42-46.
  • Temiz, K. (2019). Arap Baharı Sonrasında Çin’in Ortadoğu Politikaları. In M. C. Özşahin, & O. Battır, Arap Baharı Sonrası Ortadoğu: Kuram ve Siyaset (pp. 243-269). İstanbul: Nobel Yayınları.
  • Temiz, K. (2019). Çin Dış Politikasının Kaynakları ve Hedefleri. In M. Yağcı, & C. Bakır, Çin Bilmecesi: Çin’in Ekonomik Yükselişi, Uluslararası İlişkilerde Dönüşüm ve Türkiye (pp. 189-213). İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Temiz, K., & Öztuna, M. (2018, Temmuz 24). Trump etkisi AB ile Çin’i yakınlaştırıyor. Retrieved from Anadolu Ajansı:
  • UNSC. (2002). Resolution 1441 The situation between Iraq and Kuwait. Retrieved from United Nations Security Council Resolutions:
  • UNSC. (2011). UNSC Resolution 1973. Retrieved from United Nations Security Council Resolutions:
  • UNSC. (2015, Temmuz 20). Security Council, Adopting Resolution 2231 (2015), Endorses Joint Comprehensive Agreement on Iran’s Nuclear Programme. Retrieved from UN MEETINGS COVERAGE:
  • Xin, L. (2019). China’s Cultural Diplomacy: A Great Leap Outward with Chinese Characteristics? Multiple Comparative Case Studies of the Confucius Institutes. Journal of Contemporary China, 646-661.
  • Yağcı, M. (2016). A Beijing Consensus in the Making: The Rise of Chinese Initiatives in the International Political Economy and Implications for Developing Countries. PERCEPTIONS, XXI (2), 29-56.
  • Zhu, Z. (2009). China’s New Diplomacy in the Middle East and Its Implication for the United States. Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia), 41-52.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Articles

Kadir Temiz This is me

Publication Date October 28, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Temiz, K. (2018). Çin’in Orta Doğu Politikasında Bölgesel ve Küresel Rekabet Unsurları. Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(2), 31-41.